35 research outputs found

    Efecto de subproductos orgánicos del proceso panelero sobre

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    Acid sulphate soils have fertility problems because of the modification of physical, chemical and biological properties. However, the addition of organic amendments as a rehabilitation technique of acid sulphate soils allows recovery of soil properties such as aggregate formation and aeration, among others. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic byproducts of sugarcane jaggery production process (leaf litter, bagasse and fresh filter cake) on the physical characteristics (bulk density, total porosity and dry structural stability) of an acid sulphate soil of Paipa (Boyacá) under greenhouse conditions. A trial using a completely randomized design with 9 treatments and 3 replications, corresponding to the incorporation of organic byproducts, alone and in combination, a control (without application) and agronomic treatment (lime dolomite). The soil physical parameters were evaluated  at 45 (sampling 1) and 165 days (sampling 2) after amendments application. The results indicated that the application of leaf litter, bagasse and fresh filter cake in the soil, generated a favorable response in the variables: bulk density and total porosity, after 45 days; in the second sampling, the best response in these variables was achieved with 6.2 t/ha of leaf litter. However, the structural stability of soil did not show statistically significant differences. The application of organic byproducts of sugarcane jaggery production process improves the bulk density and the total porosity of anacid sulphate soil under greenhouse conditions.Los suelos sulfatados ácidos generan problemas de fertilidad, ya que modifican sus propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas. La incorporación de enmiendas orgánicas como técnica de rehabilitación de suelos sulfatados ácidos permite la recuperación de algunas propiedades del suelo, como la formación de agregados y la aireación, entre otras. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto que tienen los subproductos orgánicos del proceso panelero (hojarasca, bagacillo y cachaza fresca) como enmienda orgánica, sobre las características físicas (densidad aparente, porosidad total y estabilidad estructural en seco) de un suelo sulfatado ácido del municipio de Paipa, Boyacá, en invernadero. Se realizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar con nueve tratamientos y tres repeticiones, correspondientes a la incorporación de los subproductos orgánicos, solos y en combinación, un testigo (sin aplicación) y un tratamiento agronómico (cal dolomita). Los parámetros físicos a evaluar se midieron a los 45 días (muestreo 1) y 165 días (muestreo 2) de la aplicación de las enmiendas. En las variables densidad aparente y poros totales del suelo, la aplicación de hojarasca, bagacillo y cachaza fresca generó en el primer muestreo una respuesta favorable y en el segundo, la mejor respuesta se logró con 6,2 t/ha de hojarasca; la estabilidad estructural en seco no presentó diferencias estadísticas significativas con la aplicación de los tratamientos. La aplicación de los subproductos orgánicos del proceso panelero mejora la densidad aparente y la porosidad total de un suelo sulfatado ácido, en condiciones de invernadero

    Evaluación de especies vegetales para el manejo de la acidez en suelos sulfatados ácidos de Paipa, Boyacá

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    Acid sulfated soils are characterized by high amounts of iron and sulfur, which in presence of air are oxidized and form sulfuric horizons extremely acidic, generating environmental changes ranging from water pollution to problems associated with fertility and crop production, among others. This research was conducted in order to identify suitable plant species to control the acidity of these soils in the town of Paipa, Boyacá, Colombia. A completely randomized experimental design with 6 treatments and 3 replications was implemented in potting shed; there, the response of Beta vulgaris L. (forage beet), Brassica rapa L. (forage turnip) and Raphanus sativus L. (forage radish) on the acidity of sulfated acid soil, contrasted with a non-sulfated soil, was evaluated, after correction with liming. To assess the effects, pH and exchangeable acidity (H+ + Al+3 cmolc/kg) were measured in the two types of soil before and after seeding; the agronomic response of plants in each treatment was determined at the end of the growing season (120 days after seeding). On acid sulfated soils, species B. rapa, R. sativus and B. vulgaris along with the complementary use of liming as corrective induced a reduction in exchangeable acidity; B. rapa and R. sativus showed better growth potential and resistance, while B. vulgaris was affected in height and root diameter.Los suelos sulfatados ácidos se caracterizan por conteneraltas cantidades de hierro y azufre, que en presencia de aire se oxidan y forman horizontes sulfúricos extremadamente ácidos, los cuales generan alteraciones ambientales que van desde la contaminación hídrica hasta problemas asociados con su fertilidad y producción de cultivos, entre otros. Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de identificar especies vegetales adecuadas para el manejo de la acidez de estos suelos en el municipio de Paipa, Boyacá, Colombia. Se implementó bajo cubierta un diseño experimental completamente al azar con 6 tratamientos y 3 repeticiones, donde se evaluó la respuesta de Beta vulgaris L. (remolacha forrajera), Brassica rapa L. (nabo forrajero) y Raphanus sativus L. (rábano forrajero) sobre la acidez de un suelo sulfatado ácido, contrastado con uno no sulfatado, previa corrección con enmienda calcárea. Para estimar sus efectos, se midió pH y acidez intercambiable (H+ + Al+3 cmolc/kg) en los dos tipos de suelo, antes y después de la siembra; al finalizar el periodo vegetativo (120 días después de la siembra) se determinó la respuesta agronómica de las plantas en cada tratamiento. En el suelo sulfatado ácido, las especies B. rapa, R. sativus y B. vulgaris junto con el uso complementario de enmiendas calcáreas como correctivo indujeron una reducción en la acidez intercambiable; B. rapa y R. sativus presentaron mejor potencial de crecimiento y tolerancia, mientras que B. vulgaris se vio afectada en altura y diámetro de raíz

