64 research outputs found

    Obesity associated with coal ash inhalation triggers systemic inflammation and oxidative damage in the hippocampus of rats

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    People with large amounts of adipose tissue are more vulnerable and more likely to develop diseases where oxidative stress and inflammation play a pivotal role, than persons with a healthy weight. Atmospheric contamination is a reality to which a large part of the worldwide population is exposed. Half of today's global electrical energy is derived from coal. Each organism, in its complexity, responds in different ways to dietary compounds and air pollution. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of obesity and coal ash inhalation within the parameters of oxidative damage and inflammation in different regions of the brain of rats. A diet containing high-fat concentration was administered chronically to rats, along with exposure to coal ash, simulating the contamination that occurs daily throughout human life. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy was performed to identify the particles present in coal ash samples. Our results demonstrated that obese rats exposed to coal ash inhalation were more affected by oxidative damage with subsequent systemic inflammation in the hippocampus. Since there is an inflammatory predisposition caused by obesity, the inhalation of nanoparticles increases the levels of free radicals, resulting in systemic inflammation and oxidative damage, which can lead to chronic neurodegeneration

    Sex-dependent effect on mitochondrial and oxidative stress parameters in the hypothalamus induced by prepubertal stress and access to high fat diet

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    Objective: Some factors related to lifestyle, including stress and high-fat diet (HFD) consumption, are associated with higher prevalence of obesity. These factors can lead to an imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant defenses and to mitochondrial dysfunctions, which, in turn, could cause metabolic impairments, favoring the development of obesity. However, little is known about the interplay between these factors, particularly at early ages, and whether long-term sex-specific changes may occur. Here, we evaluated whether social isolation during the prepubertal period only, associated or not with chronic HFD, can exert long-term effects on oxidative status parameters and on mitochondrial function in the whole hypothalamus, in a sex-specific manner. Methods: Wistar male and female rats were divided into two groups (receiving standard chow or standard chow + HFD), that were subdivided into exposed or not to social isolation during the prepubertal period. Oxidative status parameters, and mitochondrial function were evaluated in the hypothalamus in the adult age. Results: Regarding antioxidant enzymes activities, HFD decreased GPx activity in the hypothalamus, while increasing SOD activity in females. Females also presented increased total thiols; however, non-protein thiols were lower. Main effects of stress and HFD were observed in TBARS levels in males, with both factors decreasing this parameter. Additionally, HFD increased complex IV activity, and decreased mitochondrial mass in females. Complex I-III activity was higher in males compared to females. Conclusion: Stress during the prepubertal period and chronic consumption of HFD had persistent sex-specific effects on oxidative status, as well as on its consequences for the cell and for mitochondrial function. HFD had more detrimental effects on females, inducing oxidative imbalance, which resulted in damage to the mitochondria. This HFD-induced imbalance may be related to the development of obesity

    Characterization of Blood Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: Increase in Lipid Peroxidation and SOD Activity

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    This study evaluated the oxidative stress through enzymatic and nonenzymatic biomarkers in diabetic patients with and without hypertension and prediabetics. The SOD and CAT (in erythrocytes) and GPx (in plasma) enzymatic activities, plasma levels of lipid peroxidation, and total thiols were measured in the blood of 55 subjects with type 2 diabetes and 38 subjects without diabetes (9 pre-diabetics and 29 controls) aged 40–86 years. The total SOD activity and the lipid peroxidation were higher in diabetics compared to nondiabetics. In stratified groups, the total SOD activity was different for the hypertensive diabetics compared to the prediabetics and normotensive controls. Lipid peroxidation was significantly higher in both groups of diabetics (hypertensive and normotensive) compared to prediabetic groups and hypertensive and normotensive controls. There was no significant difference in the CAT and GPx activities, as well as in the concentration of total thiols in the groups studied. Present data strongly suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of diabetes, revealing that the increased lipid peroxidation has a close relationship with high glucose levels, as observed by the fasting glucose and HbA1c levels. The results evidence the correlation between lipid peroxidation and DM, irrespective of the presence of hypertension

