1,315 research outputs found

    A cultura política dos/as jovens: sobre os movimentos alternativos na atual conjuntura

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    Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a analise da cultura política que se expressa nas ações coletivas dos/as jovens que participam nos movimentos sociais mais recentes. As transformações estruturais da economia mundial e as mudanças na cultura política das sociedades condicionam a relação da juventude com a esfera da política. Neste sentido, ao explorarmos a prática ativa da cidadania juvenil na era global, recorrendo a vários contributos da investigação sociológica e política, pretende-se contribuir para a reflexão em torno das dificuldades e das potencialidades que os recentes movimentos sociais alternativos apresentam

    A luta pelo reconhecimento e o paradigma da dádiva. Uma proposta de articulação teórica

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    Neste artigo pretendemos articular a teoria do reconhecimento de Axel Honneth com a teoria da dádiva, desenvolvida por vários autores, entre os quais Paul Ricoeur, Marcel Hénaff e Alain Caillé. Desse diálogo entre a tradição alemã e a filosofia contemporânea francesa resulta a tese de que uma demanda por reconhecimento é também um sacrifício, uma dádiva. A ideia é a de que uma teoria da dádiva pressupõe o reconhecer e ser reconhecido como sendo uma ordem simbólica da dádiva. Ao articularmos as propostas do reconhecimento agonístico ou por conquista, derivadas da corrente hegeliana com a ideia do mútuo reconhecimento simbólico, concretizado na dádiva, pretendemos completar os estudos do reconhecimento e explorar as suas consequências no pensamento social e político contemporâneo.In this article we intend to articulate Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition with the Gift Theory, developed by several authors, among them Paul Ricoeur, Marcel Hénaff and Alain Caillé. From this dialogue between German tradition and contemporary French philosophy results the thesis that a demand for recognition is also a sacrifice, a gift. The idea is that a theory of giving presupposes recognizing it and being recognized as being a symbolic order of the gift. In articulating the proposals of agonistic or conquest recognition, derived from the Hegelian current, with the idea of mutual symbolic recognition, concretized in the gift, we intend to complete the studies of recognition and explore its consequences in contemporary social and political thought

    Thinking about the problems of democracy from Hannah Arendt

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    In recent decades we have witnessed the emptying of the ideal of participatory democracy. If, on the one hand, we go back to the original formulations of the 1960s and 1970s, we see that these indicated the need to expand the spaces of collective democratic management in daily life, particularly in the workplace. But, on the other hand, the models of the following decades accepted the circumscription of democratic practices to the state. In a parallel movement, the critique of representative institutions and the political passivity they promote was set aside in favour of a perception in which the difference between participation and representation is practically annulled. With this, the radicality of the critique of the participation deficit in liberal democracies is lost. In the context of post-modernity, in which the ailments of modernity have not been healed, together with the generalised lack of interest in public affairs, especially among the younger generations, there is an urgent need to revitalise sleeping democracies, mostly in the Western world. Our work is built on Hannah Arendt's thought, committed to rehabilitating the space of politics, and on the dialogue with other authors, but also on the investigation of psychoanalytic contributions, following the tradition of German critical theory, in the search for antidotes to the dangers that Western democracies face, more specifically the right-wing populist escalation and the disintegrating threat of an instrumental rationality that is colonising all domains of our existence. It becomes pertinent, as an objective for our work, to revisit Arendt's great questions and, based on existing scientific knowledge, to imagine and conceptualise new forms of inclusion and social and political participation that may renew the democratic system. Here, we can only enunciate this project, which will be developed in a broader research context. [da Introdução]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genesis and relevance of the Frankfurt critical theory

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    In the course of this work, it is important first of all, to explore the thematic texture of the Frankfurt School from a historical perspective, without claiming to present a complete balance, but revealing its originality and its fundamental ideas. We intend to explore this critical movement and present the various reflexive stages that allow clarifying the conceptual premises of a possible critical theory. We intend to revisit and highlight the philosophical, sociological and political meaning of this reality called the Frankfurt School and bring to light its main contents and priorities that continue to be the subject of debate today.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From Portuguese social policy to the social employment market in the autonomous region of the Azores

