8 research outputs found

    Research Article The Polymorphisms of Epidermal Growth Factor-driven Signaling and Cancer Pathogenesis

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    Background: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a stimulating protein for cell proliferation and differentiation. An amplification of its signaling pathway has been frequently reported in numerous malignant tumors. Specific polymorphisms of the genes encoding proteins involved in this cellular pathway may constitute risk factors for carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to identify the most relevant  polymorphisms of EGF and their signaling pathways and their relation to carcinogenesis.Methods: The study included 40 full-text articles published between January 2010 and May 2020, extracted from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases in May 2020, using the following keywords: EGF OR epidermal growth factor AND polymorphism AND cancer OR neoplasia OR tumor.Results: We identified relevant polymorphisms of the EGF signaling pathway that were involved in the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, glioma, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and head and neck cancer. Rs4444903 variants have been widely studied and the association with numerous tumors has been confirmed by multiple studies. Other frequently investigated polymorphisms are ā€“191C/A and ā€“216G>T.Conclusion: The polymorphisms of EGF signaling pathway have been widely studied in connection to various malignancies. Some  predisposing variants are common in different forms of cancer. These polymorphisms might be general risk factors for carcinogenesis. Keywords: epidermal growth factor, cancer, polymorphism, signaling pathwa

    The Polymorphisms of Epidermal Growth Factor-driven Signaling and Cancer Pathogenesis

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    Background: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a stimulating protein for cell proliferation and differentiation. An amplification of its signaling pathway has been frequently reported in numerous malignant tumors. Specific polymorphisms of the genes encoding proteins involved in this cellular pathway may constitute risk factors for carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to identify the most relevant polymorphisms of EGF and their signaling pathways and their relation to carcinogenesis. Methods: The study included 40 full-text articles published between January 2010 and May 2020, extracted from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases in May 2020, using the following keywords: EGF OR epidermal growth factor AND polymorphism AND cancer OR neoplasia OR tumor. Results: We identified relevant polymorphisms of the EGF signaling pathway that were involved in the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, glioma, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and head and neck cancer. Rs4444903 variants have been widely studied and the association with numerous tumors has been confirmed by multiple studies. Other frequently investigated polymorphisms are ā€“191C/A and ā€“216G>T. Conclusion: The polymorphisms of EGF signaling pathway have been widely studied in connection to various malignancies. Some predisposing variants are common in different forms of cancer. These polymorphisms might be general risk factors for carcinogenesis

    Insights into mesh placement in contaminated surgical fields for abdominal wall repair ā€“ from prohibition to possibility

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    Surgical field contamination is a critical concern during abdominal wall prosthetic repair, as it significantly affects the risk of postoperative infections. This review paper combines an extensive analysis of relevant literature with personal experience to explore the challenges and advancements in the placement of mesh in contaminated surgical fields for the management of abdominal wall defects. Historically, the presence of any surgical field contamination was considered a contraindication for prosthetic placement due to the high risk of infection. However, with evolving understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of biologic reaction around the mesh, as well as the development of various mesh types, the landscape has changed. The emerging understanding of hostmesh interaction, biofilm formation, and local tissue response has contributed to the development of innovative mesh designs that improve outcomes in challenging surgical scenarios. With meticulous surgical technique, adherence to infection prevention protocols, and the appropriate choice of mesh, successful abdominal wall prosthetic repair in contaminated fields is now feasible, opening new possibilities for patients with ventral and incisional hernias

    Plagiarism detection in manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Surgical Sciences between 2020 and 2021: a case study

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    The aim of this study was to share our experience with plagiarism detection in manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Surgical Sciences, a Romania-based medical journal, between 2020 and 2021. We analyzed similarity score reports from 200 articles submitted consecutively for publication between 2020 and 2021 generated by PlagScan, a software tool for plagiarism detection. The similarity score ranged from 0% to 92.4%, and 45 articles presented scores over 25.0%. According to PlagScanā€™s results, more than half of the submitted articles had a similarity score of more than 10% and one-third of them had a similarity score above 20%. Among submitted manuscripts with a similarity score of less than 20%, a larger proportion of the original research and review manuscripts than case reports used more than 10 sources. All articles with a similarity score below 20% were evaluated qualitatively before the final decision of rejection

    Abdominal Compartment Syndrome—When Is Surgical Decompression Needed?

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    Compartment syndrome occurs when increased pressure inside a closed anatomical space compromises tissue perfusion. The sudden increase in pressure inside these spaces requires rapid decompression by means of surgical intervention. In the case of abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), surgical decompression consists of a laparostomy. The aim of this review is to identify the landmarks and indications for the appropriate moment to perform decompression laparotomy in patients with ACS based on available published data. A targeted literature review was conducted on indications for decompression laparotomy in ACS. The search was focused on three conditions characterized by a high ACS prevalence, namely acute pancreatitis, ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and severe burns. There is still a debate around the clinical characteristics which require surgical intervention in ACS. According to the limited data published from observational studies, laparotomy is usually performed when intra-abdominal pressure reaches values ranging from 25 to 36 mmHg on average in the case of acute pancreatitis. In cases of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, there is a higher urgency to perform decompression laparotomy for ACS due to the possibility of continuous hemorrhage. The most conflicting recommendations on whether surgical treatment should be delayed in favor of other non-surgical interventions come from studies involving patients with severe burns. The results of the review must be interpreted in the context of the limited available robust data from observational studies and clinical trials

    Recent Developments in Metallic Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy, Diagnosing and Imaging Applications

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    Cancer continues to represent a global health concern, imposing an ongoing need to research for better treatment alternatives. In this context, nanomedicine seems to be the solution to existing problems, bringing unprecedented results in various biomedical applications, including cancer therapy, diagnosing, and imaging. As numerous studies have uncovered the advantageous properties of various nanoscale metals, this review aims to present metal-based nanoparticles that are most frequently employed for cancer applications. This paper follows the description of relevant nanoparticles made of metals, metal derivatives, hybrids, and alloys, further discussing in more detail their potential applications in cancer management, ranging from the delivery of chemotherapeutics, vaccines, and genes to ablative hyperthermia therapies and theranostic platforms

    Concomitant inguinal endometriosis and groin hernia ā€“ Case report

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    Endometriosis is a condition which affects women during their reproductive age. We present the case of a 42 years old Caucasian nulliparous woman accusing in the last three months a painful bulging mass in the right groin. The patient reported that the mass increases in size during prolonged standing and lifting of heavyweights. In addition, the inguinal pain was exacerbated during ovulation. The patient underwent surgery, during which wide excision of the nodule was performed. Furthermore, both direct and indirect hernia sacs were found and dissected, the content was reduced and the sacs were excised. Four months after the surgery, the patient was free of symptoms and had no signs of recurrence

    An Up-to-Date Review of Natural Nanoparticles for Cancer Management

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    Cancer represents one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, imposing an urgent need to develop more efficient treatment alternatives. In this respect, much attention has been drawn from conventional cancer treatments to more modern approaches, such as the use of nanotechnology. Extensive research has been done for designing innovative nanoparticles able to specifically target tumor cells and ensure the controlled release of anticancer agents. To avoid the potential toxicity of synthetic materials, natural nanoparticles started to attract increasing scientific interest. In this context, this paper aims to review the most important natural nanoparticles used as active ingredients (e.g., polyphenols, polysaccharides, proteins, and sterol-like compounds) or as carriers (e.g., proteins, polysaccharides, viral nanoparticles, and exosomes) of various anticancer moieties, focusing on their recent applications in treating diverse malignancies