    Oral administration of carvacrol/β-cyclodextrin complex protects against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopaminergic denervation

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    Carvacrol (CARV) presents valuable biological properties such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. However, pharmacological uses of CARV are largely limited due to disadvantages related to solubility, bioavailability, preparation and storage processes. The complexation of monoterpenes with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) increases their stability, solubility and oral bioavailability. Here, the protective effect of oral treatment with CARV/β-CD complex (25 μg/kg/day) against dopaminergic (DA) denervation induced by unilateral intranigral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA - 10 μg per rat) was analyzed, in order to evaluate a putative application in the development of neuroprotective therapies for Parkinson's disease (PD). Pretreatment with CARV/β-CD for 15 days prevented the loss of DA neurons induced by 6-OHDA in adult Wistar rats. This effect may occur through CARV anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as the pretreatment with CARV/β-CD inhibited the release of IL-1β and TNF-α; besides, CARV prevented the increase of mitochondrial superoxide production induced by 6-OHDA in cultured SH-SY5Y cells. Importantly, hepatotoxicity or alterations in blood cell profile were not observed with oral administration of CARV/β-CD. Therefore, this study showed a potential pharmacological application of CARV/β-CD in PD using a non-invasive route of drug delivery, i.e., oral administration

    Neurobehavioral And Oxidative Stress Alterations Following Methylmercury And Retinyl Palmitate Co-Administration In Pregnant And Lactating Rats And Their Offspring

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    Fish consumption and ubiquitous methylmercury (MeHg) exposure represent a public health problem globally. Micronutrients presented in fish affects MeHg uptake/distribution. Vitamin A (VitA), another fish micronutrient is used in nutritional supplementation, especially during pregnancy. However, there is no information about the health effects arising from their combined exposure. The present study aimed to examine the effects of both MeHg and retinyl palmitate administered to pregnant and lactating rats. Thirty Wistar female rats were orally supplemented with MeHg (0,5 mg/Kg/day) and retinyl palmitate (7500 μg RAE1/Kg/day), either individually or in combination from the gestational day 0 to weaning. In dams, maternal behavior was scored. In neonatal and infant offspring, associative learning and neurodevelopment were evaluated. Further periadolescent male and female pups were assessed for open field, habituation and object recognition using episodic-like memory paradigm. Maternal and offspring redox parameters were evaluated. Our results showed no effects of MeHg-VitA co-administration in the quality of maternal care but showed subtle alterations in the pro-oxidant response of the hippocampus. In offspring, MeHg-VitA co-exposure affected early associative learning in neonatal pups, with no further modifications in neurodevelopment, and no locomotor or exploratory alterations in later developmental stages. Habituation was altered in a sex-dependent manner, but no overall memory disturbances were encountered

    The effects of retinol oral supplementation in 6-hydroxydopamine dopaminergic denervation model in Wistar rats

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    Vitamin A (retinol) is involved in signaling pathways regulating gene expression and was postulated to be a major antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound of the diet. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons, involving oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory activation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effects of retinol oral supplementation against 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA, 12 μg per rat) nigrostriatal dopaminergic denervation in Wistar rats. Animals supplemented with retinol (retinyl palmitate, 3000 IU/kg/day) during 28 days exhibited increased retinol content in liver, although circulating retinol levels (serum) were unaltered. Retinol supplementation did not protect against the loss of dopaminergic neurons (assessed through tyrosine hydroxylase immunofluorescence and Western blot). Retinol supplementation prevented the effect of 6-OHDA on Iba-1 levels but had no effect on 6-OHDA-induced GFAP increase. Moreover, GFAP levels were increased by retinol supplementation alone. Rats pre-treated with retinol did not present oxidative damage or thiol redox modifications in liver, and the circulating levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 were unaltered by retinol supplementation, demonstrating that the protocol used here did not cause systemic toxicity to animals. Our results indicate that oral retinol supplementation is not able to protect against 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic denervation, and it may actually stimulate astrocyte reactivity without altering parameters of systemic toxicity