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    This work aims to present, in a concise and systematised way, through bibliographic research, an analysis of the implementation of the public policy, the Social Labour Market in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Contextualising this policy in the wider framework of social policies implemented in Portugal, considering that public policies are responses of the public authorities to social problems, presenting themselves as strategies that institutionalise a set of systematic actions to achieve certain goals considered to be of public interest. The formulation and implementation of public policies depend on and are the result of the interaction of numerous logics of actors, be they individual or collective, be they public or private. In this sense, the present work develops a theoretical conception of policy analysis, as a study methodology, comprising the categories: actors, content, context and process, where in the latter, the processes of agenda building, policy formulation and implementation are specified. Finally, contributions will be made to the review of this public policy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transatlantic relations and the centrality of the Azores: between past and future

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    O Arquipélago dos Açores tem desempenhado desde muito cedo um papel essencial nas relações transatlânticas e, em particular, nas relações bilaterais de Portugal com os Estados Unidos e da Europa com a América do Norte. A nossa investigação, através de uma análise qualitativa e hermenêutica, visa fazer um balanço das etapas mais importantes, das dificuldades, das soluções encontradas e dos desafios enfrentados nas relações transatlânticas, explorando a centralidade dos Açores, principalmente a nível científico e geopolítico.ABSTRACT: The Azores Archipelago has from very early on played an essential role in transatlantic relations and, in particular, in the bilateral relationship of Portugal with the United States and of Europe with North America. Our research, through a qualitative and hermeneutic analysis, aims to take stock of the most important stages, the difficulties, the solutions found and the challenges faced in transatlantic relations, exploring the centrality of the Azores, mainly at the scientific and geopolitical level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This paper examines some aspects of Axel Honneth’s normative theory, focusing on his theory of recognition, that can contribute to the renewal of human rights. To this end, it will start by making a few philosophical considerations about the justification and content of human rights, exploring the dialectic on the unity and diversity of human rights, in order to liaise the struggle for human rights and the struggle for recognition. It intends to move human rights away from the current inherent to Kantian philosophical thought, weakened by the decentralization of the European culture and conducted by 20th century postmodern reflections and by the critique of its categorical imperative as a pure duty of submission. It also examines the way to open space for a renewal of the discourse so as to enable it to confront delimited cultural and historical challenges. Other critical perspectives are included in this theoretical association, whether regarding the anti-utilitarian aspect, or the aspect of the gift paradigm, in order to contribute to the ethical renewal of human rights

    Real-time implementation of 3D LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation in an FPGA

