308 research outputs found

    The imprint of dark subhaloes on the circumgalactic medium

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    The standard model of cosmology, the LCDM model, robustly predicts the existence of a multitude of dark matter 'subhaloes' around galaxies like the Milky Way. A wide variety of observations have been proposed to look for the gravitational effects such subhaloes would induce in observable matter. Most of these approaches pertain to the stellar or cool gaseous phases of matter. Here we propose a new approach, which is to search for the perturbations that such dark subhaloes would source in the warm/hot circumgalactic medium (CGM) around normal galaxies. With a combination of analytic theory, carefully-controlled high-resolution idealised simulations, and full cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, we calculate the expected signal and how it depends on important physical parameters (subhalo mass, CGM temperature, and relative velocity). We find that dark subhaloes enhance the local CGM pressure, density, and temperature, in order of decreasing magnitude of the effect. For the pressure, the fluctuations can vary in magnitude from tens of percent (for subhaloes with M_sub=10^10 Msun) to a few percent (for subhaloes with M_sub=10^8 Msun), although this depends strongly on the CGM temperature. The subhaloes also induce fluctuations in the velocity field ranging in magnitude from a few km/s up to 25 km/s. We propose that X-ray, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, radio dispersion measure, and quasar absorption line observations can be used to measure these fluctuations and place constraints on the abundance and distribution of dark subhaloes, thereby placing constraints on the nature of dark matter

    The evolution of galaxy metallicity scaling relations in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations

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    The evolution of the metal content of galaxies and its relations to other global properties [such as total stellar mass (M*), circular velocity, star formation rate (SFR), halo mass, etc.] provides important constraints on models of galaxy formation. Here we examine the evolution of metallicity scaling relations of simulated galaxies in the Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation suite of cosmological simulations. We make comparisons to observations of the correlation of gas-phase abundances with M* (the mass-metallicity relation, MZR), as well as with both M* and SFR or gas mass fraction (the so-called 3D fundamental metallicity relations, FMRs). The simulated galaxies follow the observed local MZR and FMRs over an order of magnitude in M*, but overpredict the metallicity of massive galaxies (log M* > 10.5), plausibly due to inefficient feedback in this regime. We discuss the origin of the MZR and FMRs in the context of galactic outflows and gas accretion. We examine the evolution of mass-metallicity relations defined using different elements that probe the three enrichment channels (SNII, SNIa, and AGB stars). Relations based on elements produced mainly by SNII evolve weakly, whereas those based on elements produced preferentially in SNIa/AGB exhibit stronger evolution, due to the longer timescales associated with these channels. Finally, we compare the relations of central and satellite galaxies, finding systematically higher metallicities for satellites, as observed. We show this is due to the removal of the metal poor gas reservoir that normally surrounds galaxies and acts to dilute their gas-phase metallicity (via cooling/accretion onto the disk), but is lost due to ram pressure stripping for satellites

    The accretion of galaxies into groups and clusters

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    We use the galaxy stellar mass and halo merger tree information from the semi-analyticmodel galaxy catalogue of Font et al. (2008) to examine the accretion of galaxies into a large sample of groups and clusters, covering a wide range in halo mass (1012.9 to 1015.3 h−1 M⊙), and selected from each of four redshift epochs (z=0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5). We find that clusters at all examined redshifts have accreted a significant fraction of their final galaxy populations through galaxy groups. A 1014.5 h−1 M⊙ mass cluster at z=0 has, on average, accreted_ 40% of its galaxies (Mstellar > 109 h−1 M⊙) from halos with masses greater than 1013 h−1 M⊙. Further, the galaxies which are accreted through groups are more massive, on average, than galaxies accreted through smaller halos or from the field population. We find that at a given epoch, the fraction of galaxies accreted from isolated environments is independent of the final cluster or group mass. In contrast, we find that observing a cluster of the same halo mass at each redshift epoch implies different accretion rates of isolated galaxies, from 5-6 % per Gyr at z=0 to 15% per Gyr at z=1.5. We find that combining the existence of a Butcher Oemler effect at z=0.5 and the observations that galaxies within groups display significant environmental effects with galaxy accretion histories justifies striking conclusions. Namely, that the dominant environmental process must begin to occur in halos of 1012 – 1013 h−1 M⊙, and act over timescales of > 2 Gyrs. This argues in favor of a mechanism like “strangulation”, in which the hot halo of a galaxy is stripped upon infalling into a more massive halo . This simple model predicts that by z=1.5 galaxy groups and clusters will display little to no environmental effects. This conclusion may limit the effectiveness of red sequence cluster finding methods at high redshift

    Environment from cross-correlations: connecting hot gas and the quenching of galaxies

