Morphological Profi les of Playing Positions in Defense and Offense in Professional Men’s Handball


The main scope of the study is concerned with the morphological profi les of playing positions in defense, offense and the combinations of these two phases of the game. Furthermore, study attempted to identify the difference between the morphological profi les of the individual playing positions. Entity sample of the study consist of the 148 players that participated in 45 matches of the World Men’s Handball Championship which took place in Croatia in 2009. The study dealt with the differences between playing positions concerning basic morphological characteristics which are due to the selection based on roles and tasks that need to be carried out in each position. Moreover, morphological similarity of playing positions in offense and defense was noticed. It was determined that wing players play dominantly in the position of left back, external players in the position of right and center back whereas pivots participate in the positions of center, back and center forward positions in defense. Morphological profi les of playing positions in defense, offense and in the combination of these two phases of the game were determined. Identical positions on different sides in offense (left-right wing player, left-right back player) have shown that these positions are quite similar when it comes to morphological profi le and playing position in defense. It can be concluded that some playing positions in offense are accompanied by the respective positions in defense. All positions are characterized by one or two morphological profi les

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