    Requerimientos hídricos de la zanahoria (D. carota L.) durante tres etapas de su desarrollo

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    Among the main production systems in the department of Boyaca is the carrot (D. carota L.), which participates with 1093 ha, especially in Ventaquemada, Samaca and Tunia municipalities. The Chantenay hybrids Ventaquemada have an average yield of 20 t.ha-1, which is low compared to the Sabana de Bogota 28.1 t.ha-1. Limiting production factors in the area are: lack of irrigation, absence of high agronomic requirements seeds (appropriate mechanization soil, proper fenilizationn.), and presence of pathogens and weeds. The purpose of this paper was to find the water requirements of the crop in three phenological phases (growth, maturity and Elongation harvestable organ). lt was developed in the second half of 2014, in \/entaquemada, Bojirque path; the assessment phase was carried out under a stratified sampling design, destructive samples were taken every 30 days from planting. The Kc value was determined using the methodology proposed by FAO.Two lysimeters of 1 m3 capacity were installed in order to establish the water consumption of the crop. ETo was obtained with the climatic data taken by the wireless weather station Ambient Weather WS-2080 installed on the site, which is analyzed through the Penman-lvionteith CROPWAT leaning the software. The Kc for each phenological stage was: 0.14 growth phase, 0.29 elongation phase, and 0.55 maturity phase of harvestable organ.La zanahoria (D. carota L.) es uno de los principales productos del departamento de Boyacá, participa con 1093 ha, especialmente en los municipios de Ventaquemada, Samacá y Tunja. Los híbridos Chantenay tienen en Ventaquemada un rendimiento promedio de 20 t.ha-1, que es bajo comparado con el de la Sabana de Bogotá, de 28.1t.ha-1, las limitantes en la producción de la zona son: falta de riego, semillas de altas exigencias agronómicas (adecuada mecanización del suelo, fertilización apropiada…) y presencia de patógenos y arvenses. Con el objetivo de buscar los requerimientos hídricos del cultivo de zanahoria en tres fases fenológicas (crecimiento, elongación y madurez del órgano cosechable), el estudio se desarrolló en el segundo semestre de 2014, en Ventaquemada, vereda Bojirque, la evaluación de las fases se realizó bajo un diseño de muestreo estratificado con muestreos destructivos efectuados cada 30 días a partir de la siembra. El valor del coeficiente de cultivo (Kc) se determinó a través de la metodología propuesta por la FAO. Se instalaron dos lisímetros de 1 m3 de capacidad, con el fin de establecer el consumo hídrico del cultivo. La evapotranspiración del cultivo de referencia (ETo) fue obtenida con los datos climáticos tomados por la estación meteorológica inalámbrica Ambient Tiempo WS-2080 instalada en el sitio, los cuales se analizaron a través de la ecuación de Penman-Monteith, con el apoyo del software Cropwat. El Kc para cada etapa fenológica fue: fase crecimiento, 0.14, fase elongación, 0.29, y fase madurez órgano cosechable, 0.55

