8 research outputs found

    The Complementary effect of internal learning capacity and absorptive capacity on performance: the mediating role of innovation capacity

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    Organisations are finding it increasingly more difficult to keep abreast with the pace of change. The continuous rise in the number of business opportunities and the increase in global competition require firms to combine internal and external learning processes to renew and reconfigure existing capabilities and knowledge to enable them to meet environmental demands and to innovate. This study aims to unravel the complex linkage between internal learning capacity and absorptive capacity and at exploring the joint effect of both knowledge generation processes on innovation capacity. This study also proposes innovation capacity as an antecedent of business performance. Using data from 952 industrial Spanish firms and the technique of structural equation modelling, we provide evidence on the joint effect of internal learning capacity and absorptive capacity on innovation capacity. We also show that innovation capacity acts as a catalyst for the effect of learning capacities on business performanc

    Efectos de la gesti贸n de la calidad sobre el desempe帽o innovador: el papel mediador de las capacidades din谩micas de aprendizaje e innovaci贸n

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    En el entorno actual regido por r谩pidos cambios, la innovaci贸n juega un papel esencial, convirti茅ndose en la base de creaci贸n y sostenimiento de la competitividad. El desempe帽o innovador de la empresa, desde la perspectiva de las Capacidades Din谩micas, viene determinado b谩sicamente por las capacidades de innovaci贸n de la empresa. Estas capacidades innovadoras integran la Capacidad para la Gesti贸n de la I+D y la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo. Por otro lado, con tal de adaptarse a las necesidades que el mercado les exige sobrevivir y hacer frente a la competencia, las empresas han ido adoptando Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad; estas pr谩cticas pueden asimismo contribuir a mejorar el desempe帽o innovador de las empresas y sus ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, el efecto de las Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad sobre el desempe帽o innovador es un tema controvertido en la literatura que ha dado lugar a resultados dispares. Esta falta de consenso puede deberse, en parte, a la omisi贸n de ciertas variables que pueden actuar como mediadoras en la relaci贸n. Este trabajo intenta aportar luz a esta controversia, estudiando la influencia de la utilizaci贸n de Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad sobre el desempe帽o innovador de procesos, tanto de forma directa como a trav茅s del desarrollo de Capacidades Din谩micas. Con tal de testar este modelo, se utiliza una base de datos de 550 empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales con la metodolog铆a Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Los resultados indican que el stock de Capacidades Din谩micas de la empresa determina su desempe帽o innovador. Encontramos igualmente que el grado de adopci贸n organizativa de Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad est谩 relacionado directamente con la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo y la Capacidad de Gesti贸n de I+D. Sin embargo, las Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad no influyen de forma directa sobre el desempe帽o innovador de procesos, sino de modo indirecto seg煤n su poder de desarrollo de Capacidades Din谩micas. Por tanto, las Capacidades Din谩micas representadas por el Aprendizaje Organizativo y Gesti贸n de la I+D son una variable que media en el efecto de la difusi贸n de las Pr谩cticas de Gesti贸n de la Calidad sobre el desempe帽o innovador de procesos.In the current environment governed by rapid change, innovation plays an essential role, becoming the basis for creating and sustaining competitiveness. The innovative performance of the company, from the perspective of Dynamic Capabilities, is basically determined by the innovation capabilities. These innovative capabilities are integrated by the Capacity for the R&D Management and the Capacity for Organizational Learning. On the other hand, firms have adopted practices related with the Quality Management philosophy in order to adapt themselves to the needs that market requires to survive and cope with competition; these quality practices can also help to improve the innovative performance of firms and their competitive advantages. However, the effect of the Quality Management Practices on the innovative performance is a controversial topic in the literature that has led to mixed results. This lack of consensus may be partly due to the omission of certain variables that may act as mediators in the relationship between Quality Management Practices and the innovative performance. This paper attempts to shed light on this controversy by studying the influence of the use of Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance, both directly and through the development of Dynamic Capabilities. With the aim of testing this model, we use a database of 550 industrial firms in the Valencian Comunity and a structural equation model with the methodology Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). The results indicate that the firm鈥檚 stock of Dynamic Capabilities is essential in order to determine its innovative performance. It is also found that the degree of the organizational adoption of Quality Management Practices is directly related to the Organizational Learning Capacity and the Capacity for the R&D Management. However, this model demonstrates that the Quality Management Practices have not a direct influence on the performance of process innovation, but these practices could have an indirect effect on this kind of performance by developing the Dynamic Capabilities. Therefore, the Dynamic Capabilities - represented by the Organizational Learning and the Capacity for R&D Management - is a variable that mediates the effect of the diffusion of the Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance

    Virtual networks as enablers of knowledge absorptive capacity development

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    Organisations are finding it more difficult to keep abreast with the pace of change. The continuous rise of business opportunities and the increase in global competition demands a capability to acquire, assimilate, transform and apply external critical knowledge to renew and reconfigure existing capabilities and knowledge, and to innovate. Developing this dynamic capability requires, in turn, new proactive knowledge management tools, and new organisational forms. This chapter presents a framework in which virtual networks constitute more flexible new organisational structures to absorb and create knowledge. It also describes how embeddedness in such a network can affect most of the factors identified as antecedents of absorptive capacity. In addition, it evidences the important role of the firm锟絪 relational capabilities in taking advantage of the relevant business information, knowledge, resources, technologies and capabilities circulating in the virtual networks

    Factores antecedentes de la capacidad de absorci贸n de conocimiento: un estudio te贸rico

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    Return on Capital in spanish tourism businesses: a comparative analysis of familiy vs non-family businesses

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    The analysis of the keys to competitiveness in the tourism sector has an unquestionable justification for its importance in the Spanish economy and its global growth prospects. The need for a better understanding of the keys to the competitiveness of the tourism firm is also fuelled by the magnitude of the challenges that it faces and by the sector structure, characterised by a notable weight of family-owned businesses. The objective of this research lies precisely in developing a diagnosis of the return on capital of the tourism sector and the determinants of its evolution in the family business (FB) vs non-family business (NFB). Specifically, this study focuses on the analysis of both firm's economic and financial profitability. The objective indicators of the results can come either from the company itself or from two secondary sources: SABI (Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System) and INFORMA D螔 The economic and financial analysis of the Spanish tourism firm with objective data developed in this study is based on a sample of 738 firms (from an initial sample of 1019 organisations)

    驴Hacia d贸nde se dirige la funci贸n de calidad?: la visi贸n de expertos en un estudio Delphi

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    La gesti贸n de la calidad ha representado un renacimiento en la gesti贸n, contribuyendo a una reflexi贸n profunda en los paradigmas dominantes en el ejercicio profesional de la direcci贸n, hasta el punto de equiparar dicha funci贸n a la excelencia. Sin embargo, aunque esta trayectoria har铆a pensar en un escenario prometedor para la funci贸n de calidad, existe una controversia importante sobre su alcance directivo y su posici贸n dentro de la organizaci贸n. Este trabajo pretende dar respuestas a las inquietudes sobre el rumbo que puede seguir la funci贸n de calidad, tomando como base la visi贸n de los expertos a partir de un estudio Delphi. Los expertos abogan mayoritariamente por la integraci贸n de la calidad como valor en toda la organizaci贸n sin que la unidad organizativa especializada en la funci贸n como tal desaparezca del organigrama, aunque reconvirti茅ndose en una funci贸n staff. Al mismo tiempo, ligan su futuro como funci贸n aut贸noma a su capacidad de adaptaci贸n e innovaci贸n para crear valor, as铆 como a la convicci贸n que sepa transmitir de que seguir谩 siendo necesaria una unidad staff que coordine el proceso de mejora y de b煤squeda de la excelencia en modelos de organizaci贸n cada vez m谩s horizontales, aventando pues el riesgo de morir de 茅xito