20 research outputs found

    For the common good: Measuring residents\' efforts to protect their community from drug- and sex-related harm

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    People in high-risk neighbourhoods try to protect their friends, neighbours, relatives and others from the social and physical risks associated with sex and drug use. This paper develops and validates a community-grounded questionnaire to measure such ‘intravention\' (health-directed efforts to protect others). An initial ethnography, including life-history interviews and focus groups, explored the forms of intravention activities engaged in by residents of Bushwick (a high-risk New York City neighbourhood). Grassroots categories of intraventions were derived and questions developed to ask about such behaviours. Face validity and adequacy of the questions were assessed by independent experts. Pre-testing was conducted, and reliability and validity were assessed. An instrument including 110 intravention items was administered to 57 community-recruited residents. Analysis focused on 57 items in 11 domain-specific subscale. All subscales had good to very good reliability; Cronbach\'s alpha ranged from .81 to .95. The subscales evidenced both convergent and discriminant validity. Although further testing of this instrument on additional populations is clearly warranted, this intravention instrument seems valid and reliable. It can be used by researchers in comparative and longitudinal studies of the causes, prevalence and affects of different intravention activities in communities. It can benefit public health practitioners by helping them understand the environments in which they are intervening and by helping them find ways to cooperate with local neighbourhood-level health activists. Keywords: Intravention, drug prevention, harm reduction, community actions, protecting others.SAHARA-J Vol. 5 (3) 2008: pp. 144-15

    Positive deviance control-case life history: a method to develop grounded hypotheses about successful long-term avoidance of infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prevalence rates for long-term injection drug users in some localities surpass 60% for HIV and 80% for HCV. We describe methods for developing grounded hypotheses about how some injectors avoid infection with either virus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects: 25 drug injectors who have injected drugs 8 – 15 years in New York City. 17 remain without antibody to either HIV or HCV; 3 are double-positives; and 5 are positive for HCV but not HIV. "Staying Safe" methodology compares serostatus groups using detailed biographical timelines and narratives; and information about how subjects maintain access to physical resources and social support; their strategies and tactics to remain safe; how they handle problems of addiction and demands by drug dealers and other drug users; and how their behaviors and strategies do or do not become socially-embedded practices. Grounded theory and life-history analysis techniques compare and contrast doubly-uninfected with those infected with both viruses or only with HCV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Themes and initial hypotheses emerging from analyses included two master hypotheses that, if confirmed, should help shape preventive interventions: 1) Staying uninfected is not simply a question of social structure or social position. It involves agency by drug injectors, including sustained hard work and adaptation to changing circumstances. 2) Multiple intentionalities contribute to remaining uninfected. These conscious goals include balancing one's need for drugs and one's income; developing ways to avoid drug withdrawal sickness; avoiding situations where other drug users importune you to share drugs; and avoiding HIV (and perhaps HCV) infection. Thus, focusing on a single goal in prevention might be sub-optimal.</p> <p>Other hypotheses specify mechanisms of enacting these intentionalities. One example is finding ways to avoid extreme social ostracism.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have identified strategies and tactics that some doubly-uninfected IDUs have developed to stay safe. Staying Safe methodology develops grounded hypotheses. These can be tested through cohort studies of incidence and prevention trials of hypothesis-based programs to help drug injectors make their injection and sexual careers safer for themselves and others. This positive deviance control-case life history method might be used to study avoiding other infections like genital herpes among sex workers.</p

    The development of spontaneous facial responses to others’ emotions in infancy. An EMG study

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    Viewing facial expressions often evokes facial responses in the observer. These spontaneous facial reactions (SFRs) are believed to play an important role for social interactions. However, their developmental trajectory and the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms are still little understood. In the current study, 4- and 7-month old infants were presented with facial expressions of happiness, anger, and fear. Electromyography (EMG) was used to measure activation in muscles relevant for forming these expressions: zygomaticus major (smiling), corrugator supercilii (frowning), and frontalis (forehead raising). The results indicated no selective activation of the facial muscles for the expressions in 4-month-old infants. For 7-month-old infants, evidence for selective facial reactions was found especially for happy faces (leading to increased zygomaticus major activation) and fearful faces (leading to increased frontalis activation), while angry faces did not show a clear differential response. This suggests that emotional SFRs may be the result of complex neurocognitive mechanisms which lead to partial mimicry but are also likely to be influenced by evaluative processes. Such mechanisms seem to undergo important developments at least until the second half of the first year of life

