101 research outputs found

    Von der Eigenart deutscher Baukunst

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    Es wird versucht, die Eigenart deutscher Baukunst in den einzelnen Epochen der romanischen und gotischen Zeit, der Renaissance und des Barocks bis auf die Jetztzeit zu skizzieren und darzustellen, wie die von außen eindringenden EinflĂŒsse der Vorbilder aufgenommen und umgedeutet werden. Eine aller Gestaltung zu Grunde liegende besondere Einstellung zur Umwelt ist die ErklĂ€rung eigenen Formwillens. Dieser gibt die Hoffnung, daß sich auch aus der jetzigen, in der ganzen Welt fast gleichen Weise des Bauens eine erkennbare Eigenart ergeben wird.An effort has been made to sketch the original German architecture of the respective epochs of the Roman and Gothic periods, the Renaissance and the Baroque era up to the present time, and to show how the additional external influences on the prototypes were absorbed and given a new interpretation. A particular approach to the surroundings, which is the basis of all designs, is the explanation of individual structure. This raises the hope that a noticeable individuality will result also from the present style of building which is practically similar throughout the whole world

    Goethe und die Baukunst

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    The essay deals with the changes of Goethes attitude towards gothic and antique architecture. As a youth influenced by Shakespeares dramas he admired the great creations of the middle ages. In Italy he discovered the relation of his mind to the classical fine arts and only in the last days of his life he found again a fairer attitude to the gothic art without changing his adoration of the classical period

    Der Baumeister Peter Joseph Krahe 1758-1840

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    Im Jahre 1956 wurde von der Stadt Braunschweig ein Architekturpreis gestiftet als Auszeichnung besonders gut gelungener zeitgenössischer Bauwerke und deren Architekten. Er trĂ€gt den Namen von Peter Joseph Krahe, dessen 200. Geburtstag sich 1958 jĂ€hrt. Krahe hat in Braunschweig von 1803 bis zu seinem Tode im Jahre 1840 gewirkt. Seine Bedeutung als Architekt geht weit ĂŒber die Grenzen der Stadt hinaus. Als Persönlichkeit mit hoher Bildung und Weltkenntnis ist er der Prototyp der Goethezeit. Seine EntwĂŒrfe und zahlreich erhaltenen Bauwerke zeigen ein unbestechliches GefĂŒhl fĂŒr Maß, Proportion und Funktion. Sie wurden zu Beispielen von zeitloser GĂŒltigkeit. Seine geniale stĂ€dtebauliche Leistung aber, die Gestaltung der Braunschweiger Wallanlagen, macht Krahe zu einem der fĂŒhrenden Baumeister seiner Zeit.In 1956 the local authorities of the City of Brunswick established a prize for architecture as an award for contemporary buildings of outstanding merit and their architects. It bears the name of Peter Joseph Krahe, the 200th anniversary of whose birthday will come to pass in 1958. From 1803 to his death in 1840 Krahe worked in Brunswick. His importance as a builder went far beyond the confines of the city, and his universality of knowledge and education made him a typical representative of the classical period of German arts, the time of Goethe. His designs as well as the numerous buildings of his still surviving bear witness to his intuitive knowledge of balance, proportion, and structure. They were to set a standard to later times. His most original achievement in town-planning, the transformation of the city fortifications into a green belt of parks, made Krahe one of the leading architects of his time

    Fra Rockheim til Kunstheim - Samskaping i kunst i det offentlige rom og byutvikling 

