54 research outputs found

    Similarities between the Acquirer and the Target Company in Successful Takeover Bid Offers

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    AbstractIn order to narrow the high competition between firms that operates in the same industry, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) transactions are frequently encountered in Romania. In many M&As can be found some similarities between the acquirer and the target company. The study analyze how a successful takeover bid offer is influenced by similarities regarding the age, the geographical position, the industry or ownership between the acquirer and the target company. The results point out that some variables have an important influence on the successful takeover bid, while others are not significant in the acquirer's point of view

    Raising Awareness on Health Impact of the Chemicals Used in Consumer Products: Empirical Evidence from East-Central Europe

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    Recent research and guidance provided by regulatory authorities address the growing concerns on the control of chemicals used in consumer products. In this context, this study responds to literature alerts emphasizing the need for promoting risk reduction by decreasing the use of damaging chemicals and raising public awareness on this issue. It focuses on East-Central Europe and investigates whether consumers are worried about the impact on health of chemicals, and whether they think there is enough information available in this sense. The study uses logistic regression in order to analyze the secondary data from Special Eurobarometer No. 416 (part of Eurobarometer Wave EB 81.3, European Commission, 2014), namely 27,998 interviews collected in all 28 EU countries, of which 11,460 are from East-Central Europe. The research reveals a profile of East-Central Europeans, who consider that they lack information on the topic, and identifies the most effective way of reaching these people according to their perceptions and habits. Reporting results on a representative sample in East-Central Europe, the study indicates the channels, sources of information, and trusted institutions in order to support a campaign for raising public awareness on the health impact of chemicals used in consumer products

    Harmonic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) of Kidney Tumors

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    Nowadays, kidney tumor diagnosis benefits from large and highly accurate imagistic methods. A new imagistic method is contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) that accurately depicts the circulatory pattern of tumors. In kidney pathology, any mass or even capsular deformation depicted by B mode ultrasound represents an indication for CEUS. The kidney is completely and uniformly vascularized. In cystic tumors, there is a lack of contrast loading. In “impure” cystic masses (Bosnian 3 and 4), CEUS reveals vascularized septa and walls. In malignant tumors, accelerated and heterogeneous loading of contrast agent is observed in arterial phase followed by early, inhomogeneous washout of the contrast agent compared to normal renal parenchyma. In the abscesses, the appearance is the early loading of the walls associated with moderate hyperemia of the normal circulatory bed. This chapter details the CEUS in kidney tumor pathology, emphasizing the accurate information for the circulatory pattern of renal masses. It requires correlations with clinical data and information provided by other imaging explorations to make a final diagnosis

    National Drug Policy: retrospectives, actualities and development directions

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    Catedra Farmacie Socială “Vasile Procopişin” Centrul Ştiinţific în Domeniul Medicamentului Agenţia MedicamentuluiThe National Drug Policy (NDP) represents an effective tool to coordinate the state priorities in the drug field and pharmaceutical activity. Based on the collective experts’ analysis, in the study the results of the NDP implementation degree and the strong and the weak points of the NDP are presented. The main direction of NDP development for the period of the next 5-7 years is argued and the suggestions concerning the changes and completions of the NDP are drawn. Politica de stat în domeniul medicamentului (PSM) reprezintă un instrument eficient în procesul de coordonare a priorităţilor statului în domeniul medicamentului şi activităţii farmaceutice. În baza analizei colective de experţi, în lucrare se prezintă rezultatele estimării gradului de implementare a PSM, evaluării punctelor tari şi celor slabe. Este argumentată principala direcţie de dezvoltare a PSM RM pentru următorii 5-7 ani şi sunt elaborate propuneri privind modificarea şi completarea acestei politici

    Statistical evaluation of heavy metal content in some capsicum varieties available on the Romanian market

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    The aim of this study is to emphasis the heavy metals content in seven capsicum varieties of capsicum of the specie Capsicum annuum L., available on the Romanian market. From the analyzed Capsicum fruit samples, three Capsicum assortments were cultivated in Romania and the other four were imported from Italy and Turkey. The studied heavy metals (copper, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, lead, nickel, cadmium and chromium) have normal concentration values that are not of any risk to human health. Cadmium is not detectable in all studied samples. The heavy metal content associated with statistical analysis programs permits the identification of characteristics specific to the origin of products and the graphical chemical fingerprint of the studied capsicum species. The chemical fingerprinting of a plant demands the determination of a large number of elements (DJINGOVA ET AL., 2004). The study is revealing similar distribution pattern

    SPRINT-SELF: social-based routing and selfish node detection in opportunistic networks

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    Since mobile devices nowadays have become ubiquitous, several types of networks formed over such devices have been proposed. One such approach is represented by opportunistic networking, which is based on a store-carry-and-forward paradigm, where nodes store data and carry it until they reach a suitable node for forwarding. The problem in such networks is how to decide what the next hop will be, since nodes do not have a global view of the network. We propose using the social network information of a node when performing routing, since a node is more likely to encounter members of its own social community than other nodes. In addition, we approximate a node's contact as a Poisson distribution and show that we can predict its future behavior based on the contact history. Furthermore, since opportunistic network nodes may be selfish, we improve our solution by adding a selfish node detection and avoidance mechanism, which can help reduce the number of unnecessary messages sent in the network, and thus avoid congestion and decrease battery consumption. We show that our algorithm outperforms existing solutions such as BUBBLE Rap and Epidemic in terms of delivery cost and hit rate, as well as the rate of congestion introduced in the network, by testing in various realistic scenarios.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fatty Acid Indices and the Nutritional Properties of Karakul Sheep Meat

