22 research outputs found

    Importancia de la jerarquía social sobre los comportamientos alimenticios y parasitarios de ovinos criados en dos sistemas pastoriles

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    In sheep the interaction between social hierarchy, forage preference and parasite load effects production. A study was done of this interaction in two grazing systems (silvopastoral, SSP; star grass monoculture, PE) with twenty-two Pelibuey sheep per system. Tests were done of social hierarchy to calculate dominance index values, of forage plant species (C. nlemfuensis, L. leucocephala, G. sepium, G. ulmifolia and H. rosa-sinensis) preference, of parasite load (gastrointestinal nematode egg count per gram of feces), and of hematocrit levels. A generally nonlinear hierarchy was present in both systems, with linear dominance (h=0.75) in the SSP and bidirectional dominance (h=0.5) in the PE. In both systems the most dominant individuals had the highest number of aggressive behaviors (SSP: rs= 0.790909, P=0.05; PE: rs= 0.845455, P=0.05) and the lowest parasite loads (SSP: rs= -0.909091, P=0.05; PE: rs = -0.727273, P=0.05). In the SSP, the animals had greater preference for C. nlemfuensis but those that consumed more L. leucocephala had higher hematocrit levels (rs=0.694269, P=0.05). Sheep grazing in silvopastoral systems consume more arboreal and shrub species foliage which helps to control parasite load and maintain stable hematocrit levels regardless of group social rank.Para determinar la relación entre el nivel jerárquico, preferencias por forraje y parasitismo de ovinos en dos sistemas de pastoreo (sistema silvopastoril: SSP y monocultivo de pasto estrella: PE), se utilizaron 22 ovinos Pelibuey mantenidos en pastoreo diurno, a los cuales se les aplicaron pruebas de jerarquía social para obtener el índice de dominancia, pruebas de selectividad de especies vegetales forrajeras (C. nlemfuensis, L. leucocephala, G. sepium, G. ulmifolia y H. rosa-sinensis), análisis parasitario de huevecillos por gramo de excremento y determinación de hematocrito. Se observó una jerarquía no lineal con dominancia lineal y bidireccional para los grupos, de h=0.75 en el SSP y h=0.5 en PE. Los ovinos más dominantes presentaron mayor cantidad de conductas agresivas en el SSP y PE (rs= 0.790909, P=0.05 y rs= 0.845455, P=0.05); y menor carga parasitaria (rs= -0.909091, P=0.05) en el SSP y PE (rs= -0.727273, P=0.05). Los ovinos del SSP tuvieron preferencia por C. nlemfuensis, pero los animales que consumieron más follaje de L. leucocephala presentaron mayor nivel de hematocrito (rs=0.694269, P=0.05). Se concluye que los ovinos con mayor índice de dominancia que pastorearon en el sistema silvopastoril y en potreros con pasto estrella, tuvieron menores cargas parasitarias, y que el pastoreo en sistemas silvopastoriles ofrece a los ovinos el consumo de follaje de especies arbóreas y arbustivas, que promueve la capacidad de resistir cargas parasitarias elevadas, y mantener niveles estables de hematocrito independientemente de su nivel jerárquico dentro del grupo

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific research about agroecological strategies

