1,154 research outputs found

    Hardware synthesis of weakly consistent C concurrency

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    Lock-free algorithms, in which threads synchronise not via coarse-grained mutual exclusion but via fine-grained atomic operations ('atomics'), have been shown empirically to be the fastest class of multi-threaded algorithms in the realm of conventional processors. This paper explores how these algorithms can be compiled from C to reconfigurable hardware via high-level synthesis (HLS). We focus on the scheduling problem, in which software instructions are assigned to hardware clock cycles. We first show that typical HLS scheduling constraints are insufficient to implement atomics, because they permit some instruction reorderings that, though sound in a single-threaded context, demonstrably cause erroneous results when synthesising multi-threaded programs. We then show that correct behaviour can be restored by imposing additional intra-thread constraints among the memory operations. We implement our approach in the open-source LegUp HLS framework, and provide both sequentially consistent (SC) and weakly consistent ('weak') atomics. Weak atomics necessitate fewer constraints than SC atomics, but suffice for many concurrent algorithms. We confirm, via automatic model-checking, that we correctly implement the semantics defined by the 2011 revision of the C standard. A case study on a circular buffer suggests that circuits synthesised from programs that use atomics can be 2.5x faster than those that use locks, and that weak atomics can yield a further 1.5x speedup

    Identification of sVSG117 as an immunodiagnostic antigen and evaluation of a dual-antigen lateral flow test for the diagnosis of human african trypanosomiasis

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    The diagnosis of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense relies mainly on the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT). There is no immunodiagnostic for HAT caused by T. b. rhodesiense. Our principle aim was to develop a prototype lateral flow test that might be an improvement on CATT.Pools of infection and control sera were screened against four different soluble form variant surface glycoproteins (sVSGs) by ELISA and one, sVSG117, showed particularly strong immunoreactivity to pooled infection sera. Using individual sera, sVSG117 was shown to be able to discriminate between T. b. gambiense infection and control sera by both ELISA and lateral flow test. The sVSG117 antigen was subsequently used with a previously described recombinant diagnostic antigen, rISG65, to create a dual-antigen lateral flow test prototype. The latter was used blind in a virtual field trial of 431 randomized infection and control sera from the WHO HAT Specimen Biobank.In the virtual field trial, using two positive antigen bands as the criterion for infection, the sVSG117 and rISG65 dual-antigen lateral flow test prototype showed a sensitivity of 97.3% (95% CI: 93.3 to 99.2) and a specificity of 83.3% (95% CI: 76.4 to 88.9) for the detection of T. b. gambiense infections. The device was not as good for detecting T. b. rhodesiense infections using two positive antigen bands as the criterion for infection, with a sensitivity of 58.9% (95% CI: 44.9 to 71.9) and specificity of 97.3% (95% CI: 90.7 to 99.7). However, using one or both positive antigen band(s) as the criterion for T. b. rhodesiense infection improved the sensitivity to 83.9% (95% CI: 71.7 to 92.4) with a specificity of 85.3% (95% CI: 75.3 to 92.4). These results encourage further development of the dual-antigen device for clinical use

    Production of HONO from heterogeneous uptake of NOâ‚‚ on illuminated TiOâ‚‚ aerosols measured by Photo-Fragmentation Laser Induced Fluorescence

