239 research outputs found

    The Likelihood Ratio as a tool for Radio Continuum Surveys with SKA precursor telescopes

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    In this paper we investigate the performance of the likelihood ratio method as a tool for identifying optical and infrared counterparts to proposed radio continuum surveys with SKA precursor and pathfinder telescopes. We present a comparison of the infrared counterparts identified by the likelihood ratio in the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) survey to radio observations with 6, 10 and 15 arcsec resolution. We cross-match a deep radio catalogue consisting of radio sources with peak flux density >> 60 μ\muJy with deep near-infrared data limited to KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim 22.6. Comparing the infrared counterparts from this procedure to those obtained when cross-matching a set of simulated lower resolution radio catalogues indicates that degrading the resolution from 6 arcsec to 10 and 15 arcsec decreases the completeness of the cross-matched catalogue by approximately 3 and 7 percent respectively. When matching against shallower infrared data, comparable to that achieved by the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, the fraction of radio sources with reliably identified counterparts drops from \sim89%, at KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim22.6, to 47% with KsK_{\mathrm{s}}\lesssim20.0. Decreasing the resolution at this shallower infrared limit does not result in any further decrease in the completeness produced by the likelihood ratio matching procedure. However, we note that radio continuum surveys with the MeerKAT and eventually the SKA, will require long baselines in order to ensure that the resulting maps are not limited by instrumental confusion noise.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in mnra

    Factory Gate Pricing: An Analysis of the Dutch Retail Distribution

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    Factory Gate Pricing (FGP) is a relatively new phenomenon in retail distribution. Under FGP, products are no longer delivered at the retailer distribution center, but collected by the retailer at the factory gates of the suppliers. Owing to both the asymmetry in the distribution networks (the supplier sites greatly outnumber the retailer distribution centers) and the better inventory and transport coordination mechanisms, this is likely to result in high savings. A mathematical model was used to analyze the benefits of FGP for a case study in the Dutch retail sector. Extensive numerical results are presented to show the effect of the orchestration shift from supplier to retailer, the improved coordination mechanisms, and sector-wide cooperation

    Successful implementation of new technologies in nursing care: a questionnaire survey of nurse-users

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A growing number of new technologies are becoming available within nursing care that can improve the quality of care, reduce costs, or enhance working conditions. However, such effects can only be achieved if technologies are used as intended. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of determinants influencing the success of the introduction of new technologies as perceived by nursing staff.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study population is a nationally representative research sample of nursing staff (further referred to as the Nursing Staff Panel), of whom 685 (67%) completed a survey questionnaire about their experiences with recently introduced technologies. Participants were working in Dutch hospitals, psychiatric organizations, care organizations for mentally disabled people, home care organizations, nursing homes or homes for the elderly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Half of the respondents were confronted with the introduction of a new technology in the last three years. Only half of these rated the introduction of the technology as positive.</p> <p>The factors most frequently mentioned as impeding actual use were related to the (kind of) technology itself, such as malfunctioning, ease of use, relevance for patients, and risks to patients. Furthermore nursing staff stress the importance of an adequate innovation strategy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A prerequisite for the successful introduction of new technologies is to analyse determinants that may impede or enhance the introduction among potential users. For technological innovations special attention has to be paid to the (perceived) characteristics of the technology itself.</p

    A New Edge Micro Data Center and its Passive Thermosyphon Cooling System at TUe:Cooling System Thermal Performance Tests

