191 research outputs found

    Environment conscious consumers' opinion on selective waste management

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    Consumers have become environmentally conscious, they are keen on energy efficiency and the increasing importance of the environmental values in general has made this research relevant. We analyse the special elements of eco-marketing so that we can see which are the tools and marketing activities which might help in forming the eco-conscious attitude and behaviour. We have realised that it was not enough to inform people about different types of ecological problems globally and locally, but that they also need to be motivated to become really active. After completing the literature review we also considered the already available and relevant studies.The ecoconscious consumer behaviour was surveyed through the attitude towards selective waste collection. A standardized questionnaire based survey was carried out to analyse the consumers' selective waste collection habits as a primary research. The data was processed with SPSS. At the end of the research we made recommendations concerning the methods of marketing communication, the promotion tools and the motivation of citizens to become more eco-committed

    Environment conscious consumers’ opinion on selective waste management

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    Consumers have become environmentally conscious, they are keen on energy efficiency and the increasing importance of the environmental values in general has made this research relevant. We analyse the special elements of eco-marketing so that we can see which are the tools and marketing activities which might help in forming the eco-conscious attitude and behaviour. We have realised that it was not enough to inform people about different types of ecological problems globally and locally, but that they also need to be motivated to become really active. After completing the literature review we also considered the already available and relevant studies.The eco-conscious consumer behaviour was surveyed through the attitude towards selective waste collection. A standardized questionnaire based survey was carried out to analyse the consumers' selective waste collection habits as a primary research. The data was processed with SPSS. At the end of the research we made recommendations concerning the methods of marketing communication, the promotion tools and the motivation of citizens to become more eco-committed

    A módosított, a mátrixhoz kötött és intakt mikotoxinok egységes fogalomrendszere és a mátrixhoz kötött mikotoxinok alternatív meghatározása

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    Az egészséges szervezet a mikotoxinok jelentős részét képes átalakítani. Néhány mikotoxin eredeti kémiai formája megváltozhat a máj xenobiotikum-transzfor- máló enzimrendszere, ill. az intestinalis mikrobiota által, de már keletkezésük helyén, a növényi szervezetben vagy akár a penészgomba által is átalakulhatnak. Ezen túlmenően a legkülönfélébb kémiai hatások is szerepet játszhatnak az eredeti szerkezet megváltoztatásában. Ennek során a kiindulási molekulánál toxikusabb, biológiailag aktívabb vegyületek is keletkezhetnek. A rejtett (kötött) mikotoxinok kérdésköre viszonylag új keletű. A nem egyértelműen és következetesen használt fogalmak tisztázására 2014-ben új, szisztematikus definíciórendszert dolgoztak ki, amely szerint négy hierarchikus szintre osztották a mikotoxino- kat kialakulásuk szerint. Rövid áttekintésében a szerző ezt a fogalomrendszert ismerteti számos példával bemutatva, ill. egy alternatív módszert ismertet a mátrixhoz kötött mikotoxinok analízisének előkészítésére. SUMMARY The healthy organism is able to transform a relatively high proportion of mycotoxins. The original molecular form of some mycotoxins may be altered via the enzymatic xenobiotic transformation ability of the liver, or even by the intestinal microbiota, but in some instances as early as the site of production by the mould or in the host plant they may be transformed, as well. Moreover, divergent chemical effects may play a role in the modification of the original chemical form. Along this process, the emerging new molecules can be more toxic and biologically more active than the parent compound. The hidden (bound) mycotoxin theory is rather new. For the clarification of the erroneously and unequivocally used terminology in the year 2014, a new, systematic definition criterion has been worked out, in which mycotoxins are classified into four hierarchic levels, based on their formation. This mini review introduces this classification system with numerous examples and shows alternative method for the prepara- tion of samples before analysis of matrix associated mycotoxins

    Encapsulation of human serum albumin in submicrometer magnetic poly(lactide-co-glycolide) particles as a model system for targeted drug delivery

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    Two types of iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) chlorides: water-dispersible γ-Fe2O3 and organic solvent-dispersible oleic acid-coated Fe3O4 particles. The nanoparticles, together with human serum albumin (HSA) serving as a model for a protein-type drug, were then incorporated in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) particles using double emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Morphology, size and particle size distribution of the resulting particles was analyzed by electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. Iron oxide and HSA encapsulating efficiency was determined by Prussian Blue staining and micro-BCA assay, respectively

    Preparation of Veterinary Premix with Dual Active Ingredients in Granular Form

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the preparation of granular veterinary premix containing two different antibiotics by fluid bed granulation process. The particle size and density of the active ingredients were investigated for the proper selection of the filler material. The used antibiotics were tylosin tartarate and colistin sulfate, while isomalt sugar alcohol and cellulose materials were selected as filler and binder, respectively. The colistin sulfate was fed together with the binder solution because of its low density, fine particle size and relatively low (1.2%) concentration in the product. The type and concentration of the binder in its solution, the feeding rate and the total amount of added binder solution were optimized for obtaining dust free granules with desirable abrasion resistance and good flowability. The active ingredient content for both antibiotics was preserved even at the elevated temperature applied during the fluid granulation process