56 research outputs found

    El trabajador social como asesor familiar

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    Se plantea la necesidad social que las familias tienen de recibir asesoramiento sobre sus problemas, en los diferentes momentos por los que pasan en su ciclo vital, y la oportunidad de la figura del trabajador social para desarrollar tareas encaminadas a proporcionar dicho asesoramiento familiar

    Desgarros obstétricos Iatrógenos. Una entidad más frecuente de lo que desearíamos.

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    Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 34 años con antecedente de dos partos vaginales, el último de ellos hace 2 años. Se trató de un parto distócico instrumentado que le causó un desgarro obstétrico. La paciente acude a la consulta de coloproctología con clínica de incontinencia fecal, dispareunia e infecciones urinarias de repetición. A la exploración física se observa ausencia de tabique rectovaginal y al tacto rectal atonía esfinteriana

    A video guide of five access methods to the splenic flexure: the concept of the splenic flexure box

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to describe all the possible approaches for laparoscopic splenic flexure mobilization (SFM), each suitable for specific situations, and create an illustrated system to show SFM approaches in an easy and practical way to make it easy to learn and teach. Methods: Two different phases. First part: Cadaver-based study of the colonic splenic flexure anatomy. In order to demonstrate the different approaches, a balloon was placed through the colonic hepatic flexure in the lesser sac without sectioning any of the fixing ligaments of the splenic flexure. Second part: A real case series of laparoscopic SFM. Results: First part: 11 cadavers were dissected. Five potential approaches to SFM were found: anterior, trans-omentum, lateral, medial infra-mesocolic, and medial trans-mesocolic. The illustrative system developed was named: Splenic Flexure “Box”(SFBox). Second part: One of the types of SFM described in first part was used in five patients with colorectal cancer. Each laparoscopic approach to the splenic flexure was illustrated in a video accompanied by illustration aids delineating the access. Conclusion: With the cadaver dissection and subsequent demonstration in real-life laparoscopic surgery, we have shown five types of laparoscopic splenic flexure mobilization. The Splenic Flexure “Box” is a useful way to learn and teach this surgical maneuver

    Diagnostic Accuracy of Abdominal CT for Locally Advanced Colon Tumors: Can We Really Entrust Certain Decisions to the Reliability of CT?

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    Many different options of neoadjuvant treatments for advanced colon cancer are emerging. An accurate preoperative staging is crucial to select the most appropriate treatment option. A retrospective study was carried out on a national series of operated patients with T4 tumors. Considering the anatomo-pathological analysis of the surgical specimen as the gold standard, a diagnostic accuracy study was carried out on the variables T and N staging and the presence of peritoneal metastases (M1c). The parameters calculated were sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and positive and negative likelihood ratios, as well as the overall accuracy. A total of 50 centers participated in the study in which 1950 patients were analyzed. The sensitivity of CT for correct staging of T4 colon tumors was 57%. Regarding N staging, the overall accuracy was 63%, with a sensitivity of 64% and a specificity of 62%; however, the positive and negative likelihood ratios were 1.7 and 0.58, respectively. For the diagnosis of peritoneal metastases, the accuracy was 94.8%, with a sensitivity of 40% and specificity of 98%; in the case of peritoneal metastases, the positive and negative likelihood ratios were 24.4 and 0.61, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of CT in the setting of advanced colon cancer still has some shortcomings for accurate diagnosis of stage T4, correct classification of lymph nodes, and preoperative detection of peritoneal metastases