13,384 research outputs found

    Síntesis y caracterización de un biomaterial para su uso en ingeniería de tejidos de piel

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    La ingeniería de tejidos constituye una disciplina relativamente nueva y un campo de investigación y desarrollo interdisciplinario que aplica los conocimientos de la bioingeniería, química, física, biología etc. para resolver problemas químicos y quirúrgicos asociados a la pérdida de tejido o al fallo funcional de órganos (San Román et al., 2000; Naderi et al., 2011). Esta área de conocimiento busca proporcionar una nueva solución a los problemas de daño o pérdida tisular, mediante el reemplazo o restauración de tejido. Más aún se aspira a recobrar la función de un órgano y en algunos casos su reconstrucción parcial o total, con estructuras que contengan poblaciones específicas de células. La meta fundamental de la ingeniería de tejidos es desarrollar sustitutos (biológicos o sintéticos) que restauren, mantengan o mejoren la función del tejido perdido o lesionado por trauma o enfermedad. (Marler et al., 1998; Landínez et al., 2010). Esta nueva área de estudio permitirá crear estrategias que permitan la sustitución del tejido dañado, por un tejido diseñado y construido para satisfacer las funciones y las necesidades de cada paciente

    Decrease in Sperm Quality due to Infection of Human Papilloma Virus and Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Male infertility can have different causes, one of which may be the presence of etiologic agents that cause sexually transmitted infections. Among the most important sexually transmitted infections are human papillomavirus and Chlamydia trachomatis, which are as‐ sociated with infertility in females – whether they cause infertility in men is controversial. The purpose of the chapter is to review the effect of these two pathogens on male fertility, the evidence suggests that the most important infertility effect is linked to the condition of the sperm. However, it is noteworthy that there are few studies with respect to infertil‐ ity in regard to both pathogens, so it is important to further research this to elucidate the mechanisms by which these pathogens act on male infertility.UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE MÉXIC

    SUSY dark matter(s)

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    We review here the status of different dark matter candidates in the context of supersymmetric models, in particular the neutralino as a realization of the WIMP-mechanism and the gravitino. We give a summary of the recent bounds in direct and indirect detection and also of the LHC searches relevant for the dark matter question. We discuss also the implications of the Higgs discovery for the supersymmetric dark matter models and give the prospects for the future years.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanical Stimulation of Cells Through Scaffold Design for Tissue Engineering

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    Tissue engineering scaffolds attempt to mimic the stem cell environment by creating different biophysical and chemical signals. On the other hand, stem cells are able to sense these characteristics and change their destiny. Scientists try to explain these phenomena through scaffold design and in vitro experiments, but the mechanisms implicated remain unclear. Moreover, environment-cell interactions are a key process to get organs and tissues arrangement. Therefore, this chapter deals with the mechanical signals and mechanism involved in cell behaviour through scaffolds as a strategy in tissue engineering

    Energy use and CO2 emissions of sweet potato production in Tarlac, Philippines

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    In this study, the energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of sweet potato production in Tarlac, Philippines were evaluated. Data were collected from 180 farmers using structured survey questionnaires and face to face interview. Accordingly, the total input and output energy of sweet potato production was 29326.78 and 53885.90 MJ ha-1, respectively. Chemical fertilizers and diesel fuel provided the biggest portion of the total energy consumption in sweet potato production. The energy use efficiency, specific energy and energy productivity was 1.84, 1.95 MJ kg-1 and 0.51 kg MJ-1. Indirect and non-renewable forms of energy dominated the share of the total input energy. The total GHG emission of sweet potato production was 1432.18 kg CO2eq ha-1 (0.095 kg CO2 kg-1). Non-renewable sources of energy such as diesel fuel and chemical fertilizers were the main contributors of GHGs emission at 53.35% and 43.36%, respectively. The use of renewable sources of input energy can lead to lesser GHG emission, more sustainable and environment-friendly agricultural production system for sweet potato. Energy management should be considered as vital strategy for resource conservation, climate protection and to promote sustainable agriculture for sweet potato production

    Contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas por vertidos industriales

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    En los países industrializados, la contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas por el vertido incontrolado de residuos industriales es uno de los problemas más preocupantes que se plantean, ya que su eliminación no es fácil ni barata de realizar, y sus efectos persisten durante muchos años. En España este problema es especialmente notorio a causa de una gestión inadecuada derivada de la descoordinación existente entre los diferentes sectores involucrados: administración, empresas, técnicos y científicos. La ausencia de instalaciones suficientes para su tratamiento, ha llevado a la práctica de vertidos en los cauces de ríos y en el subsuelo o a su almacenamiento en vertederos incontrolados..

