35 research outputs found

    Near-infrared optical properties and proposed phase-change usefulness of transition metal disulfides

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    The development of photonic integrated circuits would benefit from a wider selection of materials that can strongly-control near-infrared (NIR) light. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been explored extensively for visible spectrum opto-electronics, but the NIR properties of these layered materials have been less-studied. The measurement of optical constants is the foremost step to qualify TMDs for use in NIR photonics. Here we measure the complex optical constants for select sulfide TMDs (bulk crystals of MoS2, TiS2 and ZrS2) via spectroscopic ellipsometry in the visible-to-NIR range. Through Mueller matrix measurements and generalized ellipsometry, we explicitly measure the direction of the ordinary optical axis. We support our measurements with density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which agree with our measurements and predict giant birefringence. We further propose that TMDs could find use as photonic phase-change materials, by designing alloys that are thermodynamically adjacent to phase boundaries between competing crystal structures, to realize martensitic (i.e. displacive, order-order) switching.Comment: supplementary at end of document. 6 main figure

    QCD thermodynamics with continuum extrapolated Wilson fermions II

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    We continue our investigation of 2+1 flavor QCD thermodynamics using dynamical Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. Two additional pion masses, approximately 440 MeV and 285 MeV, are added to our previous work at 545 MeV. The simulations were performed at 3 or 4 lattice spacings at each pion mass. The renormalized chiral condensate, strange quark number susceptibility and Polyakov loop is obtained as a function of the temperature and we observe a decrease in the light chiral pseudo-critical temperature as the pion mass is lowered while the pseudo-critical temperature associated with the strange quark number susceptibility or the Polyakov loop is only mildly sensitive to the pion mass. These findings are in agreement with previous continuum results obtained in the staggered formulation.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, published versio

    Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD

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    Finite temperature charmonium spectral functions in the pseudoscalar and vector channels are studied in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavours of dynamical Wilson quarks, on fine isotropic lattices (with a lattice spacing of 0.057 fm), with a non-physical pion mass of mπm_{\pi} \approx 545 MeV. The highest temperature studied is approximately 1.4Tc1.4 T_c. Up to this temperature no significant variation of the spectral function is seen in the pseudoscalar channel. The vector channel shows some temperature dependence, which seems to be consistent with a temperature dependent low frequency peak related to heavy quark transport, plus a temperature independent term at \omega>0. These results are in accord with previous calculations using the quenched approximation.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Internal wettability investigation of mesoporous silica materials by ellipsometric porosimetry

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    Silica-based mesoporous films have been widely applied in the fabrication of advanced functional materials, such as anti-reflective coatings, bio-, and chemical sensing devices, due to their unique properties, e.g., high surface area, controlled porosity, and the ease and tailorability of their synthesis. Precise knowledge of their pore architecture is crucial, highlighting the need for accurate characterization tools. In this sense, ellipsometric porosimetry represents a powerful and versatile characterization platform, providing access to reliable information about total porosity, pore size, pore size dispersity, mechanical properties (Young's modulus) and surface area of a great variety of mesoporous thin films. While the underlying framework of modeling capillary condensation via the Kelvin equation is well established, one descriptor, the internal wettability of mesoporous architectures remains a challenging variable for reliable material characterization. Wetting on the nanoscale cannot be observed via the traditional drop-shape method, while approximating internal wetting by the macroscopic property can be inaccurate as the two wetting behaviors do not necessarily correlate. Herein, we present a method based on vacuum ellipsometric porosimetry for the determination of the internal contact angle of functionalized mesoporous silica thin films. Tuning of the surface energy for a known mesoporous architecture by methyl-functionalization enabled us to relate differences in the pore filling for various adsorptives (water, methanol, toluene, cyclohexane) to their internal contact angles. Our study serves as a guide for generalized internal contact angle determination suitable for a wide range of organic adsorptives and mesoporous sorbent materials

    QCD thermodynamics with Wilson fermions

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    QCD is investigated at finite temperature using Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. A 2+1 flavor stout and clover improved action is used at four lattice spacings allowing for control over discretization errors. The light quark masses in this first study are fixed to heavier than physical values. The renormalized chiral condensate, quark number susceptibility and the Polyakov loop is measured and the results are compared with the staggered formulation in the fixed N_t approach. The Wilson results at the finest lattice spacing agree with the staggered results at the highest N_t.Comment: 7 pages, Talk presented at the XXIX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), July 10-16, 2011, Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, US

    Hadronic vacuum polarization: comparing lattice QCD and data-driven results in systematically improvable ways

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    The precision with which hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) is obtained determines how accurately important observables, such as the muon anomalous magnetic moment, a_\mu, or the low-energy running of the electromagnetic coupling, \alpha, are predicted. The two most precise approaches for determining HVP are: dispersive relations combined with e+e- to hadrons cross-section data, and lattice QCD. However, the results obtained in these two approaches display significant tensions, whose origins are not understood. Here we present a framework that sheds light on this issue and, if the two approaches can be reconciled, allows them to be combined. Via this framework, we test the hypothesis that the tensions can be explained by modifying the R-ratio in different intervals of center-of-mass energy sqrt(s). As ingredients, we consider observables that have been precisely determined in both approaches. These are the leading hadronic contributions to a_\mu, to the so-called intermediate window observable and to the running of \alpha between spacelike virtualities 1GeV^2 and 10GeV^2 (for which only a preliminary lattice result exists). Our tests take into account all uncertainties and correlations, as well as uncertainties on uncertainties in the lattice results. Among our findings, the most striking is that results obtained in the two approaches can be made to agree for all three observables by modifying the \rho peak in the experimental spectrum. In particular, we find that this requires a common ~5\% increase in the contributions of the peak to each of the three observables. This finding is robust against the presence or absence of one of the constraining observables. However, such an increase is much larger than the uncertainties on the measured R-ratio. We also discuss a variety of generalizations of the methods used here, as well as the limits in the information that can be extracted...Comment: 38 pages, 8 figure

    The 2017 EULAR standardised procedures for ultrasound imaging in rheumatology

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    BACKGROUND: In 2001, the European League Against Rheumatism developed and disseminated the first guidelines for musculoskeletal (MS) ultrasound (US) in rheumatology. Fifteen years later, the dramatic expansion of new data on MSUS in the literature coupled with technological developments in US imaging has necessitated an update of these guidelines.OBJECTIVES: To update the existing MSUS guidelines in rheumatology as well as to extend their scope to other anatomic structures relevant for rheumatology.METHODS: The project consisted of the following steps: (1) a systematic literature review of MSUS evaluable structures; (2) a Delphi survey among rheumatologist and radiologist experts in MSUS to select MS and non-MS anatomic structures evaluable by US that are relevant to rheumatology, to select abnormalities evaluable by US and to prioritise these pathologies for rheumatology and (3) a nominal group technique to achieve consensus on the US scanning procedures and to produce an electronic illustrated manual (ie, App of these procedures).RESULTS: Structures from nine MS and non-MS areas (ie, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot, peripheral nerves, salivary glands and vessels) were selected for MSUS in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD) and their detailed scanning procedures (ie, patient position, probe placement, scanning method and bony/other landmarks) were used to produce the App. In addition, US evaluable abnormalities present in RMD for each anatomic structure and their relevance for rheumatology were agreed on by the MSUS experts.CONCLUSIONS: This task force has produced a consensus-based comprehensive and practical framework on standardised procedures for MSUS imaging in rheumatology