59 research outputs found

    NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Frontiers in Polymerization Catalysis and Polymer Synthesis

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    Due to their specific properties, polymers with well-defined structures have been receiving increasing attention over the last several years. Owing to the wide variability of their properties, these specialty polymers have been used in various areas from biomedical engineering to electronics or energy applications. The synthesis of such polymers necessi­ tates the use of new methods of polymerization which derived from an insight into the mechanism of polymerization reactions. A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Frontiers in Polymerization Catalysis and Polymer Synthesis" was held in BANDOl (FRANCE) in February 1987. Its aim was to assess the new polymerization methods, as well as the latest advances in the mechanisms of conventional polymerization reactions together with their applications to the synthesis of new macromolecular structures. The financial support from the NATO Scientific Affairs Division which covered the "lecturers' accomodation and travel expenses as well as the organization charges of this event gave it international scope. Several industrial companies participate at the meeting and contributed to it success. The organizors who are also editors of these proceedings, want to express their thanks to both NATO Scientific Affairs Division and the companies present at the meeting

    D'âge en âge

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    International audienc

    Characterization Of Monoterpene Biotransformation In Two Pseudomonads.

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    To study the metabolic profile of Pseudomonas rhodesiae and Pseudomonas fluorescens in water-organic solvent systems using terpene substrates for both growth and biotransformation processes and to determine the aerobic or anaerobic status of these degradation pathways. Substrates from pinene (alpha-pinene, alpha-pinene oxide, beta-pinene, beta-pinene oxide, turpentine) and limonene (limonene, limonene-1,2-oxide, orange peel oil) families were tested. For the bioconversion, the terpene-grown biomass was concentrated and used either as whole cells or as a crude enzymatic extract. Pseudomonas rhodesiae was the most suitable biocatalyst for the production of isonovalal from alpha-pinene oxide and did not metabolize limonene. Pseudomonas fluorescens was a more versatile micro-organism and metabolized limonene in two different ways. The first (anaerobic, cofactor-independent, noninducible) allowed limonene elimination by synthesizing alpha-terpineol. The second (aerobic, cofactor-dependent) involved limonene-1,2-oxide as an intermediate for energy production through a beta-oxidation process. Enzymatic isomerization of beta- to alpha-pinene was described for the first time for both strains. Alpha-terpineol production by P. fluorescens was very efficient and appeared as a promising alternative for the commercial production of this bioflavour.1051991-200

    Raizes, historias e horizontes politicos do gloca

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    L'articolo prende le mosse dall'emergere del neologismo "glocal" all'interno della lingua giapponese e nel lessico del marketing degli anni Ottanta fino al suo affermarsi nel discorso intellettuale ed accademico internazionale per ipotizzare che l’emergere di un nuovo segno sia causa ed effetto della riapertura del senso del divenire della cultura umana. In tal senso l’emersione del glocal offre la possibilità di ripensare alcune delle “radici” – fisiche, antropologiche, fenomenologiche - del mondo, ovvero quei dispositivi strutturali che hanno dato e danno forma alle nostre esistenze. La riscoperta di queste radici indirizzerà la ricerca verso nuovi percorsi, nuove “storie” – naturali, dominanti, immaginate – che hanno a che fare con i sistemi e i processi che hanno portato all’attuale configurazione del globo. Tutto ciò infine consentirà di focalizzare alcuni dei possibili “orizzonti” - ecologici, plurali, condivisi - del mondo contemporaneo. Orizzonti che chiamano in causa la dimensione politica delle nostre esistenze e le categorie attraverso cui pensare le forme dell'agire nel mondo e sul mondo