32 research outputs found

    The use of video in educational research and teacher training in the digital classroom

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    Abstract The introduction of new technologies, video in particular, in educational and pedagogical research has not only changed how research is conducted in the educational field but has also brought about significant changes in teacher training. The advent of digitalisation, along with the miniaturisation of both video cameras and storage media, has led to a dramatic increase in the use of video, particularly in terms of video production. This has led to the introduction of new teaching practices and new training initiatives derived from the analysis of these practices. The use of video, at an educational and didactic level on the one hand, and as an instrument for field observation on the other, offers a variety of benefits, along with some critical issues. One of the advantages is the capacity to allow for an analytical vision of complex actions, which may be reviewed at different times, by a variety of interlocutors. The aim of this study is to present a reflection based on research conducted in nine digital classes, focussing on the use of video as both an instrument for recording, collecting and analysing data, as well as a training tool in the didactic practice of teachers

    Evaluation of an e-learning device for workers' compulsory training: an example of collaboration between university and company

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    Abstract In this article, we present the collaboration between the Quality, Hygiene, Security and Training department of the service provider of the Coop-branded cooperatives and the Human Sciences and Education Department of the University of Perugia, the objective of which was compulsory training in the fields of Job Security and Food Hygiene, provided by the company in e-learning, and addressing the employees of several cooperatives operating in the largescale organised distribution sector. The collaboration contemplates two steps. The first one consisted of the certification of compliance according to certain quality criteria. Course evaluation and certification were therefore assigned to an external institution that researches these subjects and thus was able to provide the training governance team with matter for reflection on the implemented training path, also indicating some potential aspects that needed to be further developed. The second step consisted of a wide-ranging, articulated empirical research that, on the one hand, enabled the university to cast light on a phenomenon that has been studied little or not at all from an educational viewpoint and, on the other, has enabled the Consorzio Interprovinciale di Servizi-Quality, Hygiene, Security and Training department (CIS-QuISF) to enhance its professional perspective and the e-learning mode to gain increasing recognition

    Learning to learn: comparing learning and teaching style

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    The essay concerns a survey that has been made with the students and teachers of two secondary and high schools in Città della Pieve (PG - Italy). The aim of this survey is the knowledge comprehension and comparison of the students’ learning styles 1and the teachers’ teaching styles. In the educational environment the relevance of individual differences is unquestionable; the knowledge of students’ learning styles allows the teacher to take advantage of individual abilities. Two different questionnaires have been submitted and the results have been examined to analyse the students’ learning styles and to study the teachers’ teaching styles. The obtained data concern the fundamental themes related to the learning and teaching process.Imparare ad imparare: stili di apprendimento e di insegnamento a confrontoIl contributo descrive l’indagine, condotta in due classi delle scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado di Città della Pieve (PG), volta a rilevare e comparare gli stili di apprendimento degli studenti e gli stili d’insegnamento dei loro docenti. L’importanza di considerare le differenze individuali è per l’ambito educativo indiscutibile, dal momento che solo conoscendo le modalità attraverso cui gli studenti apprendono, un insegnante può riuscire a valorizzare le attitudini di ognuno. I risultati emersi dalla somministrazione di due distinti questionari, sono stati esaminati con il duplice scopo di: approfondire la conoscenza degli stili di apprendimento e avviare una riflessione sugli stili di insegnamento dei docenti. I dati raccolti toccano aspetti fondamentali delle tematiche legate ai processi di apprendimento e di insegnamento.

    Pre-teachers training in digital competence: a workshop experience on coding

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    This essay deals with a training experience for the Degree Course on Primary Education Sciences (Scienze della Formazione Primaria), at the University of Perugia. Fifth year students have been given a laboratory about coding and computational thinking, in a mixed methodology made of the face-to-face and online forms. This is also in relation to actions 17 and 27 of the National Plan for the Digital School. Results of the assessment activities taken in the laboratory are hereby presented. They show a good level of teaching-design competence of the students about coding. Formazione dei futuri insegnanti alla competenza digitale: un’esperienza laboratoriale sul coding In questo saggio viene presentata un’esperienza di formazione realizzata presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia, nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria. Per gli studenti del quinto anno è stato proposto un laboratorio, in modalità integrata in presenza e online, sul coding e il pensiero computazionale, in riferimento anche a quanto previsto dal Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (PNSD), alle azioni 17 e 27. Sono presentati i dati risultanti dagli strumenti di monitoraggio utilizzati per le diverse attività proposte nel laboratorio, dai quali si evince la conquista da parte degli studenti di una buona competenza didattico-progettuale rispetto al coding

    Pre-teachers training in digital competence: a workshop experience on coding

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    This essay deals with a training experience for the Degree Course on Primary Education Sciences (Scienze della Formazione Primaria), at the University of Perugia. Fifth year students have been given a laboratory about coding and computational thinking, in a mixed methodology made of the face-to-face and online forms. This is also in relation to actions 17 and 27 of the National Plan for the Digital School. Results of the assessment activities taken in the laboratory are hereby presented. They show a good level of teaching-design competence of the students about coding.Formazione dei futuri insegnanti alla competenza digitale: un’esperienza laboratoriale sul codingIn questo saggio viene presentata un’esperienza di formazione realizzata presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia, nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria. Per gli studenti del quinto anno è stato proposto un laboratorio, in modalità integrata in presenza e online, sul coding e il pensiero computazionale, in riferimento anche a quanto previsto dal Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (PNSD), alle azioni 17 e 27. Sono presentati i dati risultanti dagli strumenti di monitoraggio utilizzati per le diverse attività proposte nel laboratorio, dai quali si evince la conquista da parte degli studenti di una buona competenza didattico-progettuale rispetto al coding