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    Samskaping er et forelĂžpig nytt konsept for kommuner og planleggere Ă„ forholde seg til (RĂžiseland & Lo, 2019; Torfing, SĂžrensen & RĂžiseland, 2020). Flere studier innen hvordan samskaping foregĂ„r i praksis er nĂždvendig for Ă„ fĂ„ et blikk pĂ„ dette nye fenomenet og hvordan det oppfattes av deltakerne. I prosjektet «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna» har flere aktĂžrer, blant annet kulturelle aktĂžrer som holder til pĂ„ Nyhavna i dag, gĂ„tt sammen for Ă„ skape en byutviklingsfestival som setter lys pĂ„ kvalitetene til omrĂ„det og Ă„pnet det opp for Trondheims innbyggere. I denne masteroppgaven er det benyttet et kvalitativt forskningsdesign med intervjuer av sentrale aktĂžrer i «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna» som har gitt en innsikt i hvordan samskapingsprosessen har foregĂ„tt, hvordan samskaping oppfattes og hvilken rolle de kulturelle aktĂžrene og de kunstneriske bidragene har i forbindelse med prosjektet. Det overnevnte er gjennomfĂžrt med bakgrunn i problemstillingen til oppgaven som er: “Hvordan foregĂ„r samskaping mellom aktĂžrer i prosjektet «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna» som omhandler kunst i det offentlige rom samt byutvikling?” Studien viser blant annet at samskaping som begrep oppleves som noe nytt. Allikevel bidrar prosjektet til at de som er med pĂ„ Ă„ forme byen kommer tettere pĂ„ innbyggerne. Involveringen av kulturelle aktĂžrer og kunst i det offentlige rom bidrar til et nytt blikk pĂ„ Nyhavna basert pĂ„ sanselige opplevelser. Det er frivillig og Ă„pent for alle Ă„ delta i prosjektet, og det er ulike grader av involvering. Organiseringen av prosessen er i kontinuerlig utviklingen med bruk av ulike modeller. For de som jobber tett pĂ„ prosjektet oppleves prosjektet bĂ„de som et forum og nettverk i tillegg til arrangementet.Co-creation is currently a rather new concept for municipalities and planners (RĂžiseland & Lo, 2019; Torfing, SĂžrensen & RĂžiseland, 2020). More studies regarding how co-creation takes place is necessary to understand this new phenomenon and how the involved stakeholders perceive this process. In the project «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna» different stakeholders, including cultural stakeholders who are located at Nyhavna, have come together to create an urban development festival that shows the qualities of the area and has opened it up to the inhabitants of Trondheim. In this master thesis I have used a qualitative research design consisting of interviews with central stakeholders in «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna», which has shed a light on how the co- creation process has taken place, how co-creation is perceived and the role of the cultural stakeholders and the artistic contributions in connection to the project. The above mentioned has been done in order to answer the main problem which is: «How does co-creation between stakeholders take place in the project «Hendelser pĂ„ Nyhavna» which involves art in the public space and urban development?» The study shows that co-creation as a concept is experienced as something new. However, the project contributes to bringing those who are involved in shaping the city closer to the inhabitants. The involvement of cultural stakeholders and art in the public space contributes to a new look on Nyhavna based on sensory experiences. It is voluntary and open for anyone to participate, and there are different degrees of citizen participation. The organisation is a continuous process with the use of different models. For those who work closely with the project, it is experienced as both a forum and network in addition to the event

    Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa-Tha (Omaha City)

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    “This little book tells many important tribal stories for today and for future generations. These historic vignettes of the Omaha Nation and its leaders are shared so personally by author Fannie Reed Giffen and her col­laborators, Susette and Susan La Flesche. It has been a treasure of mine for 25 years and I hope it becomes one of yours. The re-publication of the original comes on the 125-year anniversary of the 1898 Omaha Trans-Mississippi Expo­sition and Indian Congress. Its arrival is timely as many of its stories and people are vital to our nation’s history. A sculpture of Omaha Chief Big Elk will stand proudly on the banks of the Missouri as the city of Omaha cel­ebrates its namesake this summer! Susette La Flesche Tibbles is known today for her role in the Trial of Ponca Chief Standing Bear. She is recognized as an activist for Indian rights along with her sister Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American Physician. Their sto­ries were not part of my childhood, yet today these amaz­ing women inspire me. The stories of America’s first people are essential to an understanding of our country. More and more, books like this are shining a light on people we need to know. I want to thank Zea Books for making this little jewel of Amer­ican history accessible for more of us to appreciate and enjoy.” —From the new Foreword by Judi M. gaiashkibos, Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs, Executive Director doi:10.32873/unl.dc.zea.1342https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook/1143/thumbnail.jp

    Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa-Tha (Omaha City)

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    “This little book tells many important tribal stories for today and for future generations. These historic vignettes of the Omaha Nation and its leaders are shared so personally by author Fannie Reed Giffen and her col­laborators, Susette and Susan La Flesche. It has been a treasure of mine for 25 years and I hope it becomes one of yours. The re-publication of the original comes on the 125-year anniversary of the 1898 Omaha Trans-Mississippi Expo­sition and Indian Congress. Its arrival is timely as many of its stories and people are vital to our nation’s history. A sculpture of Omaha Chief Big Elk will stand proudly on the banks of the Missouri as the city of Omaha cel­ebrates its namesake this summer! Susette La Flesche Tibbles is known today for her role in the Trial of Ponca Chief Standing Bear. She is recognized as an activist for Indian rights along with her sister Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American Physician. Their sto­ries were not part of my childhood, yet today these amaz­ing women inspire me. The stories of America’s first people are essential to an understanding of our country. More and more, books like this are shining a light on people we need to know. I want to thank Zea Books for making this little jewel of Amer­ican history accessible for more of us to appreciate and enjoy.” —From the new Foreword by Judi M. gaiashkibos, Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs, Executive Directo

    Performance of Afinion HbA1c measurements in general practice as judged by external quality assurance data

