3,550 research outputs found

    Annotated List of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) Occurring Along the Upper Portion of the West Branch of the Mahoning River in Northeastern Ohio

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    Information is given on the seasonal distribution of 85 species of Trichoptera collected along a small, relatively unpolluted stream in northeastern Ohio

    LANDSAT-4 TM image data quality analysis for energy-related applications

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    LANDSAT-4 Thematic Mapper (TM) data performance and utility characteristics from an energy research and technology perspective is evaluated. The program focuses on evaluating applicational implications of using such data, in combination with other digital data, for current and future energy research and technology activities. Prime interest is in using TM data for siting, developing and operating federal energy facilities. Secondary interests involve the use of such data for resource exploration, environmental monitoring and basic scientific initiatives such as in support of the Continental Scientific Drilling Program


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    Ergot alkaloids present in endophyte-infected (E+) tall fescue are thought to be the causative agent of fescue toxicosis, a syndrome affecting cattle in the eastern United States. Many of the observed signs of fescue toxicosis are thought to be attributed to peripheral vasoconstriction; however, there are data indicating that ergot alkaloids can alter blood flow to the gut. An experiment was conducted using right ruminal artery and vein collected from heifers shortly after slaughter. Vessels were mounted in a multi-myograph to determine the vasoconstrictive potentials of ergot alkaloids present in E+ tall fescue. Results indicated ergot alkaloids have the potential to induce vasoconstriction of foregut vasculature. A second experiment was conducted to determine if the additional ergot alkaloids present in E+ tall fescue increase the vasoconstrictive response above that of ergovaline. Results indicated that ergovaline is the main alkaloid responsible for vasoconstriction in bovine vessels. A third study was performed to determine the effect of ergot alkaloids on ruminal epithelial blood flow in the washed rumen of steers exposed to E+ or endophyte-free (E-) tall fescue seed. Steers were dosed with seed followed by a washed rumen experiment with differing levels of ergovaline incubated in the rumen. Results indicated that E+ tall fescue seed treatment reduced ruminal epithelial blood flow. Additionally, incubating ergovaline in the rumen during the washed rumen further decreased epithelial blood flow and volatile fatty acid (VFA) absorption. A final study was conducted to determine the acute effects of ergot alkaloids on isolated rumen epithelial absorptive and barrier functions and the potential for ruminal ergovaline absorption. Results indicate that acute exposure to ergot alkaloids does not alter the absorptive or barrier function of rumen epithelium and ergovaline is absorbed from the rumen. Data from this series of experiments have shown that ergot alkaloids from E+ tall fescue can induce vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the foregut of cattle, reduce blood flow to the rumen epithelium, and decrease VFA absorption. The decrease in nutrient absorption could contribute to the observed symptoms of fescue toxicosis, including depressed growth rates and general unthriftiness

    Fourier Analysis and Optimization of Inductive Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicle Charging

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    With the growth of electric vehicle (EV) popularity, different charging options to increase user convenience and reduce charging time such as high power wireless charging are increasingly being developed and researched. Inductive wireless power transfer (WPT) systems for EVs must meet specifications such as stray field, battery power and voltage operating range, efficiency, and ground clearance. The coil geometry and design have a large impact in meeting these constraints. Typical design approaches include iterative analysis of predetermined coil geometries to identify candidates that meet these constraints. This work instead directly generates WPT coil shapes and magnetic fields to meet specifications and constraints through the optimization of Fourier basis function coefficients and that can be used to predict system efficiency and performance. The proposed Fourier Analysis Method (FAM) applies to arbitrary planar coil geometries and does not rely on iterative finite-element analysis (FEA) simulations. This flexibility allows for rapid design evaluation across a larger range of coil geometries and specifications. The method is used to consider the trade-off of coil current and stray field for given power levels to illustrate the flexibility and generality of the method. A 6.6 kW proof-of-concept demonstrator WPT system is built from the optimization result to compare model efficiency, stray fields, and performance to experimental measurements. The methodology is then used in the optimization, design, analysis, and testing of two 120 kW demonstrators, including thermal modeling and integration

    Effect of Urea and Distillers Inclusion in Dry- Rolled Corn Based Diets on Heifer Performance and Carcass Characteristics

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    Crossbred heifers (n=96, BW = 810 ± 20) were utilized to evaluate the effects of increasing wet distillers grains plus solubles and urea inclusion in a dry rolled corn based finishing diet on performance and carcass characteristics. Heifers were individually fed using a calan gate system with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors included distillers inclusion at either 10 or 20% of diet DM and urea inclusion at either 0.2 or 1.4% of diet DM. Th ere was no difference for final body weight, average daily gain, and feed conversion on a live or carcass adjusted basis for either urea or distillers inclusion in the diet. Dry matter intake was reduced with increased urea inclusion; however, distillers inclusion did not influence intake. Added distillers and urea in the diet had minimal impact on performance suggesting supplemental urea in a dry rolled corn based finishing diets is of minimal benefit when feeding at least 10% distillers grains

    SIMS chemical analysis of extended impacts on the leading and trailing edges of LDEF experiment AO187-2

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    Numerous 'extended impacts' found in both leading and trailing edge capture cells were successfully analyzed for the chemical composition of projectile residues by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Most data were obtained from the trailing edge cells where 45 of 58 impacts were classified as 'probably natural' and the remainder as 'possibly man-made debris.' This is in striking contrast to leading edge cells where 9 of 11 impacts so far measured are definitely classified as orbital debris. Although all the leading edge cells had lost their plastic entrance foils during flight, the rate of foil failure was similar to that of the trailing edge cells, 10 percent of which were recovered intact. Ultraviolet embrittlement is suspected as the major cause of failure on both leading and trailing edges. The major impediment to the accurate determination of projectile chemistry is the fractionation of volatile and refractory elements in the hypervelocity impact and redeposition processes. This effect had been noted in a simulation experiment but is more pronounced in the LDEF capture cells, probably due to the higher average velocities of the space impacts. Surface contamination of the pure Ge surfaces with a substance rich in Si, but also containing Mg and Al, provides an additional problem for the accurate determination of impactor chemistry. The effect is variable, being much larger on surfaces that were exposed to space than in those cells that remained intact. Future work will concentrate on the analyses of more leading edge impacts and the development of new SIMS techniques for the measurement of elemental abundances in extended impacts

    Feed-forward observer-based intermittent fault detection

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    This paper provided an approach to design feed-forward observer for nonlinear systems with Lipchitz nonlinearity and bounded unknown inputs (disturbances/uncertainties) to ensure the sensitivity against intermittent faults. The proposed observer design guarantees the system error stability. Some variables and scalars are also introduced to design observer's parameters, which bring more degrees of flexibility available to the designer. The designed observer is used to propose a precision fault detection scheme including adaptive threshold design to detect intermittent faults. The efficiency of the considered approach is examined by the intermittent failure case in the suspension system of a vehicle. Simulation results show that the accurate state estimation and fault detection are achieved successfully

    Feed-forward observer-based intermittent fault detection

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    This paper provided an approach to design feed-forward observer for nonlinear systems with Lipchitz nonlinearity and bounded unknown inputs (disturbances/uncertainties) to ensure the sensitivity against intermittent faults. The proposed observer design guarantees the system error stability. Some variables and scalars are also introduced to design observer's parameters, which bring more degrees of flexibility available to the designer. The designed observer is used to propose a precision fault detection scheme including adaptive threshold design to detect intermittent faults. The efficiency of the considered approach is examined by the intermittent failure case in the suspension system of a vehicle. Simulation results show that the accurate state estimation and fault detection are achieved successfully