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringIn the last few years, the automotive industry has relied heavily on deep learning applications for perception solutions. With data-heavy sensors, such as LiDAR, becoming a standard, the task of developing low-power and real-time applications has become increasingly more challenging. To obtain the maximum computational efficiency, no longer can one focus solely on the software aspect of such applications, while disregarding the underlying hardware. In this thesis, a hardware-software co-design approach is used to implement an inference application leveraging the SqueezeSegV3, a LiDAR-based convolutional neural network, on the Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGA. Automotive requirements carefully drive the development of the proposed solution, with real-time performance and low power consumption being the target metrics. A first experiment validates the suitability of Xilinx’s Vitis-AI tool for the deployment of deep convolutional neural networks on FPGAs. Both the ResNet-18 and SqueezeNet neural networks are deployed to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 and Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGAs. The results show that both networks achieve far more than the real-time requirements while consuming low power. Compared to an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU, the performance per watt during both network’s inference is 12x and 47.8x higher and 15.1x and 26.6x higher respectively for the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 and the Versal ACAP VCK190 FPGA. These results are obtained with no drop in accuracy in the quantization step. A second experiment builds upon the results of the first by deploying a real-time application containing the SqueezeSegV3 model using the Semantic-KITTI dataset. A framerate of 11 Hz is achieved with a peak power consumption of 78 Watts. The quantization step results in a minimal accuracy and IoU degradation of 0.7 and 1.5 points respectively. A smaller version of the same model is also deployed achieving a framerate of 19 Hz and a peak power consumption of 76 Watts. The application performs semantic segmentation over all the point cloud with a field of view of 360°.Nos últimos anos a indústria automóvel tem cada vez mais aplicado deep learning para solucionar problemas de perceção. Dado que os sensores que produzem grandes quantidades de dados, como o LiDAR, se têm tornado standard, a tarefa de desenvolver aplicações de baixo consumo energético e com capacidades de reagir em tempo real tem-se tornado cada vez mais desafiante. Para obter a máxima eficiência computacional, deixou de ser possível focar-se apenas no software aquando do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação deixando de lado o hardware subjacente. Nesta tese, uma abordagem de desenvolvimento simultâneo de hardware e software é usada para implementar uma aplicação de inferência usando o SqueezeSegV3, uma rede neuronal convolucional profunda, na FPGA Versal ACAP VCK190. São os requisitos automotive que guiam o desenvolvimento da solução proposta, sendo a performance em tempo real e o baixo consumo energético, as métricas alvo principais. Uma primeira experiência valida a aptidão da ferramenta Vitis-AI para a implantação de redes neuronais convolucionais profundas em FPGAs. As redes ResNet-18 e SqueezeNet são ambas implantadas nas FPGAs Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 e Versal ACAP VCK190. Os resultados mostram que ambas as redes ultrapassam os requisitos de tempo real consumindo pouca energia. Comparado com a GPU NVIDIA RTX 3090, a performance por Watt durante a inferência de ambas as redes é superior em 12x e 47.8x e 15.1x e 26.6x respetivamente na Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104 e na Versal ACAP VCK190. Estes resultados foram obtidos sem qualquer perda de accuracy na etapa de quantização. Uma segunda experiência é feita no seguimento dos resultados da primeira, implantando uma aplicação de inferência em tempo real contendo o modelo SqueezeSegV3 e usando o conjunto de dados Semantic-KITTI. Um framerate de 11 Hz é atingido com um pico de consumo energético de 78 Watts. O processo de quantização resulta numa perda mínima de accuracy e IoU com valores de 0.7 e 1.5 pontos respetivamente. Uma versão mais pequena do mesmo modelo é também implantada, atingindo uma framerate de 19 Hz e um pico de consumo energético de 76 Watts. A aplicação desenvolvida executa segmentação semântica sobre a totalidade das nuvens de pontos LiDAR, com um campo de visão de 360°

    A decision support system for TV self-promotion scheduling

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    This paper describes a Decision Support System (DSS) that aims to plan and maintain the weekly self-promotion space for an over the air TV station. The self-promotion plan requires the assignment of several self-promotion advertisements to a given set of available time slots over a pre-specified planning period. The DSS consists of a data base, a statistic module, an optimization module, and a user interface. The input data is provided by the TV station and by an external audiometry company, which collects daily audience information. The statistical module provides estimates based on the data received from the audiometry company. The optimization module uses a genetic algorithm that can find good solutions quickly. The interface reports the solution and corresponding metrics and can also be used by the decision makers to manually change solutions and input data. Here, we report mainly on the optimization module, which uses a genetic algorithm (GA) to obtain solutions of good quality for realistic sized problem instances in a reasonable amount of time. The GA solution quality is assessed using the optimal solutions obtained by using a branch-and-bound based algorithm to solve instances of small size, for which optimality gaps below 1% are obtained.This research had the support of COMPETE-FEDERPORTUGAL2020-POCI-NORTE2020-FCT funding via grants POCI-01-0145-FEDER 031447 and 031821, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020, and PTDC-EEI-AUT-2933-2014|16858–TOCCATA

    A cluster-based approach using smartphone data for bike-sharing docking stations identification: Lisbon case study

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    Urban mobility is a massive issue in the current century, being widely promoted the need of adopting sustainable solutions regarding transportation within large urban centres. The evolution of technologies has democratised smart cities to better plan and manage their mobility solutions, without compromising the social, economic, and environmental impacts. Pursuing the carbon neutrality and the climate agreement goals, soft mobility is one of the most popular emerging methods to provide greener alternatives regarding mobility. Among these transportation modes are the bicycle, which has been widely used in several public systems across the world, one of them being in Lisbon. This article provides a decision support system for bike-sharing docking stations for three council parishes of the city, namely, Parque das Nações, Marvila, and Beato. Taking advantage of clustering methods and GSM data from a telecommunication operator, this study pretends to highlight a novel approach to identify soft mobility hotspots, in specific bike-sharing docking stations, for suited mobility management systems in Lisbon’s city centre.This research was funded by ANI—Agência Nacional de Inovação within the R&D Units Project Scope: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045919/2019