880 research outputs found

    UK Renal Registry 18th Annual Report: Chapter 11 2014 Multisite Dialysis Access Audit in England, Northern Ireland and Wales and 2013 PD One Year Follow-up: National and Centre-specific Analyses

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    Data are presented from the third combined vascular and peritoneal dialysis access audit. In 2014, 53 centres in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (out of 62) returned data on first access from 4,339 incident haemodialysis (HD) patients and 1,090 incident peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Of the 5,429 incident patients, 20.1% started dialysis on PD, 27.8% started with an arteriovenous fistula (AVF), 1.0% with an arteriovenous graft (AVG), 27.1% on a tunnelled line (TL) and 24.0% on a non-tunnelled line (NTL). Older patients (565 years) were more likely to start haemodialysis using AVF compared to their younger counterparts (36.2% vs. 32.8%). Thirteen of the nineteen centres (68%) using the physician led percutaneous insertion technique had over 20% of their incident patients starting on PD when compared to only seven out of fourteen centres (50%) which used single technique (open surgical or laparoscopic) for their PD catheter insertion. Wide variations were apparent between centres for use of AVF as the first haemodialysis access ranging from 10-54%. Eight of the 49 centres were achieving close to the 65% target for AV fistula in their incident patients. Length of time known to nephrology services and likelihood of commencing dialysis using either an AVF or a PD catheter are strongly associated. Patients who were known to a nephrologist for over one year were more likely to start dialysis with AVF, as compared to those who were referred between 90-365 days (39.2% vs. 24.6%). Similarly, patients who were known to a nephrologist between 90 days and one year were more likely to start on PD when compared to patients who were referred ,90 days prior to dialysis start (26.9% vs. 9.1%). By comparison, amongst the late presenters, only 3.5% had first access documented as an AVF and 87.3% started dialysis on either a tunnelled line or a nontunnelled line. Initial surgical assessment was a key determinant of the likelihood of AVF formation. Of the incident patients known to renal services for longer than three months and in those assessed by a surgeon at least three months prior to starting dialysis, 71.4% started dialysis with an AVF whereas of those who were not seen by a surgeon only 10.8% did. Thirty one of the 38 centres were 2 or 3 standard deviations below the 85% target for prevalent haemodialysis patients with an AV fistula. For centres returning data on one-year peritoneal dialysis outcomes, the majority of centres (28/32) maintained 550% of patients on PD at one year, having censored for transplantation. This report demonstrates wide variations in practice between centres across several domains in the provision of dialysis access and further work will be required to understand the underlying reasons

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    Espiritualidade e cotidiano

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    Este estudo procura abordar a temática historicamente, concentrando-se no exame do assunto a partir da espiritualidade vivida pela comunidade cristã morava de Herrnhut (século XVIII), finalizando com uma apreciação dos desafios que a concepção pietista de Herrnhut lança para o cristianismo hodierno

    Evangelização no Brasil Colônia (Séculos XVI e XVII): estudo comparativo de três modelos missionários

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    O artigo descreve e analisa comparativamente 3 modelos missionários articulados no decorrer do processo de conquista e colonização do Brasil (séculos XVI e XVII): o de Manuel da Nóbrega (1º provincial jesuíta da América Latina), o do calvinismo francês (1557 e 1558) e o do calvinismo holandês (1630-1654). São três modelos de igreja de conquista. Todos eles levantam uma série de perguntas em relação à forma com a qual a evangelização se vinculou com a realidade social dos verdadeiros proprietários do país, as nações indígenas

    Leonhard Baldner – Zu seinem Testament und Nachlassverzeichnis

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    Cette contribution présente deux documents provenant des Archives Municipales de Strasbourg qui ont disparu là-bas depuis longtemps et que l’on retrouve maintenant dans des collections privées. Il s’agit en premier lieu du testament du pêcheur et magistrat strasbourgeois Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694) qui est connu pour ses études de la faune locale du Rhin Supérieur (livre sur les oiseaux, poissons et animaux). En deuxième lieu, elle concerne l’inventaire des biens réalisé après sa mort par l’étude du notaire Johannes Kitsch. Les deux documents mettent en évidence que Leonhard Baldner n’était pas – tel qu’il est peint de façon romancée dans la littérature – un pauvre et simple pêcheur avec un talent particulier pour l’observation de la nature. Il apparait de manière claire qu’il était un membre très apprécié de la corporation des pêcheurs, un bourgeois aisé et érudit ainsi qu’un père de famille attentionné. Il fut en mesure de laisser à son épouse et à ses enfants un patrimoine considérable. De plus ces documents nous apprennent la date, jusqu’à présent inconnue, de son décès : le 1er février 1694.This contribution analyses two documents, orginally part of the Municipal Archives of Strasbourg, but now to be found in private collections. The former is the testament of the Strasbourg fisherman and magistrate Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694) who has become famous for his studies on the local wildlife of the upper Rhine valley (birds, fish and game). The latter concerns the inventory of his properties drafted by the office of the local notary, Johannes Kitsch. Both documents show very clearly that -contrary to the fictional way he is usually portrayed in literature- he was not an ordinary fisherman with a gift for nature study, but a highly valued member of the fishermen‘s corporation, a wealthy, learned citizen and a considerate father. He bequeathed a considerable legacy to his wife and chidren. Moreover we thereby discover the date -so far unknown- of his death, February 1st, 1694.Der Beitrag stellt zwei Dokumente aus dem Straßburger Stadtarchiv vor, die dort vor langer Zeit verschwunden sind und in den Besitz von privaten Sammlern gelangten. Es handelt sich zum einen um das Testament des Straßburger Fischers und Ratsherrn Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694), der durch seine Arbeiten über die Lokalfauna des Oberrheins bekannt wurde (Vogel-, Fisch- und Thierbuch). Zum anderen geht es um das nach seinem Tod im Notariat von Johannes Kitsch erstellte Nachlassverzeichnis. Beide Dokumente zeigen, dass Leonhard Baldner nicht - wie häufig in der Literatur romantisierend angegeben - der arme und einfache Fischer mit einer exzellenten Gabe zur Naturbeobachtung war. Vielmehr wird verdeutlicht, dass Leonhard Baldner als ein hochgeehrtes Mitglied der Straßburger Fischerzunft auch ein wohlsituierter, gebildeter Bürger sowie ein fürsorglicher Familienvater war. Er konnte daher seiner Ehefrau und seinen Kindern einen stattlichen Besitz hinterlassen. Außerdem ist aus den Dokumenten der bisher unbekannte Todestag Leonhard Baldners zu ersehen (1. Februar 1694)

