8 research outputs found

    Recommendations on Formative Assessment and Feedback Practices for stronger engagement in MOOCs

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    Many publications and surveys refer to the high drop out rate in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which is around 90%, especially if we compare the number of students who register against those who finish. Working towards improving student engagement in MOOCs, we focus on providing specific research-based recommendations on formative assessment and feedback practices that can advance student activity. In this respect, we analysed some significant research papers on formative assessment and feedback methods applicable to face-to-face teaching environments that advance student engagement, and concluded with related requirements and conditions that can be applied also to MOOCs. We also analysed 4050 comments and reviews of the seven most active and highly rated MOOCs (6 Coursera ones and 1 from EdX) provided by the students who have mainly completed those courses via CourseTalk. Based on this content analysis, we have formulated fourteen recommendations that support also the requirements/conditions of our conceptual and theoretical framework analysis. The results obtained give some light in a rather unexplored research area, which is the research on formative assessment and feedback practices specifically for stronger engagement in MOOCs

    MOOCKnowledge: Establishing a large-scale data-collection about participants of European Open Online Courses

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    While MOOCS have emerged as a new form of open online education around the world,there are still no cross- provider and large-scale data collections that provides reliable information about demographic details of the population of MOOC participants on the one hand, and their motivation, intentions, social context, lifelong learning profile and impact on study success and career development on the other hand. The MOOCKnowledge project is an initiative to establish a large-scale data-collection about participants of European MOOCs. In this paper we describe the motivation behind the project and discuss the research focus. We explain the structure of the survey instrument, report about the data collection process and provide an outlook on potential future developments of the project.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Impact of feedback in students' engagement: The case of MOOCs

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    Our results provided insights, first of all, on how student engagement can be measured in MOOCs and also which feedback factors affect student engagement, for instance: the existence and type of assessment; the actors responsible for assessing students' work or providing feedback; the feedback mode; the feedback content; how the feedback is provided; the feedback focus when the feedback is provided; the interaction type; the number of peer reviews per assignment; how many times the student reads the feedback provided fully; the assessment impact; and, the feedback length. Most of those factors affected positively and some negatively student engagement in MOOCs. Second, based on the previous analysis, we specified those good practices that support student engagement and influence it positively. Considering also the changes in education that COVID-19 caused, such as the significant transition to online education due to lockdowns and isolations, these research findings are of paramount importance since they provide new knowledge on how to increase student engagement in MOOCs and, to an extent, in online education.Los resultados de esta investigaci贸n permiten, por un lado, definir una operativizaci贸n de implicaci贸n de los estudiantes en los MOOC y tambi茅n permiten identificar qu茅 factores de feedback influyen en esta implicaci贸n de los estudiantes, tales como: la existencia y tipo de evaluaciones; los actores responsables de evaluar el trabajo de los estudiantes o de proporcionar feedback; el modo de feedback; el contenido del mismo; c贸mo se proporciona el feedback; el enfoque del feedback; el tipo de interacci贸n; el n煤mero de revisiones por pares que se llevan a cabo para cada tarea; cu谩ntas veces el estudiante lee de forma completa el feedback que recibe; el impacto de la evaluaci贸n, y la longitud del feedback. La mayor铆a de estos factores afectan positivamente (y algunos negativamente) a la implicaci贸n de los estudiantes en los MOOC. Por otra parte, el segundo resultado m谩s importante de la investigaci贸n, partiendo del an谩lisis anterior, es la especificaci贸n de aquellas buenas pr谩cticas que dan soporte a la implicaci贸n de los estudiantes y la influenciaron positivamente. Finalmente, teniendo en cuenta tambi茅n los cambios en la educaci贸n que est谩 causando la pandemia COVID-19, como es la transici贸n significativa a la educaci贸n en l铆nea, hay que destacar que las contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son de suma importancia, ya que brindan nuevos conocimientos sobre c贸mo aumentar la participaci贸n o implicaci贸n de los estudiantes en los MOOC y, en cierta medida, en la educaci贸n en l铆nea.Els resultats obtinguts apunten, d'una banda, a una operativitzaci贸 de la implicaci贸 dels estudiants en els MOOC i tamb茅 permeten identificar quins factors de feedback afecten la implicaci贸 dels estudiants. S贸n factors com ara: l'exist猫ncia i el tipus d'avaluacions; els actors responsables d'avaluar el treball de l'estudiant o de proporcionar comentaris; el mode de feedback; el contingut del feedback; com es proporcionen els comentaris; el focus del feedback; el tipus d'interacci贸; el nombre de peer-review per tasca; quantes vegades l'estudiant ha llegit totalment els comentaris proporcionats; l'avaluaci贸 de l'impacte, i la longitud dels comentaris. La majoria d'aquests factors van afectar positivament (i alguns negativament) la implicaci贸 dels estudiants amb els MOOC. D'una altra banda, i 茅s el segon resultat important d'aquesta tesi doctoral, basant-nos en l'an脿lisi anterior, s'han especificat les bones pr脿ctiques que donen suport a la implicaci贸 dels estudiants i hi influeixen positivament. Finalment, tenint en compte tamb茅 els canvis en l'educaci贸 que est脿 causant la COVID-19, com ara una transici贸 significativa a l'educaci贸 en l铆nia, les conclusions de la present tesi doctoral s贸n de gran import脿ncia, ja que proporcionen nous coneixements sobre com augmentar la participaci贸 o implicaci贸 dels estudiants en els MOOC i, fins a un cert punt, en l'educaci贸 en l铆nia.E-learnin

    Recommendations on Formative Assessment and Feedback Practices for stronger engagement in MOOCs

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    Many publications and surveys refer to the high drop out rate in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which is around 90%, especially if we compare the number of students who register against those who finish. Working towards improving student engagement in MOOCs, we focus on providing specific research-based recommendations on formative assessment and feedback practices that can advance student activity. In this respect, we analysed some significant research papers on formative assessment and feedback methods applicable to face-to-face teaching environments that advance student engagement, and concluded with related requirements and conditions that can be applied also to MOOCs. We also analysed 4050 comments and reviews of the seven most active and highly rated MOOCs (6 Coursera ones and 1 from EdX) provided by the students who have mainly completed those courses via CourseTalk. Based on this content analysis, we have formulated fourteen recommendations that support also the requirements/conditions of our conceptual and theoretical framework analysis. The results obtained give some light in a rather unexplored research area, which is the research on formative assessment and feedback practices specifically for stronger engagement in MOOCs