78 research outputs found

    Brain-Computer Interfaces for patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Electroencephalographic (EEG) brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) hold promise to restore communication with completely locked-in (CLIS) patients with Amy- otrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). However, these patients cannot use existing EEG- based BCIs, possibly because such systems rely on brain processes that are im- paired in ALS. We propose to use for BCI for ALS patients high cognitive processes connected to consciousness, because ALS patients should be able to use such BCI as long as they are fully conscious. We introduce a BCI based on neurofeedback from precuneus, brain area linked to consciousness. We describe two cases of successful use of the BCI by ALS patients, with stable online performance over the course of disease progression. Additionally, we show that training time can be improved by replacing the neurofeedback with direct instructions, contrasting self-referential and neutral thoughts. We further investigate self-referential think- ing in ALS and find differences in the EEG correlates of self-referential thinking between ALS and healthy controls. This finding raises the question of awareness and consciousness in CLIS ALS. We propose a method that may serve as basis for consciousness detection in CLIS ALS patients: EEG-based identification of the Default Mode Network (DMN), brain resting-state network closely linked to consciousness

    Differentiation of a Criminal Procedural form as a Condition of Development of Modern Legislation

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    The purpose of the article is to study the current state of differentiation of a criminal procedural form as one of the conditions of legislation development. To this end, the tasks are as follows: 1) to analyze scientific periodicals devoted to the problem of definition of the concept of "procedural form" and "differentiation of procedural form"; 2) to distinguish the differentiated forms of pre-trial investigation and judicial proceedings on the basis of a systematic examination of the current criminal procedural legislation. While writing the article, a set of general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge was used, namely: historical-legal, dialectical, formal-legal and system-structural method. The interrelated application of these methods led to the science-based conclusions and suggestions. The article presents scientific points of view regarding the interpretation of the concept of "criminal procedural form" and "differentiation of procedural form", which made it possible to state the lack of unity of their understanding. Legal understanding of the essence of criminal procedural form is not only theoretical, but also applied, because: first, it is the key to achieve the tasks of criminal proceedings; secondly, it guarantees the implementation of the principles of criminal proceedings and respect for the rights of the participants in the proceedings; third, its violation leads to the inadmissibility of evidence. In the context of the development of criminal procedural legislation differentiated forms of pre-trial investigation and judicial proceedings are of great importance. The latter also provide an additional guarantee for a particular category of persons (e.g. juveniles, persons who have committed a socially dangerous act in the state of insanity, etc.). Based on an analysis of the CPC of Ukraine, particular and special differentiated forms of pre-trial investigation and court proceedings are distinguished

    Additional education in the system of professional training of university students

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    The article reflects the results of the implementation of a theoretical and experimental approach to understanding the role of additional education in the professional development of university students. Considering additional education as an element of the continuing education system, we believe that it is the activation of the development of additional education programs for university students, as well as the creation of conditions for effective implementation in the educational process, that will allow us to realize the main task of further education, as defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, - education of a creative person, ready for self-development and self-determination. At the same time, the study we organized showed that only a little more than 50% of the students who took part in our study are positively oriented towards receiving additional education. In order to stimulate students' interest in obtaining additional education, including, within the framework of optimizing their professional development, we propose to focus on “immersing” students in research activities

    Kako spavaš, moj voljeni psu? Zdrav san psa ljubimca čimbenik je dobrobiti - pregledni članak

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    Pets living in urban agglomerations are subject to numerous risk factors that provoke health problems. One of these factors is a violation of the “wakefulness-sleep” cycle. A sleep-deprived animal is in a state of serious stress, since this condition is more difficult to tolerate than food deprivation, making the animal more susceptible to health decline factors. Due to this problem, sleep hygiene plays an important role in ensuring the wellfare of pet dogs. The article provides an overview of modern studies on the specificities of the sleep-wake cycles in domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris L.). Modern data on the general physiology of mammal sleep, especially pet dogs, are examined. Methods to analyses the features of the sleep cycles of dogs and their possible disorders are given. Also, we discuss the influence of co-sleeping of a person and a dog on the quality of sleep of both.Kućni ljubimci koji žive u urbanim sredinama podložni su brojnim čimbenicima rizika koji mogu prouzročiti zdravstvene tegobe. Jedan od tih čimbenika jest i remećenje ciklusa budnostispavanja. Životinja je s nedostatkom sna u stanju ozbiljnog stresa, jer se ovo stanje podnosi teže od nedostatka hrane, stoga jer je životinja podložnija uzrocima koji narušavaju zdravlje. Zbog nedostatka sna, higijena spavanja ima važnu ulogu u osiguravanju dobrobiti psa ljubimca. U ovom članku dat je pregled suvremenih istraživanja o Kako spavaš, moj voljeni psu? Zdrav san psa ljubimca čimbenik je dobrobiti posebnostima važnosti ciklusa spavanja-budnosti domaćih pasa (Canis lupus familiaris L.). U članku se istražuju suvremeni podatci o općoj fiziologiji spavanja sisavaca, a posebice obiteljskih pasa. Prikazane su i metode za analizu karakteristika ciklusa spavanja psa i njegovih mogućih poremećaja, a u članku se napominje i utjecajzajedničkog spavanja vlasnika i psa na kvalitetu snavlasnika i psa (ljubimca)

    Clustering as an integration pattern of business activity

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    The article deals with the analysis of business activity of companies and suggests the clustering as a key integration pattern of the central and peripheral region areas. Prerequisites of clustering formation and development are considered in the article. Moreover, the authors stressed that clustering increases the investment prospects of both the industry and the region.peer-reviewe

    Extradition of a person: the national law of Ukraine and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

