15 research outputs found

    Analysis of Internal and External Factors as a Form of Strategy to Improve the Performance of UKM Gropak Banyumas

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal and external factors felt by the Gropak Banyumas SMEs and find the best strategies that can be applied to improve the performance of the Gropak Banyumas SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used to analyze these objectives is to use a quantitative descriptive approach. The main target of this research is the Banyumas gropak entrepreneur. The results of the research conducted that in Gropak SMEs, all aspects originating from external factors include aspects of government policy, socio-cultural and economic aspects, aspects of the role of related institutions and internal factors which include aspects of human resources, financial aspects, technical aspects of production and operations, market aspects. and marketing can have a considerable influence on improving sales performance, labor growth and marketing in SMEs. In the production process, most of which use a handmade process, so that the technical aspects of production and operation with the use of technology have little influence on the performance of SMEs.Keywords: Banyumas Gropak, SME Performance, Covid-1

    Analysis Of Tempeh Demand In Indonesia In 2007-2022

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    This research is a quantitative research with the title: "Analysis of Tempeh Demand in Indonesia 2007-2022". The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of population, per capita income, soybean prices, and egg prices on tempeh demand. The object of study includes the population, per capita income of the community, the price of imported soybeans, and the price of eggs. The subject of the study is the country of Indonesia. The research time span is 2007 to 2022.Based on the results of research and data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis shows that; (1) population variables have a positive and significant effect on tempeh demand, (2) imported soybean price variables have a negative and significant effect on tempeh demand, (3) per capita income variables and egg prices do not have a significant effect on tempeh demand. Based on Test F, the independent variables (population, per capita income, soybean price, egg price) have a significant effect simultaneously (together) on the dependent variable (tempeh demand).The implication of the above conclusion is that to compensate for the need for tempeh, a program should be held to increase the production of imported soybeans intended to meet national soybean needs which tend to increase as a result of increasing population and community income, as well as increasing public knowledge about the nutritional content of some food products made from soybeans. The program is expected to reduce dependence on soybean imports and can increase tempeh production which can ultimately increase domestic food security so that food self-sufficiency can be realized.Keywords: Demand, Consumer, Influence, Factor


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    Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan hibah peralatan berupa teknologi pembuatan rumah kaca cerdas untuk menjaga nutrisi tanaman, kestabilan pH air dan pengisian air baku tepat waktu. Sehingga mutu buah dan sayur yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara optimal yaitu pada tingkat kemanisan minimal 13% Brix, bentuk buah halus, jaring buah rapi. Memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pengelolaan tanaman yang efisien sehingga dapat efektif dari segi waktu dan tenaga, sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan tidak melebihi pendapatan yang diperoleh anggota Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima. Cara yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini adalah dengan memberikan donasi alat-alat produksi yang benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima guna meningkatkan jumlah produksi dan kualitas, kemudian memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan mengenai penerapan sistem pengelolaan tanaman hidroponik. Hasil pengabdian yang dilakukan Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima menunjukkan adanya perubahan tingkat produksi dan efisiensi akibat adanya hibah berupa alat pengatur pH dan unsur hara tanaman melon organik. Produksi bisa meningkat hingga satu buah berbobot 2 kg dalam waktu 70 hari setelah tanam. Sehingga meningkatkan harga jual buah tersebut. Selain itu, proses pemeliharaan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah karena proses pengendalian tanaman dapat dilakukan melalui smartphone untuk mengatur pH dan kadar nutrisi yang cukup agar buah dapat tumbuh maksimal.   Kata Kunci : Hidroponik, Smart Greenhouse, Petani MilenialThe purpose of this activity is to provide equipment grants in the form of technology for making smart greenhouses to maintain plant nutrition, stabilize water pH and fill raw water on time. So that the expected quality of fruit and vegetables can be achieved optimally, namely at a minimum sweetness level of 13% Brix, smooth fruit shape, neat fruit mesh. Providing training and assistance in efficient crop management so that it can be effective in terms of time and energy, so that the costs incurred do not exceed the income earned by members of the Red Pomegranate Millennial Farmers Group. The way this service is carried out is by donating production equipment that is really needed by the Red Delima Millennial Farmers Group to increase production quantity and quality, then providing training and assistance regarding the implementation of the hydroponic plant management system. The results of the service carried out by the Red Delima Millennial Farmers Group show that there has been a change in production levels and efficiency due to a grant in the form of a pH control device and organic melon plant nutrients. Production can increase up to one fruit weighing 2 kg within 70 days after planting. Thus increasing the selling price of the fruit. Apart from that, the maintenance process can be carried out more easily because the plant control process can be done via smartphone to regulate the pH and nutrient levels sufficiently so that the fruit can grow optimally