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    The rate of production of HONO from illuminated TiO2 aerosols in the presence of NO2 was measured using an aerosol flow tube coupled to a photo-fragmentation laser induced fluorescence detection apparatus. The reactive uptake coefficient of NO2 to form HONO, γNO2→HONO, was determined for NO2 mixing ratios in the range 34–400 ppb, with γNO2→HONO spanning the range (9.97 ± 3.52) × 10−6 to (1.26 ± 0.17) × 10−4 at a relative humidity of 15 ± 1 % and for a lamp photon flux of (1.63 ± 0.09) × 1016 photons cm−2 s −1 (integrated between 290 and 400 nm), which is similar to values of ambient actinic flux at midday. γNO2→HONO increased as a function of NO2 mixing ratio at low NO2 before peaking at (1.26 ± 0.17) × 10−4 at 51 ppb NO2 and then sharply decreasing at higher NO2 mixing ratios, rather than levelling off which would be indicative of surface saturation. The dependence of HONO production on relative humidity was also investigated, with a peak in production of HONO from TiO2 aerosol surfaces found at ~25 % RH. Possible mechanisms consistent with the observed trends in both the HONO production and reactive uptake coefficient were investigated using a zero-dimensional kinetic box model. The modelling studies supported a mechanism for HONO production on the aerosol surface involving two molecules of NO2, as well as a surface HONO loss mechanism which is dependent upon NO2. In a separate experiment, significant production of HONO was observed from illumination of mixed nitrate/TiO2 aerosols in the absence of NO2. However, no statistically significant production of HONO was seen from the illumination of pure nitrate aerosols. The rate of production of HONO observed from mixed nitrate/TiO2 aerosols was scaled to ambient conditions found at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) in the remote tropical marine boundary layer. The rate of HONO production from aerosol particulate nitrate photolysis containing a photocatalyst was found to be similar to the missing HONO production rate necessary to reproduce observed concentrations of HONO at CVAO. These results provide evidence that particulate nitrate photolysis may have a significant impact on the production of HONO and hence NOx in the marine boundary layer where mixed aerosols containing nitrate and a photocatalytic species such as TiO2, as found in dust, are present

    Production of HONO from NO2 uptake on illuminated TiO2 aerosol particles and following the illumination of mixed TiO2∕ammonium nitrate particles

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    The rate of production of HONO from illuminated TiO2 aerosols in the presence of NO2 was measured using an aerosol flow tube system coupled to a photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence detection apparatus. The reactive uptake coefficient of NO2 to form HONO, γNO2→HONO, was determined for NO2 mixing ratios in the range 34–400 ppb, with γNO2→HONO spanning the range (9.97 ± 3.52) × 10−6 to (1.26 ± 0.17) × 10−4 at a relative humidity of 15 ± 1 % and for a lamp photon flux of (1.63 ± 0.09) ×1016 photons cm−2 s−1 (integrated between 290 and 400 nm), which is similar to midday ambient actinic flux values. γNO2→HONO increased as a function of NO2 mixing ratio at low NO2 before peaking at (1.26 ± 0.17) ×10−4 at ∼ 51 ppb NO2 and then sharply decreasing at higher NO2 mixing ratios rather than levelling off, which would be indicative of surface saturation. The dependence of HONO production on relative humidity was also investigated, with a peak in production of HONO from TiO2 aerosol surfaces found at ∼ 25 % RH. Possible mechanisms consistent with the observed trends in both the HONO production and reactive uptake coefficient were investigated using a zero-dimensional kinetic box model. The modelling studies supported a mechanism for HONO production on the aerosol surface involving two molecules of NO2, as well as a surface HONO loss mechanism which is dependent upon NO2. In a separate experiment, significant production of HONO was observed from illumination of mixed nitrate/TiO2 aerosols in the absence of NO2. However, no production of HONO was seen from the illumination of nitrate aerosols alone. The rate of production of HONO observed from mixed nitrate/TiO2 aerosols was scaled to ambient conditions found at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) in the remote tropical marine boundary layer. The rate of HONO production from aerosol particulate nitrate photolysis containing a photocatalyst was found to be similar to the missing HONO production rate necessary to reproduce observed concentrations of HONO at CVAO. These results provide evidence that particulate nitrate photolysis may have a significant impact on the production of HONO and hence NOx in the marine boundary layer where mixed aerosols containing nitrate and a photocatalytic species such as TiO2, as found in dust, are present

    Optimization of the design of ducted-fan hovering micro air vehicles using finite element simulation and orthogonal design