    Extracción de ADN bacteriano a partir de cuerpos de agua de uso agrícola

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    Within the agricultural process different types of water bodies are used, therefore knowledge of crop productivity must include the understanding of the flow of microbiological material present in the used water sources. The last methodological approach aims at the identification of bacterial communities through the analysis of DNA sequences existent in environmental samples. Due to the high contamination that environmental samples may have, it is important to perform an optimal DNA extraction process that allows subsequent molecular analysis by PCR-based methods. For this reason, the objective of this article is to describe a chemical protocol for the extraction of bacterial DNA from water bodies used in local agricultural activities that is simple, efficient, and quick to apply to get good-quality DNA. Bacterial DNA was extracted from water samples obtained from Tota Lake (Boyacá, Colombia) using a modified chemical protocol and compared with a standard commercial method. As a result, bacterial DNA was obtained with a concentration higher than 140 ng/ul and a purity >1.7 A260/280, results which are similar to those obtained with the commercial standard method with a maximum concentration of 45.94 ng/ul and a purity higher than 1.8 A260/280. The results suggest that this DNA extraction protocol is a fast and low-cost method with which high quality and purity DNA is obtained that can be used in any molecular analysis.   Dentro del proceso agrícola se usan diferentes tipos de cuerpos de agua, por esto el conocimiento de la productividad del cultivo debe incluir el entendimiento del flujo del material microbiológico presente en las fuentes de agua usadas. La última aproximación metodológica pretende la identificación de comunidades bacterianas mediante el análisis de secuencias de ADN reveladas en muestras ambientales. Debido a la alta contaminación que pueden tener las muestras ambientales es importante llevar a cabo un proceso de extracción de ADN óptimo que permita realizar un posterior análisis molecular por métodos basados en PCR. Por esta razón, el objetivo del presente artículo es describir un protocolo químico de extracción de ADN bacteriano para cuerpos de agua usados en la actividad agrícola local, que sea sencillo, eficiente y rápido de aplicar, para obtener ADN de calidad. A partir de muestras de agua obtenidas del lago de Tota (Boyacá, Colombia), se extrajo ADN bacteriano mediante un protocolo químico modificado y comparado con un método estándar comercial. Como resultado se obtuvo ADN bacteriano con una concentración superior a 140 ng/ul y una pureza >1,7 A260/280, resultados similares a los obtenidos con el método estándar comercial con una concentración máxima de 45,94 ng/ul y una pureza superior a 1,8 A260/280. Los resultados sugieren que este protocolo de extracción de ADN es un método rápido y de bajo costo con el cual se obtiene ADN de elevada calidad y pureza que puede ser utilizado en cualquier análisis molecular

    Corine Land Cover (CLC) methodology validation for the space temporary coverage determination: Mecha creek case (Cómbita, Boyacá), Colombia

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    The Corine Land Cover methodology, is a french methodology adapted by the Agustin Codazzi Geography Institute (Igac) and the Hidrology, Meteorology and Enviromental Studies (Ideam) for Colombia and it is the assessment of land cover using Landsat satelite images. In this research, the space-temporary assessment of the watershed coverage of the Mecha creek in the Chicamocha river basin was done using Landsat 8 images, between 2014 and 2015, wich were orthorectified, combined using Erdas Software. These were also cut according to the spectral signatures of the selected bands in the ArcGis 10.0 program, and adjusted with images of Google Earth Pro and configured with the use of the National legend coverages at 1:100.000 proposed by Ideam. It was also observed that the páramo vegetation is highly fragmented, with a tendency to completely disappear, because of increasing agricultural areas and mining operations; significantly deteriorating the wáter capacity of the creek that supplies the aqueduct of the Municipality of Oicatá. It is concluded that this methodology becomes a hifhly reliable tool for determining spatio-temporal coverage changes in order to be the basis for the decisión-making related coverage in order to protection and conservation

    Validación de la metodología Corine Land Cover (CLC) paradeterminación espacio-temporal de coberturas: caso microcuencade la quebrada Mecha (Cómbita, Boyacá), Colombia

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    The Corine Land Cover methodology, is a french methodology adapted by the Agustin Codazzi Geography Institute (Igac) and the Hidrology, Meteorology and Enviromental Studies (Ideam) for Colombia and it is the assessment of land cover using Landsat satelite images. In this research, the space-temporary assessment of the watershed coverage of the Mecha creek in the Chicamocha river basin was done using Landsat 8 images, between 2014 and 2015, wich were orthorectified, combined using Erdas Software. These were also cut according to the spectral signatures of the selected bands in the ArcGis 10.0 program, and adjusted with images of Google Earth Pro and configured with the use of the National legend coverages at 1:100.000 proposed by Ideam. It was also observed that the páramo vegetation is highly fragmented, with a tendency to completely disappear, because of increasing agricultural areas and mining operations; significantly deteriorating the wáter capacity of the creek that supplies the aqueduct of the Municipality of Oicatá. It is concluded that this methodology becomes a hifhly reliable tool for determining spatio-temporal coverage changes in order to be the basis for the decisión-making related coverage in order to protection and conservation.La metodología Corine Land Cover, es una metodología francesa adaptada por el Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) y el Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (Ideam) para Colombia; consiste en la evaluación de coberturas de la tierra mediante el uso de imágenes satelitales tipo Landsat. En esta investigación, se realizó la evaluación espacio temporal de coberturas de la microcuenca quebrada Mecha, cuenca del río La Vega, mediante el uso de imágenes Landsat 8, de los años 2014 y 2015, las cuales fueron ortorrectificadas, combinadas por el Software Erdas, cortadas según las firmas espectrales de las bandas seleccionadas en el programa ArcGis 10.0, y ajustadas con imágenes de Google Earth Pro, configurándose bajo el uso de la leyenda nacional de coberturas a escala 1: 100.000 propuesta por el Ideam. Se observó, que la vegetación de páramo está altamente fragmentada, con tendencia a la total desaparición, por el aumento de las áreas de cultivos y explotaciones mineras, deteriorando significativamente la capacidad hídrica de la quebrada que surte el acueducto del municipio de Oicatá. Se concluye que esta metodología se convierte en una herramienta altamente confiable para la determinación de cambios espaciotemporales de coberturas con el fin de ser la base para la toma de decisiones de protección y conservación