    Leonhard Baldner – Zu seinem Testament und Nachlassverzeichnis

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    Cette contribution présente deux documents provenant des Archives Municipales de Strasbourg qui ont disparu là-bas depuis longtemps et que l’on retrouve maintenant dans des collections privées. Il s’agit en premier lieu du testament du pêcheur et magistrat strasbourgeois Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694) qui est connu pour ses études de la faune locale du Rhin Supérieur (livre sur les oiseaux, poissons et animaux). En deuxième lieu, elle concerne l’inventaire des biens réalisé après sa mort par l’étude du notaire Johannes Kitsch. Les deux documents mettent en évidence que Leonhard Baldner n’était pas – tel qu’il est peint de façon romancée dans la littérature – un pauvre et simple pêcheur avec un talent particulier pour l’observation de la nature. Il apparait de manière claire qu’il était un membre très apprécié de la corporation des pêcheurs, un bourgeois aisé et érudit ainsi qu’un père de famille attentionné. Il fut en mesure de laisser à son épouse et à ses enfants un patrimoine considérable. De plus ces documents nous apprennent la date, jusqu’à présent inconnue, de son décès : le 1er février 1694.This contribution analyses two documents, orginally part of the Municipal Archives of Strasbourg, but now to be found in private collections. The former is the testament of the Strasbourg fisherman and magistrate Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694) who has become famous for his studies on the local wildlife of the upper Rhine valley (birds, fish and game). The latter concerns the inventory of his properties drafted by the office of the local notary, Johannes Kitsch. Both documents show very clearly that -contrary to the fictional way he is usually portrayed in literature- he was not an ordinary fisherman with a gift for nature study, but a highly valued member of the fishermen‘s corporation, a wealthy, learned citizen and a considerate father. He bequeathed a considerable legacy to his wife and chidren. Moreover we thereby discover the date -so far unknown- of his death, February 1st, 1694.Der Beitrag stellt zwei Dokumente aus dem Straßburger Stadtarchiv vor, die dort vor langer Zeit verschwunden sind und in den Besitz von privaten Sammlern gelangten. Es handelt sich zum einen um das Testament des Straßburger Fischers und Ratsherrn Leonhard Baldner (1612-1694), der durch seine Arbeiten über die Lokalfauna des Oberrheins bekannt wurde (Vogel-, Fisch- und Thierbuch). Zum anderen geht es um das nach seinem Tod im Notariat von Johannes Kitsch erstellte Nachlassverzeichnis. Beide Dokumente zeigen, dass Leonhard Baldner nicht - wie häufig in der Literatur romantisierend angegeben - der arme und einfache Fischer mit einer exzellenten Gabe zur Naturbeobachtung war. Vielmehr wird verdeutlicht, dass Leonhard Baldner als ein hochgeehrtes Mitglied der Straßburger Fischerzunft auch ein wohlsituierter, gebildeter Bürger sowie ein fürsorglicher Familienvater war. Er konnte daher seiner Ehefrau und seinen Kindern einen stattlichen Besitz hinterlassen. Außerdem ist aus den Dokumenten der bisher unbekannte Todestag Leonhard Baldners zu ersehen (1. Februar 1694)

    Detection of IUPAC and IUPAC-like chemical names

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    Motivation: Chemical compounds like small signal molecules or other biological active chemical substances are an important entity class in life science publications and patents. Several representations and nomenclatures for chemicals like SMILES, InChI, IUPAC or trivial names exist. Only SMILES and InChI names allow a direct structure search, but in biomedical texts trivial names and Iupac like names are used more frequent. While trivial names can be found with a dictionary-based approach and in such a way mapped to their corresponding structures, it is not possible to enumerate all IUPAC names. In this work, we present a new machine learning approach based on conditional random fields (CRF) to find mentions of IUPAC and IUPAC-like names in scientific text as well as its evaluation and the conversion rate with available name-to-structure tools