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    This study aimed to evaluate the fatty acid profile and health lipid indices of sheep meat (from 52 Karakul sheep from NE Romania). The effect of age at slaughter and the influence of muscle region were studied for nutritional parameters, especially the fatty acids from lipid fractions. Based on the fatty acid profiles and lipid contents, the sanogenic indices were determined for two sheep muscle groups. Thus, two different muscle regions from lamb and adult sheep were analysed from both genders, the Longissimus dorsi and Triceps brachii, to argue the advantages of each category and the rationalization, in terms of meat consumption, regarding their impact on human health. Sheep meat has many components with beneficial effects on human health. Apart from the fact that it is an important source of nutrients due to its high content of proteins, lipids, and minerals, it is also a product that can provide fundamental bioactive compounds for maintaining metabolic functions. The qualitative indices assessment revealed that lambs have meat with high PUFA content on Longissimus dorsi muscles (approx. 25% of total fatty acids), 0.68 for PUFA/SFA, with highest values for n-3 (approx. 8%) and n-6 (approx. 14%). Appropriate values can also be observed in Triceps brachii muscles from adult sheep. The sanogenic indices also presented good values for Longissimus dorsi from lambs and Triceps brachii from adult sheep (polyunsaturation index = 7.2–10.2; atherogenic index = 0.56–0.67; thrombogenic index = 0.78–0.96; hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic index = 2.4–2.7 (for Longissimus dorsi))

    Cheese - facts between nutrition, health and tradition

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    Nowadays, people are more and more interested by their health status, about their diet and are looking for healthy products, less processed, and with moderate content of lipids and salt. Thus, cheese is a traditional, healthy, and varied product - that can be produced from cow, ewe, goat, or buffalo milk, fresh or maturated diary product. The water, dry matter and lipid content are very important for maturation degree of cheese and for preservation time. Lipid and salt content is important for the taste, and for flavor – lipids being responsible for creamy sensorial characteristics. Thus, we analyzed some physic-chemical characteristics (water, dry matter, lipid, salt content, and also the ration between lipids and dry matter) and some microbiological characteristics for four types of Italian cheese: Pecorino, Basky, Magra and Ricotta. Pecorino presented the lowest water content (32.53%) and highest salt content (5.14%), being a maturated cheese (60-70 maturation days). Basky presented low water content (39.06%) and low salt content (2.36%), but 24.3% lipids, and 39.84 lipid / dry matter ration. Magra is a non-maturated cheese, with 50.19% water, with very low content of lipids (1.47%), with low lipid/dry matter ration (2.67) and no salt, being indicated in different diets. Ricotta is a cheese with highest water content (67.22%), with moderate lipid content (13.9%), with very low salt content (0.91%), and high lipid/dry matter ration (42.43). Microbiologic test were performed for all four Italian cheese and the E. coli, and Staphylococcus were under the maximum limits (<10 E. coli; <100 Staphylococcus), while the Listeria monocytogenes was absent. This study tries to demonstrate that if we know very well the cheese products and our health status we can choose the best product, depending on the water, lipid and salt content of the cheese

    Sensory characterisation of emulsified sausages incorporating celery powder and obtained with different technological parameters

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    This study aimed to evaluate and sensorily describe membrane-emulsified poultry and pork meat products (frankfurter sausages) manufactured in the USV Iași Meat Processing Workshop, products to which celery powder was added. Six technology sheets were developed to obtain six batches of products (three chicken and three pork): C1 (66% chicken breast, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder) and P1 (66% pork, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder), C2 (56% chicken breast, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and P2 (56% pork, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and C3 (48% chicken breast, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder) and P3 (48% pork, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder). The samples were evaluated in terms of instrumental colour and sensory evaluation (acceptability test and CATA – check-all-that-apply). The results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between the samples regarding the instrumental colour, chicken meat frankfurter sausages having significantly higher lightness values (L*) compared to pork frankfurter sausages, and in terms of the proportion of raw materials: the lightness increased significantly in direct proportion to the percentage of fat added. According to the CATA analysis, the evaluators associated a pink colour and meaty flavour with batch 1 products and attributes such as uniformity of colour, characteristic flavour, the right amount of seasoning and smooth texture were identified in all six batches of products. However, the batches with the highest scores on the hedonic scale, considered acceptable by the evaluators, were C1, P1 and C2

    Statistical evaluation of heavy metal content in some capsicum varieties available on the Romanian market

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    The aim of this study is to emphasis the heavy metals content in seven capsicum varieties of capsicum of the specie Capsicum annuum L., available on the Romanian market. From the analyzed Capsicum fruit samples, three Capsicum assortments were cultivated in Romania and the other four were imported from Italy and Turkey. The studied heavy metals (copper, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, lead, nickel, cadmium and chromium) have normal concentration values that are not of any risk to human health. Cadmium is not detectable in all studied samples. The heavy metal content associated with statistical analysis programs permits the identification of characteristics specific to the origin of products and the graphical chemical fingerprint of the studied capsicum species. The chemical fingerprinting of a plant demands the determination of a large number of elements (DJINGOVA ET AL., 2004). The study is revealing similar distribution pattern