84 research outputs found

    Retinal Vessel Phenotype In Patients With Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

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    International audiencePURPOSE: To characterize the phenotype of retinal vessels using central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE), central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE), tortuosity and fractal dimension (FD) in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) subjects. METHODS: This prospective case-control multicentre study included 61 POAG subjects and 61 controls matched for age, systemic hypertension and body mass index. Fundus images of the right eye were acquired using a non-mydriatic camera. Central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE), CRVE, arteriole-to-venule ratio, FD and tortuosity of the vascular network were measured using VAMPIRE software (Vessel Assessment and Measurement Platform for Images of the Retina). Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients underwent 24.2 sita-standard visual field and peri-papillary optical coherence tomography (OCT) examinations. Data were expressed as median and interquartile range (75-25th percentiles). RESULTS: The control group was comparable to the POAG group for sex ratio, refraction and intraocular pressure. The mean CRAE and the mean CRVE were significantly lower in the POAG group than in the control group [150.5 (137.9; 157.1) mum versus 161.3 (154.0; 168.4) mum and 204.8 (190.1; 218.1) mum versus 233.5 (222.3; 246.9) mum, respectively; p < 0.001] and for fractal parameters as well. No significant difference was found for tortuosity between the two groups. There was a significant correlation between CRAE and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness (r = 0.27; p = 0.03). VAMPIRE parameters were not correlated with visual field indices. CONCLUSION: Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) was associated with a narrowing of arterial and venous retinal vessels, a higher arteriole-to-venule ratio and lower values of FD. The relationship between CRAE and RNFL thickness needs further investigation

    Noninferiority of Preservative-free Versus BAK-preserved Latanoprost-timolol Fixed Combination Eye Drops in Patients With Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension

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    Précis: Noninferiority of efficacy was demonstrated for a preservative-free latanoprost-timolol fixed combination compared with a BAK-containing formulation at 84 days after treatment in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect on intraocular pressure and safety of preservative-free latanoprost-timolol fixed combination (T2347) to benzalkonium chloride-preserved latanoprost-timolol fixed combination in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Methods: Phase III, randomized, parallel-group, investigator-masked study in 10 countries. A total of 242 patients aged 18 years or older with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension in both eyes controlled with a preserved latanoprost-timolol fixed combination (15.7±2.4 mm Hg overall before inclusion) were randomized at day 0 with no washout period to receive the preservative-free alternative T2347 (N=127) or remain on the preserved comparator (N=115) for 84 days. Intraocular pressure changes from day 0 were measured at 9:00 am (±1 hour) on day 42 and day 84, and noninferiority of T2347 to the preserved comparator was analyzed statistically at day 84. Safety parameters were also reported. Results: The mean change in intraocular pressure from baseline to day 84 was -0.49±1.80 mm Hg for preservative-free T2347 and -0.49±2.25 mm Hg for the preserved comparator. These results met the noninferiority limits. Similar results were observed at day 42. There was no difference between groups in the incidence of adverse events or ocular signs. The total ocular symptoms score was better for T2347 than BPLT upon instillation at day 84 (45.9%/44.3%/9.8% of patients with improvement/no change/worsening vs. 33.6%/47.3%/19.1%; P=0.021), reflecting improvements in individual symptoms such as irritation/burning/stinging (P<0.001), and itching (P<0.01) on day 84. Conclusions: Preservative-free latanoprost-timolol fixed combination T2347 showed noninferior efficacy compared with the preserved comparator and was well tolerated

    High intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of glaucoma

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    Le glaucome est une pathologie frĂ©quente principalement due Ă  une Ă©lĂ©vation de la pression intraoculaire. La pression intraoculaire est le fruit d’un Ă©quilibre entre la production du liquide qui remplit la portion antĂ©rieure de l’Ɠil - l’humeur aqueuse - et son Ă©limination. Les traitements du glaucome peuvent donc agir selon deux mĂ©canismes : la rĂ©duction de la production d’humeur aqueuse par la destruction partielle ou l’inhibition pharmacologique du corps ciliaire, structure responsable de la production de l’humeur aqueuse, ou la facilitation de l’évacuation de l’humeur aqueuse en dehors de l’oeil. De nombreuses mĂ©thodes physiques peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour dĂ©truire le corps ciliaire : lasers, cryothĂ©rapie, micro-ondes, etc. NĂ©anmoins, toutes ces mĂ©thodes ont deux inconvĂ©nients majeurs qui limitent leur utilisation : elles sont peu sĂ©lectives de l’organe Ă  traiter, entraĂźnant souvent des dommages des structures adjacentes, et elles prĂ©sentent une relation effet-dose trĂšs inconstante, empĂȘchant de prĂ©voir avec prĂ©cision l’effet du traitement. L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est le dĂ©veloppement d’un dispositif ultrasonore de coagulation du corps ciliaire circulaire, comprenant 6 transducteurs piĂ©zoĂ©lectriques en forme de segments de cylindre, et gĂ©nĂ©rant 6 lĂ©sions segmentaires s’inscrivant dans un anneau de diamĂštre similaire Ă  celui formĂ© par le corps ciliaire. Les expĂ©rimentations animales ont montrĂ© une nĂ©crose de coagulation sĂ©lective des zones du corps ciliaire traitĂ©es par le dispositif. Le premier essai clinique a montrĂ© que cette mĂ©thode Ă©tait bien tolĂ©rĂ©e et permettait une rĂ©duction importante, prĂ©dictible et maintenue dans le temps de la pression intraoculaireGlaucoma is a common disease mainly due to an increase of the pressure inside the eye. Intraocular pressure is the result of a balance between the production of liquid that fills the anterior part of eye - aqueous humor - and its elimination. All treatments for glaucoma aim to reduce the intraocular pressure and can therefore have two mechanisms of action: reducing aqueous humor production by the partial destruction or medical inhibition of the ciliary body - anatomical structure responsible for the production of aqueous humor - or facilitating the evacuation of aqueous humor out of the eye. Several physical methods can be used to destroy the ciliary body: laser, cryotherapy, microwave, etc. However, all these methods have two major drawbacks limiting their use: they are non-selective of the organ to be treated, often resulting in damage to the adjacent structures, and they have an unpredictable dose-effect relationship, preventing to accurately predict the treatment effect. The objective of this thesis is the development of a circular ultrasonic device incorporating six transducers producing high-intensity focused ultrasound for a selective coagulation of the ciliary body. A circular device with 6 piezoelectric transducers having a geometry of a segment of a cylinder was used to generate six segmental lesions entering in a ring of diameter similar to that formed by the ciliary body. Animal experiments have shown a selective coagulation necrosis of the treated ciliary body. The first clinical trial in humans showed that this method was well tolerated and allowed a significant, predictable and sustained reduction of the intraocular pressur

    Etude en tomographie par cohérence optique de l'angle irido-cornéen et de la chambre antérieure (comparaison de l'OCT Visante et de l'OCT Casia)

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    Objectif : Comparer les diffĂ©rentes mesures de chambre antĂ©rieure obtenues avec un OCT spectral domain et un OCT time domain, et Ă©valuer leur rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©. MĂ©thodes : Etude prospective transversale condite sur des sujets sains. Le segment antĂ©rieur a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© avec un OCT spectral domain (Casia SS-100, Tomey, Nagoya Japon) et avec un OCT time domain (Visante, Zeiss MĂ©ditec, Dublin ÇA), sur un seul oeil de chaque sujet, choisi par randomisation. La pachymĂ©trie centrale (CCT), la profondeur de chambre antĂ©rieure (ACD), la distance d'ouverture de l'angle Ă  500 m et 750 m (AOD 500 et AOD 750), la surface de sĂ©paration iridotrabĂ©culaire Ă  500 m et 750 m (TISA 500 et TISA 750) et l'ouverture de l'angle Ă  l'Ă©peron sclĂ©ral (SSA) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s. Les coefficients de corrĂ©lation (ICCs) ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s pour Ă©valuer la rĂ©pĂ©tailitĂ© des mesures. Nous avons utilisĂ© le test de corrĂ©lation de Pearson pour Ă©valuer la corrĂ©lation entre les mesures effectuĂ©es avec l'OCT Casia et celles effectuĂ©es avec le Visante. L'agrĂ©ment entre les mesures a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© Ă  l'aide d'un graphique de Bland-Altman. RĂ©sultats : 101 yeux de 101 sujets sains ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Nous avons mis en Ă©vidence une excellente rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© avec le Casia et le Visante pour le CCT ( ICC 0,90-0,94 et 0,95-0,97 respectivement), l'ACD ( ICC 095-0,98 et 0,93-0,96 respectivement), l'AOD 500 ( ICC 0,92-0,96 et 0,90-0,94 respectivement), l'AOD 750 ( ICC 0,93-0,96 et 0,91-0,94 respectivement), le TISA 750 ( ICC 0,81-0,97 et 0,90-0,94 respectivement) et le SSA ( ICC 090-0,94 et 0,89-0,94 respectivement). Nous avons mis en Ă©vidence une bonne rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© avec le Casia et le Visante pour le TISA 500 ICC 0,68-0,97 et 0,70-0,93 respectivement). Les mesures obtenues avec le Casia et le Visante sont statistiquement significatives pour tous les paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s 'r 0,76-0,98; p<0,06). Les ACD mesurĂ©s avec le Casia sont significativement plus larges que ceux mesurĂ©s avec le Visante (DiffĂ©rence 0,12 +-0,008 mm; p<0,0001) et les SSA mesurĂ©s avec le Casia sont significativement plus petits que ceux mesurĂ©s avec le Visante (diffĂ©rence 40,85 +- 5,3; p<0,01). Conclusion: Les deux OCT Casia et Visante ont dĂ©montrĂ© leur excellente rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©. ExceptĂ© pour l'ACD et le SSA, les deux OCT ont un bon agrĂ©ment en mesure de chambre antĂ©rieure et en mesure de l'angle irido-cornĂ©en.ST ETIENNE-BU MĂ©decine (422182102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Myopie et glaucome

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    Evaluation du rythme nycthéméral de la pression intraoculaire enregistrée en continu avec une lentille de contact chez les sujets sains

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    Objectifs : Estimer le rythme nycthĂ©mĂ©ral de la pression intraoculaire (PIO) et sa reproductibilitĂ© chez le sujets sains lors de plusieurs sessions de 24 h, en utilisant un enregistrement non invasif continu par tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie et la tonomĂ©trie non contact Ă  air pulsĂ©. MĂ©thodes : Douze sujets sains (8 femmes et 4 hommes, 22,3 +- 2,3 ans) ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s durant 4 sessions de 24 h, chacune espacĂ©e de 2 mois. La PIO a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e toutes les 5 min dans un Ɠil en utilisant une jauge de contrainte intĂ©grĂ©e dans une lentille de contact silicone (Sensimed TriggerfishÂź) et a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e dans l'Ɠil adelphe toutes les heures en utilisant le tonomĂštre Ă  air pulsĂ© IntellipuffÂź. Le rythme de PIO a Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ© pour chaque Ɠil Ă  chaque session, en utilisant une rĂ©gression non linĂ©aire sinusoĂŻdale Ă  2 harmoniques. RĂ©sultats : Un rythme nycthĂ©mĂ©ral significatif de la PIO a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ© lors de 31 des 36 sessions (86%) avec la tonomĂ©trie non contact et Ă  chaque session (100%) avec la lentille. Sur l ensemble des sessions, Ă©taient significatifs les coefficients de corrĂ©lation intra-classe de l acrophase (0,6 [0 0,9]; p=0,03) et de la bathyphase (0,7 [0,1 0,9]; p=0,01) avec la lentille, et ceux de l amplitude (0,7 [0,1 0,9]; p=0,01) et du mesor (0,9 [0,9 1]; p<0,01) pour la tonomĂ©trie non contact. Conclusions : L enregistrement continu par tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie est une mĂ©thode sensible, prĂ©cise et reproductible pour modĂ©liser le rythme de PIO ainsi que pour caractĂ©riser les heures d acrophase et de bathyphase chez les sujets sains. NĂ©anmoins cette technique ne permet pas d estimer, Ă  partir du signal Ă©lectrique mesurĂ©, la valeur absolue de la PIO ou de ses variations exprimĂ©es en millimĂštres de mercure.Objective: To evaluate 24-h IOP rhythm reproducibility during repeated continuous 24-h IOP monitoring with non-contact tonometry (NCT) and a contact lens sensor (CLS) in healthy subjects. Methods: Twelve young healthy volunteers were housed in a sleep laboratory and underwent four 24-h sessions of IOP measurements over a 6-month period. After initial randomized attribution, the IOP of the rst eye was continuously monitored using the CLS Sensimed TriggerFishÂź and the IOP of the fellow eye was measured hourly using the Pulsair Intellipu Âź non-contact tonometer. Two sessions with NCT measurements in one eye and CLS measurements in the fellow eye, one session with CLS measurements in only one eye, and one session with NCT measurements in both eyes were performed. A nonlinear least-squares dual harmonic regression analysis was used to model the 24-h IOP rhythm. Results: A significant nyctohemeral IOP rhythm was found in 31 out of 36 sessions (86%) using NCT and in all sessions (100%) using CLS. Hourly awakening during NCT IOP measurements did not significantly change the mean phases of the 24-h IOP pattern evaluated using CLS in the contralateral eye. Throughout the sessions, intraclass correlation coefficients of the CLS acrophase (0.6 [0 0.9]; p=0.03), CLS bathyphase (0.7 [0.1 0.9]; p=0.01), NCT amplitude (0.7 [0.1 0.9]; p=0.01) and NCT MESOR (0.9 [0.9 1]; p<0.01) were significant. Conclusions: The CLS is an accurate and reproducible method to characterize the nyctohemeral IOP rhythm in healthy subjects but does not allow to estimate the IOP value in millimeters of mercury corresponding to the relative variation of the electrical signal measured.GRENOBLE1-BU MĂ©decine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparaison de deux tonomÚtres non-contacts portables Reichert PT100 et Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff et de la tonométrie par aplanation de Goldmann

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    Introduction : L objectif était de comparer les mesures de la pression intraoculaire (PIO) réalisées avec deux tonomÚtres non-contacts (TNC) portables, le Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff et le Reichert PT100 , avec la tonométrie par aplanation de Goldmann (TAG). Matériel et Méthodes : Etude prospective réalisée sur des sujets normotones et hypertones inclus lors d une consultation externe. La PIO d un des deux yeux a été mesurée avec les trois tonomÚtres, aprÚs randomisation de l ordre de mesure. L épaisseur cornéenne centrale (ECC) a été mesurée avec le pachymÚtre Accutome PachPen . La différence entre les tonomÚtres a été comparée par le test de Wilcoxon, la corrélation entre les méthodes par le test de Spearman et la concordance entre les méthodes par le test de Bland-Altman. Le Coefficient de Correlation Intraclasse (CCI) a été utilisé pour évaluer la concordance entre les méthodes chez les patients normotones et hypertones. Résultats : 137 yeux de 137 patients ont été inclus. Les mesures des deux TNC étaient significativement corrélées à la TAG (Intellipuff r = 0.92, p 0.75) entre le PT100 et la TAG et entre l Intellipuff et la TAG chez les patients normotones, et entre l Intellipuff et la TAG chez les patients hypertones. Nous avons retrouvé une assez bonne concordance (CCI entre 0.4 et 0.75) entre le PT100 et la TAG chez les patients hypertones. Les différences entre les mesures des deux TNC et les mesures du tonomÚtre de Goldmann étaient significativement corrélées à l ECC (r = 0.21, p = 0.01 et r = 0.20, p = 0.02, pour le PT100 et l Intellipuff , respectivement). Conclusion : Les deux TNC portables ont une excellente concordance avec la TAG chez les patients normotones. L Intellipuff a également une excellente concordance avec la TAG chez les patients hypertones.Purpose: To compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements by two portable tonometers, the Keeler Pulsair Intellipuff and the Reichert PT100 , with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT). Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study conducted on normotensive and hypertensive patients recruited from the outpatient clinic of the University Hospital of Grenoble. IOP was measured by the two portable non-contact tonometers and GAT in one eye of each patient in a random order. Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured with the Accutome PachPen pachymeter . The Wilcoxon test was used to compare the differences between tonometers, the Spearman correlation test to evaluate the correlation among the methods, and Bland Altman plots to evaluate the agreement among the methods. Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to evaluate the agreement among the methods in normotensive and hypertensive patients separately. Results: 137 eyes of 137 patients were included. We found an excellent agreement (ICC > 0.75) between PT100 and GAT and between Intellipuff and GAT in normotensive patients. We found a fair to good agreement (ICC between 0.4 and 0.75) between PT100 and GAT in hypertensive patients. The agreement we found between Intellipuff and GAT was also excellent in hypertensive patients. The differences between the measurements of the two non-contact tonometers and the GAT were significantly correlated to the central CCT (correlation between PT100 GAT and CCT, r = 0.21, p = 0.01; correlation between Pulsair Intellipuff GAT and CCT, r = 0.20, p = 0.02). Conclusion: The two non-contact tonometers agree well with GAT in normotensive patients. The Pulsair Intellipuff agrees also well with GAT in hypertensive patients.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF
