106 research outputs found

    La Ley, las obras y la gracia: Gal 3,10-14 a la luz de Qumran

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    This contribution tries to present how the texts from Qumran can illuminate some elements of the writings of Paul. Two examples of the language and the terminology used by Paul, as well as a central topic of his theology, are analyzed and clarified by the Qumran texts, not by an improbable genetic relationship or literary dependence, but by the common use of the same source: the Hebrew Scriptures

    Las fronteras de lo «bíblico»

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    The authority of 4 Ezra and the Jewish origin of the American Indians

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    La presente nota estudia el texto de 4 Esdras 13,39-50, un libro considerado como apócrifo desde el Concilio de Trento pero cuya autoridad es indiscutida en España durante todo el siglo XVI; la referencia que allí se hace al destierro de las diez tribus de Israel es el elemento clave en la polémica sobre el posible origen judío de los indios americanos. La nota estudia algunas de las obras más representativas de esa polémica durante el siglo XVI.This paper studies 4 Ezra 13,39-50, a book which has been regarded as apocryphal since the Council of Trent, but which maintained an undisputed authority in Spain throughout the 16th Century; the reference to the exile of the ten tribes of Israel in this text is a key element in the polemic of the Jewish origin of the American Indians. The paper presents some of the most representative works of this polemic from the 16th Century

    Qumrán en el siglo XXI cambios y perspectivas después de 50 años de estudios

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    Overview of the changes that have marked the research on the Dead Sea Scrolls since the publication of all the manuscripts; summary of the most important polemic still going and presentation of the main lines of future research.Presentación de los cambios operados en la investigación de los manuscritos de Qumrán desde que la totalidad de los manuscritos ha sido publicada; resúmen de las principales polémicas en curso, así como indicación de las perspectivas abiertas para el futuro

    Qumran in the 21th century. Changes and perspectives after 50 years of research

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    Presentación de los cambios operados en la investigación de los manuscritos de Qumrán desde que la totalidad de los manuscritos ha sido publicada; resúmen de las principales polémicas en curso, así como indicación de las perspectivas abiertas para el futuro.Overview of the changes that have marked the research on the Dead Sea Scrolls since the publication of all the manuscripts; summary of the most important polemic still going and presentation of the main lines of future research

    Interpretación de la Biblia en Qumrán

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    The manuscriptsfrom Qumran are fundamentally biblical exegesis in spite of the variety of contents and literary genres. The author analyses, on the one hand, the characteristics of Qumran's biblical exegesis. He mentions first the «derash ha-Torah», that is, the «Interpretation of the Law», that aims to find the hidden element («nistar») in the Law, what is to be distinguished from the revealed one («nigle»). The former is revealed to the community members only, by means of the «Interpreter of the Law», that is, of the «Teacher ofJustice», and it is to be concealed from those outside the community. Then the author discusses the interpretation of Prophets (and Psalms) («pesher ha-nebi'im») and states that it is determined by the principle of «escatologization », i. e., the meaning of these writings is referred to the historical present of the community. In this interpretation the «Teacher of Justice» plays an essential role. On the other hand, the author studies the function of this exegesis inside the community. He characterizes it as compulsory for the community members. The exegesis also serves as the discriminatory element between the community members and the rest of the people

    Los mesías de Qumrán. Problemas de un traductor

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    Careón ophiolite, NW Spain: Suprasubduction zone setting for the youngest Rheic Ocean fl oor

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    The Careón ophiolite (Galicia, NW Iberian Massif) shows lithological and geochemical features suggestive of an origin in a suprasubduction zone setting. As with other Devonian ophiolites in the European Variscan belt, it was generated within a contracting Rheic Ocean. This setting and the general absence of large Silurian-Devonian volcanic arcs on both of the Rheic Ocean margins strongly suggest that this ocean was closed by intraoceanic subduction directed to the north. This subduction removed the older normal (N) mid-oceanic-ridge basalt (MORB) oceanic lithosphere and gave rise to a limited volume of new suprasubduction zone oceanic lithosphere. The Careón ophiolite is a key element in understanding the evolution of the Rheic Ocean, which was the main oceanic domain that closed during the Paleozoic convergence of Gondwana and Laurussia, preceding the assembly of Pange

    40Ar/39Ar laserprobe dating of mylonitic fabrics in a polyorogenic terrane of NW Iberia

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    The tectonothermal evolution of a polyorogenic terrane in the Variscan belt of NW Spain has been constrained by 40Ar/39Ar laserprobe incremental heating experiments on mylonitic fabrics developed in major structures. Transitional levels between HP–HT and IP upper units in the O´ rdenes Complex where metamorphic and structural records demonstrate two cycles of burial and exhumation were selected for dating. Two groups of ages have been defined: (1) Silurian–Early Devonian, obtained from mylonites of the Forna´s extensional detachment, here considered as the minimum age for the start of tectonic exhumation of the HP– HT units and an upper age-limit for the HP–HT event itself; (2) Early to Mid-Devonian, from structures related to the Variscan convergence in the area, which include top-to-the-east thrusts and extensional detachments. A single, younger Carboniferous age obtained from the uppermost allochthonous sequences possibly reflects the final stages of emplacement of the allochthonous complexes. Our data indicate a polyorogenic character for a part of the Iberian allochthonous complexes, including Variscan (sensu stricto) and Early Variscan convergence, as well as an older, Early Palaeozoic cycle