    Guarana supplementation attenuated obesity, insulin resistance, and adipokines dysregulation induced by a standardized human Western diet via brown adipose tissue activation

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    Obesity is a metabolic disorder associated with adverse health consequences that has increased worldwide at an epidemic rate. This has encouraged many people to utilize nonprescription herbal supplements for weight loss without knowledge of their safety or efficacy. However, mounting evidence has shown that some herbal supplements used for weight loss are associated with adverse effects. Guarana seed powder is a popular nonprescription dietary herb supplement marketed for weight loss, but no study has demonstrated its efficacy or safety when administered alone. Wistar rats were fed four different diets (low‐fat diet and Western diet with or without guarana supplementation) for 18 weeks. Metabolic parameters, gut microbiota changes, and toxicity were then characterized. Guarana seed powder supplementation prevented weight gain, insulin resistance, and adipokine dysregulation induced by Western diet compared with the control diet. Guarana induced brown adipose tissue expansion, mitochondrial biogenesis, uncoupling protein‐1 overexpression, AMPK activation, and minor changes in gut microbiota. Molecular docking suggested a direct activation of AMPK by four guarana compounds tested here. We propose that brown adipose tissue activation is one of the action mechanisms involved in guarana supplementation‐ induced weight loss and that direct AMPK activation may underlie this mechanism. In summary, guarana is an attractive potential therapeutic agent to treat obesity

    Extracellular superoxide dismutase is necessary to maintain renal blood flow during sepsis development

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    Background: Extracellular superoxide dismutase (ECSOD) protects nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability by decreasing superoxide levels and preventing peroxynitrite generation, which is important in maintaining renal blood flow and in preventing acute kidney injury. However, the profile of ECSOD expression after sepsis is not fully understood. Therefore, we intended to evaluate the content and gene expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms in the renal artery and their relation to renal blood flow. Methods: Sepsis was induced in Wistar rats by caecal ligation and perforation. Several times after sepsis induction, renal blood flow (12, 24 and 48 h); the renal arterial content of SOD isoforms, nitrotyrosine, endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase (e-NOS and i-NOS), and phosphorylated vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (pVASP); and SOD activity (3, 6 and 12 h) were measured. The influence of a SOD inhibitor was also evaluated. Results: An increase in ECSOD content was associated with decreased 3-nitrotyrosine levels. These events were associated with an increase in pVASP content and maintenance of renal blood flow. Moreover, previous treatment with a SOD inhibitor increased nitrotyrosine content and reduced renal blood flow. Conclusions: ECSOD appears to have a major role in decreasing peroxynitrite formation in the renal artery during the early stages of sepsis development, and its application can be important in renal blood flow control and maintenance during septic insult

