244 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood sequence detection with closed-form metrics in OOK optical systems impaired by GVD and PMD

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    This paper thoroughly investigates the maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) receiver for the optical ON-OFF keying (OOK) channel in the presence of both polarization mode dispersion and group velocity dispersion (GVD). A reliable method is provided for computing the relevant performance for any possible value of the system parameters, with no constraint on the sampling rate. With one sample per bit time, a practically exact expression of the statistics of the received samples is found, and therefore the performance of a synchronous MLSD receiver is evaluated and compared with that of other electronic techniques such as combined feedforward and decision-feedback equalizers (FFE and DFE). It is also shown that the ultimate performance of electronic processing can be obtained by sampling the received signal at twice the bit rate. An approximate accurate closed-form expression of the receiver metrics is also identified, allowing for the implementation of a practically optimal MLSD receiver

    Saving energy in turbulent flows with unsteady pumping

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    Viscous dissipation causes significant energy losses in fluid flows; in ducts, laminar flows provide the minimum resistance to the motion, whereas turbulence substantially increases the friction at the wall and the consequent energy requirements for pumping. Great effort is currently being devoted to find new strategies to reduce the energy losses induced by turbulence. Here we propose a simple and novel drag-reduction technique which achieves substantial energy savings in internal flows. Our approach consists in driving the flow with a temporally intermittent pumping, unlike the common practice of a constant pumping. We alternate "pump on" phases where the flow accelerates, and "pump off" phases where the flow decays freely. The flow cyclically enters a quasi-laminar state during the acceleration, and transitions to a more classic turbulent state during the deceleration. Our numerical results demonstrate that important energy savings can be achieved by simply modulating the power injection into the system over time. The physical understanding of this process can help the industry in reducing the waste of energy, creating economical benefits and preserving the environment by reducing harmful emissions

    On-Off Pumping for Drag Reduction in a Turbulent Channel Flow

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    We show that the energy required by a turbulent flow to displace a given amount of fluid through a straight duct in a given time interval can be reduced by modulating in time the pumping power. The control strategy is hybrid: it is passive, as it requires neither a control system nor control energy, but it manipulates how pumping energy is delivered to the system (as in active techniques) to increase the pumping efficiency. Our control employs a temporally periodic pumping pattern, where a short and intense acceleration (in which the pumping system is on) followed by a longer deceleration (in which the pumping system is off) makes the flow alternately visit a quasi-laminar and a turbulent state. The computational study is for a plane channel flow, and employs direct numerical simulations, which present specific computational challenges, for example the highly varying instantaneous value of the Reynolds number, and the importance of discretisation effects. Particular care is devoted to a meaningful definition of drag reduction in the present context. The ability of the forcing to yield significant savings is demonstrated. Since only a small portion of the parameter space is investigated, the best performance of the control technique remains to be assessed

    Effective method for Blind Adaptive CD Compensation and Estimation in a DSP-based Coherent Optical Systems

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    A blind adaptive chromatic dispersion compensation and estimation algorithm is proposed and experimentally validated. The method is based on a Frequency Domain Equalizer, a Time Domain Equalizer and an Optical Performance Monitoring in a loop configuration

    Relaxation of Vibrational Excitons in Molecular-Ionic Crystal s Measured by Picosecond Time-Resolved CARS

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    The decay times of the internal vibrations in K2S04, KCl04, NaN03 and CaC03 single crystals have been measured at different temperature s by picosecond time-resolved CARS. The low temperature experimental data and their temperature dependence are interpreted on the basis of an energy relaxation mechanism, involving two-phonon and higher order decay processes

    Aliens just a click away: The online aquarium trade in Italy

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    Histochemical characterisation and gene expression analysis of skeletal muscles from maremmana and aubrac steers reared on grazing and feedlot systems

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    This study aimed to characterise the fibre composition of Triceps brachii (TB) and Semimem-branosus (SM) muscles from 20 Maremmana (MA) and 20 Aubrac (AU) steers, and the effect of grazing activity in comparison with feedlot system. The histochemical method was performed with the m-ATPase method with an acid pre-incubation, thus allowing to distinguish type I, IIA, and IIB fibres. Additionally, on total RNA extracted from SM muscle, the expressions of atp1a1, mt-atp6, and capn1 genes were evaluated, in order to find potential associations with muscle fibre histochemical characteristics. In SM muscle, the MA steers had the greater frequency of oxidative fibres (type I and IIA) and the higher atp1a1 expression, in comparison to AU steers. Conversely, AU steers had a greater frequency of type IIB fibres, and the higher capn1 expression. A similar histochemical pattern was observed in TB muscle. The grazing activity was probably insufficient to determine differences both for fibre proportion and size, and gene expressions, except for mt-atp6 expression that was surprisingly highest in feedlot MA in comparison to other steers. These findings further the knowledge of muscle properties belonging to these breeds, and the effect of voluntary physical activity since few studies were available in this regard

    Postglacial colonization history reflects in the genetic structure of natural populations of Festuca rubra in Europe

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    We conducted a large-scale population genetic survey of genetic diversity of the host grass Festuca rubra s.l., which fitness can be highly dependent on its symbiotic fungus Epichloe festucae, to evaluate genetic variation and population structure across the European range. The 27 studied populations have previously been found to differ in frequencies of occurrence of the symbiotic fungus E. festucae and ploidy levels. As predicted, we found decreased genetic diversity in previously glaciated areas in comparison with nonglaciated regions and discovered three major maternal genetic groups: southern, northeastern, and northwestern Europe. Interestingly, host populations from Greenland were genetically similar to those from the Faroe Islands and Iceland, suggesting gene flow also between those areas. The level of variation among populations within regions is evidently highly dependent on the postglacial colonization history, in particular on the number of independent long-distance seed colonization events. Yet, also anthropogenic effects may have affected the population structure in F. rubra. We did not observe higher fungal infection rates in grass populations with lower levels of genetic variability. In fact, the fungal infection rates of E. festucae in relation to genetic variability of the host populations varied widely among geographical areas, which indicate differences in population histories due to colonization events and possible costs of systemic fungi in harsh environmental conditions. We found that the plants of different ploidy levels are genetically closely related within geographic areas indicating independent formation of polyploids in different maternal lineages.Peer reviewe