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    The observable properties of galaxies are known to depend on both internal processes and the external environment. In terms of the environmental role, we still do not have a clear picture of the processes driving the transformation of galaxies. This may be due to the fact that these environmental processes depend on local physical conditions (e.g., local tidal force or hot gas density), whereas observations typically probe only broad-brush proxies for these conditions (e.g., host halo mass, distance to the N^th nearest neighbour, etc.). Here we propose a new method that directly links galaxies to their local environments, by using spatial cross-correlations of galaxy catalogues with maps from large-scale structure surveys (e.g., thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich [tSZ] effect, diffuse X-ray emission, weak lensing of galaxies or the CMB). We focus here on the quenching of galaxies and its link to local hot gas properties. Maps of galaxy overdensity and quenched fraction excess are constructed from volume-limited SDSS catalogs, which are cross-correlated with maps of tSZ effect from Planck and X-ray emission from ROSAT. Strong signals out to Mpc scales are detected for all cross-correlations and are compared to predictions from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (the EAGLE and BAHAMAS simulations). The simulations successfully reproduce many, but not all, of the observed power spectra, with an indication that environmental quenching may be too efficient in the simulations. We demonstrate that the cross-correlations are sensitive to both the internal and external processes responsible for quenching. The methods outlined in this paper can be easily adapted to other observables and, with upcoming surveys, will provide a stringent direct test of physical models for environmental transformation

    The BAHAMAS project: the CMB--large-scale structure tension and the roles of massive neutrinos and galaxy formation

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    Recent studies have presented evidence for tension between the constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8 from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and measurements of large-scale structure (LSS). This tension can potentially be resolved by appealing to extensions of the standard model of cosmology and/or untreated systematic errors in the modelling of LSS, of which baryonic physics has been frequently suggested. We revisit this tension using, for the first time, carefully-calibrated cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, which thus capture the back reaction of the baryons on the total matter distribution. We have extended the BAHAMAS simulations to include a treatment of massive neutrinos, which currently represents the best motivated extension to the standard model. We make synthetic thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, weak galaxy lensing, and CMB lensing maps and compare to observed auto- and cross-power spectra from a wide range of recent observational surveys. We conclude that: i) in general there is tension between the primary CMB and LSS when adopting the standard model with minimal neutrino mass; ii) after calibrating feedback processes to match the gas fractions of clusters, the remaining uncertainties in the baryonic physics modelling are insufficient to reconcile this tension; and iii) invoking a non-minimal neutrino mass, typically of 0.2-0.4 eV (depending on the priors on the other relevant cosmological parameters and the datasets being modelled), can resolve the tension. This solution is fully consistent with separate constraints on the summed neutrino mass from the primary CMB and baryon acoustic oscillations, given the internal tensions in the Planck primary CMB dataset

    The BAHAMAS project: Effects of a running scalar spectral index on large-scale structure

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    Recent analyses of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the Lyman-alpha forest indicate a mild preference for a deviation from a power law primordial matter power spectrum (a so-called negative `running'). We use an extension to the BAHAMAS suite of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to explore the effects that a running scalar spectral index has on large-scale structure (LSS), using Planck CMB constraints to initialize the simulations. We focus on 5 key statistics: i) the non-linear matter power spectrum ii) the halo mass function; iii) the halo two-point auto correlation function; iv) total mass halo density profiles; and v) the halo concentration-mass relation. In terms of the matter power spectrum, we find that a running scalar spectral index affects all k-scales examined in this study, with a negative (positive) running leading to an amplification (suppression) of power. These effects should be easily detectable with upcoming surveys such as LSST and Euclid. In the mass range sampled, a positive running leads to an increase in the mass of galaxy groups and clusters, with the favoured negative running leading to a decrease in mass of lower-mass (M ~ 10^13 M_solar) halos. Changes in the mass are generally confined to 5-10% which, while not insignificant, cannot by itself reconcile the claimed tension between the primary CMB and cluster number counts. We find that running does not significantly affect the shapes of density profiles of matched halos, changing only their amplitude. Finally, we demonstrate that the observed effects on LSS due to a running scalar spectral index are separable from those of baryonic effects to typically a few percent precision

    The BAHAMAS project: Effects of dynamical dark energy on large-scale structure

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    In this work we consider the impact of spatially-uniform but time-varying dark energy (or `dynamical dark energy', DDE) on large-scale structure in a spatially flat universe, using large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that form part of the BAHAMAS project. As DDE changes the expansion history of the universe, it impacts the growth of structure. We explore variations in DDE that are constrained to be consistent with the cosmic microwave background. We find that DDE can affect the clustering of matter and haloes at the ~10% level (suppressing it for so-called `freezing' models, while enhancing it for `thawing' models), which should be distinguishable with upcoming large-scale structure surveys. DDE cosmologies can also enhance or suppress the halo mass function (with respect to LCDM) over a wide range of halo masses. The internal properties of haloes are minimally affected by changes in DDE, however. Finally, we show that the impact of baryons and associated feedback processes is largely independent of the change in cosmology and that these processes can be modelled separately to typically better than a few percent accurac

