1,611 research outputs found

    Patient perspective on decisions to switch disease-modifying treatments in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    Background: There are now large cohorts of people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (pwRRMS) who have taken several Disease-Modifying Treatments (DMTs). Studies about switching DMTs mostly focus on clinical outcomes rather than patients' decision-making. Neurologists are now required to support decisions at various times during the relapsing disease course and they do so with concerns about DMTs risks. This qualitative study investigates how pwRRMS weigh up the pros and cons of DMTs, focusing on perceptions of effectiveness and risks when new treatments are considered. / Objective: To increase understanding of people's experiences of decision-making when switching DMTs. / Methods: 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted with pwRRMS in England. 16 participants had switched DMT and their experiences were compared with those who had only taken one DMT. Interviews were analysed thematically to answer: what main factors influence people's decision-making to switch DMTs and why? / Results: Of the 16 participants with experience of switching DMT, eight had taken two or more DMTs; eight had taken three or more. Two was the DMT median. This study demonstrated that despite the term "switching" implying that similar treatments are inter-changeable, for pwRRMS taking new treatments involves different emotions, routines, risks, prognosis and communication experiences. Two meta themes identified were: 1) A distinctive, rapid and emotional decision-making process where old emotions related to MS prognosis are revisited. 2) Switching has a different impact on communication for escalation or de-escalation processes. / Conclusion: Switching DMT involves different routines, risks, prognosis and communication experiences. These decisions are emotionally difficult because of the fear about transitioning to secondary progressive MS, and DMT effectiveness uncertainty. Patient centred decision aids should include information about first and consecutive treatment decisions

    SIX1 (sine oculis homeobox homolog 1) (mammalian)

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    Review on SIX1 (sine oculis homeobox homolog 1) (mammalian), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Gender inequity in speaking opportunities at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

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    Implicit and explicit biases impede the participation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM) fields. Across career stages, attending conferences and presenting research are ways to spread scientific results, find job opportunities, and gain awards. Here, we present an analysis by gender of the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting speaking opportunities from 2014 to 2016. We find that women were invited and assigned oral presentations less often than men. However, when we control for career stage, we see similar rates between women and men and women sometimes outperform men. At the same time, women elect for poster presentations more than men. Male primary conveners allocate invited abstracts and oral presentations to women less often and below the proportion of women authors. These results highlight the need to provide equal opportunity to women in speaking roles at scientific conferences as part of the overall effort to advance women in STEM

    A Deep Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline During the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The mean state and variability of the tropical Pacificis influenced by the depth of the thermocline. During the Last Glacial Maximum (~21,000 years ago), the zonal sea surface temperature gradient across the equatorial Pacific was reduced and productivity was generally lower than modern. To understand the thermocline depth’s role in determining the Last Glacial Maximum tropical mean state, we reconstruct the upper ocean δ18O profile from multiple species of planktic foraminifera. We synthesize existing records of surface and subsurface dwelling foraminifera to reconstruct the vertical δ18O gradient throughout the eastern equatorial Pacific. We find the thermocline was deeper during the Last Glacial Maximum than the Holocene throughout the eastern equatorial Pacific region. The thermocline depth’s role in the dynamic forcing of the cold tongue contributed to the reduced zonal SST gradient across the equatorial Pacific, decreased productivity, and presumably impacted El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability relative to the Holocene

    The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA) II: Dust and Gas in Andromeda

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    We present an analysis of the dust and gas in Andromeda, using Herschel images sampling the entire far-infrared peak. We fit a modified-blackbody model to ~4000 quasi-independent pixels with spatial resolution of ~140pc and find that a variable dust-emissivity index (beta) is required to fit the data. We find no significant long-wavelength excess above this model suggesting there is no cold dust component. We show that the gas-to-dust ratio varies radially, increasing from ~20 in the center to ~70 in the star-forming ring at 10kpc, consistent with the metallicity gradient. In the 10kpc ring the average beta is ~1.9, in good agreement with values determined for the Milky Way (MW). However, in contrast to the MW, we find significant radial variations in beta, which increases from 1.9 at 10kpc to ~2.5 at a radius of 3.1kpc and then decreases to 1.7 in the center. The dust temperature is fairly constant in the 10kpc ring (ranging from 17-20K), but increases strongly in the bulge to ~30K. Within 3.1kpc we find the dust temperature is highly correlated with the 3.6 micron flux, suggesting the general stellar population in the bulge is the dominant source of dust heating there. At larger radii, there is a weak correlation between the star formation rate and dust temperature. We find no evidence for 'dark gas' in M31 in contrast to recent results for the MW. Finally, we obtained an estimate of the CO X-factor by minimising the dispersion in the gas-to-dust ratio, obtaining a value of (1.9+/-0.4)x10^20 cm^-2 [K kms^-1]^-1.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures. Submitted to ApJ April 2012; Accepted July 201