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    Objective: To analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of scientific research on the subject of agroecological strategies worldwide, through text mining (bibliometrics) and co-authorship networks to determine gaps in research. Design/methodology/approach: For the compilation of the texts, the database of articles from open access journals of the Web of Science was reviewed. The texts were collected in September 2021, and the texts available until August 2021 were considered. The keyword used in the search was strategies agroecological, identifying it in the titles and keywords of the publications. Results: 463 scientific texts were collected in the bibliographic reference databases of the Web of Science with a temporality from 1987 to 2021. 90.93% (421) were concentrated in six countries: USA (34.77%, 161), Netherlands (19.22%, 89), England (15.55%, 72), Switzerland (12.53%, 58), France (4.54%, 21) and Germany (4.32%, 20). Limitations on study/implications: Most of the research has focused on techniques for agricultural sustainability, so issues associated with the creation of early climate information systems, disaster prevention and mitigation projects, present themselves as opportunities for the development of further research. Findings/conclusions: It was observed that in developing countries such as Latin America, where Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil are located, there is little research conducted on the subject of agroecological strategies, which represents a great opportunity to generate knowledge in the region.Objective: To analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of scientific production on the topic of agroecological strategies in the world, through text mining (bibliometrics) and coauthorship networks to determine gaps in research. Design/methodology/approach: To compile the texts, the database of open-access articles from Web of Science was reviewed. The texts were collected in September 2021, and texts available until August 2021 were considered. The keyword used in the search was strategies agroecological identifying it in the titles and keywords of the publications. Results: In the databases, 463 scientific texts were collected from bibliographic references of Web of Science within the period of 1987 to 2021. Of these, 90.93% (421) were concentrated in six countries: USA (34.77%, 161), Netherlands (19.22%, 89), England (15.55%, 72), Switzerland (12.53%, 58), France (4.54%, 21) and Germany (4.32%, 20). Limitations on study/implications: Most of the studies have been centered on techniques for agricultural sustainability, so topics associated with the creation of early climate information systems and disaster prevention and mitigation projects are presented as an opportunity for the development of more research. Findings/conclusions: The study shows that in developing countries such as those in Latin America, where Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil are located, there is scarce research development in topics of agroecological strategies, leaving a wide margin to generate knowledge in the region

    Characterization of sheep production systems and their relation with gastrointestinal parasites in four municipalities of Campeche, Mexico

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    Objective: The increase in the number of sheep in herds is accompanied many times by bad practices, which lead to nutritional deficiencies, rises in parasitism and loss of homeostasis. Therefore, gastrointestinal parasites from sheep were characterized from four municipalities of the state of Campeche. Design/methodology/approach: The number of sheep studied was 243, evaluating the body weight, body condition, coloring of the eye mucosae, age, eggs per grams of feces, and family of parasites. The data were analyzed through an ANOVA and Tukey’s means test (P<0.05), as well as Spearman’s correlation analysis using the statistical package Statistica 7. Results: Five parasite families were found (Trichostrongyloidae, Strongyloidae, Trichuridae, Eimeriidae and Anoplocephalidae). In the production systems of the municipality of Calakmul the five families of parasites were found, with a parasite load of 3,571 hpg. The family Trichostrongyloidae presented the highest frequency in the municipalities of Champotón and Calakmul with 52 and 75%, respectively. The animals with best body condition, FAMACHA© and lowest parasite load were observed in Hecelchakán. Limitations on study/implications: It is suggested to carry out a study of anthelmintic resistance, to establish a management of prevention and control of gastrointestinal parasites. Findings/conclusions: The frequency of gastrointestinal parasites is influenced by the management and the municipality of origin within the sheep production systems in the state of Campeche.Objective: The increase in the number of sheep in herds is accompanied many times by bad practices, whichlead to nutritional deficiencies, rises in parasitism and loss of homeostasis. Therefore, gastrointestinal parasitesfrom sheep were characterized from four municipalities of the state of Campeche.Design/methodology/approach: The number of sheep studied was 243, evaluating the body weight, bodycondition, coloring of the eye mucosae, age, eggs per grams of feces, and family of parasites. The data wereanalyzed through an ANOVA and Tukey’s means test (P<0.05), as well as Spearman’s correlation analysisusing the statistical package Statistica 7.Results: Five parasite families were found (Trichostrongyloidae, Strongyloidae, Trichuridae, Eimeriidae andAnoplocephalidae). In the production systems of the municipality of Calakmul the five families of parasites werefound, with a parasite load of 3,571 hpg. The family Trichostrongyloidae presented the highest frequency inthe municipalities of Champotón and Calakmul with 52 and 75%, respectively. The animals with best bodycondition, FAMACHA© and lowest parasite load were observed in Hecelchakán.Limitations on study/implications: It is suggested to carry out a study of anthelmintic resistance, to establisha management of prevention and control of gastrointestinal parasites.Findings/conclusions: The frequency of gastrointestinal parasites is influenced by the management and themunicipality of origin within the sheep production systems in the state of Campeche

