6,679 research outputs found

    New species, records, and a synonymy of African Sisyridae (Neuroptera)

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    Two species of the genus Sisyra Burmeister (Neuroptera: Sisyridae), S. cameroonensis, n. sp., and S. gruwelli, n. sp., are described from the African Republic of Cameroon. Sisyra pallida Meinander is synonymized with Sisyra delicata Smithers, new synonymy, after comparison of the types of the former with topotypic paratypes of the latter. Type material of Sisyra nilotica Tjeder appears to be lost. Examples of Sisyra are recorded from Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uganda. A second species of the endemic African genus, Sisyborina, Monserrat, S. scitula, n. sp., is described from Cameroon, Guinea, and Zambia

    Is there any justice in being other than 'white' in Britain?

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    Over the past five years numerous headlines have deconstructed racism as a political event. There is no escape from the politics of these events in the media; for example, Racism on the Rise in Britain’ (Guardian, 2014); Immigrants make UK racist (The Independent, 2014); Cameron to hold football racism summit (Sunday Times, 2012); and, You can't ignore racism and raise anti-racist children (Guardian, 2015). Following Prime Minister John Major’s political rhetoric calling for policy [to] be colour blind (1997:7) and Blair’s commitment in the 1990s to address race inequities in schools (DfEE, 1997) there is a need for fresh thinking. Especially since behind such political rhetoric there was only superficial support to challenge racism (Gillborn, 2009). Indeed, on a wider horizon, despite education permeating the warp and weft of Western societies, the politics of ‘White supremacy’ (more commonly identified as racism) is so ingrained in institutional and political structures in the UK (Taylor, 2009), its grounding assumptions remain largely ignored

    Nomenclatural and systematic changes in the Neotropical caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)

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    Recent work on a catalog of the Neotropical caddisflies has resulted in the recognition of the need to make numerous lectotype designations, new names for homonyms, specific and generic synonymies, transfers of species between genera and genera between families, and placement of many long ignored names of Muller and others

    Symplectic N and time reversal in frustrated magnetism

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    Identifying the time reversal symmetry of spins as a symplectic symmetry, we develop a large N approximation for quantum magnetism that embraces both antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism. In SU(N), N>2, not all spins invert under time reversal, so we have introduced a new large N treatment which builds interactions exclusively out of the symplectic subgroup [SP(N)] of time reversing spins, a more stringent condition than the symplectic symmetry of previous SP(N) large N treatments. As a result, we obtain a mean field theory that incorporates the energy cost of frustrated bonds. When applied to the frustrated square lattice, the ferromagnetic bonds restore the frustration dependence of the critical spin in the Neel phase, and recover the correct frustration dependence of the finite temperature Ising transition.Comment: added reference

    Socio-Ecological Vulnerability and Resilience in an Arena of Rapid Environmental Change: Community Adaptation to Climate Variability in the Upper Zambezi Floodplain

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    近年、食料、水、繊維、エネルギーの需要拡大を満たすため、人々はいまだかつてない供給を生態システムから求めるようになった。これらの需要は生態系のバランスに圧力を与え、自然環境が許容量を取り戻す能力を減少させ、大気・水の浄化作用、廃棄物の処理、アメニティ等の生態系サービスを供与する能力を弱体化させた。社会経済開発と環境持続可能性との間に明らかな緊張関係が存在している。生態系の財とサービスの減少を引き起こした直接的な原因は、生息地の変化、外来種の侵入、過度の収奪、汚染や気候変動と変化などである。これらのプロセスは社会生態的レジリアンス喪失の脅威を与え、環境と社会経済変化の双方に対する感受性を高める。本報告では、社会経済の脆弱性とレジリアンスを検討する科学的方法、特にこれら広範囲の問題に対する学際的アプローチについて議論する。また、脆弱性に対する社会経済レジリアンスと適応の本質を分析する。レジリアンスに影響を与えている政治経済、社会文化的ネットワークとダイナミズムについて歴史的、現代的生産の文脈の中で議論することによって説明される。経済活動と「河川文明」を擁する人間の居住地域である氾濫原生態システムを研究の対象とする。事例として現在生物物理的、社会経済的変化を示しているザンビア西部ザンベジ河上流渓谷のBulozi「自然」氾濫原に焦点を当てる。この氾濫原は現在のLozi民の祖先が居住し、彼らは生態財とサービスを氾濫原から得、強力で活気に満ちた政治経済を生み出してこの地域を独占し、余剰食料を使うことができ、また軍を擁し経済的機会を享受した。今日、Bulozi は低開発の地域とされており、この状況は気候の変動によって悪化しているが、気候変動は長い年月の間に社会的に蓄積された脆弱性に対しては追加の要因となるのみである。本報告ではBulozi の脆弱性の原因とレジリアンスを高めるための適応的能力を議論する。人々が外的内的圧力に対して適応し、社会生態システム(SES)のバランスを維持する能力は、彼らが在地的「所有」の立場から問題に対処する能力に依存している。同時に、社会生態システム(SES)のバランスを保全しながら、生活水準を向上する機運、コントロール、動機の感覚を社会が再び取り戻すことは、現在の生産行為を修正し、生産活動を多様化する彼らの能力に依存している。People have made unprecedented demands on ecosystems in recent decades to meet growing demands for food, water, fibre and energy. These demands have placed pressure on ecosystem balances, depleted the ability of the natural environment to replace biocapacity consumed and weakened the capacity to deliver ecosystem services such as purification of air and water, waste disposal and aesthetically pleasing environments. There is an apparent tension between the aspirations of social and economic development and environmental sustainability.Direct drivers of change that engender a reduction in ecosystem goods and services include habitat change, invasive species, over exploitation, pollution and, climate variability and change. These processes threaten to diminish socio-ecological resilience and heighten sensitivity to both environmental and socio-economic change.This paper seeks to discuss the scientific ways in which socio-ecological vulnerability and resilience can be examined, in particular the inter disciplinarity of approach necessary to address these wide ranging issues. It will also analyse the nature of socio-ecological resilience and adaptation to vulnerability. This is contextualised in a discussion covering the historical and contemporary production of politico-economic and socio-cultural dynamics affecting resilience.The study considers floodplain ecosystems, sites of human settlement, productivity and the appearance of ‘hydraulic civilisations’. An example discussed here is the Bulozi ‘natural’ floodplain of the Upper Zambezi Valley in western Zambia, currently exhibiting biophysical and socio-economic change. This floodplain was populated by the ancestors of the present Lozi peoples who, using the ecological goods and services offered by the plain, produced a strong and vibrant politicoeconomy that became dominant in the region, using surplus food with which to specialise, raise an army and take advantage of economic opportunities. Today Bulozi is an arena of relative underdevelopment and this condition may become exacerbated by increasing climate dynamics, but these act only as additional stressors to socially created vulnerabilities that became entrenched over time. The paper identifies the production of vulnerability in Bulozi and the adaptive capacity required to increase resilience.It also discusses recent activities in the domain of community adaptation to climate change and concludes that people’s capacity to adapt to exogenous and endogenous pressures and maintain the integrity of the socio-ecological system (SES) depends much on their ability to engage with stressors from a position of autochthonous ‘ownership’. It depends also on their ability to access new capabilities and diversify productive activities so that society can regain a sense of momentum, control and motivation to enhance living standards whilst conserving the integrity of the SES

