42 research outputs found

    MAD-X/PTC lattice design for DAPHNE at Frascati

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    In absence of a program that takes as an input the desired or known location of the magnets in the tunnel, accelerator designers have been using MAD that looks at a ring as a sequence of magnets without a connection to the tunnel. In many simple examples that is just fine, but once more complicated structures are treated one is bound to play tricks with MAD. Here PTC comes to the rescue. It is shown how pieces of this machine that exist in MADX format are used in PTC to create this double ring, as found on the accelerator floor, with a proper survey in the forward and backward direction. Special elements have been implemented in MAD-X to allow the full PTC description of the machine

    Targeted sequencing supports morphology and embryo features in resolving the classification of Cyperaceae tribe Fuireneae s.l.

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    Molecular phylogenetic studies based on Sanger sequences have shown that Cyperaceae tribe Fuireneae s.l. is paraphyletic. However, taxonomic sampling in these studies has been poor, topologies have been inconsistent, and support for the backbone of trees has been weak. Moreover, uncertainty still surrounds the morphological limits of Schoenoplectiella, a genus of mainly small, amphicarpic annuals that was recently segregated from Schoenoplectus. Consequently, despite ample evidence from molecular analyses that Fuireneae s.l. might consist of two to four tribal lineages, no taxonomic changes have yet been made. Here, we use the Angiosperms353 enrichment panel for targeted sequencing in order to: (1) clarify the relationships of Fuireneae s.l. with the related tribes Abildgaardieae, Eleocharideae and Cypereae; (2) define the limits of Fuireneae s.s., and (3) test the monophyly of Fuireneae s.l. genera with emphasis on Schoenoplectus and Schoenoplectiella. Using more than a third of Fuireneae s.l. diversity, our phylogenomic analyses strongly support six genera and four major Fuireneae s.l. clades that we recognise as tribes: Bolboschoeneae stat.nov., Fuireneae s.s., Schoenoplecteae, and Pseudoschoeneae tr.nov. These results are consistent with morphological, micromorphological (nutlet epidermal cell shape), and embryo differences detected for each tribe. At the generic level, most sub‐Saharan African perennials currently treated in Schoenoplectus are transferred to Schoenoplectiella. Our targeted sequencing results show that these species are nested in Schoenoplectiella, and their treatment here is consistent with micromorphological and embryo characters shared by all Schoenoplectiella species. Keys to recognised tribes and genera are provided

    BII-Implementation: The causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in a rapidly changing world

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    The proposed Biology Integration Institute will bring together two major research institutions in the Upper Midwest—the University of Minnesota (UMN) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)—to investigate the causes and consequences of plant biodiversity across scales in a rapidly changing world—from genes and molecules within cells and tissues to communities, ecosystems, landscapes and the biosphere. The Institute focuses on plant biodiversity, defined broadly to encompass the heterogeneity within life that occurs from the smallest to the largest biological scales. A premise of the Institute is that life is envisioned as occurring at different scales nested within several contrasting conceptions of biological hierarchies, defined by the separate but related fields of physiology, evolutionary biology and ecology. The Institute will emphasize the use of ‘spectral biology’—detection of biological properties based on the interaction of light energy with matter—and process-oriented predictive models to investigate the processes by which biological components at one scale give rise to emergent properties at higher scales. Through an iterative process that harnesses cutting edge technologies to observe a suite of carefully designed empirical systems—including the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and some of the world’s longest running and state-of-the-art global change experiments—the Institute will advance biological understanding and theory of the causes and consequences of changes in biodiversity and at the interface of plant physiology, ecology and evolution. INTELLECTUAL MERIT The Institute brings together a diverse, gender-balanced and highly productive team with significant leadership experience that spans biological disciplines and career stages and is poised to integrate biology in new ways. Together, the team will harness the potential of spectral biology, experiments, observations and synthetic modeling in a manner never before possible to transform understanding of how variation within and among biological scales drives plant and ecosystem responses to global change over diurnal, seasonal and millennial time scales. In doing so, it will use and advance state-of-the-art theory. The institute team posits that the designed projects will unearth transformative understanding and biological rules at each of the various scales that will enable an unprecedented capacity to discern the linkages between physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes in relation to the multi-dimensional nature of biodiversity in this time of massive planetary change. A strength of the proposed Institute is that it leverages prior federal investments in research and formalizes partnerships with foreign institutions heavily invested in related biodiversity research. Most of the planned projects leverage existing research initiatives, infrastructure, working groups, experiments, training programs, and public outreach infrastructure, all of which are already highly synergistic and collaborative, and will bring together members of the overall research and training team. BROADER IMPACTS A central goal of the proposed Institute is to train the next generation of diverse integrative biologists. Post-doctoral, graduate student and undergraduate trainees, recruited from non-traditional and underrepresented groups, including through formal engagement with Native American communities, will receive a range of mentoring and training opportunities. Annual summer training workshops will be offered at UMN and UW as well as training experiences with the Global Change and Biodiversity Research Priority Program (URPP-GCB) at the University of Zurich (UZH) and through the Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO). The Institute will engage diverse K-12 audiences, the general public and Native American communities through Market Science modules, Minute Earth videos, a museum exhibit and public engagement and educational activities through the Bell Museum of Natural History, the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (CCESR) and the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Association

    Beam dynamics: a new attitude and framework

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    From tracking code to analysis: generalised Courant-Snyder theory for any accelerator model

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    This book illustrates a theory well suited to tracking codes, which the author has developed over the years. Tracking codes now play a central role in the design and operation of particle accelerators. The theory is fully explained step by step with equations and actual codes that the reader can compile and run with freely available compilers. In this book, the author pursues a detailed approach based on finite “s”-maps, since this is more natural as long as tracking codes remain at the center of accelerator design. The hierarchical nature of software imposes a hierarchy that puts map-based perturbation theory above any other methods. This is not a personal choice: it follows logically from tracking codes overloaded with a truncated power series algebra package. After defining abstractly and briefly what a tracking code is, the author illustrates most of the accelerator perturbation theory using an actual code: PTC. This book may seem like a manual for PTC; however, the reader is encouraged to explore other tools as well. The presence of an actual code ensures that readers will have a tool with which they can test their understanding. Codes and examples will be available from various sites since PTC is in MAD-X (CERN) and BMAD (Cornell)

    Fringe Effects in MAD PART II, Bend Curvature in MAD-X for the Module PTC

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    In addition to standard second order fringe effects, MAD has a curvature effect which is partially documented in SLAC-75. In this note we want to document this effect as well as our PTC implementation. It is not easy to make this effect totally exact in the Talman sense