    Agricultural rotation crops: adaptive strategies of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche

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    Objective: To identify the agricultural crops in rotation carried out by the producers during one year of two rural communities of Champotón, Campeche. Design / methodology / approach: The research was carried out in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, communities belonging to Champotón, Campeche. Descriptive exploratory character. Documentary research was carried out and a survey was applied with 200 questionnaires in total, using the "snowball" technique. Descriptive statistics, were applied using the statistical packages of Excel. Results: Chihua squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugar cane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops for Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, respectively. Corn is grown both in Sihochac in May and in Kesté in various months of the year. Chihua squash, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame (Sesamum indicum), sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are produced only in Kesté at different times of the year. Limitations of the study / implications: This research is local in nature, so its results cannot be generalized, but they can be similar to other regions in the country. Findings / conclusions: Crop rotation is practiced in Kesté and not in the community of Sihochac. The way in which each community is organized to grow its crops responds to cultural-social factors and its available resources.Objective: To identify the agricultural rotation crops grown throughout a year by the producers of two farming communities in Champotón, Campeche, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: This exploratory-descriptive research was conducted in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, Champotón, Campeche. Documentary research was conducted and a survey with a total of 200 questionnaires was applied, following the snowball technique. The resulting data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using Excel’s statistical package. Results: Chihua pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugarcane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops. The former is specific to Santo Domingo Kesté and the latter, to Sihochac. Maize is grown in May in Sihochac, and in different months in Kesté. Chihua pumpkin, peanut (Arachis hypogaea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame seed (Sesamum indicum), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta), and hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are grown only in Kesté, in different times of the year. Study limitations/Implications: Since this research is of a local nature, its results cannot be generalized, although they may be similar to other regions of the country. Findings/Conclusions: Some agricultural relay crops are grown in Kesté and not in the Sihochac community. The way in which each community organizes its crops depends on socio-cultural factors and available resources

    Pruning height and frequency of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in a silvopastoral system

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    Objetive: Evaluate two heights (50 and 70 cm) and pruning frequencies (60 and 135 d) in Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in a developing silvopastoral system. Desing/methodology/approach: Four treatments were established, T1: Moringa oleifera with pruning at 50 cm, T2: Moringa oleifera with pruning at 70 cm, T3: Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 50 cm and T4: Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 70 cm and pruning frequencies at the 60 and 135 d. The number of sprouts, diameter and length of the largest sprout, and biomass were recorded. The data were analyzed using a mixed model, analysis of variance and Tukey's tests. Results: The number of regrowths in L. leucocephala was higher than M. oleifera. The T2 had the highest behavior at 60 d, for L. leucocephala it was similar between pruning and frequencies. The diameter and length were greater for T2 at both frequencies, at 60 d for T3 and at 135 d for T4. Biomass was higher in M. oleífera than L. leucocephala, pruning at 70 cm was better than at 50 cm. Pruning at 135 days obtained higher biomass than at 60 days. T2 obtained higher biomass at 60 d, T1 and T4 at 135 d. Study limitations/implications: Forage species, frequencies and pruning heights determine the growth potential and amount of biomass available to the animals. Findings/conclusions:Leucaena leucocephala has better agronomic performance in response to pruning without influencing the height and frequency of pruning in a silvopastoral system.Objective: To evaluate two different heights (50 and 70 cm) and pruning frequencies (60 and 135 days) in Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in a developing silvopastoral system. Design/methodology/approach: Four treatments were established: T1=Moringa oleifera with pruning at 50 cm; T2=Moringa oleifera with pruning at 70 cm; T3=Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 50 cm; and T4=Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 70 cm. In all cases, pruning frequencies were 60 and 135 days. The number of sprouts, diameter, and length of the largest sprout, as well as the amount of biomass, were recorded. A mixed model, variance analysis, and Tukey's test were used to analyze the data. Results: The number of regrowths for L. leucocephala was higher than for M. oleifera. Treatment T2 had the highest performance at day 60; in the case of L. leucocephala, performance was similar between pruning frequencies. For T2, diameter and length were larger at both frequencies; for T3, at 60 days; and for T4, at 135 days. Biomass was higher for M. oleifera than for L. leucocephala, while pruning at 70 cm was better than at 50 cm. Pruning at 135 days produced a higher biomass than at 60 days. For T2, biomass was higher at 60 days, while for T1 and T4, it was higher at 135 days. Study limitations/implications: Forage species, as well as pruning frequencies and heights, determine tree growth potential and the amount of biomass available for animals. Findings/conclusions: The agronomic performance of Leucaena leucocephala has a better response to pruning, regardless of pruning height and frequency, in a silvopastoral system

