96 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción virtual del puente fortificado de la Media Luna (Cartagena de Indias) a través de herramientas digitales

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    [EN] Virtual reconstruction of the fortified bridge of the Media Luna (Cartagena de Indias) using digital toolsOne of the most important architectural pieces of the walled complex of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia was the so-called bridge of the Media Luna, whose first phase of construction dates back to 1628. Since its construction, the Media Luna underwent several reforms and was submitted to some projects aimed at strengthening its defensive capacity conceived by military engineers at the service of the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Jiménez Donoso and Antonio de Arévalo. Despite this, a complete plan of the bridge, demolished at the end of the nineteenth century, has not been preserved, and it was never completely photographed. This paper, as a product of a research project related to the genesis of construction techniques in Cartagena de Indias, presents a digital reconstruction of the Media Luna after gathering and analyzing cartographic information still preserved in archives, photographs taken shortly before the demolition of the bridge, as well as traveler stories, descriptions and drawings done by nineteenth century chroniclers. The integral visualization of the Media Luna and its surroundings offers new value to the bridge and contributes to the integral understanding of the fortified complex of Cartagena de Indias.Losada, K.; Galindo-Díaz, J.; Fontàs Serrat, J. (2020). Reconstrucción virtual del puente fortificado de la Media Luna (Cartagena de Indias) a través de herramientas digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 341-348. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11330OCS34134

    Quan estimar és delicte : dues històries de refugiats per motiu d'orientació sexual a Catalunya

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    El col·lectiu LGBTI ha estat tradicionalment vulnerat i discriminat arreu del món. Actualment encara hi ha països que penalitzen per llei tenir relacions sexuals consensuades entre persones adultes del mateix sexe, i inclús que s'ha permès la pena de mort per aquest motiu. És per això que moltes persones es veuen obligades a emigrar de casa seva i a demanar asil a altres països. Amb aquest treball recullo les històries de tres persones refugiades que van haver d'emigrar de Mali i Nicaragua cap a Catalunya, i totes les dificultats i entrebancs que aquesta migració comporta.El colectivo LGTBI ha estado tradicionalmente vulnerado y discriminado alrededor del mundo. Actualmente, hay países donde aún penalizan por ley tener relaciones sexuales consensuadas entre personas adultas del mismo sexo e incluso se ha permitido la pena de muerte por este motivo. Es por eso que muchas personas se ven obligadas a emigrar de su casa y pedir asilo a otros países. Con este trabajo recojo las historias de tres personas refugiadas que tuvieron que emigrar de Mali y de Nicaragua, y todas las dificultades que esta migración comporta.The LGBTI community has traditionally been discriminated and persecuted throughout the world. Currently, there are still countries that penalize consensual sexual relationships between adult people of the same sex by law. In some countries the death penalty is applicable. Many people are therefore forced to emigrate from their homes and seek asylum in other countries. With this report, I have compiled the stories of three refugees who were forced to emigrate from Mali and Nicaragua to Catalonia, and all the trouble and obstacles this migration has entailed

    Effect of different amendments on trace metal bioavailability in agricultural soils and metal uptake on lettuce evaluated by Diffusive Gradient in Thin Films

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    In this study, we have investigated the effect of two different organic amendments on trace metal transfer from soils to crops. Agricultural soils were mixed with (i) biochar (BC) at two levels (3% and 6%, w/w), and (ii) compost at one level (30%, w/w). Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was planted, and at the end of growth, trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were analysed in both plants and soil. To evaluate the bioavailability and mobility of labile trace metals, different methodologies were used, such as the diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT) technique, BCR sequential extraction and pore water extraction. It has been observed that the lettuces grown in soils with added compost, the amounts of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb was 1.7, 2.4, 1.3 and 3.7 times lower, respectively, than those found in lettuces planted in soils with no amendment. Moreover, the addition of 3% of BC reduced the uptake of Cr (24%) whereas a 6% of BC reduced Cr (55%) and Pb (50%) levels. Using the DGT technique in soils with different organic matter (OM) content, labile fractions of Cr, Cu and Pb were successfully correlated (p<0.05) with lettuce total metal concentrations. In conclusion, BCR sequential extraction and DGT method have shown similar efficiency in front other methodologies, although it seems that DGT-methodology is faster and more cost-effective method than sequential extraction for predicting metal uptake by plants.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy , Industry, and Competitiveness (MEIC) through research projects AGL2017-89518-R and CTM2016-78798-C2-2-P (AEI/ FEDER/UE), and MCIU through the project PID2019-107033GB-C22.Peer reviewe

    European second tier airports connectivity analysis: Study case considering potential long-haul low-cost flights

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    European air transport market and its growing tendency has led to an environment where all airports are facing fierce competition to attract connecting passengers and airlines. The potential development of long-haul low-cost carriers will be held by second tier airports, airports one step below hubs, in the future years. For this reason, the thesis aims to analyse the European second tier airports in terms of connectivity along with its evolution during the 2009-2017 period. The impact of long-haul low-cost flights into the connectivity values of European second tier airports will also be studied. To fulfil the objectives of the thesis, a connectivity analysis is done in terms of passenger accessibility and airport centrality applying the Netscan model. Once the different types of connectivity values are determined, a clustering is done to group similar airports. The historical connectivity levels are analysed following the previous clustering. Then a study case is done by comparing connectivity analysis results with the introduction of long-haul low-cost phantom flights. The main findings of the thesis conclude that there are significant differences between European second tier airports in terms of connectivity. Munich’s performance is better than all other second tier airports, even compared to airports with higher number of passengers like Barcelona, London Gatwick or even than major hubs like Madrid. European second tier airports are primarily focused on intra-European operations. The historical data of European second tier airports reveals that the period 2009-2017 has been satisfactory in terms of connectivity, growing 19% in direct connectivity and more than 30% for other types of connectivity. The study case exposes that it is too early to determine the implications of long-haul low-cost operations in terms of connectivity on the European market since most results are inconclusiv

    Benvinguda a la 1a Jornada Campus Aigua: Recerca i Territori

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    Acte de benvinguda a la Primera Jornada Campus Aigua: Recerca i Territori, a càrrec de Clàudia Fontàs, directora científica del Campus Aigu

    Estudi de la topologia de la xarxa de navegació aèria

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    En aquest estudi s'analitzaran les xarxes de navegació aèria per veure quina estructura tenen, zones més centrals, zones amb més densitat de tràfic, etc. S'utilitzaran algoritmes de teoria de xarxes per analitzar les dades proporcionades per EUROCONTROL
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