80 research outputs found

    Evaluation of texture in Serra da Estrela cheese manufactured in different dairies

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    Serra da Estrela cheese is a traditional product from artisanal manufacture using raw ewe’s milk coagulated with dried, wild thistle flower. The present study aimed to investigate the variation of textural properties in Serra da Estrela cheeses manufactured in different dairies through time, namely from April to June, following the end of the cheese making season. Three types of tests were conducted: compression, puncture and spreadability. These were carried out on samples coming from six different dairies situated in the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) region of this type of cheese. The results obtained showed some non-negligible differences for some textural properties between the top and bottom sides of the cheeses evaluated, as well as between cheeses from different dairies. Nevertheless, the properties of springiness, resilience, cohesiveness and adhesiveness (all from the compression test), were not significantly different in the samples analysed. In what concerns the variations along the milking season, it was possible to conclude that three of the considered dairies produced cheeses with a more constant textural profile in the period comprised between April and June. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed that the correlations between the textural properties were strong for some interactions between properties form the same test and/or from similar nature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quando Helena Kolody cruzou a fronteira

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    Na avaliação do crítico literário Wilson Martins, Helena Kolody acrescentou a voz do imigrante à temática da poesia brasileira. Através de seus relatos, é possível perceber que o  sentimento de exílio sempre a acompanhara ”“ a sensação  de estar fora de seu espaço. Este sentimento pode ser localizado, por exemplo, na cisão de referência que envolve o eu-lírico: de um lado, sua terra natal, o Paraná dos rios e araucárias; de outro, as tradições e a memória da família eslava. O objeto cultural (o poema), como operador de memória, trabalha no sentido de entrecruzar memória coletiva e história

    Helena Kolody, carbono & diamante: uma biografia ilustrada

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em LiteraturaHelena Kolody, carbono & diamante - uma biografia ilustrada conta a vida da escritora Helena Kolody, a partir de sua inscrição na literatura, questionando sua identidade, o mundo que a cercava e o sentido de sua existência. Equivale a dizer: em sua lírica, reflexões e sentimentos se entretecem a partir de uma matéria pessoal e localizada. Da estação ferroviária à estação tubo; da Ucrânia ao centro de Curitiba; de Paisagem interior a Reika; do século XIX ao século XXI, a literatura de Helena Kolody gerencia sua presença na consolidação do binômio arte-vida. O retrato da autora acaba se constituindo também por meio de farto aparato iconográfico; pelos mais de quinhentos textos críticos elencados e por sua obra completa. Fragmentação deliberadamente assumida, a pessoa se revela em sua inteireza.Helena Kolody, carbon & diamond - an illustrated biography tells the life of Helena Kolody, from her very insertion in literature, as it questions her identity, the world surrounding her, and the meaning of her existence. That is equivalent to saying that in her poetry there is the intermingling of reflections and feelings that derive from personal and localized material. From the railroad station to the tube-shaped bus stops; from Ukraine to downtown Curitiba; from Paisagem interior to Reika; from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century, Helena Kolody's literature guarantees her presence in the consolidation of the art/life binomial. The portrait of the author ends up by also being made up of an abundant iconographic apparatus, of the over five hundred critical texts listed, and of her complete work. The person, although deliberately accepting her own fragmentation, reveals herself in her entireness

    Nutritional and Microbiological Composition of Serra Estrela Cheese: A Paradigm to Overcome.

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    Background: Milk and dairy products are an excellent source of well-balanced nutrients with multiple uses as a snack, dessert or food ingredient. Serra Estrela cheese, a traditional variety manufactured in the centre region of Portugal, is part of the mankind´s ancient cultural heritage, made from raw sheep milk it is assumed as an iconic gourmet cheese, when compared with other Portuguese cheeses. This work intended to monitor the manufacturing process along the period of production, to evaluate the factors that are decisive for the reproducibility of Serra Estrela cheese in geographical and temporal terms, as well as to achieve the knowledge of the Serra Estrela cheese lipid nutritional characteristics. Methods: Twenty-four Serra Estrela cheese samples originating from representative cheese producers of the region were analysed for their nutritional characteristics, such as moisture, fat, protein and salt, using the FT-NIR (fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy) technique as an expeditious method. A gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) was used to perform the lipid fraction study. Microbiological analyses were performed for Escherichia coli and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 23.0). The level of significance was accessed by Tukey’s test considering p-value < 0.05 to be significant. Results: In the cheeses studied, the moisture varied from 46 % to 52 %, the butyric content from 19 to 30 %, the protein content between 19 and 24 % and the salt from 0.9 to 1.8 %. The determinations of Escherichia coli and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus in some Serra Estrela cheeses exceeded the maximum allowed values per law in Portugal. Regarding to the fatty acids profile, there was no obvious tendency observed, but was found a significative amount of short and medium chain saturated fatty acids, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Conclusion: Considering that year 2017 was considered an exceptional year, both in terms of the severe drought and the fires that devastated the region, with repercussions on health and animal production, it is reasonable that some cheeses exceeded the maximum permissible levels of microorganisms. Although there are significantly differences between the total fat and protein content of Serra Estrela cheeses from different producers, relatively to polyunsaturated, ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids fractions, all cheese producers are very homogeneous. This work was extremely important for an initial evaluation of the Portuguese Serra Estrela cheese production in 17/18 and for the design of future experimental work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drying kinetics and mass transfer properties in the drying of thistle flower