    Dinámica espacio-temporal de nematodos gastrointestinales y escarabajos estercoleros en un agroecosistema bovino de Veracruz.

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    Se analizaron los componentes del agroecosistema bovino, con la inclusión de la ivermectina sobre la abundancia y la disposición espacio-temporal de escarabajos estercoleros y de nematodos gastrointestinales. El capítulo I presenta el estudio de los nematodos gastrointestinales que afectan a los bovinos, su abundancia, su dispersión en el potrero, y el efecto de la ivermectina sobre los huevecillos en las heces. Se encontró que los parásitos que afectan al ganado son Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, Cooperia spp. y Ostertagia spp., sus larvas se encuentran generalmente agregadas en los pastizales durante casi todo el año; su abundancia fluctúa y esta correlacionada positivamente con la precipitación. Además, no hubo reducción en la cantidad de huevecillos en el estiércol al desparasitar los bovinos con ivermectina. En el Capítulo II, se describe la abundancia y el patrón espacial de los escarabajos coprófagos que habitan en el agroecosistema bovino. Se colectaron 4,569 individuos que corresponden a 15 especies. Las más abundantes fueron Euoniticellus intermedius y Digitonthophagus gazella. Las capturas de algunas especies fueron afectadas por la presencia de ivermectina, como es el caso de D. gazella y Ataenius cribithorax. Los coleópteros mostraron una disposición agregada durante todo el año de estudio. _______________ SPATIO-TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF GASTROINTESTINAL NEMATODES AND DUNG BEETLES IN A CATTLE AGROECOSYSTEM OF VERACRUZ. ABSTRACT: I analyzed how the inclusion of ivermectin affected some cattle agroecosystem components, such as the abundance and spatio-temporal arrangement of dung beetles and gastrointestinal nematodes. Chapter I describes some the gastrointestinal nematodes affecting cattle, regarding its abundance, spatial arrangement on the field, and the effect of ivermectin on the eggs in the feces. The most important parasites affecting cattle were Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, Cooperia spp. and Ostertagia spp., their larvae are found in pastures throughout most of the year. Populations were aggregated during all the sampling period and its abundance was positively correlated with precipitation. In addition, there was no reduction in the number of eggs found in dung from cattle treated with ivermectin. Finally in Chapter II, I describe the abundance and spatial pattern of dung beetles that occur in a grazing agroecosystem. I found 4569 individuals from 15 species. The most abundant were Euoniticellus intermedius and Digitonthophagus gazella. Captures of some species were affected by the presence of ivermectin as D. gazella and Ataenius cribithorax. The beetles had an aggregated pattern during the year of study.Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias, especialista en Agroecosistemas Tropicales).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2011.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)

    Disponibilidad de biomasa y hábitos alimenticios de ovinos en un sistema silvopastoril con Leucaena leucocephala, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Y Cynodon nlemfuensis