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    A new innovative Edge Micro Data Centre and its new passive two-phase cooling system are presented here. EMDC's are hyperconverged heterogenous hardware capacities ranging from 1.8kW up to 500kW. HIRO, providing Powerfull Edge as a Service (PEaaS) is seeking very high cooling energy efficiency (PUE approaching 1.0) and solutions to re-use waste heat from their locally installed EMDC's and edge services that are supporting the big data processing and AI of their customers (smart hospitals, Industry 4.0, 5G/6G MEC, smart cities, smart energy grids). The smallest EMDC with 11 nodes (8 processing and acceleration, 1 ethernet switch, 1 PCIe switch and DC power) is used in the test setup. The gravity-driven loop thermosyphon cooling system is composed of a compact monoblock for insertion and cooling of 11 EDMC nodes, a riser and downcomer and a compact aircoil condenser cooled by several fans (or by natural convection). The heat of the EDMC nodes is removed by 11 thermal bridges in the monoblock evaporator. In demonstration “stress” tests run at TUe in The Netherlands, monitoring all individual node temperatures and energy consumptions, the cooling system achieved very high cooling performance during all the tests. Defining the PUE here to be equal to the total energy consumption including fans divided by that of only the computer itself, at maximum heat load the PUE was only 1.034 while at medium heat loads using lower fan speeds values as low as 1.007 were recorded and at heat loads of 186 W and below, the fans could be turned off for completely passive cooling operation

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus in Indonesia: a population-based study in three regions

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    Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women in the Indonesian population, yet little is known about the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV). We investigated age-specific prevalence of HPV types and possible risk factors of HPV positivity in a population-based sample of 2686 women, aged 15–70 years, in Jakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Bali, Indonesia. The overall HPV prevalence was 11.4%, age-standardized to the world standard population 11.6%. The most prevalent types found were HPV 52, HPV 16, HPV 18, and HPV 39, respectively, 23.2, 18.0, 16.1, and 11.8% of the high-risk HPV types. In 20.7% of infections, multiple types were involved. Different age-specific prevalence patterns were seen: overall high in Jakarta, and in Tasikmalaya, and declining with age in Bali. The number of marriages was most associated with HPV positivity (OR 1.81 95% CI 1.31–2.51)). Remarkably, in Indonesia HPV 16 and HPV 18 are equally common in the general population, as they are in cervical cancer. HPV 52 was the most prevalent type in the general population, suggesting that this type should be included when prophylactic HPV vaccination is introduced in Indonesia

    CoPub update: CoPub 5.0 a text mining system to answer biological questions

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    In this article, we present CoPub 5.0, a publicly available text mining system, which uses Medline abstracts to calculate robust statistics for keyword co-occurrences. CoPub was initially developed for the analysis of microarray data, but we broadened the scope by implementing new technology and new thesauri. In CoPub 5.0, we integrated existing CoPub technology with new features, and provided a new advanced interface, which can be used to answer a variety of biological questions. CoPub 5.0 allows searching for keywords of interest and its relations to curated thesauri and provides highlighting and sorting mechanisms, using its statistics, to retrieve the most important abstracts in which the terms co-occur. It also provides a way to search for indirect relations between genes, drugs, pathways and diseases, following an ABC principle, in which A and C have no direct connection but are connected via shared B intermediates. With CoPub 5.0, it is possible to create, annotate and analyze networks using the layout and highlight options of Cytoscape web, allowing for literature based systems biology. Finally, operations of the CoPub 5.0 Web service enable to implement the CoPub technology in bioinformatics workflows. CoPub 5.0 can be accessed through the CoPub portal http://www.copub.org

    Using Neural Networks for Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature

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    Using different sources of information to support automated extracting of relations between biomedical concepts contributes to the development of our understanding of biological systems. The primary comprehensive source of these relations is biomedical literature. Several relation extraction approaches have been proposed to identify relations between concepts in biomedical literature, namely, using neural networks algorithms. The use of multichannel architectures composed of multiple data representations, as in deep neural networks, is leading to state-of-the-art results. The right combination of data representations can eventually lead us to even higher evaluation scores in relation extraction tasks. Thus, biomedical ontologies play a fundamental role by providing semantic and ancestry information about an entity. The incorporation of biomedical ontologies has already been proved to enhance previous state-of-the-art results.Comment: Artificial Neural Networks book (Springer) - Chapter 1