157 research outputs found

    Impact of Supplier Management Strategies on the Organizational Performance of ISO 9001 Certified Organizations

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to discuss the impact of Supplier orientation and the resulting Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach, on the organizational performance of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems certified organizations. Methodology/Approach: Following a literature review, a full structural conceptual model was proposed. An online survey was administered to managers of Portuguese organizations with certified ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. Descriptive Statistics and Structural Model Equations were used to validate the proposed conceptual model. Findings: There are positive relationships between Organization Strategy and Supplier Orientation, between Supplier Orientation and Stakeholders Satisfaction, and between Stakeholders Satisfaction and Organizational Performance Orientation, supporting ISO 9001:2015. These findings provide insights that supplier orientation, mediated by stakeholder satisfaction, is an essential tool for organizational competitive sustainable advantage. Research Limitation/implication: The analysis was based on managers of ISO 9001 certified organizations perceptions, so additional studies with actual data and longitudinal studies should be useful for further validation. Originality/Value of paper: The importance of the overall organizational ecosystem is highlighted with potential impact on the more than 1 Million ISO 9001 organizations certified worldwide and in their suppliers

    CBmeter- a new medical device for early screening of metabolic diseases

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a highly prevalent disease worldwide which is asymptomatic in about 44% of patients being critical to search for new ways of early diagnosis. Recent studies have demonstrated that the etiology of this disease may be associated with alterations in the function of the carotid body (CB), a chemosensor organ located within the bifurcation of the carotid artery. In animal models of metabolic syndrome it was observed that the CBs are overactivated, underlying diseases such as obesity, hypertension and T2DM. This discovery provided a new paradigm in the neuroendocrinology field, suggesting that diagnostic function of the CBs has predictive value for the development of metabolic diseases. Despite this fact, it is not common in clinical practice to look at the CBs as organs associated with endocrine dysfunction and we believe this is probably due to the nonexistence of a user-friendly, portable medical device that diagnosis the function of the CBs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoção da adesão à prevenção do cancro da próstata. Intervenções de Enfermagem no centro de Saúde de Ribeira de Craquinha

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    O Cancro da Próstata é a neoplasia maligna que mais comummente afeta os homens em Cabo Verde, ocupando o terceiro lugar entre das causas de mortalidade por cancro entre os homens. Essa prevalência acompanha a tendência mundial de aumento das doenças crónicas não transmissíveis motivado pela adoção de estilos de vida não-saudáveis e por comportamentos de não procura de saúde. O aumento da incidência e da morbidade do cancro da próstata, sobretudo nos últimos anos, constitui um sério problema de saúde pública em Cabo Verde. Vários são os fatores que poderão estar por trás desses números, destacando-se de entre eles a resistência por parte dos homens em aderir à prevenção e à deteção precoce do cancro da próstata, quer por insuficiência de informações, quer por preconceitos presentes na nossa sociedade relacionados com a questão. O presente trabalho pretende abordar a problemática a jusante, isto é, pretende realçar a necessidade da enfermagem desenvolver estratégias para a promoção da adesão à prevenção, detetando precocemente o cancro da próstata. Por esta razão, este estudo propõe-se identificar os obstáculos que impedem os homens a aderir ao diagnóstico precoce do cancro da próstata na comunidade de Ribeira de Craquinha. A atuação da Enfermagem junto à comunidade na realização de trabalhos preventivos e promocionais de saúde torna-se imprescindível quando a questão é atingir os objetivos que permeiam os níveis de prevenção primária. Para alcançar o objetivo utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa do tipo exploratório com uma abordagem fenomenológica utilizando como instrumento de recolha de dados a entrevista estruturada que foi aplicada a quatro (4) enfermeiros do centro da Ribeira de Craquinha. Os resultados evidenciaram que os profissionais de saúde devem dar mais atenção à saúde do homem e apostar mais nas estratégias para a consciencialização na prevenção do cancro da próstata. Também ao longo dos resultados constatamos que os homens por vergonha de expor o seu corpo aos profissionais de saúde, muito pouco procuram o sistema de saúde

    Políticas públicas de incentivo à produção de eletricidade renovável

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    O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar se as medidas/políticas públicas de incentivo às Energias Renováveis são um fator importante na geração de Eletricidade por fontes de Energia Renovável. Este trabalho demostra teórica e testa empiricamente se as políticas públicas ou a sua agregação são um fator importante no desenvolvimento de Energias Renováveis. A Eletricidade gerada por fontes de Energia Renovável é estudada, através da análise de um painel de 21 países da União Europeia durante um período temporal de 1990 a 2009. A análise empírica foi estimada usando efeitos fixos e efeitos aleatórios. Reforça-se o estudo empírico de Marques e Fuinhas (2012) e realça-se o facto de a categoria dos Incentivos/Subsídios ser a categoria que melhor contribui para a implementação sustentada da Energia Renovável, mais precisamente o instrumento de Tarifas Feed-in.The main goal of this work is to evaluate if the public measures/politics of incitement for renewable energies are an important factor in the production of electricity by sources of Renewable Energy. This work shows, theoretically and empirically, that the public politics or their association is an important factor in the development of these Renewable Energies. Electricity produced by sources of Renewable Energy is studied through the analysis of a panel of 21 countries of the “European Union” in a temporal period from 1990 to 2009. The empirical analysis was estimated using fixed effects and random effects. The empirical study of Marques and Fuinhas (2012) reinforces and emphasizes the fact that the category that better contributes to a sustainable implementation of Renewable Energy is the category of incentives/subsidies, more precisely; the instrument of Feed-in Tariffs