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    Background: It has been debated whether point-of care (POC) glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) measurements methods can be used for diagnosing persons with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the analytical performance of the POC Afinion HbA1c system in the hands of the users, and to investigate which predictors that were associated with good participant performance. Methods: External quality assurance (EQA) data from seven surveys in 2017–2018 with a total of 5809 Afinion participants from a POC total quality system in Norway were included in this study (response rate 90%). The control materials were freshly drawn pooled EDTA whole blood. Each participant was evaluated against the analytical performance specification of ±6% from the target value, while the Afinion system was evaluated against the pooled within-laboratory CV <2%, the between-laboratory CV <3.5%, and bias <0.3%HbA1c. Logistic regression analyses were used to investigate which factors were associated with good participant performance. Results: The participant pass rates for each survey varied from 98.2% to 99.7%. The pooled within-laboratory CV varied from 1.3% to 1.5%, the between-laboratory CV varied from 1.5% to 2.1%, and bias varied between −0.17 and −0.01 %HbA1c in all surveys. Reagent lot was the only independent factor to predict good participant performance. Conclusions: Afinion HbA1c fulfilled the analytical performance specifications and is robust in the hands of the users. It can therefore be used both in diagnosing and monitoring persons with diabetes mellitus, given that the instrument is monitored by an EQA system.publishedVersio

    Semi-automatic supervised classification of minerals from x-ray mapping images

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    This paper addresses the problem of classifying minerals common in siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. Twelve chemical elements are mapped from thin sections by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Traditional multivariate statistical methods and extensions hereof are applied to perform the classification. First, training and validation sets are grown from one or a few seed points by a method that ensures spatial and spectral closeness of observations. Spectral closeness is obtained by excluding observations that have high Mahalanobis distances to the training class mean. Spatial closeness is obtained by requesting connectivity. Second, class consistency is controlled by forcing each class into 5-10 subclasses and checking the separability of these sub-classes by means of canonical discriminant analysis. Third, class separability is checked by means of the Jeffreys-Matusita distance and the posterior probability of a class mean being classified as another class. Fourth, the actual classification is carried out based on four supervised classifiers all assuming multi-normal distributions: simple quadratic, a contextual quadratic and two hierarchical quadratic classifiers. Overall weighted misclassification rates for all quadratic classifiers are very low, for both the training (0.25%-0.33%) and validation sets (0.65%-1.13%). Finally, the number of rejected observations in routine runs is checked to control the performance of the SEM image acquisition and the classification. Although the contextual classifier performs (marginally) best on the validation set, the simple quadratic classifier is chosen in routine classifications because of the lower processing time required. This method is presently used as a routine petrographical analysis method at Norsk Hydro Research Centre. 1

    Use of photogrammetry for measuring cables in accordance with the new regulation for cable registration

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    FormĂ„let med oppgaven er Ă„ vurdere fotogrammetri som innmĂ„lingsmetode, i henhold til ledningsregistreringsforskriftens standard. Oppgaven har fokus pĂ„ avdekkede ledninger som befinner seg i Ă„pen grĂžft. Det ble foretatt innmĂ„linger av ledninger i tre ulike prĂžvegroper. Metodene som har blitt brukt er fotogrammetri med speilreflekskamera, og visuell posisjoneringsteknologi med GS18 I. Det ble ogsĂ„ gjennomfĂžrt laserskanning pĂ„ en av gropene. Samlet maksimalt avvik ble beregnet for de ulike metodene, og sammenlignet med kravene til standarden. En ferdig leveranse ble utarbeidet, der det ble tatt i bruk en punktsky generert fra 30 bilder. Dette ble gjennomfĂžrt for Ă„ undersĂžke hvor godt egnet fotogrammetri er fra innmĂ„ling til leveranse. Resultatet viser at begge metodene egner seg bra i vĂ„rt tilfelle, og at nĂžyaktigheten ligger godt innenfor kravene. Det er mange faktorer som bestemmer om de utprĂžvde metodene egner seg til formĂ„let. Faktorer som tid, anvendelighet og evnen til Ă„ registrere egenskaper, spiller ogsĂ„ en stor rolle. Resultatet viser ogsĂ„ at det Ă„ fremstille en punktsky av ledningene, gjĂžr registrering av pĂ„krevde egenskaper enklere og mer effektivt. I oppgaven blir det diskutert ytterligere muligheter og endringer for landmĂ„lerens rolle i innmĂ„lingsprosessen. Ved Ă„ vise at fotogrammetri fungerer som metode, vil det Ă„pnes muligheter for at graveentreprenĂžren selv kan ta bilder i felt.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate photogrammetry as a measurement method in accordance with the new regulation for cable registration. The thesis focus mainly on uncovered cables, which are located in open trenches. Cables were measured in three different test pits. The methods that have been used are photogrammetry with single-lens reflex camera and visual positioning technology with GS18 I. A laser scan was also performed on one of the pits. The total maximum deviation was calculated for the different methods, and compared with the requirements from the standard. A finished delivery was made, where a point cloud with 30 images was used. This was done to investigate how well-suited photogrammetry is from measuring, to delivery. The result shows that both methods are well suited in this case, and that the accuracy is well within the requirements. There are many factors that determine whether the tried and tested methods are suitable for the purpose. Factors such as time, usability and the ability to register attributes, also play a major role. Our result shows that producing a point cloud of the cables makes the registration of required attributes easier and more efficient. The thesis discusses further possibilities and changes for the surveyor’s role in the surveying process. By showing that photogrammetry works as a method, opportunities will open up for the excavation contractor to take pictures in the field.M-GEO