    A metagenomic assessment of the bacteria associated with Lucilia sericata and Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    Lucilia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is a blow fly genus of forensic, medical, veterinary, and agricultural importance. This genus is also famous because of its beneficial uses in maggot debridement therapy (MDT). Although the genus is of considerable economic importance, our knowledge about microbes associated with these flies and how these bacteria are horizontally and trans-generationally transmitted is limited. In this study, we characterized bacteria associated with different life stages of Lucilia sericata (Meigen) and Lucilia cuprina(Wiedemann) and in the salivary gland of L. sericata by using 16S rDNA 454 pyrosequencing. Bacteria associated with the salivary gland of L. sericata were also characterized using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results from this study suggest that the majority of bacteria associated with these flies belong to phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, andBacteroidetes, and most bacteria are maintained intragenerationally, with a considerable degree of turnover from generation to generation. In both species, second-generation eggs exhibited the highest bacterial phylum diversity (20 % genetic distance) than other life stages. The Lucilia sister species shared the majority of their classified genera. Of the shared bacterial genera, Providencia, Ignatzschineria, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Vagococcus, Morganella, and Myroides were present at relatively high abundances. Lactobacillus, Proteus,Diaphorobacter, and Morganella were the dominant bacterial genera associated with a survey of the salivary gland of L. sericata. TEM analysis showed a sparse distribution of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in the salivary gland of L. sericata. There was more evidence for horizontal transmission of bacteria than there was for trans-generational inheritance. Several pathogenic genera were either amplified or reduced by the larval feeding on decomposing liver as a resource. Overall, this study provides information on bacterial communities associated with different life stages of Lucilia and their horizontal and trans-generational transmission, which may help in the development of better vector-borne disease management and MDT methods

    Environmental performance of farmer-level corn production systems in the Philippines

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    Four corn production systems at farmer-level of operation were evaluated. Environmental performance such as energy use, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and carbon efficiency were determined. Data were collected from 60 corn producing farmers using survey questionnaires and face to face interview. The input energy to produce an output energy of 69,714.06 and 73,029.60 MJ/ha for sun drying and mechanical drying, respectively, were 22,346.27, 31, 469.75, 22, 399.05 and 31,522.53 MJ/ha for systems 1 (manual harvesting and sun drying), 2 (manual harvesting and mechanical drying), 3 (mechanical harvesting and sun drying) and 4 (mechanical harvesting and mechanical drying), respectively.  The highest energy input was observed for system 4 followed by system 2 because of the additional energy input of kerosene fuel during mechanical drying.  Non-renewable and indirect forms of energy had contributed most to the total input energy in all corn production systems.  In all systems evaluated, chemical fertilizer had the highest share in energy input followed by diesel fuel. Lower GHG emissions were measured for system 1 and 3 at 1276.5 and 1309.60 kg CO2eq per ha, respectively than system 2 and 4 at 2101.9 and 2135.0 kg CO2eq per ha due to additional non-renewable energy input like kerosene during mechanical drying.  A kilogram of dried corn grain emitted 0.27 to 28 kg CO2eq for system 1 and 3 and increased further to 0.42 to 0.43 kg CO2eq for systems 2 and 4.  The net carbon sequestered for systems 1, 2, 3 and 4 was 1785.98, 1662.36, 1776.94 and 1653.33 kg C/ha, respectively. The highest carbon efficiency ratio was observed for system 1 at 6.13 followed by system 3 at 5.98 due to non-utilization of fossil fuel during drying.  Generally, all corn production systems evaluated did not emit carbon beyond the carbon produced and sequestered in corn itself as indicated by their positive net carbon ratio