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi lebih dalam dampak sosial dan ekonomi yang dirasakan pengusaha Desa Pekunden setelah desa tersebut dijadikan Desa Wisata Kampoeng Nopia Mino. Menelaah dan memproyeksikan startegi atau metode yang diterapkan hingga Desa Pekunden dapat berkembang menjadi Desa Wisata Kampoeng Nopia Mino yang dapat dikenal pengusaha luas. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode wawancara, kuesioner, dan penentuan strategi pengembangan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Target utama penelitian ini adalah pembuat nopia mino dan pengusaha Desa Wisata Kampoeng Nopia Mino Desa Pekunden Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dampak social ekonomi yang dirasakan yaitu pemenuhan kebutuhan Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan peningkatan pendapatan keluarga. Strategi yang diterapkan yaitu menambah sarana dan prasarana, kerjasama antar pengusaha, konsumen dan distributor, meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya, serta menciptakan inovasi rasa bar

    The Quality Of Financial Reporting On The Accountability Of Public Organizations: A Literature Review

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    This research was conducted to examine the Quality of financial reporting on the accountability of public organizations, both conducted in Indonesia and around the world. Data collection methods are carried out: (1) identifying research questions; (2) identifying relevant studies; (3) choosing a study; (4) grouping data; and (5) compiling, summarizing, and reporting the results. Relevant journals come from Scopus-indexed journals and are accredited by Sinta. The approach used in this research is qualitative. Based on the results of a literature review regarding the Quality of financial reporting on accountability in public organizations, several research results indicate an influence between the Quality of financial reporting and accountability. This is a significant concern for the government to improve further supervision (controlling) of the financial reporting of public organizations. In addition, it is also necessary to study the factors that influence the Quality of financial reporting, which in turn has implications for increasing the accountability of public organizations. This is important, considering that accountability is also an indicator of the performance of public organizations. Keywords: Quality of financial reporting; accountability; public organization

    Internal Factors that Influence Purchasing Decisions in Traditional Markets (A Case Study on the Millennial Generation of FEB UNSOED)

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a model of what factors influence people's purchasing decisions in traditional markets. From these factors, it will be further analyzed the factors that encourage someone to shop at traditional markets. And is expected to be information material for sellers in traditional markets to be able to improve their marketing strategies and be able to influence personal factors of consumers. This research is a research that will be carried out in one year, where in this study will analyze what factors influence purchasing decisions, develop a tentative model of purchasing decisions. The subjects of this study were visitors to traditional markets in the city of Purwokerto. The analytical tools used were statistical analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), SPSS and Nvivo. The results of this study are personal factors have a positive effect on purchasing decisions in shopping at traditional markets.Keywords: Traditional Market, Internal Factor, Millenial Generation, Purchase Decisio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu besarnya nilai potensi pendapatan yang hilang karena diterapkannya PSBB selama pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupeten Banyumas. Dasar teori yang digunakanan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori valuasi lingkungan dengan metode valuasi ekonomi atas dasar penggunaan. Seluruh Populasi pada penelitian ini dihitung menggunakan metode sensus. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pemilik rumah sewa yang berada di Kelurahan Grendeng, Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara, Kabupaten Banyumas.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa jumlah usaha kamar kos di kelurahan Grendeng secara keseluruhan berjumlah 500 pengusaha kamar kos dengan jumlah kamar yang ditawarkan untuk penyewaan kamar kos sebanyak 5890. Adanya pandemic Covid-19 yang masuk ke kabupaten Banyumas membuat seluruh aktifitas perkuliahan dilakukan secara daring dari kediaman atau rumah masing-masing. Hal tersebut berdampak pada permintaan kamar kos menurun secara signifikan pada usaha kamar kos yang berada di Kelurahan Grendeng. Jumlah kamar yang kosong hingga saat ini yaitu sebanyak 3350. Jumlah tersebut lebih dari 50 persen jumlah kamar yang ditawarkan untuk di sewa. Hal ini menyebabkan tidak hanya pendapatan pengusah kamar kos yang menurun, namun menyebabkan perekonomian yang berada di Kelurahan Grendeng menjadi lambat, seperti banyak usaha makanan, laudry, toko-toko kecil yang menutup usahanya sementara hingga Kelurahan Grendeng mulai ramai lagi oleh kegiatan mahasiswa