    Clinicopathological significance of homeoprotein Six1 in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Tumour recurrence and metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after hepatectomy are the major obstacles of long-term survival. The present study investigated the clinicopathological significance of a possible metastasis regulator Six1 in HCC patients who were undergone hepatectomy. Seventy-two pairs of RNA and 103 pairs of protein from tumour and adjacent nontumour liver tissues of HCC patients were examined. About 85 and 60% of HCC tumour tissues were found to overexpress Six1 mRNA and protein, respectively, compared with nontumour liver tissues. No Six1 protein was detected in HCC nontumour liver tissues and normal liver tissues. Increased Six1 protein expression in HCC patients was significantly correlated with pathologic tumour-node-metastasis (pTNM) stage (P=0.002), venous infiltration (P=0.004) and poor overall survival (P=0.0423). We concluded that Six1 is frequently overexpressed in HCC patients and elevated Six1 protein in HCC patients may be an indication of advanced stage and poor overall survival after hepatectomy

    Possible thermochemical disequilibrium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet GJ 436b

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    The nearby extrasolar planet GJ 436b--which has been labelled as a 'hot Neptune'--reveals itself by the dimming of light as it crosses in front of and behind its parent star as seen from Earth. Respectively known as the primary transit and secondary eclipse, the former constrains the planet's radius and mass, and the latter constrains the planet's temperature and, with measurements at multiple wavelengths, its atmospheric composition. Previous work using transmission spectroscopy failed to detect the 1.4-\mu m water vapour band, leaving the planet's atmospheric composition poorly constrained. Here we report the detection of planetary thermal emission from the dayside of GJ 436b at multiple infrared wavelengths during the secondary eclipse. The best-fit compositional models contain a high CO abundance and a substantial methane (CH4) deficiency relative to thermochemical equilibrium models for the predicted hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Moreover, we report the presence of some H2O and traces of CO2. Because CH4 is expected to be the dominant carbon-bearing species, disequilibrium processes such as vertical mixing and polymerization of methane into substances such as ethylene may be required to explain the hot Neptune's small CH4-to-CO ratio, which is at least 10^5 times smaller than predicted

    Impact of metabolic comorbidity on the association between body mass index and heatlh-related quality of life: a Scotland-wide cross-sectional study of 5,608 participants

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    <p/>Background: The prevalence of obesity is rising in Scotland and globally. Overall, obesity is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and reduced health-related quality of life. Studies suggest that "healthy obesity" (obesity without metabolic comorbidity) may not be associated with morbidity or mortality. Its impact on health-related quality of life is unknown. <p/>Methods: We extracted data from the Scottish Health Survey on self-reported health-related quality of life, body mass index (BMI), demographic information and comorbidity. SF-12 responses were converted into an overall health utility score. Linear regression analyses were used to explore the association between BMI and health utility, stratified by the presence or absence of metabolic comorbidity (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or cardiovascular disease), and adjusted for potential confounders (age, sex and deprivation quintile). <p/>Results: Of the 5,608 individuals, 3,744 (66.8%) were either overweight or obese and 921 (16.4%) had metabolic comorbidity. There was an inverted U-shaped relationship whereby health utility was highest among overweight individuals and fell with increasing BMI. There was a significant interaction with metabolic comorbidity (p = 0.007). Individuals with metabolic comorbidty had lower utility scores and a steeper decline in utility with increasing BMI (morbidly obese, adjusted coefficient: -0.064, 95% CI -0.115, -0.012, p = 0.015 for metabolic comorbidity versus -0.042, 95% CI -0.067, -0.018, p = 0.001 for no metabolic comorbidity). <p/>Conclusions: The adverse impact of obesity on health-related quality of life is greater among individuals with metabolic comorbidity. However, increased BMI is associated with reduced health-related quality of life even in the absence of metabolic comorbidity, casting doubt on the notion of "healthy obesity"