792 research outputs found

    Факторы развития образовательной системы России

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    The paper aims to uncover the substance and content of the factors exerting a profound effect on the functioning of the higher education market in Russia. The research highlights the relevance of studying the needs of the job market for personnel training in conjunction with determining the prospects for the development of the educational services market. The authors perform econometric analysis and construct the demand and supply models. The empirical basis of the study includes the statistical data for the 1993-2018 time period. The results indicate that throughout the entire period there was a steady decrease in the number of school graduates in Russia which exacerbated in 2005 due to the decline in the birth rate in the early 1990s. The analysis found no significant correlation between the number of school graduates and the number of entrants admitted to higher education institutions. On the other hand, the number of students enrolled at universities was decreasing at a much slower rate than the number of school graduates. The study clarifies that the faculty number has a principal influence on the demand for higher education services in Russia, whereas the volume of investment in education affects a supply of graduates in the job market.El trabajo es la prueba de identificación de la esencia y el contenido de los factores que tienen el impacto mayor en el funcionamiento del mercado de servicios educativos en el sistema de educación superior en Rusia. En el artículo se examina la actualidad del problema del estudio de las necesidades del mercado de trabajo en formación de cuadros en relación con la determinación de las perspectivas del desarrollo del mercado de los servicios educativos. Para ello se realizó un análisis econométrico con la simulación de demanda y oferta. La base empírica del estudio compiló los datos estadísticos para el período entre 1993 y 2018. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en todo el período de observación se observa una disminución constante en el número de graduados de las escuelas en Rusia, que ha aumentado desde 2005 debido a la disminución de la fecundidad al principio de los años noventa. Durante el análisis no se encontró una fuerte correlación entre el número de graduados de las escuelas y el número de solicitantes admitidos en las instituciones de enseñanza superior. Por otra parte, se ha determinado que el número de alumnos admitidos en instituciones de enseñanza superior ha disminuido considerablemente más que el número de las finalistas de las escuelas. Por nosotros es determinado que al nivel de la demanda de los servicios de la enseñanza superior en Rusia el impacto mayor tiene el factor del número del personal profesorado y al nivel de la oferta de los graduados en el mercado de trabajo el impacto mayor tiene el volumen de las inversiónes en el campo de la educación.Работа представляет собой попытку выявить сущность и содержание факторов, оказывающих наиболее значительное влияние на функционирование рынка образовательных услуг в системе высшего образования в России. В статье рассматривается актуальность проблемы изучения потребностей рынка труда в подготовке кадров во взаимосвязи с определением перспектив развития рынка образовательных услуг. Для этого проведен эконометрический анализ с построением моделей спроса и предложения. Эмпирическую базу исследования составили статистические данные за период с 1993 по 2018 гг. Полученные результаты указывают, что на всем периоде наблюдений прослеживается устойчивое снижение количества выпускников школ в России, обострившееся с 2005 г. в связи со спадом рождаемости в начале 1990-х гг. В ходе анализа не было обнаружено сильной корреляционной связи между количеством выпускников школ и числом абитуриентов, принятых в высшие учебные заведения. С другой стороны, установлено, что число студентов, принятых в высшие учебные заведения снизилось значительно меньшими темпами, чем сокращение численности выпускников школ. Нами определено, что на уровень спроса на услуги высшего образования в России наибольшее влияние оказывает фактор численности профессорско-педагогического персонала, а на уровень предложения выпускников на рынке труда наибольшее влияние оказывает объем инвестиций в сферу образования

    Perception of Prosodic and Aspectual Cues to Politeness in Teacher Directives in L1 and L2 Russian

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    Background: Several studies in interlanguage pragmatics have reported Russian directive speech acts to take a particular position within the dimensions of linguistic politeness and (in)directness, when compared to some Germanic and Romance languages extensively studied in this framework. Purpose of the study: The present paper aimed to investigate the role of language specific cues to politeness in Russian requests by examining their perception by native speakers and L2 learners in a scenario of teacher-student interaction. Methods: An experiment was conducted in which L1 and L2 groups rated the politeness of teacher directives in Russian on a discrete 7-point scale. Three variables were controlled for in the experimental design: the directness of the speech act (manifested in the choice between an imperative or an interrogative construction), verbal aspect, and the type of nuclear pitch accent. Findings: The obtained data generally corroborate existing studies, demonstrating that both native Russian speakers and learners of Russian with Chinese L1 do not judge as impolite direct imperative strategies employed in teacher requests. Though both groups of participants similarly relied on intonational cues in their judgements, the L2 learners did not perform target-like in evaluating the pragmatics of verbal aspect. Within the native group, the usage of imperfective verbs both in direct and conventionally indirect constructions was perceived as a highly salient indicator of impoliteness. Conversely, the size of this effect in L2 judgements did not reach a significance level, implying that this language specific cue is not acquired through incidental learning at pre-intermediate or intermediate proficiency levels. Conclusions: Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of explicit pragmatic instruction even for students who have sufficient experience studying abroad; furthermore, they outline new directions for empirical studies in Russian from the perspective of interlanguage pragmatics

    Revising the definition of “e-learning” and “distance learning technologies”

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    В статье представлен краткий анализ понятий «электронное обучение» и «дистанционные образовательные технологии», их взаимосвязь.The article represents a short analysis of such definitions as “e-learning” and“distance learning technologies” and their interrelation


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    The attitude to the healthy eating and eating habits takes its roots in the family. When becoming a grown-up, a person prefers eating the favorite and habitual food. It depends only on a person’s own choice to observe the basic laws of the healthy eating and keeping to them and in this way to support own health. As opposed to healthy, balanced, diversified, regular and sufficient amount of food there are the strategies that can cause eating disorders if to follow them. Among such disorders might be neurotic anorexia, neurotic bulimia, compulsive overeating and other unspecified eating disorders. The prevalence of eating disorders nowadays is connected with the influence of increased stress, an enlarged information load, an awareness of modern beauty standards as a result, eating disorders risks are increasing. Prompt information and provision of knowledge for teachers, parents and students on eating disorders prevalence, manifestation and the importance of timely recognition for successful treatment is the most important element of preventive measures. The topicality of the research on eating disorders among students is justified by the fact that the early detection of students’ eating disorders can promote timely recognition of the problem and the beginning of treatment reducing serious physical and psychological complications and even fatal cases. The primary goal of this research was to find out eating disorders risks among the 12th grade students. The second goal was to determine eating disorders risks among the 12th grade students due to the gender differences of students. To gain the results of the research the quantitative research method  with the research tool – EAT-26 test (Garner et al., 1982) was used. Two hundreds of the 12th grade students were involved into the research as respondents. The results of the survey show that the 5th part of the respondents have got eating disorders risks indicators. There are statistically significant differences between men and women (р0.001).