69 research outputs found

    La Tutela giuridica della minoranza catalana di Alghero

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    L'obiettivo preminente dell’Autore è quello di esporre i risultati effettivamente ottenuti, ad Alghero, sul piano della tutela della minoranza catalana insediata in Sardegna. Del tutto insufficienti appaiono gli interventi legislativi ed amministrativi finora adottati nei riguardi di questo gruppo minoritario, né sembra imminente, in questo ambito, una netta inversione di tendenza. Proprio una tale situazione indica però, d'altro lato, come assai difficile si riveli soffermarsi adeguatamente sia sui principi cui dovrebbe ispirarsi un'azione capace di tutelare adeguatamente la minoranza catalana di Alghero, sia sulle cause che una simile tutela hanno finora precluso. Nell'accennata assenza di risultati concreti, è comunque su questi principi ispiratori e sugli ostacoli oggi esistenti che conviene porre anzitutto l'accento. Ad essi l’Autore guarderà con l'occhio dell'internazionalista: è fermamente convinto che la questione della tutela delle minoranze - ivi inclusa la protezione di quella catalana di Alghero - possa essere impostata correttamente soltanto tenendo presente la natura ed il contenuto degli obblighi di cui gli Stati sono destinatari sul piano internazionale

    Integrazione degli immigrati e rispetto della diversità culturale nel diritto dell’Unione europea

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    In the numerous EU law writings dealing with the integration of immigrants, the doctrine has focused on the principle that this must fundamentally tend to foster the gradual assimilation of immigrants into the social and economic fabric of the host country. In particular, the adoption of discriminatory policies against immigrants should be avoided as a matter of principle. Contrary to this mainstream view, according to which EU law ultimately considers cultural diversity as a barrier to be eliminated, the present study aims at pointing out that, at a European level, cultural diversity is a value that, albeit with certain particular limitations, has to be preserved and consolidated in order to promote a constructive dialogue between immigrants and citizens of the host country

    Turismo e relazioni internazionali

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    Sono particolarmente lieto di dare un mio pur modesto apporto di internazionalista al tema del convegno; mi auguro che le poche cose che mi accingo a dirvi contribuiscano al raggiungimento dei risultati che vi siete prefissi. Tra i vari documenti che possono essere richiamati per definire il rapporto esistente tra «turismo» e «relazioni internazionali» (la questione, appunto, su cui intendo brevemente attirare la vostra attenzione), particolarmente significativo mi è parso l'«Atto finale» della Conferenza sulla sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa, firmato ad Helsinki da 35 Paesi il 1° agosto 1975

    A study on relationships between durum wheat semolina properties, technological mixing parameters and the properties of dough after mixing

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    Partial least square regression analysis was used to study the correlation between X variables (semolina quality, hydration level and mixing time) and Y variables, which were, in a first model, dough consistency during mixing, and, in a second model, dough properties after mixing (strength, elasticity, density) and leavening (maximum volume). The first model showed a predictive residual sum of squares (PRESS) of 2.98 and a predictive R2 (Q2) of 0.92, and highlighted the key role of hydration and mixing time ondough consistency. The second model had the best PRESS (8.25) and Q2 (0.94) values for dough volume and indicated that the volume increased with increasing mixing time until the dough consistency decreased of 20–30%. Dough volume was primarily affected by hydration. The model indicated that maximum volume after leavening, corresponding to optimum mixing time, was obtained with a soft and elastic dough, with a low-density valu

    Structural heterogeneity and old-growthness: A first regional-scale assessment of Sardinian forests

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    Mediterranean forests have been altered by several human activities. Consequently, relatively intact forests that have been unmodified by humans for a relatively long time (i.e., old-growth forests) are often reduced to isolated and fragmented stands. However, despite their high conservation value, little is known about their features and even presence several Mediterranean areas. First steps of their investigation are based on the identification of old-growth features such as amount of large‐size and old trees, tree species composition, canopy heterogeneity, occurrence and amount of deadwood. The Structural Heterogeneity Index (SHI) is commonly used to summarise features of old-growthness in one single value. Here, the SHI was derived for 68 plots included in 45 forest stands within the 4,297 km2 of territory that is covered by forests in Sardinia. SHI values were affected by variables that are likely to be related to forest age and structural complexity, such as presence of cerambycids, canopy cover, forest layers, location and three old-growthness classes. Results confirm a high structural variability among forests with old-growth features, determined by the presence, or lack, of given living and deadwood features. Our findings identified, for the first time, most of the forest stands that need special protection in Sardinia for the presence of old-growth features. In this sense, the SHI was confirmed useful for improving their management and conservation, although more specific and deeper studies are necessary for better understanding their species composition and dynamics

    Physical and mental fatigue reduce psychomotor vigilance in professional football players

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    PURPOSE: Professional football players experience both physical and mental fatigue. The main aims of this randomized crossover study were to investigate the effect of mental fatigue on repeated sprint ability (RSA), and the effects of both physical and mental fatigue on psychomotor vigilance.METHODS: Seventeen male professional football players performed maximal 20-m shuttle sprints interspaced by incomplete recovery (RSA test). Running speed, heart rate (HR), brain oxygenation and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored during each sprint. The RSA test was preceded by either a 30-min Stroop task to induce mental fatigue (MF), or by watching a documentary for 30 min (CON) in a randomized counterbalanced order. Participants performed a psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) at baseline, after the cognitive task (MF or CON), and after the RSA test.RESULTS: HR and RPE significantly increased, while running speed and brain oxygenation significantly decreased over the repeated sprints (p < 0.001) with no significant differences between conditions. Response speed during the PVT significantly declined after the Stroop task but not after CON (p = 0.001). Response speed during the PVT declined after the RSA test in both conditions (p < 0.001) and remained lower in the MF condition compared to CON (p = 0.012).CONCLUSIONS: Mental fatigue does not reduce RSA. However, the results of this study suggest that physical and mental fatigue have negative and cumulative effects on psychomotor vigilance. Therefore, strategies to reduce both physical and mental fatigue should be implemented in professional football players

    Chest tuberculosis with mediastinal asymptomatic lymphadenitis without lung involvement in an immunocompetent patient

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    Tuberculosis remains the major cause of morbidity and mortality by a single infectious agent, particularly in developing countries. In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of uncommon radiographic patterns of chest tuberculosis. Lymphadenitis is the most common extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) manifestation which, in developed countries, occurs more frequently in childhood, but also among adult immigrants from endemic countries and in HIV-infected people. Isolated and asymptomatic mediastinal lymphadenitis is uncommon in immunocompetent adults. We report a case of a young adult man from Senegal affected by sovraclavear and mediastinal TB lymphadenitis, which contains some uncommon elements: no compromised immunity, especially no HIV-infection, no lung lesions, no symptoms of infection or of mediastinum involvement, and rapid response to therapy in terms of mass size reduction. Examination of extra-thoracic lymph nodes and the patient's characteristics guided our diagnostic process to suspect TB. Surgical biopsy and subsequent histopathological and microbiological examinations of lymph material, first by Lowestein-Jensen and BACTEC cultures that remain the gold standard of diagnosis, confirmed the diagnosis. Chest X-ray was inconclusive; however, CT played an important role in the diagnostic course and in the management of the patient, particularly in determining disease activity, offering mediastinum and parenchymal details, as well as in identifying typical features of tuberculous lymph nodes and also of active/non active disease. Six months of antimycobacterial regimen is the recommended treatment in TB lymphadenitis of HIV-negative adults

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1