1,159 research outputs found

    Degradation of the Indospicine Toxin from Indigofera spicata by a Mixed Population of Rumen Bacteria

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    The leguminous plant species, Indigofera linnaei and Indigofera spicata are distributed throughout the rangeland regions of Australia and the compound indospicine (L-2-amino-6-amidinohexanoic acid) found in these palatable forage plants acts as a hepatotoxin and can accumulate in the meat of ruminant livestock and wild camels. In this study, bovine rumen fluid was cultivated in an in vitro fermentation system provided with Indigofera spicata plant material and the ability of the resulting mixed microbial populations to degrade indospicine was determined using UPLC–MS/MS over a 14 day time period. The microbial populations of the fermentation system were determined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and showed distinct, time-related changes occurring as the rumen-derived microbes adapted to the fermentation conditions and the nutritional substrates provided by the Indigofera plant material. Within eight days of commencement, indospicine was completely degraded by the microbes cultivated within the fermenter, forming the degradation products 2-aminopimelamic acid and 2-aminopimelic acid within a 24 h time period. The in vitro fermentation approach enabled the development of a specifically adapted, mixed microbial population which has the potential to be used as a rumen drench for reducing the toxic side-effects and toxin accumulation associated with ingestion of Indigofera plant material by grazing ruminant livestock

    Curcumin-based photosensitization inactivates Aspergillus flavus and reduces aflatoxin B1 in maize kernels

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    Different methods have been applied in controlling contamination of foods and feeds by the carcinogenic fungal toxin, aflatoxin, but nevertheless the problem remains pervasive in developing countries. Curcumin is a natural polyphenolic compound from the spice turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) that has been identified as an efficient photosensitiser for inactivation of Aspergillus flavus conidia. Curcumin mediated photoinactivation of A. flavus has revealed the potential of this technology to be an effective method for reducing population density of the aflatoxin-producing fungus in foods. This study demonstrates the influence of pH and temperature on efficiency of photoinactivation of the fungus and how treating spore-contaminated maize kernels affects aflatoxin production. The results show the efficiency of curcumin mediated photoinactivation of fungal conidia and hyphae were not affected by temperatures between 15 and 35 °C or pH range of 1.5–9.0. The production of aflatoxin B was significantly lower (p < 0.05), with an average of 82.4 μg/kg as compared to up to 305.9 μg/kg observed in untreated maize kept under similar conditions. The results of this study indicate that curcumin mediated photosensitization can potentially be applied under simple environmental conditions to achieve significant reduction of post-harvest contamination of aflatoxin B in maize

    Community Memories: A Glimpse of African American Life in Frankfort, Kentucky

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    Community Memories is a fascinating look into life recalled by African Americans who consider Frankfort their home. Featuring unique oral history recollections and over two hundred candid personal photographs collected from community residents, the book provides an enlightening expression of the black experience in Kentucky’s capital. The memories focus on the elusive concept of community—that which binds together individuals in the living of everyday life. A satisfying blend of public history and local accounts, Community Memories explores the neighborhood, familial, religious, occupational, social, and educational components of the daily community experience of twentieth-century African Americans in Frankfort. Published by the Kentucky Historical Society and distributed by the University Press of Kentucky Senior Editor Winona L. Fletcher is professor emerita of theater and drama at Indiana University. Associate Editor Sheila Mason Burton is assistant director for research coordination at the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission. Associate Editor James E. Wallace is assistant director of the Kentucky Historical Society. Photographs Editor Mary E. Winter is special collections branch manager and photographs archivist at the Kentucky Historical Society. Oral History Editor Douglas A. Boyd is oral history and folklife archivist at the Kentucky Historical Society.https://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_african_american_studies/1024/thumbnail.jp

    Using Gene Expression Signatures to Identify Novel Treatment Strategies in Gulf War Illness

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    Background Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a complex multi-symptom disorder that affects up to one in three veterans of this 1991 conflict and for which no effective treatment has been found. Discovering novel treatment strategies for such a complex chronic illness is extremely expensive, carries a high probability of failure and a lengthy cycle time. Repurposing Food and Drug Administration approved drugs offers a cost-effective solution with a significantly abbreviated timeline. Methods Here, we explore drug re-purposing opportunities in GWI by combining systems biology and bioinformatics techniques with pharmacogenomic information to find overlapping elements in gene expression linking GWI to successfully treated diseases. Gene modules were defined based on cellular function and their activation estimated from the differential expression of each module’s constituent genes. These gene modules were then cross-referenced with drug atlas and pharmacogenomic databases to identify agents currently used successfully for treatment in other diseases. To explore the clinical use of these drugs in illnesses similar to GWI we compared gene expression patterns in modules that were significantly expressed in GWI with expression patterns in those same modules in other illnesses. Results We found 19 functional modules with significantly altered gene expression patterns in GWI. Within these modules, 45 genes were documented drug targets. Illnesses with highly correlated gene expression patterns overlapping considerably with GWI were found in 18 of the disease conditions studied. Brain, muscular and autoimmune disorders composed the bulk of these. Conclusion Of the associated drugs, immunosuppressants currently used in treating rheumatoid arthritis, and hormone based therapies were identified as the best available candidates for treating GWI symptoms

    Evaluation of 11C-Acetate and 18 F-FDG PET/CT in mouse multidrug resistance gene-2 deficient mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a global health problem with unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, including difficulties in identifying the highest risk patients. Previous work from our lab has established the murine multidrug resistance-2 mouse (MDR2) model of HCC as a reasonable preclinical model that parallels the changes seen in human inflammatory associated HCC. The purpose of this study is to evaluate modalities of PET/CT in MDR2−/− mice in order to facilitate therapeutic translational studies from bench to bedside. Methods 18F-FDG and 11C-acetate PET/CT was performed on 12 m MDR2−/− mice (n = 3/tracer) with HCC and 12 m MDR2−/+ control mice (n = 3/tracer) without HCC. To compare PET/CT to biological markers of HCC and cellular function, serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), cAMP and hepatic tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) were quantified in 3-12 m MDR2−/− (n = 10) mice using commercially available ELISA analysis. To translate results in mice to patients 11C-acetate PET/CT was also performed in 8 patents suspected of HCC recurrence following treatment and currently on the liver transplant wait list. Results Hepatic18F-FDG metabolism was not significantly increased in MDR2−/− mice. In contrast, hepatic 11C-acetate metabolism was significantly elevated in MDR2−/− mice when compared to MDR2−/+ controls. Serum AFP and LPA levels increased in MDR2−/− mice contemporaneous with the emergence of HCC. This was accompanied by a significant decrease in serum cAMP levels and an increase in hepatic TNFα. In patients suspected of HCC recurrence there were 5 true positives, 2 true negatives and 1 suspected false 11C-acetate negative. Conclusions Hepatic 11C-acetate PET/CT tracks well with HCC in MDR2−/− mice and patients with underlying liver disease. Consequently 11C-acetate PET/CT is well suited to study 1) HCC emergence/progression in patients and 2) reduce animal numbers required to study new chemotherapeutics in murine models of HCC

    100 opportunities for more inclusive ocean research: cross-disciplinary research questions for sustainable ocean governance and management

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    In order to inform decision making and policy, research to address sustainability challenges requires cross-disciplinary approaches that are co-created with a wide and inclusive diversity of disciplines and stakeholders. As the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development approaches, it is therefore timely to take stock of the global range of cross-disciplinary questions to inform the development of policies to restore and sustain ocean health. We synthesized questions from major science and policy horizon scanning exercises, identifying 89 questions with relevance for ocean policy and governance. We then scanned the broad ocean science literature to examine issues potentially missed in the horizon scans and supplemented the horizon scan outcome with 11 additional questions. This resulted in an unprioritized list of 100 general questions that would require a cross-disciplinary approach to inform policy. The questions fell into broad categories including: coastal and marine environmental change, managing ocean activities, governance for sustainable oceans, ocean value, and technological and socio-economic innovation. Each question can be customized by ecosystem, region, scale, and socio-political context, and is intended to inspire discussions of salient cross-disciplinary research directions to direct scientific research that will inform policies. Governance and management responses to these questions will best be informed by drawing upon a diversity of natural and social sciences, local and traditional knowledge, and engagement of different sectors and stakeholders

    Relative efficacy of three approaches to mitigate Crown‑of‑Thorns Starfish outbreaks on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

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    Population outbreaks of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTS; Acanthaster spp.) are a major contributor to loss of hard coral throughout the Indo-Pacific. On Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR), management interventions have evolved over four COTS outbreaks to include: (1) manual COTS control, (2) Marine Protected Area (MPA) zoning, and, (3) water quality improvement. Here we evaluate the contribution of these three approaches to managing population outbreaks of COTS to minimize coral loss. Strategic manual control at sites reduced COTS numbers, including larger, more fecund and damaging individuals. Sustained reduction in COTS densities and improvements in hard coral cover at a site were achieved through repeated control visits. MPAs influenced initial COTS densities but only marginally influenced final hard coral cover following COTS control. Water quality improvement programs have achieved only marginal reductions in river nutrient loads delivered to the GBR and the study region. This, a subsequent COTS outbreak, and declining coral cover across the region suggest their contributions are negligible. These findings support manual control as the most direct, and only effective, means of reducing COTS densities and improving hard coral cover currently available at a site. We provide recommendations for improving control program effectiveness with application to supporting reef resilience across the Indo-Pacific

    Compassionate Love as a Predictor of Reduced HIV Disease Progression and Transmission Risk

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    Objectives. This study examined if compassionate love (CL) predicts HIV disease progression and transmission risk. Scientific study of CL emerged with Underwood&apos;s working model of other-centered CL, defining five criteria: free choice, cognitive understanding, valuing/empowering, openness/receptivity for spirituality, and response of the heart. Method. This 10-year cohort study collected 6-monthly interviews/essays on coping with HIV and trauma of 177 people with HIV in South Florida. Secondary qualitative content analysis on other-centered CL inductively added the component of CL towards self. Deductively, we coded the presence of the five criteria of CL and rated the benefit of CL for the recipient on a 6-point Likert scale. Growth-curve modeling (reduced to 4 years due to cohort effects) investigated if CL predicts CD4 slope (HIV disease progression) and cumulative viral load detection (transmission risk). Results. Valuing/empowering and cognitive understanding were the essential criteria for CL to confer longterm benefits. CL had a higher benefit for recipients if given out of free choice. High scores of CL towards self were reciprocal with receiving (93%) and giving (77%) other-centered CL. Conversely, those rated low on CL towards self were least likely to score high on receiving (38%) and giving (49%) other-centered CL. Growth-curve modeling showed that CL towards self predicted 4-year cumulative undetectable viral load (independent from sociocultural differences, substance use disorder, baseline CD4 and viral load). Those high versus low on CL self were 2.25 times more likely to have undetectable viral load at baseline and 1.49 times more likely to maintain undetectable viral load over time. CL towards self predicted CD4 preservation after controlling for differences in CL giving. Conclusions. CL towards self is potentially the seed of being expressive and receptive of CL. Health care professionals prepared to walk the extra mile for those who neglect and isolate themselves may break a vicious circle since those lacking CL self were least likely to receive CL from others. Future studies should examine whether any enhancement of CL towards self may translate into slower disease progression and reduction of transmission risk
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