    Core group approach to identify college students at risk for sexually transmitted infections "Core group" para identificar universitários em risco para infecções sexualmente transmissíveis

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the core group for sexually transmitted infections (STI) among college students. METHODS: Cross-sectional study carried out in a convenience sample comprising 711 college students of the public university of Morelos, Mexico, between 2001 and 2003. Sociodemographic and sexual behavior information were collected using self-applied questionnaires. Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) infection was tested in the blood. The number of sexual partners in the last year and cocaine consumption were used as indicators to construct the dependent variable "level of STI risk" in three categories: low, medium and high risk (core group). A multinomial analysis was conducted to evaluate whether different sex behaviors were associated with the variable "level of STI risk". RESULTS: There was significant association between HSV-2 seroprevalence and the variable "level of STI risk": 13%, 5.6% and 3.8% were found in high (core group), medium and low categories, respectively. There were gender differences regarding the core group. Men started having sexual intercourse earlier, had more sex partners, higher alcohol and drug consumption, higher frequency of sex intercourse with sex workers, exchanging sex for money, occasional and concurrent partners compared to women. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest existing contextual characteristics in the study population that affect their sex behavior. In Mexico, the cultural conception of sexuality is determined mainly by gender differences where men engage in higher risky sexual behavior than women.<br>OBJETIVO: Identificar al grupo core de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en una población de estudiantes universitarios mexicanos. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra por conveniencia que incluyó 711 estudiantes de una universidad pública de Morelos, México, entre 2001 y 2003. Las características sociodemográficas y de comportamiento sexual se obtuvieron mediante un cuestionario auto-aplicado. La infección por el Virus del herpes simple tipo 2 (VHS-2) se determinó en pruebas de sangre. El número de parejas sexuales durante el último año y el consumo de cocaína, fueron indicadores utilizados para construir la variable dependiente "nivel de riesgo para adquirir ITS" que tuvo tres categorías: bajo, medio y alto riesgo (grupo core). Mediante un análisis multinomial se evaluó si las características sociodemográficas y de comportamiento sexual estuvieron relacionadas con la variable dependiente. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una relación significativa entre la seroprevalencia de VHS-2 y la variable dependiente encontrando frecuencias de 13%, 5.6% y 3.8% en las categorías de alto, medio y bajo riesgo, respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron diferencias de género en la constitución del grupo core. En comparación con las mujeres, los hombres iniciaron su vida sexual a más temprana edad, reportaron mayor número de parejas sexuales, mayores niveles de consumo de alcohol y drogas, mayor frecuencia de contacto sexual con trabajadoras sexuales, intercambio de sexo por dinero, relaciones con parejas ocasionales y concurrentes. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados sugieren que existen características contextuales que influyen en el comportamiento sexual. En México la concepción cultural de la sexualidad está conformada por diferencias marcadas entre hombres y mujeres, donde los primeros tienen un comportamiento sexual de riesgo mayor que las mujeres.<br>OBJETIVO: Analisar o core group em estudantes universitários em risco de adquirir infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra de conveniência composta por 711 estudantes de universidade pública de Morelos, no México, 2001-2003. Informações sociodemográficas e de comportamento sexual foram coletadas por meio de questionário auto-aplicável. Presença de infecção por Herpes simplex 2 foi diagnosticada por exame de sangue. O número de parceiros sexuais durante o último ano anterior à pesquisa e o consumo de cocaína foram indicadores utilizados para construir a variável dependente "nível de risco para adquirir IST" e definir três categorias: baixo, médio e alto risco (core group). Foi utilizada análise multinominal para avaliar se diferentes comportamentos sexuais estavam associados à variável "nível de risco para adquirir IST". RESULTADOS: Houve associação significativa entre a soroprevalência de HSV-2 e a variável "nível de risco para adquirir IST" nas categorias de alto (13%), médio (5,6%) e baixo (3,8%) risco. Foram encontradas diferenças entre os sexos em relação ao core group. Em comparação às mulheres, os homens começaram a ter relações sexuais mais cedo, tiveram maior número de parceiras sexuais, níveis mais elevados de consumo de álcool e drogas, maior freqüência de sexo com profissionais do sexo, prática de sexo por dinheiro, parceiras ocasionais e concomitantes. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem a existência de características contextuais da população que influenciam o comportamento sexual. No México, a concepção cultural de sexualidade é caracterizada por diferenças marcantes entre homens e mulheres, nas quais os homens têm comportamento sexual de maior risco que as mulheres