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    This article aims at establishing and emulating the relevant issues surrounding the detention of person presumed of committing a criminal offense outside the territory of Ukraine in respect with the provisions adumbrated by the European Court of Human Rights. The study was conducted through the prism of the national legislation and the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The article articulates, that as far Ukrainian national law and the European Court of Human Rights is concerned, handling issues of detention outside the Ukrainian territory is complimentary. It is the opinion that, the legal basis for the extradition of persons who have committed a crime outside the territory of Ukraine has been determined. It is emphasized that in this case the generally accepted norms and principles of international law conforming with national law of each member state that has ratified relevant international treaty, are important. The peculiarities of the normative regulation of detention of a person who has committed a criminal offense outside the territory of Ukraine enshrined in the current criminal procedure legislation, are analyzed. It is emphasized that during the law enforcement practice the problem is a clear definition of the grounds for detention of a person wanted by the competent authority of a foreign state. The issues of realization of the detainee's rights, including the right to protection, were considered separately. According to the results of the study, certain ways to improve the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine have been formulated

    Манипуляция как форма проявления насилия В семье: эмпирический подход к рассмотрению проблемы

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    The article reflects the results of an empirical understanding of the problem of the manipulative interaction of children in relation to their parents. Based on the results of using the method of theoretical analysis and appealing to the works of both foreign - E. Bern, F. Zimbardo, R. Krauta, D. Price, M. Smith, R. Cialdini, E. Shostroma, and domestic – Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kara-Murza S., Kozachek O.V., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova O.B., Scherban E. and many other scientists, we believe that manipulation as a behavioral manifestation of people towards each other, can be considered not only as a form of influence and pressure, but also as a manifestation of violence. Of particular relevance are issues related to the manipulative interaction of parents in relation to their children and children in relation to their parents (the work of Bern E., Zimbardo F., Kraut R., Price D., Smith M., Shostroma E., Caldini R., etc.); Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kozachek O.V., Kara-Murza S., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova OB, Scherban E., etc.). Based on our analysis of research in the field of interest, we formulate the assumption that children manipulators grow in those families in which parents actively use this form of influence on others. In order to confirm or refute this assumption, we have developed a monitoring program, the implementation of which suggests that our hypothesis is confirmed. It is in those families that use ineffective contacts and forms of interaction with their children (and manipulation, we refer to this category of contacts), children grow up as manipulators, actively applying this form of violent influence on their parents.El artículo refleja los resultados de una comprensión empírica del problema de la interacción manipuladora de los niños en relación con sus padres. Basado en los resultados del uso del método de análisis teórico y atractivo para los trabajos de ambos extranjeros: E. Bern, F. Zimbardo, R. Krauta, D. Price, M. Smith, R. Cialdini, E. Shostroma y domésticos. - Afanasieva VA, Bravoslavska SV, Dotsenko EL, Kara-Murza S., Kozachek OV, Orlova LV, Chesnokova OB, Scherban E. y muchos otros científicos, creemos que la manipulación como una manifestación conductual de las personas entre sí, puede considerarse no solo como una forma de influencia y presión, sino también como una manifestación de violencia. De particular relevancia son los temas relacionados con la interacción manipuladora de los padres en relación con sus hijos y los niños en relación con sus padres (el trabajo de Bern E., Zimbardo F., Kraut R., Price D., Smith M., Shostroma E ., Caldini R., etc.); Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kozachek O.V., Kara-Murza S., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova OB, Scherban E., etc.). Con base en nuestro análisis de investigación en el campo de interés, formulamos la suposición de que los manipuladores de niños crecen en aquellas familias en las que los padres usan activamente esta forma de influencia en los demás. Para confirmar o refutar esta suposición, hemos desarrollado un programa de monitoreo, cuya implementación sugiere que nuestra hipótesis está confirmada. Es en esas familias que usan contactos ineficaces y formas de interacción con sus hijos (y manipulación, nos referimos a esta categoría de contactos), los niños crecen como manipuladores, aplicando activamente esta forma de influencia violenta en sus padres.В статье отражены результаты эмпирического осмысления проблемы манипулятивного взаимодействия детей по отношению к своим родителям. Основываясь на результатах использования метода теоретического анализа и апеллируя к работам как зарубежных-Э. Берн, Ф. Зимбардо, Р. краута, Д. Прайс, М. Смит, Р. Чалдини, Е. Шостром, так и отечественных-Афанасьева В. А., Бравославская С. В., Доценко Е. Л., Кара-Мурза С., Козачек О. В., Орлова Л. В., Чеснокова О. Б., Щербань Е. и многие другие ученые, мы считаем, что манипуляция как поведенческое проявление людей по отношению друг к другу, может рассматриваться не только как форма влияния и давления, но и как проявление насилия. Особую актуальность приобретают вопросы, связанные с манипулятивным взаимодействием родителей по отношению к своим детям и детей по отношению к своим родителям (работы Берна Э., Зимбардо Ф., краута Р., Прайса Д., Смита М., Шострома Е., Кальдини р. и др.); Афанасьева В. А., Бравославская С. В., Доценко Е. Л., Козачек О. В., Кара-Мурза С., Орлова Л. В., Чеснокова О. Б., Щербань Е. и др.). На основе проведенного нами анализа исследований в интересующей нас области сформулировано предположение о том, что дети-манипуляторы растут в тех семьях, в которых родители активно используют эту форму воздействия на окружающих. Для того, чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть это предположение, мы разработали программу мониторинга, реализация которого предполагает, что наша гипотеза подтверждается. Именно в тех семьях, которые используют неэффективные контакты и формы взаимодействия со своими детьми (а манипуляцию мы относим к этой категории контактов), дети растут как манипуляторы, активно применяя эту форму насильственного воздействия на своих родителей