    Antropologia culturale e didattica dei saperi disciplinari: un’esperienza laboratoriale

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    This article presents some experimental results of two didactic experiences that were conducted in the University of Perugia in the year 2014/2015: an experience has involved university teachers, tutor of trainees, tutors, school leaders, on a path of training conjunct in which we have been adopted strategies to promote participation and comparison, using as a source of learning the trainees' writing ('board diaries') and others materials. The experience was elaborated on starting with cultural anthropology, whose teaching is imparted into the course of study. Many groups of teachers have drawn to the anthropological approach for the critical reflections on Western thought in order to open it to the understanding of diversity; the anthropological approach has the liminal vocation , that puts it for its own tradition at border with other approaches, capable of dialogue with the various disciplinary knowledgeIn questo articolo vengono presentati e discussi alcuni risultati relativi alla sperimentazione di due esperienze di didattica Nell’Ateneo di Perugia è stata condotta, nell’a.a. 2014/2015 un’esperienza che ha coinvolto docenti universitari, tutor dei tirocinanti, tutor universitari, dirigenti scolastici, in un percorso di formazione congiunto in cui sono state adottate strategie volte a promuovere la partecipazione e il confronto, utilizzando come fonte di apprendimento scritti dei tirocinanti (‘diari di bordo’) e altri materiali. L’esperienza è stata elaborata a partire dall’antropologia culturale, il cui insegnamento è impartito a Perugia fin dalla costituzione del corso di studio. Da tempo vari gruppi di insegnanti hanno attinto all’approccio antropologico per le riflessioni critiche prodotte sul pensiero occidentale al fine di aprirlo alla comprensione della diversità, oltre che per la sua vocazione liminare, che collocandosi per propria tradizione al confine con altri approcci, dialoga -a seconda del tema/problema esaminato- con i vari saperi. E soprattutto perché risulta utile alla ricerca didattica in quanto può chiarire leimplicazioni formative e il valore d’uso delle categorie disciplinari in rapporto alla cultura degli alunni, in modo da costruire apprendimenti significativi

    Riflettere sull’identità professionale mediante un’analisi della personale esperienza didattica: il caso dei PAS

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the self-employment of teachers in training, in particular, have been analyzing the representations of the course participants PAS, special routes enabling reserved to certain categories of teachers with special service requirements. The starting point was the reflectionon their teaching practice, necessary to explain in cognitive terms the qualifyingaspects of their experience and therefore their professional identity, the result of past experiences had as students of theoretical knowledge carried out, their educational experiences. The research involved the administration to students of a tool for self-analysis of teaching practice that would allow participants to clarify their representations. Research has shown that there is a significantdiscrepancy between what emerges in the reading of narratives made by the researcher and the picture that emerges in the reading of the recurrences revealed by the analysis made by the participants.Lo scopo di questa ricerca è quello di esaminare il sé professionale dei docenti in formazione, mediante le analisi delle rappresentazioni di questo aspetto prodotte dai partecipanti ai corsi PAS, percorsi speciali abilitanti riservati a categorie di docenti con particolari requisiti di servizio. Il punto di partenza è stata la riflessione sulla loro pratica didattica, necessaria per esplicitare in termini cognitivi gli aspetti qualificanti la loro esperienza e dunque la propria identità professionale, frutto delle passate esperienze avute come allievi, delle conoscenze teoriche acquisite, delle proprie esperienze didattiche.La ricerca ha previsto la somministrazione ai corsisti di uno strumento di auto-analisidella pratica didattica che consentisse ai partecipanti di esplicitare le proprie rappresentazioni. La ricerca ha dimostrato che esiste una notevole discrepanza tra quanto emerge nella lettura delle narrazioni fatta dal ricercatoree l’immagine che emerge nella lettura delle ricorrenze evidenziate dall’analisi fatta dai partecipanti

    Teaching to teach with a LMS: the experience at University of Perugia

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    [EN] A Learning Management System (LMS) is nowadays a pivotal element in the education environment of a modern university. However, though it generally has a beneficial and positive impact on the education, a part of the teachers is sometimes reluctant to adopt a LMS because of the perceived usage difficulty. Therefore, it is clear that a key step in order to spread the use of a LMS is to teach to the teachers how to use it and which benefits their teaching activities can gain. In this paper, we report and analyze the experience we had at University of Perugia. An e-learning course has been released to the (approximately) 1000 teachers of the university with the aim of introducing them to the basic tools provided by the LMS. Importantly, the course has been created and delivered by means of UniStudium, i.e., the Moodle-based LMS deployed in our university. This allowed us to collect interesting quantitative and qualitative data that have been elaborated and analyzed. The analysis shows that the activities carried out reached a prominent percentage of teachers, by also providing us important suggestions and hints to guide our future activities in this direction.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Filomia, M.; Santucic, V.; Vinti, G.; De Santis, GMP.; Falcinelli, F.; Frenguelli, G.; Lorenzi, C.... (2018). Teaching to teach with a LMS: the experience at University of Perugia. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1439-1447. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8221OCS1439144