    A influência do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de covid-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Introduction: With the arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) pandemic in Brazil, especially in the city of São Paulo, there was a need to apply social isolation policies associated with testing, covering all municipalities. The Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Centro Universitário FMABC was one of the first laboratories to receive certification and qualification to perform RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase reaction followed by polymerase chain reaction) tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Objective: Aim to analyze the influence of adopting social isolation on the incidence of positivity in COVID-19 tests in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: a descriptive study carried out from March to May 2020, epidemiological data were collected from each unit served and organized by the data controllership team of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of FMABC. Epidemiological, demographic, and laboratory data were extracted from the Matrix® outpatient data management system. Clinically suspected cases and confirmed by laboratory tests (RT-PCR and serological tests) were entered. The tests were divided into serological tests using the RT-PCR molecular test, on samples of nasopharyngeal mucosal scrapings collected with sterile Swab. Results: It were evaluated PCR test and antibody presence (IgA, IgM and IgG) in blood samples of 16.297 patients. 22.718 tests were performed for the diagnosis of COVID-19, both RT-PCR (10.410 tests) and serological tests to detect anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, IgA, IgM and IgG, a total of 16.297 patients were assessed, 63% women and 37% men. It was observed that the social isolation policies adopted during this period contained the massive expansion of contamination, at least while the social isolation rates were above 55%. Conclusion: The data of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of social isolation in containing the positive contamination of SARS-CoV-2 in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, at least for the first three months.Introdução: com a chegada da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus 2 da síndrome respiratória aguda grave) ao Brasil, especialmente na cidade de São Paulo, houve a necessidade de aplicar medidas de distanciamento social associado a testagem, que abrangesse todos os municípios. A região metropolitana de São Paulo compreende 39 municípios e possui uma rede de laboratórios habilitados a realizar a testagem para a detecção do coronavírus, tanto testes sorológicos quanto moleculares. O Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Centro Universitário ABC/FMABC foi um dos primeiros laboratórios a receber a certificação e habilitação para realizar os testes RT-PCR (reação da transcriptase reversa seguida pela reação em cadeia da polimerase) na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Objetivo: analisar a influência da adoção do isolamento social na incidência de positividade nos testes de COVID-19 em região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Método: estudo descritivo realizado no período de março a maio de 2020, os dados epidemiológicos foram coletados de cada unidade atendida e organizada pela equipe de controladoria de dados do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas da FMABC. Os dados epidemiológicos, demográficos e laboratoriais foram extraídos do sistema Matrix® de gerenciamento de dados ambulatoriais. Foram inseridos os casos clinicamente suspeitos e confirmados por testes de laboratório (RT-PCR e testes sorológicos). Os testes foram divididos em testes sorológicos no teste molecular RT-PCR, em amostras de raspado de mucosa nasofaríngea coletada com Swab estéril. Resultados: foram avaliados o teste de RT-PCR e a presença de anticorpos (IgA, IgM e IgG) em amostras de sangue de 16.297 pacientes. Foram realizados 22.718 testes para o diagnóstico de COVID-19, tanto RT-PCR (10.410 testes), quanto testes sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos anti-SARS-CoV-2, IgA, IgM e IgG, um total de 16.297 pacientes foram avaliados, 63% mulheres e 37% homens. Observou-se que as políticas de isolamento social adotadas nesse período continham a expansão massiva da contaminação, pelo menos enquanto as taxas de isolamento social eram superiores a 55%. Conclusão: nossos dados demonstraram a efetividade do isolamento social na retenção da positividade da contaminação do SARS-CoV-2 nas cidades contempladas pelo serviço de testagem do Centro Universitário Saúde ABC, pelo menos nos três primeiros meses

    Antinociceptive action and redox properties of citronellal, an essential oil present in lemongrass

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    This is a copy of an article published in the Journal of Medicinal Food© 2011 - copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Journal of Medicinal Food is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.comCitronellal (CT) is a monoterpenoid and the major constituent of the mixture of terpenoids that give the citronella oil its lemon scent. Citronella oil is widely used around the world for various purposes and is mainly obtained from plants of the Cymbopogon genus, which are known as “lemongrass.” Considering these plants have been used worldwide for various medicinal purposes, the interest of researchers to understand the biological activities of monoterpenoids related to the Cymbopogon genus has been increasing. In the present work, we investigated the antinociceptive action and the redox properties of CT. Our results indicate that intraperitoneal injection of CT was effective in reducing nociceptive face-rubbing behavior in both phases of the formalin test, which was also naloxone-sensitive. CT also evoked antinociceptive response in the capsaicin and glutamate tests. The total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter and total antioxidant reactivity assays indicate that CT at doses of 0.1 and 1 mg/mL exerts a significant antioxidant activity, which is probably related to its ability to scavenge superoxide and nitric oxide, but not H2O2 or hydroxyl radicals, as evaluated separately by specific in vitro tests. These results show for the first time the antinociceptive potential of CT and indicate that the antioxidant properties of this compound may rely on its mechanism of biological actions because CT-containing natural products are used to treat various diseases related to oxidative stress and reactive species