1,012 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un modelo integral de competitividad económica para las empresas del municipio de Nuevo Laredo

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    Palabras Clave: Grupos estratégicos, innovación, ventaja comparativaResumen. Esta investigación está orientada a la solución del problema de lograr el crecimiento, la competitividad y la internacionalización de las empresas locales mediante el aprovechamiento efectivo de la propuesta del Modelo Integral de Competitividad Económica (MICE), en las Empresas y Organizaciones del Municipio de Nuevo Laredo.Key words: Comparative advantage, innovation, strategic groupsAbstract. This research is oriented to the problem solution to obtain the growth, competitiveness and the internationalization of the local business following the effective advantage of the proposed integral model for economic competitiveness, (IMEC) in the business and organizations of the city of Nuevo Laredo

    Prevalence trends of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Mexico City's General Hospital experience

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    Objective: Recent reports suggest an increase in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) frequency. To improve programs in public health, it is necessary to understand the epidemiological conditions. The aim of this study was to analyze the trend in gender, age, anatomic zone and OSCC stage from Mexico City's General Hospital patients from 1990 to 2008. Study design: A retrospective review of all OSCC cases diagnosed by the Pathology Department of the Mexico City General Hospital was performed. Demographic data, in addition to anatomic zone and histological degree of differentiation were obtained. Central tendency, dispersion and prevalence rate per 100,000 individuals were determined. Results: A total of 531 patients were diagnosed with OSCC; 58.4% were men, giving a male:female ratio of 1.4:1, and the mean age was 62.5 ± 14.9 years. The predominant anatomic zone was the tongue (44.7%), followed by the lips (21.2%) and gums (20.5%). The most frequent histological degree was moderately differentiated in 325 cases (61.2%). The rates of OSCC prevalence showed similar patterns in terms across time. A significant correlation (P = 0.007) between anatomic zone and age was observed. Conclusion: According to our results, the prevalence of OSCC does not show important variations; however, a relation - ship between age and anatomic zone was observed. These data could be used as parameters for the diagnosis of OSCC as well as for the development and dissemination of preventive programs for the early detection of oral cancer

    Modelo de competencia docente del profesor de medicina en la UNAM

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    El estudio presenta un modelo de competencia docente del profesor de medicina. Fue generado a partir de un modelo conceptual preexistente: a) dicho modelo se sometió al juicio de expertos quienes seleccionaron las competencias de mayor impacto; b) se construyó un perfil de competencias; c) se generó un instrumento basado en la opinión de los estudiantes y otro de autoevaluación; d) ambos fueron validados por 18 expertos en evaluación; e) se aplicó a 2,281 estudiantes y 107 profesores, obteniendo un comportamiento psicométrico adecuado que permitió establecer un modelo acorde a las tendencias actuales en evaluación del desempeño docente

    Documental sobre el significado del mundo simbólico de la fiesta andina en la comunidad de San José de Cocotog

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    The documentary, The Symbolism in the Andean festivities of the community of San Jose de Cocotog, shows a local reality. The structure of the documentary will be based on a sequence of images and sounds (texts, photographs, interviews, curtain music, voice-overs) that will be presented in an audiovisual form, with a cognitive value of historical, educational and informative character. The documentary will be presented into three parts. It begins with a small introduction about the origins, location, and population in quantitative terms, culture and identity, a general appreciation of this community. Then it introduces the festivities of this town. This will be shown through documented stories of people that participate in these celebrations. It will also show how the faith and beliefs in deities (such as St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph, patron of Cocotog), leads them to celebrate in a unique way with its rituals and social practices that involve: the election of priostes,El documental, Mundo simbólico de la fiesta andina en la comunidad de San José de Cocotog; como muchos otros, expresará un aspecto de la realidad, el mismo se estructurará en base a una secuencia de imagines y sonidos (textos, fotografías, entrevistas, cortinas musicales, voz en off) para ser mostrado en forma audiovisual, con un valor cognoscitivo de carácter histórico, educacional e informativo. En una primera instancia se plantea ordenarlo en tres puntos cronológicamente ubicados. Primeramente una pequeña introducción sobre los orígenes, ubicación, población en términos cuantitativos, cultura e identidad, es decir una apreciación general de esta comunidad. Luego constará el desarrollo, específicamente de lo que son las fiestas populares en este poblado. Se documentará narraciones de gente que participa en la celebración. Así también se evidenciará como su fe y creencias en deidades (como San Miguel arcángel y San José, patrono de Cocotog), los lleva a conmemorar de forma singular con sus rituales y prácticas sociales, que implican: la elección de priostes

    Academic Procrastination, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy in University Students: Comparative Study in Two Peruvian Cities

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    The present study aims to determine the relationship between academic procrastination, self-esteem and self-efficacy in undergraduate students in two Peruvian cities. The population consisted of 13,767 students, from which a sample of 1,494 was extracted. The subjects were selected from eight universities: five private and one public, from the city of Metropolitan Lima; and two universities, one public and one private, from the city of Arequipa. The instruments used were the Academic Procrastination Scale (EPA), the Scale of Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy in Academic Situations (EAPESA) and the Rosemberg Self-Esteem Scale. The results allow us to conclude that, in terms of perceived effectiveness, the relationship is slightly higher in the city of Arequipa, reiterating this with respect to academic procrastination, where the relationship is also slightly higher. Finally, with regard to self-esteem, the trend continues to indicate a greater relationship in Arequip

    Tidal effects on ichthyoplankton aggregation and dispersion in the Southern Gulf of Mexico