    The Relationship between Time to Degree Completion and Dual-Enrollment Credits

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    The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study is to determine if there is a predictive relationship between the number of dual-enrollment credits a student earns and the overall length of time to college degree completion. The continued growth of dual-enrollment programs and the encouragement for high school students to participate in efforts to reduce their time in college make this a necessary topic of research. Using the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) Graduating Student Survey (GSS) a sample of students pursuing a baccalaureate degree at a private university were surveyed to determine if a relationship existed between the number of dual enrollment credits they possessed and their time to degree completion. Convenience sampling was used to acquire the necessary number of participants to establish if a predictive relationship existed. Multiple linear regressions were used to determine those factors that most impacted the time to completion. Ultimately, the research failed to reject the null hypothesis, and recommendations to further this research include expanding both the sample size and the population. Arnett’s theory of emerging adulthood along with Tinto’s Institutional Departure model served as the theoretical framework for this research

    Trichoptera of the Area Platense

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    El estado actual de conocimientos sobre los Trichoptera de la República Argentina es aún fragmentario en lo que concierne a sus principales regiones biogeográficas, limitándose a estudios puntuales, cuya integración no suple hasta el presente la información de conjunto necesaria para establecer el status de este taxón como integrante de nuestra biota. Es por ello una circunstancia afortunada cubrir parcialmente el mencionado déficit con este aporte de conjunto, referido a los representantes del Área Platense, cuyo autor, el Dr. Oliver S. Flint, del Departarrento de Entomoloqía del National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C., USA, es uno de sus más destacados especialistas en el mundo. Esta revisión eminentemente sistemática, ofrece un enfoque introductorio general, complernentado con someras descripciones ambientales, comentarios sobre aspectos distribucionales, y referencias a métodos de recoleccíón y preservación de material. El tratamíento sistemático de los Trichoptera del Área Platense incluye descripciones y claves para la identificación de las 31 especies que conforman su elenco sistemático en el área de referencia, como así también de los 11 géneros y 6 familias de las cuales forman parte. Larvas y pupas son incorporadas en claves identificatorias en niveles supragenéricos. (de la introducción de Juan Alberto Schnack

    Rural income, welfare and migration : a study of three Ciskeian villages

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    Bibliography: pages 73-77.The on-going significance of the rural areas in policy formation in South Africa has its roots in the country's spatially skewed population distribution and the persistence of 'oscillating' or 'circular' migration. Thus, rural income (its level, sources and distribution) and rural welfare remain important policy considerations. This thesis, based on a microeconomic study of three Ciskeian villages, examines these issues, and attempts to use the understanding so gained, to consider the likelihood of continued circular migration. Chapter 1 places the study in context, providing necessary background to the research area. Chapter 2 looks at the spatial structure and education levels of households in the three villages studied. Chapter 3 deals with the problem of defining and measuring 'rural household income', whilst Chapter 4 examines the adequacy and distribution of this income, paying attention to how changes in various components of income affect rural income distribution and welfare. This thesis is concluded in Chapter 5 with an analysis of the factors contributing to the persistence of circular migration


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    Plaintiff, a minority stockholder in the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation, objected to the approval by a federal district court of a settlement in a stockholder\u27s derivative action against various directors of the company and several firms in which they were interested. The compromise covered a series of similar suits filed in state and federal courts, involving contracts negotiated by the directors with defendant companies and alleged manipulations through security purchases preceding a projected issue of stock in 1948. The court had approved the compromise under rule 23(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Plaintiff contended that the settlement was collusive and a fraud on other members of the class represented by defendant stockholder in the compromise negotiations. On appeal from the judgment approving the compromise, held, affirmed, one judge dissenting. The policy underlying rule 23(c) is best served if the interests of the corporation are protected; where the trial court has exercised adequate supervision over the terms of a settlement, its findings are conclusive absent clear error. Masterson v. Pergament, (6th Cir. 1953) 203 F. (2d) 315, cert. den. 346 U.S. 832, 74 S.Ct. 33 (1953)