11 research outputs found

    Further Representations of the Canonical Commutation Relations

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    We construct a new class of representations of the canonical commutation relations, which generalizes previously known classes. We perturb the infinitesimal generator of the initial Fock representation (i.e. the free quantum field) by a function of the field which is square-integrable with respect to the associated Gaussian measure. We characterize which such perturbations lead to representations of the canonical commutation relations. We provide conditions entailing the irreducibility of such representations, show explicitly that our class of representations subsumes previously studied classes, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for our representations to be unitarily equivalent, resp. quasi-equivalent, with Fock, coherent or quasifree representations

    Geometric Modular Action and Spacetime Symmetry Groups

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    A condition of geometric modular action is proposed as a selection principle for physically interesting states on general space-times. This condition is naturally associated with transformation groups of partially ordered sets and provides these groups with projective representations. Under suitable additional conditions, these groups induce groups of point transformations on these space-times, which may be interpreted as symmetry groups. The consequences of this condition are studied in detail in application to two concrete space-times -- four-dimensional Minkowski and three-dimensional de Sitter spaces -- for which it is shown how this condition characterizes the states invariant under the respective isometry group. An intriguing new algebraic characterization of vacuum states is given. In addition, the logical relations between the condition proposed in this paper and the condition of modular covariance, widely used in the literature, are completely illuminated.Comment: 83 pages, AMS-TEX (format changed to US letter size

    The second law of thermodynamics, TCP, and Einstein causality in anti-de Sitter space-time

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    If the vacuum is passive for uniformly accelerated observers in anti-de Sitter space-time (i.e. cannot be used by them to operate a "perpetuum mobile"), they will (a) register a universal value of the Hawking-Unruh temperature, (b) discover a TCP symmetry, and (c) find that observables in complementary wedge-shaped regions are commensurable (local) in the vacuum state. These results are model independent and hold in any theory which is compatible with some weak notion of space-time localization.Comment: 8 pages, slightly improved results, minor changes in the expository part, new title; to appear in "Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Further Representations of the Canonical Commutation Relations

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    . We construct a new class of representations of the canonical commutation relations, which generalizes previously known classes. We perturb the infinitesimal generator of the initial Fock representation (i.e. the free quantum field) by a function of the field which is square-integrable with respect to the associated Gaussian measure. We characterize which such perturbations lead to representations of the canonical commutation relations. We provide conditions entailing the irreducibility of such representations, show explicitly that our class of representations subsumes previously studied classes, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for our representations to be unitarily equivalent, resp. quasi-equivalent, with Fock, coherent or quasifree representations. Typeset by A M S-T E X 2 MARTIN FLORIG AND STEPHEN J. SUMMERS I. Introduction The canonical commutation relations (henceforth the CCR) were initially introduced in 1927 by Dirac as generalizations of Heisenberg's commuta..