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    Se evaluó el efecto del pastoreo a los 50, 60 y 70 días en época de lluvias y seca con nortes que son los frentes fríos, que corresponden de octubre a enero junto con la disponibilidad, calidad de biomasa y hábitos alimenticios de ovinos en un sistema silvopastoril de pasto estrella (Cynodon nlemfuensis), tulipán (Hibiscus rosasinensis) y leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala). Para cada tratamiento se utilizaron 2 parcelas de 8x24 m y 6 ovejas adultas raza pelibuey. La disponibilidad de biomasa en leucaena y tulipán se evaluó mediante cosecha total de 20 a 40 plantas por tratamiento. El pasto estrella se midió antes y después del pastoreo. Las 3 especies se separaron en componentes morfológicos, y se determinó proteína cruda y fibra detergente neutra en las hojas. Los hábitos de los ovinos se determinaron mediante observación directa. La disponibilidad de biomasa total, consumo por grupo y utilización del pasto estrella fueron mayores a los 70 días y en la época de lluvias. La proporción de hoja de las 3 especies fue mayor a los 50 días; por efecto de la época, fue más abundante en lluvias, nortes y seca para estrella, leucaena y tulipán, respectivamente. La disponibilidad de PC no varió (p>0,05) por efecto de frecuencia ni época de pastoreo. El mayor tiempo de consumo estuvo destinado a pasto estrella, tulipán y leucaena. Los diseños favorecieron los sistemas silvopastoriles multiasociados pues potenciaron los efectos positivos de sus relaciones. Las frecuencias de pastoreo se ajustaron a la época del año, bajo un modelo de manejo mixto de pastoreo y podas, para mejor utilización de la biomasa

    Caracterización de los agroecosistemas con producción ovina en el oriente de Yucatán, México.

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    The aim of this study was to characterize and group agroecosystems with sheep production in the eastearn side of Yucatan, Mexico. This study was held from August 2012 to April 2013. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied while interviewing 93% of producers from seven municipalities that have sheep within their agroecosystems. Random sampling, cluster analysis, ANOVA using GLM and comparison of means by Tukey (P>0.05) were performed. Four different groups of agroecosystems with sheep production were obtained: GA (elderly people in charge, middle schooling, and high amount of land, large herds or more years practicing sheep farming), GB middle age people in charge, higher schooling, intermediate amount of land, and intermediate herd size), GC (elderly people in charge, less schooling, low amount of land and reduced herd size), and GD (younger people in charge, high schooling, low amount of land, small herd size and less time performing the activity). Sheep farming was the first, second, and third productive option for 12%, 75% and 11,8% of producers. In some cases, sheep production in the region has been practiced for over 15 years; however it is the economic priority only of a small group of producers. Access to resources determined their level of development and lack of organization among sheep producers is evident.El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar y agrupar los agroecosistemas con producción ovina de la región oriente de Yucatán, México. Este estudio se realizó de agosto 2012 a abril 2013. Se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado mediante entrevista al 93% de los productores de siete municipios, que manejaban ovinos dentro de sus agroecosistemas. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio, análisis de conglomerados, ANOVA mediante GLM y comparación de medias por Tukey (P>0,05). Se obtuvieron cuatro grupos diferentes de agroecosistemas con ovinos: GA (responsables con edad avanzada, escolaridad media, alta cantidad de tierras, rebaños grandes y más años de practicar la ovinocultura), GB (responsables de edad intermedia, mayor escolaridad y cantidad intermedia de tierras, tamaño intermedio de rebaño), GC (responsables de edad avanzada, menor escolaridad, baja cantidad de tierras y reducido tamaño del rebaño) y GD (responsables más jóvenes, escolaridad alta, baja cantidad de tierras, rebaño pequeño y menor tiempo de realizar la actividad). La ovinocultura fue la primera, segunda y tercera opción productiva para el 12, 75 y 11,8% de los productores, respectivamente. En la región, la ovinocultura es una actividad practicada desde hace más de quince años en algunos casos, sin embargo, solamente es la prioridad económica de un pequeño grupo de productores. El acceso a recursos determinó su grado de desarrollo y fue evidente la falta de organización entre los ovinocultores