61 research outputs found

    Reliability of Two Instruments for Critical Assessment of Economic Evaluations

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    AbstractObjectiveTo assess the reliability of two instruments designed for critical appraisal of economic evaluations: the Quality of Health Economic Studies (QHES) scale and the Pediatric Quality Appraisal Questionnaire (PQAQ).MethodsThirty published articles were chosen at random from a recent bibliography of economic evaluations in health promotion. The quality of each of these studies was assessed independently by two raters using each of the two instruments. Inter-rater reliability and the agreement between the instruments were measured using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Cronbach's generalizability theory was also used to assess the sources of variation in quality scores of the studies and to indicate where improvements in reliability could best be made.ResultsInter-rater reliability was excellent for both instruments (ICC = 0.81 for the QHES and 0.80 for the PQAQ).Agreement between the instruments varied (ICC = 0.77 for rater 1 and 0.56 for rater 2). The biggest source of variation in the scores assigned to the articles was the quality of the study (56% of total variance). Conventional measurement error explained 31% of the total variance. Variation due to rater (<0.1%) and measurement instrument (1.8%) was very low.ConclusionsThe results suggest that the two instruments perform equally well. Choice of instrument can therefore be based on other criteria—simplicity and speed of application in the case of one, and detail in the information provided in the case of the other. There is little improvement in reliability to be gained from using more than one rater or more than one assessment of quality

    Population based screening for chronic kidney disease: cost effectiveness study

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    Objective To determine the cost effectiveness of one-off population based screening for chronic kidney disease based on estimated glomerular filtration rate

    International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) - the propagation of knowledge in ultrasound for the improvement of OB/GYN care worldwide: experience of basic ultrasound training in Oman.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of a new ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) Outreach Teaching and Training Program delivered in Muscat, Oman. METHODS: Quantitative assessments to evaluate knowledge and practical skills were administered before and after an ultrasound course for sonologists attending the ISUOG Outreach Course, which took place in November, 2017, in Oman. Trainees were selected from each region of the country following a national vetting process conducted by the Oman Ministry of Health. Twenty-eight of the participants were included in the analysis. Pre- and post-training practical and theoretical scores were evaluated and compared. RESULTS: Participants achieved statistically significant improvements, on average by 47% (p < 0.001), in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Specifically, the mean score in the theoretical knowledge test significantly increased from 55.6% (± 14.0%) to 81.6% (± 8.2%), while in the practical test, the mean score increased from 44.6% (± 19.5%) to 65.7% (± 23.0%) (p < 0.001). Performance was improved post-course among 27/28 participants (96.4%) in the theoretical test (range: 14 to 200%) and among 24/28 (85.7%) trainees in the practical skills test (range: 5 to 217%). CONCLUSION: Application of the ISUOG Basic Training Curriculum and Outreach Teaching and Training Course improved the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of local health personnel. Long-term re-evaluation is, however, considered imperative to ascertain and ensure knowledge retention

    Neuropathologic features in the hippocampus and cerebellum of three older men with fragile X syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability, and is the most common single-gene disorder known to be associated with autism. Despite recent advances in functional neuroimaging and our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis, only limited neuropathologic information on FXS is available.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Neuropathologic examinations were performed on post-mortem brain tissue from three older men (aged 57, 64 and 78 years) who had received a clinical or genetic diagnosis of FXS. In each case, physical and cognitive features were typical of FXS, and one man was also diagnosed with autism. Guided by reports of clinical and neuroimaging abnormalities of the limbic system and cerebellum of individuals with FXS, the current analysis focused on neuropathologic features present in the hippocampus and the cerebellar vermis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histologic and immunologic staining revealed abnormalities in both the hippocampus and cerebellar vermis. Focal thickening of hippocampal CA1 and irregularities in the appearance of the dentate gyrus were identified. All lobules of the cerebellar vermis and the lateral cortex of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum had decreased numbers of Purkinje cells, which were occasionally misplaced, and often lacked proper orientation. There were mild, albeit excessive, undulations of the internal granular cell layer, with patchy foliar white matter axonal and astrocytic abnormalities. Quantitative analysis documented panfoliar atrophy of both the anterior and posterior lobes of the vermis, with preferential atrophy of the posterior lobule (VI to VII) compared with age-matched normal controls.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Significant morphologic changes in the hippocampus and cerebellum in three adult men with FXS were identified. This pattern of pathologic features supports the idea that primary defects in neuronal migration, neurogenesis and aging may underlie the neuropathology reported in FXS.</p

    Histopathological alterations in Senegal sole, Solea Senegalensis, from a polluted Huelva estuary (SW, Spain)

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    As a component of a large research project to evaluate the effects of contaminants on fish health in the field, histopathological studies have been conducted to help establish causal relationship between pollutants (heavy metals and aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons—PAHs) and histopathological responses in Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, from an estuary of SW Spain. Heavy metals (As, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and Fe) and 16 PAHs (proprietary USEPA) concentrations in water, sediment and tissues (liver and gills) and histopathological alterations in S. senegalensis from three sampling sites of Ria de Huelva estuary during 2004–2006 years have been analysed. The histopathological studies revealed seasonal and spatial differences in the lesion grade of alterations observing the highest lesion grades in fish from Odiel River and autumn season. No significant differences were observed in the alterations prevalence between sampling sites, but significant differences were observed between seasons observing the highest prevalence in autumn season. However, calculated IPAT demonstrated a low–moderate impact of pollutants on health fish. Correlations between histopathological alterations and pollutants analysed were observed being heavy metals the group that presented a major number of correlations with alterations in several organs of S. senegalensis. In evaluating the general health of fish, the use of histopathological studies in recommended for making more reliable assessment of biochemical responses in fish exposed to a variety of environmental stressors. Statistical analysis using semiquantitative data on pathological lesions can help to establish correlation between cause (stressor) and effect (biomarker)

    Canadian Chronic Kidney Disease Clinics: A National Survey of Structure, Function and Models of Care

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    Background: The goals of care for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are to delay progression to end stage renal disease, reduce complications, and to ensure timely transition to dialysis or transplantation, while optimizing independence. Recent guidelines recommend that multidisciplinary team based care should be available to patients with CKD. While most provinces fund CKD care, the specific models by which these outcomes are achieved are not known. Funding for clinics is hospital or program based. Objectives: To describe the structure and function of clinics in order to understand the current models of care, inform best practice and potentially standardize models of care. Design: Prospective cross sectional observational survey study. Setting, Patients/Participants: Canadian nephrology programs in all provinces. Methods and Measurements: Using an open-ended semi-structured questionnaire, we surveyed 71 of 84 multidisciplinary adult CKD clinics across Canada, by telephone and with written semi-structured questionnaires; (June 2012 to November 2013). Standardized introductory scripts were used, in both English and French. Results: CKD clinic structure and models of care vary significantly across Canada. Large variation exists in staffing ratios (Nephrologist, dieticians, pharmacists and nurses to patients), and in referral criteria. Dialysis initiation decisions were usually made by MDs. The majority of clinics (57%) had a consistent model of care (the same Nephrologist and nurse per patient), while others had patients seeing a different nephrologist and nurses at each clinic visit. Targets for various modality choices varied, as did access to those modalities. No patient or provider educational tools describing the optimal time to start dialysis exist in any of the clinics. Limitations: The surveys rely on self reporting without validation from independent sources, and there was limited involvement of Quebec clinics. These are relative limitations and do not affect the main results. Conclusions: The variability in clinic structure and function offers an opportunity to explore the relationship of these elements to patient outcomes, and to determine optimal models of care. This list of contacts generated through this study, serves as a basis for establishing a CKD clinic network. This network is anticipated to facilitate the conduct of clinical trials to test novel interventions or strategies within the context of well characterized models of care