    Determination Of Rice Availability In Banyumas Regency In 2003-2022

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    Food security is one of the central issues in national development. One aspect of realizing food security is the availability of rice which is one of the products of the agricultural sector staple food for some Indonesian citizens. Banyumas Regency is one of the rice producers in Central Java Province, but the development of the harvested area and rice production in Banyumas Regency fluctuates every year. The aims of this study are: 1) To analyze the availability of rice in Banyumas Regency in 2003-2022. 2) Analyze the effect of rice prices, rice productivity, cassava production, and the amount of rice seeds on the availability of rice in Banyumas Regency in 2003-2022. This research method uses secondary data, namely quantitative data based on time series in 2003-2022.The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis. The result that the availability of rice in Banyumas Regency was classified as a low surplus 0.75-0.95. The variables of rice price, productivity, cassava production and the number of rice seeds simultaneously have a significant influence on the availability of rice in Banyumas Regency. The implication of this research is that the government and related agencies are able to maximize the absorption of rice availability, price stabilization programs, increase harvest areas and production so that productivity increases, the need for food diversification to reduce dependence on one main type of food such as rice. Keywords: Food Security, Rice Availability, Rice Prices, Rice Productivity, Cassava Production, Number of Rice Seeds

    Diversifikasi Olahan Ikan Lele Pada Poklahsar Laparama di Desa Karanggintung Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah melakukan pendampingan motivasi kewirausahaan dan keterampilan memberikan pelatihan diversifikasi produk olahan berbahan dasar ikan lele khususnya bagi ibu-ibu yang tergabung dalam Poklahsar Laparama dan hibah peralatan produksi untuk mengingkatkan produksi Poklahsar Laparama. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang digunakan yaitu memberikan pendampingan baik itu berupa motivasi dalam kewirausahaan dan pemberian keterampilan baru yaitu membuat makanan olahan ikan serta memberikan pelatihan diversifikasi olahan ikan lele menjadi lele asap dan sambal lele. Target utama pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah seluruh anggota Poklahsar laparama yang berda di Desa Karanggintung kecamatan Sumbang. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah anggota Poklahsar Laparama menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk melakukan wirausaha, lebih memahami produksi yang efektif dan efisien serta menciptakan inovasi baru olahan ikan lele yang dapat menambah nilai jual ikan lele

    Effects of Learning Environment, Lecturer Teaching Style, and Learning Motivation on Student Learning Achievement

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    This study was conducted to determine and analyze the learning achievement of economics education students with factors that influence learning achievement, including the learning environment, lecturer's teaching style and learning motivation. All of these factors could be affected by a person's self-concept. The approach used is a quantitative method. The population of this research is Economic Education students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University, totalling 139 students. The sampling technique uses purposive random sampling. The results of this research show that: (1) The learning environment has a positive effect on the learning achievement of students in the Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University; (2) The lecturer's teaching style has a positive effect on the learning achievement of students in the Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University; (3) Learning Motivation has a positive effect on the learning achievement of students in the Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Soedirman University. The suggestion for this research is that students must maintain learning motivation so that in the learning process, they can obtain maximum achievement supported by the University's fulfilment of complete learning environment facilities. Apart from that, through this research, the University can keep increasing lecturer competency standards to provide good quality teaching to improve student learning achievement. Keywords: Learning Environment, Lecturer Teaching Style, Learning Motivation and Learning Achievemen