71 research outputs found

    Building the Little House on the Prairies: Ukrainian Technology, Canadian Resources

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    Organizational Justice Perceptions in China: Development of the Chinese Organizational Justice Scale

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    Research analyzing fairness perceptions within organizations has gained the attention of cross-cultural theorists as the criteria used to judge fairness varies across cultures. Review of the literature indicates that researchers use translated Western measures of organizational justice on Eastern samples despite evidence of cultural variation in justice criteria. This dissertation addresses some of the gaps in the current research by developing and validating an indigenous measure of Chinese organizational justice perceptions. A preliminary qualitative study revealed numerous justice rules used by Chinese employees to determine whether a workplace decision was fair. The qualitative results were used to develop the Chinese Organizational Justice Scale (COJS). The COJS and various outcome measures were administered to 307 Chinese employees. The COJS revealed a five-factor model for Chinese organizational justice perceptions with distributive justice breaking into two factors. The five-factor COJS measurement model indicated excellent fit and psychometric properties and included factors of distributive justice west (equity-based distributions), distributive justice east (distributions based on need, guanxi, and nonperformance related equity criteria), procedural justice, informational justice, and interpersonal justice. Unique Chinese justice criteria were identified for distributive justice and procedural justice. Distributive justice east and west factors were both positively related to pay satisfaction. Exploratory analyses indicated that distributive justice equity criteria commonly assessed in Western measures were dominant in predicting several additional outcomes including perceived organizational support, supervisor support, and altruism. Informational justice was negatively related to role ambiguity and positively related to perceived organizational support. Interpersonal justice was negatively related to perceived organizational support. Procedural justice was not related to any of the measured outcomes. These findings are discussed in relation to previous Chinese organizational justice research and possible shifting values in China that could be linked to competitive industries and a rapidly expanding market economy

    Microanalysis of magnetic structure of yttrium-iron garnet films by using the scanning probe microscopy methods

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    The influence of ion implantation by phosphorous on structural changes in porous silicon

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    Structural changes in the surface layer of technologically treated silicon by ion implantation, chemical etching, and their combined action have been investigated by the X-ray diffractometry methods. The functional and quantitative differences in the thickness dependences of strains, values of maximum strain, level of lattice disturbance and extension of elastic strains nave been revealed after different steps of treatment. The essential modification of photoluminescence spectra was observed in the porous layer after implantation by phosphorus ions in the process of natural aging

    Calculated images of dislocations in crystals on section topograms

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    By means of numerical solution of the Takagi equations, modeling of X-ray topographic images of deformation fields of the dislocation loops and dislocation of different types. Diffraction images created by dislocations and dislocation loops of different size and spatial location are complicated and versatile in their thin structure

    Determination of structural homogeneity of synthetic diamonds from analysis of Kikuchi lines intensity distribution

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    It has been suggested the technique based on analysis of geometry and intensity distribution profiles in Kikuchi patterns obtained due to electron backscattering diffraction for defining structural imperfection of diamond crystals. To determine the geometry parameters in Kikuchi patterns with the maximal precision, the special software was developed. It has been shown that application of electron diffraction (Kikuchi method) allows to obtain information about degree of perfection and homogeneity of real structure for diamond crystals synthesized with various methods

    Solid state doping of CdxHg₁₋xTe epitaxial layers with elements of V group

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    Presented here are the results of studying the controlled doping with elements of V group of the periodic table, arsenic As and antimony Sb, of narrow gap CdxHg₁₋xTe epitaxial layers during the isothermal growth from the vapour phase by the evaporation-condensation-diffusion method. Three types of impurity sources have been used for solid state doping: homogeneously doped with As(Sb) single crystal substrates of CdTe, As doped buffer CdyHg₁₋yTe (y > x) epitaxial layers obtained by RF sputtering in mercury glow discharge onto undoped CdTe substrates, and As(Sb) implanted undoped CdTe substrates. The results of comparative analysis of galvano-magnetic measurements and SIMS spectra indicated very high, practically nearly ~100 %, electrical activity of dopants in the CdxHg₁₋xTe epitaxially grown layers

    Structural changes in Cz-Si single crystals irradiated with high-energy electrons from data of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry

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    Structural changes in silicon single crystals irradiated with high-energy electrons (Е = 18 MeV) were studied. The peculiarities of diffraction reflection curve behaviour and changes in the profiles of isodiffusion lines in high-resolution reciprocal space maps (HR-RSMs) were found as a function of the radiation dose. The generalized dynamic theory of X-ray Bragg-diffraction in crystals comprising defects of several types (spherical and disc-shaped clusters as well as dislocation loops) and a damaged nearsurface layer was used for explanation

    Визначення локальних деформацій в околі зварного шва нікелевого сплаву за даними енергетичних Фур’є спектрів картин Кікучі

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    A discrete two-dimensional Fourier transform and the power Fourier spectrum are used for determination of average strains near cracks in a welded seam of Ni-Cr-Fe alloy. The alignment of Kikuchi images with the help of genetic algorithms and subtraction of white Gaussian noise made it possible to more fully take into account the influence of instrumental factors on the formation of electron backscatter diffraction patterns.Для визначення значень середніх деформацій в локальних областях поблизу тріщин зварного шва нікелевого сплаву NiCrFe при аналізі картин Кікучі використано методи енергетичного Фур’є спектру та дискретного двомірного Фур’є перетворення. Суміщення зображень Кікучі за допомогою генетичних алгоритмів та виділення білого гаусівського шуму дало можливість більш повно врахувати вплив інструментальних факторів на формування картин дифракції відбитих електронів