    Cosmological simulations of the formation of the stellar haloes around disc galaxies

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    We use the Galaxies-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation (gimic) suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to study the formation of stellar spheroids of Milky Way mass disc galaxies. The simulations contain accurate treatments of metal-dependent radiative cooling, star formation, supernova feedback and chemodynamics, and the large volumes that have been simulated yield an unprecedentedly large sample of ≈400 simulated ∼L* disc galaxies. The simulated galaxies are surrounded by low-mass, low surface brightness stellar haloes that extend out to ∼100 kpc and beyond. The diffuse stellar distributions bear a remarkable resemblance to those observed around the Milky Way, M31 and other nearby galaxies, in terms of mass density, surface brightness and metallicity profiles. We show that in situ star formation typically dominates the stellar spheroids by mass at radii of r≲ 30 kpc, whereas accretion of stars dominates at larger radii and this change in origin induces a change in the slope of the surface brightness and metallicity profiles, which is also present in the observational data. The system-to-system scatter in the in situ mass fractions of the spheroid, however, is large and spans over a factor of 4. Consequently, there is a large degree of scatter in the shape and normalization of the spheroid density profile within r≲ 30 kpc (e.g. when fitted by a spherical power-law profile, the indices range from −2.6 to −3.4). We show that the in situ mass fraction of the spheroid is linked to the formation epoch of the system. Dynamically, older systems have, on average, larger contributions from in situ star formation, although there is significant system-to-system scatter in this relationship. Thus, in situ star formation likely represents the solution to the long-standing failure of pure accretion-based models to reproduce the observed properties of the inner spheroid

    Differences in the properties of disrupted and surviving satellites of Milky-Way-mass galaxies in relation to their host accretion histories

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    From the chemo-dynamical properties of tidal debris in the Milky Way, it has been inferred that the dwarf satellites that have been disrupted had different chemical abundances from their present-day counterparts of similar mass that survive today, specifically, they had lower [Fe/H] and higher [Mg/Fe]. Here we use the ARTEMIS simulations to study the relation between the chemical abundances of disrupted progenitors of MW-mass galaxies and their stellar mass, and the evolution of the stellar mass - metallicity relations (MZR) of this population with redshift. We find that these relations have significant scatter, which correlates with the accretion redshifts (zacc) of satellites, and with their cold gas fractions. We investigate the MZRs of dwarf populations accreted at different redshifts and find that they have similar slopes, and also similar with the slope of the MZR of the surviving population (≈0.32). However, the entire population of disrupted dwarfs displays a steeper MZR, with a slope of ≈0.48, which can be explained by the changes in the mass spectrum of accreted dwarf galaxies with redshift. We find strong relations between the (mass-weighted) ⟨zacc⟩ of the disrupted populations and their global chemical abundances (⟨[Fe/H]⟩ and ⟨[Mg/Fe]⟩), which suggests that chemical diagnostics of disrupted dwarfs can be used to infer the types of merger histories of their hosts. For the case of the MW, our simulations predict that the bulk of the disrupted population was accreted at ⟨zacc⟩≈2, in agreement with other findings. We also find that disrupted satellites form and evolve in denser environments, closer to their hosts, than their present-day counterparts

    Merger-induced galaxy transformations in the ARTEMIS simulations

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    Using the ARTEMIS set of 45 high-resolution cosmological simulations, we investigate a range of merger-induced dynamical transformations of Milky Way-like galaxies. We first identify populations of accreted stars on highly radial orbits, similar to the ‘Gaia Sausage’ in the Milky Way. We show that ≈1/3 of the ARTEMIS galaxies contain a similar feature, and confirm that they usually comprise stellar debris from the most massive accreted satellite. Selecting 15 galaxies with discs at the present-day, we study their changes around the times of the GS-like mergers. Dark matter haloes of many of these exhibit global changes in shape and orientation, with almost half becoming significantly more spherical when the mergers occur. Focusing on the galaxies themselves, we find that 4/15 have stellar discs which experience large changes in the orientation of their angular momentum (AM) axes, at rates of up to ∼60 degrees Gyr−1. By calculating the orbital angular momentum axes of the satellites before they are accreted, we show that there is a tendency for the disc’s AM to become more aligned with this axis after the merger. We also investigate the origin of in situ retrograde stars, analogous to the ‘Splash’ in the Milky Way. Tracing them back to earlier snapshots, we demonstrate that they were often disrupted on to their extreme orbits by multiple early mergers. We also find that the total mass of these stars outside the central regions positively correlates with the total accreted stellar mass