    Pruning affects the vegetative balance of the wine grape (vitis vinifera l.)

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    The cultivation of grapes for the production of wine at altitudes between 2,200 and 2,600 masl started in the department of Boyacá in 1982. Quality wines are produced by the Ain Karim Vineyard in Ricaurte High. It is necessary to have wine grapes that possess suitable organoleptic compounds at harvest in order to guarantee quality grape must that can be converted into wine. For this, it is necessary to have a suitable ratio between the inflows and the outflows and to guarantee production, quality and vegetative sustainability over time, conserving the equilibrium and benefiting the productive potential of the vineyard. This study aimed to evaluate the productive and vegetative balance effect in the wine grape varieties (Vitis vinífera L.) Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc in Sutamarchán-Boyacá, considering different pruning types (short, long, and mixed). A bifactorial, completely random statistical design was used. At the time of harvest, the fruit production and pruned wood were evaluated. The long-pruned vines presented the best behavior and the most balanced inflow/outflow ratio, while Sauvignon Blanc demonstrated a better productive yield. Meanwhile, the short and mixed prunings presented the better values for the ravaz index, indicating that they are more suitable for the conditions of the region, allowing for sustainability during the productive cycles of the wine grapes

    Pruning affects the vegetative balance of the wine grape (vitis vinifera l.)

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    The cultivation of grapes for the production of wine at altitudes between 2,200 and 2,600 masl started in the department of Boyacá in 1982. Quality wines are produced by the Ain Karim Vineyard in Ricaurte High. It is necessary to have wine grapes that possess suitable organoleptic compounds at harvest in order to guarantee quality grape must that can be converted into wine. For this, it is necessary to have a suitable ratio between the inflows and the outflows and to guarantee production, quality and vegetative sustainability over time, conserving the equilibrium and benefiting the productive potential of the vineyard. This study aimed to evaluate the productive and vegetative balance effect in the wine grape varieties (Vitis vinífera L.) Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc in Sutamarchán-Boyacá, considering different pruning types (short, long, and mixed). A bifactorial, completely random statistical design was used. At the time of harvest, the fruit production and pruned wood were evaluated. The long-pruned vines presented the best behavior and the most balanced inflow/outflow ratio, while Sauvignon Blanc demonstrated a better productive yield. Meanwhile, the short and mixed prunings presented the better values for the ravaz index, indicating that they are more suitable for the conditions of the region, allowing for sustainability during the productive cycles of the wine grapes

    Pruning affects the vegetative balance of the wine grape (vitis vinifera l.)

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    The cultivation of grapes for the production of wine at altitudes between 2,200 and 2,600 masl started in the department of Boyacá in 1982. Quality wines are produced by the Ain Karim Vineyard in Ricaurte High. It is necessary to have wine grapes that possess suitable organoleptic compounds at harvest in order to guarantee quality grape must that can be converted into wine. For this, it is necessary to have a suitable ratio between the inflows and the outflows and to guarantee production, quality and vegetative sustainability over time, conserving the equilibrium and benefiting the productive potential of the vineyard. This study aimed to evaluate the productive and vegetative balance effect in the wine grape varieties (Vitis vinífera L.) Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc in Sutamarchán-Boyacá, considering different pruning types (short, long, and mixed). A bifactorial, completely random statistical design was used. At the time of harvest, the fruit production and pruned wood were evaluated. The long-pruned vines presented the best behavior and the most balanced inflow/outflow ratio, while Sauvignon Blanc demonstrated a better productive yield. Meanwhile, the short and mixed prunings presented the better values for the ravaz index, indicating that they are more suitable for the conditions of the region, allowing for sustainability during the productive cycles of the wine grapes