    Development of a mixed-meal that impacts carotid-body mediated cardiorespiratory and metabolic parameters - a pilot study

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    The carotid bodies (CB) have been recently implicated in the genesis of metabolic diseases in animal models. The CBs respond to circulating insulin to increase heart rate, respiratory rate and blood glucose levels. In humans, this mechanism is not well characterized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Countries three wise men: sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness

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    Purpose: The studies on links between sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness have been mainly focused at organizational and business level. The purpose of this research is to investigate if there is a correlation between these three variables at country level. Using international well recognized rankings of countries sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness, correlation analysis was performed allowing for the conclusion that there are indeed high correlations (and possible relationships) between the three variables at country level. Design/methodology/approach: Sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness literature were reviewed identifying a lack of studies examining these three variables at country level. Three major well recognized indexes were used to support the quantitative research: The World Economic Forum (2013) Sustainability-adjusted global competitiveness index, the Global Innovation Index (2014) issued by Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO and the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (2014). After confirming the distributions normality, Pearson correlation analysis was made with results showing high linear correlations between the three indexes. Findings: The results of the correlation analysis using Pearson correlation coefficient (all correlation coefficients are greater than 0.73) give a strong support to the conclusion that there is indeed a high correlation (and a possible relationship) between social sustainability, innovation and competitiveness at country level. Research limitations/implications: Further research is advisable to better understand the factors that contribute to the presented results and to establish a global paradigm linking these three main constructs (social sustainability, innovation, and competitiveness). Some authors consider that these measurements are not fully supported (e.g. due to different countries standards), however, it is assumed these differing underlying methodological approaches, by being used in conjunction, can be considered as a set of reliable and useful performance indicators. Practical implications: The results highlight the simultaneous relationship between social sustainability, innovation and competitiveness superior performance and the need to take that these considerations into business and operating models. Social implications: This research suggests that sustainability and innovation policies, strategies and practices are relevant for countries competitiveness and should be promoted particularly in countries ranked low on sustainability and innovation global scoring indexes. Originality/value: This is one of the few studies addressing the relationships between sustainability, innovation and competitiveness at country level.Peer Reviewe

    Conservação dos vertebrados terrestres das Flores e do Corvo

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    XIII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores e Corvo 2007.As Flores e o Corvo encontram-se mais afastadas dos continentes mais próximos (Europeu e Africano) do que as restantes ilhas do Arquipélago dos Açores. Consequentemente são as que suportam menor biodiversidade. No entanto, o facto de apresentarem alguma diversidade de habitats naturais constitui um factor que minimiza a redução de biodiversidade. Para além disso o baixo número de habitantes por Km2 (28 - Flores e 25 - Corvo) diminui, de um modo geral, a pressão humana sobre os diferentes habitats naturais. Aquelas ilhas podem, como resultado, constituir um reservatório natural por excelência para a ocorrência de espécies raras de vertebrados, que se deslocam com autonomia no meio aéreo, como as aves e os morcegos. Consequentemente, as mesmas ilhas, podem contribuir para a coexistência de espécies com distribuição mundial restrita como o cagarro (Calonectris diomedea borealis), de espécies migratórias provenientes dos continentes Americano ou Europeu, de espécies ameaçadas, ou de espécies que se encontram, nos Açores, no limite da sua distribuição geográfica mundial, como é o caso de algumas espécies de aves pertencentes aos Procellariformes

    Characterising project management of lean initiatives in industrial companies - crossing perspectives based on case studies

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    The paper mainly aims to characterise project management (PM) practices of industrial Lean initiatives by analysing and comparing three main topics: PM approaches, PM teams, and project alignment with the company's strategy. This research encompasses two exploratory industrial case studies with an extensive literature review. Key professionals were interviewed to obtain an in-depth vision of the field. The study results allowed characterising project management practices of industrial Lean initiatives in industrial companies based on the following dimensions: 1. Understand the needs; 2. Find a suitable team; 3. Use visual tools; 4. Apply a continuous improvement (CI) approach; 5. Identify KPIs for the context; 6. Get support from the top management. This work fills a gap related to studying the PM practices applied during the implementation of Lean initiatives, proposing a schematic representation of PM variables and actors in industrial Lean initiatives. Identifying the main variables and actors that industrial companies use to develop Lean initiatives can be insightful for Lean practitioners in the context of project management.This work was partially supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020