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    Thistle flowers, and particularly their stigmas, are used to coagulate milk in the production of a number of traditional Portuguese cheeses due to their high milk-clotting activity provided by the high content of aspartic proteases. The aim of the present work was to determine the mass transfer properties of thistle flower under different drying conditions: natural drying and convective drying. Convective drying took place in a convection chamber set at different temperatures (35 to 65 °C) and the process was terminated when the sample presented a moisture content of about 5% or less. The traditional drying method was also used, placing the thistle flowers in a dry place sheltered from the sun, and leaving them to dehydrate at the variable room temperature. The present work allowed for the conclusion that convective drying was much faster than natural drying, and that the drying rate increased with temperature. The drying curve revealed an initial constant rate period followed by a falling rate. All the five thin layer models tested to fit the experimental data were shown to adequately describe the drying of the thistle flowers, but the best one was the Page model. The drying constant increased with temperature as did the effective diffusivity and the mass transfer coefficient. The results allowed one to estimate the activation energy for moisture diffusion (57 kJ/mol) and for convective mass transfer (78 kJ/mol). Thus this study showed the possibilities for designing efficient drying processes for the thistle flower used for milk-clotting in the manufacture of traditional cheeses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatty acis profile in Serra da Estrela cheese: an overview

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    Milk and dairy products are of major importance in the human diet, since they are an excellent source of well-balanced nutrients which are consumed in large amounts and are easy to manufacture. Most cheeses present in the market are made from cow's milk, with ewe’s and goat’s cheeses being considered delicacies derived from the unavailability of goat's and ewe’s milk in certain periods of the year, proleading to a final product with high prices that consumers tend to value given the quality of the final products. Serra Estrela (SE) cheese, a traditional variety manufactured in the center region of Portugal, is part of the national ancient cultural heritage. Made from raw sheep milk it is assumed as an iconic gourmet cheese, when compared with other Portuguese cheeses. In the present work, the evolution of the lipid fraction, namely unsaturated fatty acids such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids), was evaluated for a period of 9 months. Chemically it was possible to verify differences in terms of the fatty acid profile between the analysed cheese samples. SE cheese was characterized by a relatively high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and the evaluation of the lipid profile of SE cheese allowed possible future work in determining bioactive lipid compounds with possible health promoting functions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building new indicators for researchers’ careers and mobility based on electronic curriculum vitae : the case of the DeGóis Platform

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    (Excerto) It is currently managed by FCT (Council for Science and Technology), which by Law is required to continuously promoting the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge in Portugal, exploring opportunities that become available in any scientific or technological domain to attain the highest international standards in the creation of knowledge, and to stimulate their diffusion and contribution to improve education, health, environment, and the quality of life and well being of the general public. This mission is mainly accomplished through the financing subsequent to the evaluation of the merit of proposals presented by institutions, research teams or individuals in public open calls, and through cooperation agreements and other forms of support in partnership with universities and other public or private institutions. The results of the activities of FCT are, in essence, the additional contributions of individuals, research groups and institutions who have been awarded financing

    Proposta de um Core Set abreviado de avaliação da funcionalidade em cuidados pós-agudos geriátricos

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    Desenvolver um Core Set Geriátrico Abreviado para avaliação/intervenção da funcionalidade, em cuidados de reabilitação de contexto pós-agudo. Materiais e Métodos: Desenvolveu-se um estudo observacional do tipo analítico e longitudinal, que permitisse conhecer os domínios e as variáveis com maior valor preditivo e discriminativo relativamente à evolução da funcionalidade das condições de saúde observadas. Para a constituição da amostra consideraram-se os indivíduos com 65 ou mais anos, internados em unidades de Convalescença e Média Duração da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados da região do Algarve.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identifying the geographical origin of Serra da Estrela PDO cheeses using fatty acids profiles

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    [Excerpt] Serra da Estrela is a traditional Portuguese cheese with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) certification. This cheese is produced from raw ewe’s milk from “Churra Mondegueira” and “Bordaleira” Portuguese autochthonous breeds and coagulated using wild thistle flower (Cynara cardunculus L.), and its production is geographically limited. Serra da Estrela is the most known and popular Portuguese cheese and is appreciated worldwide, being preferentially consumed as a soft cheese, with an average maturation of 30-45 days, although some consumers prefer to consume it as a hard cheese after at least 6 months of storage [1]. [...]Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM-UID/EQU/50020/2019, strategic funding UID/BIO/04469/2019-CEB and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004), strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2014–CIMO and by Project 02/SAICT/2016/23290-QCLASSE, funded by national funds through POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023290info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio