34 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of translation regulations in Lactococcus lactis by systems biology

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    La rĂ©gulation de l’expression gĂ©nique chez les bactĂ©ries rĂ©sulte d’un processus complexe comprenant deux Ă©tapes majeures, la transcription des gĂšnes en ARNm et leur traduction en protĂ©ines. Les Ă©tudes qui allient les donnĂ©es de transcription et de traduction sont rares et l’importance de chacun de ces deux mĂ©canismes dans un processus global d’adaptation n’est pas encore clairement dĂ©finie. Or, les faibles corrĂ©lations entre les niveaux d’ARNm et de protĂ©ines chez les bactĂ©ries et, plus particuliĂšrement chez la bactĂ©rie modĂšle Lactococcus lactis, suggĂšrent l’importance des rĂ©gulations traductionnelles.Aujourd’hui des exemples de mĂ©canismes de rĂ©gulation de la traduction Ă  l’échelle molĂ©culaire se multiplient, nĂ©anmoins il n’existe que trĂšs peu de mĂ©thodes systĂ©miques permettant d’étudier ces rĂ©gulations Ă  l’échelle globale. Dans cette thĂšse, l’état de traduction de chacun des ARNm de la cellule a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© par la mesure du traductome. Ainsi, pour chaque ARNm, le pourcentage de molĂ©cules en traduction et sa densitĂ© en ribosomes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. Pour la premiĂšre fois, une image complĂšte de l’état de traduction de la bactĂ©rie a Ă©tĂ© obtenue montrant une grande variabilitĂ© traductionnelle au sein de la population des transcrits. De plus, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que cet Ă©tat traductionnel Ă©tait trĂšs rĂ©gulĂ©. De fait, lors d’une carence nutritionnelle, la machinerie de traduction est globalement diminuĂ©e et il est observĂ© une redistribution de l’efficacitĂ© de traduction vers des gĂšnes nĂ©cessaires Ă  la bactĂ©rie pour ĂȘtre adaptĂ©e au stress imposĂ©. D’autre part, cette forte variabilitĂ© de l’état de traduction au sein des ARNm a pu ĂȘtre reliĂ©e Ă  des diffĂ©rences au niveau du mĂ©canisme propre de la traduction. En effet, les coefficients de contrĂŽle des trois grandes Ă©tapes de la traduction, estimĂ©s par modĂ©lisation Ă  partir des donnĂ©es de traductome, dĂ©pendent fortement de la nature des gĂšnes. Ainsi un contrĂŽle au niveau de l’étape d’initiation a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© comme attendu pour la majoritĂ© des gĂšnes. Mais pour un grand nombre de gĂšnes, un contrĂŽle par l’élongation (et pour un nombre plus restreint par la terminaison) a Ă©tĂ© aussi mis en Ă©vidence chez L. lactis. Dans le contrĂŽle global de l’expression gĂ©nique, il a d’autre part Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence que les processus de traduction et de dĂ©gradation des ARNm Ă©taient impliquĂ©s et associĂ©s Ă  des rĂ©gulations coordonnĂ©es ou non en fonction des conditions de croissance.En conclusion, ces travaux de thĂšse ont montrĂ© l’importance des rĂ©gulations de la traduction. Plus largement, ils ont soulignĂ© la nĂ©cessitĂ© de caractĂ©riser les diffĂ©rents niveaux de rĂ©gulations de l’expression gĂ©nique afin de mieux apprĂ©hender la physiologie de la celluleIn bacteria, regulation of gene expression results from a complex program composed of two main steps: transcription of genes into mRNA and their translation into proteins. Few studies integrate both transcription and translation, so their relative importance in the global process of bacterial adaptation is not yet well defined. However, weak correlations between mRNA and protein levels were found in bacteria, in particular in the lactic acid bacteria model Lactococcus lactis, suggesting significant translation regulations in this bacterium.Nowadays, translation regulation mechanisms are mainly investigated at the molecular level since only few systemic methods exist to study these regulations at a genome-wide scale. During this PhD, translation state of all mRNA was estimated by translatome measurement. For each mRNA in the cell, percentage of its molecules in translation and its ribosome density were determined. For the first time in bacteria, a detailed picture of the translation state of all transcripts was obtained. Large variation of translation state was observed within the transcript population demonstrating a high diversity of translational regulations in a given physiological state. In addition, during nutrient starvation, the global translation machinery was decreased and associated with a redistribution of the translation efficiency towards genes required to stress adaptation.Changes in translation state were related to specific kinetics of the three elementary steps of translation. From translatome data, control coefficients of initiation, elongation and termination on the global translation process were modeled. The translation limiting step was strongly dependent on gene function. Although a control by initiation was observed for most of the genes of L. lactis, a large set of genes was elongation limited, and even few genes were limited by termination.In the global control of gene expression, both translation and mRNA decay were involved and led to coupled or uncoupled regulations according to growth conditions.Finally, this work has demonstrated the importance of translation regulations in bacteria. This result strengthens the necessity to include all the different layers of gene expression regulation in order to better understand cell physiolog

    The significance of translation regulation in the stress response

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    Background: The stress response in bacteria involves the multistage control of gene expression but is not entirely understood. To identify the translational response of bacteria in stress conditions and assess its contribution to the regulation of gene expression, the translational states of all mRNAs were compared under optimal growth condition and during nutrient (isoleucine) starvation. Results: A genome-scale study of the translational response to nutritional limitation was performed in the model bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Two measures were used to assess the translational status of each individual mRNA: the fraction engaged in translation (ribosome occupancy) and ribosome density (number of ribosomes per 100 nucleotides). Under isoleucine starvation, half of the mRNAs considered were translationally down-regulated mainly due to decreased ribosome density. This pattern concerned genes involved in growth-related functions such as translation, transcription, and the metabolism of fatty acids, phospholipids and bases, contributing to the slowdown of growth. Only 4% of the mRNAs were translationally up-regulated, mostly related to prophagic expression in response to stress. The remaining genes exhibited antagonistic regulations of the two markers of translation. Ribosome occupancy increased significantly for all the genes involved in the biosynthesis of isoleucine, although their ribosome density had decreased. The results revealed complex translational regulation of this pathway, essential to cope with isoleucine starvation. To elucidate the regulation of global gene expression more generally, translational regulation was compared to transcriptional regulation under isoleucine starvation and to other post-transcriptional regulations related to mRNA degradation and mRNA dilution by growth. Translational regulation appeared to accentuate the effects of transcriptional changes for down-regulated growth-related functions under isoleucine starvation although mRNA stabilization and lower dilution by growth counterbalanced this effect. Conclusions: We show that the contribution of translational regulation to the control of gene expression is significant in the stress response. Post-transcriptional regulation is complex and not systematically co-directional with transcription regulation. Post-transcriptional regulation is important to the understanding of gene expression control

    A Genome-scale integration and analysis of Lactococcus lactis translation data

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    Protein synthesis is a template polymerization process composed by three main steps: initiation, elongation, and termination. During translation, ribosomes are engaged into polysomes whose size is used for the quantitative characterization of translatome. However, simultaneous transcription and translation in the bacterial cytosol complicates the analysis of translatome data. We established a procedure for robust estimation of the ribosomal density in hundreds of genes from Lactococcus lactis polysome size measurements. We used a mechanistic model of translation to integrate the information about the ribosomal density and for the first time we estimated the protein synthesis rate for each gene and identified the rate limiting steps. Contrary to conventional considerations, we find significant number of genes to be elongation limited. This number increases during stress conditions compared to optimal growth and proteins synthesized at maximum rate are predominantly elongation limited. Consistent with bacterial physiology, we found proteins with similar rate and control characteristics belonging to the same functional categories. Under stress conditions, we found that synthesis rate of regulatory proteins is becoming comparable to proteins favored under optimal growth. These findings suggest that the coupling of metabolic states and protein synthesis is more important than previously thought

    Bacterial translational regulations: high diversity between all mRNAs and major role in gene expression

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    Background: In bacteria, the weak correlations at the genome scale between mRNA and protein levels suggest that not all mRNAs are translated with the same efficiency. To experimentally explore mRNA translational level regulation at the systemic level, the detailed translational status (translatome) of all mRNAs was measured in the model bacterium Lactococcus lactis in exponential phase growth. Results: Results demonstrated that only part of the entire population of each mRNA species was engaged in translation. For transcripts involved in translation, the polysome size reached a maximum of 18 ribosomes. The fraction of mRNA engaged in translation (ribosome occupancy) and ribosome density were not constant for all genes. This high degree of variability was analyzed by bioinformatics and statistical modeling in order to identify general rules of translational regulation. For most of the genes, the ribosome density was lower than the maximum value revealing major control of translation by initiation. Gene function was a major translational regulatory determinant. Both ribosome occupancy and ribosome density were particularly high for transcriptional regulators, demonstrating the positive role of translational regulation in the coordination of transcriptional networks. mRNA stability was a negative regulatory factor of ribosome occupancy and ribosome density, suggesting antagonistic regulation of translation and mRNA stability. Furthermore, ribosome occupancy was identified as a key component of intracellular protein levels underlining the importance of translational regulation. Conclusions: We have determined, for the first time in a bacterium, the detailed translational status for all mRNAs present in the cell. We have demonstrated experimentally the high diversity of translational states allowing individual gene differentiation and the importance of translation-level regulation in the complex process linking gene expression to protein synthesis

    Multiple effects of a short-term dexamethasone treatment in human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.

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    International audienceGlucocorticoids are frequently prescribed drugs with important side-effects such as glucose intolerance and tissue remodeling. The goal was to explore the molecular basis of the response of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue during a short-term dexamethasone treatment to better understand the induction of side-effects of glucocorticoids on these metabolic tissues. Fifteen healthy male subjects were assigned to a 4-day treatment with dexamethasone at 4 mg/day. The primary outcome measures were changes in gene expression profiling of subcutaneous skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Urinary cortisol, plasma, and metabolic biochemistry were also assessed. In both tissues the prominent observation was a response to stress and increased inflammatory responses. An upregulation of the serum amyloid A was detected in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and plasma, whereas circulating levels of C reactive protein, another acute phase protein, decreased along with a worsened insulin sensitivity index. As tissue-specific features, tissue remodeling was shown in skeletal muscle while the adipose tissue exhibited a decreased energy metabolism. Several limitations might be raised due to the small number of subjects investigated: a possible cross talk with the mineralocorticoid receptor, and a single time point may not identify regulations occurring during longitudinal treatment. In line with the known physiological effect of glucocorticoids the early modulation of stress response genes was observed. An unexpected feature was the upregulation of the inflammatory and immune pathways. The identification of novel impact on two glucocorticoid target tissues provides a molecular basis for the design of more specific glucocorticoids devoid of adverse effects

    Polysome sizes of genes from experimentally verified operon <i>citCDEFXG</i>.

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    <p>One color was associated to each gene part of this operon (gene is absent of the figure when its experimental polysome size was missing). For each operonic gene, its mRNA proportions (from three repetitions) were plotted according to polysome size. Results from other operons are shown in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003240#pcbi.1003240.s005" target="_blank">Figure S5</a>. The gene names and lengths (in number of codons) are indicated in the first fraction. The number above each polysome size is the p-value of the ANOVA test to check at a given polysome size if the mRNA proportion of the group of operonic gene is significantly different than the mRNA proportion of the rest of the genes in this fraction. For example in this figure, gene citC has a length of 347 codons, and about 10% of its mRNA copies are in fraction B, 17% in fraction C, 
 and 15% of its copies have a polysome size around 14; moreover, an ANOVA test shows with a p-value of 0.0001 that, in fraction of polysome size 14, the average mRNA proportion from the cit operon's genes is significantly different to the average mRNA proportion from the other gene species in this fraction (and similarly for the other elution fractions), hinting that the genes from cit operon are not distributed among fractions in the same way as the rest of the genes.</p

    Relationship between specific protein synthesis rate, ribosomal density and control coefficients.

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    <p>(A) The value of the specific synthesis rate estimated for all the genes is indicated in function of the ribosomal density (obtained through the experiment). (B) The control coefficients of each translation step are shown according to ribosomal density of each gene. Initiation control coefficient , elongation control coefficient and termination control coefficient are shown. The numbers in parenthesis at the top of the figure indicate the number of genes in each group.</p

    Functional enrichment analysis for genes grouped by similar translational control.

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    <p>Only the most enriched terms are shown, while the significantly enriched terms (p-value<0.05) are highlighted in bold. The binning is the same as on <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003240#pcbi-1003240-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>. For each group, the ranges of ribosomal densities, specific synthesis rate, absolute synthesis rate and control coefficients are also shown. tells for example that 788 genes were present in the given cluster while 1108 genes are present in total in the data; on the other hand indicates for example that 64 genes of the given category were found in the cluster while 73 genes in total are present in the given category.</p><p>AMI: amino acid biosynthesis, CEL: cellular process, COF: biosynthesis of cofactors, NRJ: energy metabolism, OTH: other categories, PUR: purine, pyrimidine, nucleoside and nucleotide metabolism, REG: regulatory functions, TRD: translation, TSP: transport and binding proteins, UNK: unknown function.</p