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    Este estudo analisou o papel das forçantes barotrópica e baroclínicadas marés na agregação e dispersão do ictioplâncton no sul do Golfo do México. A amostragem do ictioplâncton e o cálculo dos parâmetros hidrográficos foram realizados durante Setembro de 1992 num ponto fixo de 180 m de profundidade, perto da quebra de plataforma (19º32'N - 92º38.5'W). Uma amostragem de tipo yoyo com CTD foi realizada durante 24 h e amostras biológicas foram tomadas a cada 2 h. Estas medidas foram combinadas com dados de densidade da água e velocidade obtidas de simulações do modelo do Sistema Regional de Modelo dos Oceanos (ROMS). Uma termoclina e duas haloclinas foram detectadas. O número de Froude aumentou com uma defasagem de 2 h com relação à maré barotrópica, sugerindo a existência de uma maré baroclínica. A agregação e a dispersão do ictioplancton mostraram variações verticais tanto em abundância quanto no número de taxa e larvas, com defasagem de 5 h em relação à máxima maré barotrópica e esteve em fase com a oscilação da termoclina. A oscilação vertical foi atribuída a um controle hidráulico forçado pela maré interna.The role of vertical barotropic and baroclinic tidal forcing in the aggregation and dispersion of ichthyoplankton in the Southern Gulf of Mexico was analyzed in this study. Samplings of ichthyoplankton and the determination of hydrographic parameters were performed during September 1992 at a single point of 180 m depth, near the shelf break (19º32'N - 92º38.5'W). A 24 h CTD yo-yoing casting and biological samples were taken every 2 h and these measurements were combined with water velocity and density simulations from the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS). One thermocline and two haloclines were depicted. The Froude number increased with a 2 h lag with respect to the maximal barotropic tide, suggesting the existence of a baroclinic tide. Aggregation and dispersion of the ichthyoplankton showed vertical oscillations in the abundance and the numbers of taxa and larvae with a 5 h lag with respect to the maximal barotropic tide and were in phase with the thermocline oscillation. The vertical oscillation was attributed to a hydraulic control forced by the internal tide

    Manejo de la ansiedad en el paciente pediátrico oncológico y su cuidador durante la hospitalización a través de musicoterapia

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    Objective: Evaluate the efficacy of music therapy for the management of anxiety during the period of hospitalization in pediatric cancer patient and caregiver. Method: Measurement was performed before and after a single music session and compared result of the evaluation of anxiety with control group. 112 patients and 128 caregivers collaborated. The level of anxiety was assessed using Manifest Anxiety Scale (CMAS-R, Reynolds & Richmond, 1997) applied to patients and the Hamilton Scale (HAS; Hamilton, 1959) for caregivers. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20 program.Results: No significant change was detected in the group of patients in whom the size of the effect is minimal, whereas caregivers provided significant results in 12 of the 13 dimensions of anxiety assessed with a medium effect size.Conclusions: The use of music therapy helps to decrease the anxiety level significantly in caregiver, while the results obtained from the cancer patients did not support the idea of the benefits of releving anxiety.Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de la musicoterapia para el manejo de ansiedad durante el periodo de hospitalización en el paciente pediátrico oncológico y su cuidador. Método: Se realizó medición antes y después de una única sesión musical y se comparó resultado de la evaluación de ansiedad con grupo testigo. Participaron 112 pacientes pediátricos oncológicos y 128 cuidadores. Se aplicó la Escala de Ansiedad Manifiesta (CMAS-R; Reynolds y Richmond, 1997) en los pacientes y la Escala Hamilton (HAS; Hamilton, 1959) en el cuidador. El análisis estadístico se realizó por medio del programa SPSS Versión 20. Resultados: No se detectó cambio significativo en el grupo de pacientes, en quienes el tamaño del efecto se considera mínimo, mientras que en los cuidadores se presentó resultado significativo en 12 de las 13 dimensiones de ansiedad evaluadas, con un tamaño del efecto mediano. Conclusiones: El uso de musicoterapia ayuda a disminuir el nivel de ansiedad en el cuidador, mientras que el resultado obtenido en el paciente pediátrico oncológico no sostiene la idea generalizada del beneficio de la musicoterapia para el manejo de ansiedad

    Description of Thorichthys panchovillai sp. n., a new species of cichlid (Actinopterygii: Cichlidae) from the River Coatzacoalcos Basin, Mexico

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    Thorichthys panchovillai, nueva especie, es descrita de los tributarios de la cuenca del Río Coatzacoalcos, México. La especie es diagnosticada por un conjunto de caracteres: radios de la aleta dorsal XVI, 8 – 9; radios de la aleta anal VII, 6 – 7; radios de la aleta pectoral, I, 11 – 12; branquiespinas totales en el primer arco branquial 11 – 12; mancha del subopérculo presente pero débilmente intensificada, en especial presenta un marcado dimorfismo sexual único y que le distingue del resto de sus congéneres: en la hembra se presenta una mancha negra entre la quinta y sexta espina dorsal.Thorichthys panchovillai, new species, is described, from distinctive of the tributaries of the River Coatzacoalcos basin, Mexico. The new species is diagnosed by a set of characters: dorsal fin rays XVI, 8 – 9; anal fin rays VII, 6 – 7; pectoral fin rays, I, 11 – 12; total gill-rakers on the first branchial cleft 11 – 12; subopercular stain present although weakly intensified, it exposes a notable sexual dimorphism that distinguishes it from others: the female possess a black blotch between the fifth and sixth dorsal spine