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    The structural design and flight stability characteristics of micro air vehicles have received much attention due to its low Reynolds number. Compared with fixed-wing aircraft, hovering ducted-fan micro air vehicles with vertical takeoff and landing and hovering capabilities have promising prospect. In this article, a flexible membrane and inflatable structure has been used as the aerodynamic shape of an aircraft model. Its advantages have been analyzed and verified by fluid-structure interaction based on finite element method. The flight stability of hovering micro air vehicles has also been investigated based on the theory of motion of structure. In order to improve the flight stability of the designed hovering micro air vehicle model, the effects of geometrical parameters and materials have been analyzed through an orthogonal experimental design. Based on the optimized results, the aircraft prototype has been manufactured for experimental test. The elastic deformation produced on its flexible membrane structure is obtained by stroboscopic stereo imaging method and a purpose-built experimental environment. The numerical simulation results indicated that the thickness of membrane and material of vertical duct have significant effects on the micro air vehicle flight stability and disturbance resistance ability. The results have confirmed that the flexible aerodynamic mechanisms produced by the aeroelastic deformation of spherical membrane can enhance the micro air vehicle stability.This work was financially supported by Support Program of National Ministry of Education of China (No. 625010110), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61179043), and Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program (SRFDP) of Higher Education (No. 20070056085)

    Discovery of Radio Emission from the Brown Dwarf LP944-20

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    Brown dwarfs are classified as objects which are not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion of hydrogen, and are distinguished from planets by their ability to burn deuterium. Old (>10 Myr) brown dwarfs are expected to possess short-lived magnetic fields and, since they no longer generate energy from collapse and accretion, weak radio and X-ray emitting coronae. Several efforts have been undertaken in the past to detect chromospheric activity from the brown dwarf LP944-20 at X-ray and optical wavelengths, but only recently an X-ray flare from this object was detected. Here we report on the discovery of quiescent and flaring radio emission from this source, which represents the first detection of persistent radio emission from a brown dwarf, with luminosities that are several orders of magnitude larger than predicted from an empirical relation between the X-ray and radio luminosities of many stellar types. We show in the context of synchrotron emission, that LP944-20 possesses an unusually weak magnetic field in comparison to active dwarf M stars, which might explain the null results from previous optical and X-ray observations of this source, and the deviation from the empirical relations.Comment: Accepted to Natur

    Photoswitchable diacylglycerols enable optical control of protein kinase C.

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    Increased levels of the second messenger lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) induce downstream signaling events including the translocation of C1-domain-containing proteins toward the plasma membrane. Here, we introduce three light-sensitive DAGs, termed PhoDAGs, which feature a photoswitchable acyl chain. The PhoDAGs are inactive in the dark and promote the translocation of proteins that feature C1 domains toward the plasma membrane upon a flash of UV-A light. This effect is quickly reversed after the termination of photostimulation or by irradiation with blue light, permitting the generation of oscillation patterns. Both protein kinase C and Munc13 can thus be put under optical control. PhoDAGs control vesicle release in excitable cells, such as mouse pancreatic islets and hippocampal neurons, and modulate synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans. As such, the PhoDAGs afford an unprecedented degree of spatiotemporal control and are broadly applicable tools to study DAG signaling

    Short- and Long-Term Results of Open Versus Laparoscopic Appendectomy

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    Clinical advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy have been shown in numerous trials and reviews. Most of these advantages are small and of limited clinical relevance, while laparoscopic operation costs are reported to be higher. The present study compares short- and long-term results of conventional appendectomy with or without diagnostic laparoscopy (OA), and laparoscopic appendectomy (LA). All adult patients who underwent appendectomy in our institution from 1995 to 2005 were included retrospectively. Patient data were retrieved from medical records, questionnaires sent by mail, and records of general practitioners. Primary outcome parameters were long-term complications, readmissions, and reinterventions (> 30 days postoperatively). Secondary outcome parameters were short-term complications, readmissions, and reinterventions (a parts per thousand currency sign30 days postoperatively). A total of 755 patients were included, 545 of whom underwent OA, with the remaining 210 undergoing LA. In the long term there were few complications noted, and there were no significant differences in complications between the two groups. Within 30 days postoperatively, LA was associated with a significantly higher incidence of abdominal abscesses with consequent diagnostic investigations, interventions, and readmissions. Although laparoscopic appendectomy is known to deliver clinical advantages, it is associated with a higher incidence of abdominal abscesses. Because the procedure is about to become the standard of care, future research must be directed at solving this issue. The expected lower incidence of incisional hernia and small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic appendectomy was not shown in the present stud

    Decreased morbidity following long saphenous vein harvesting using a minimally invasive technique: a randomised controlled trial comparing two techniques for long saphenous vein harvest

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the morbidity associated with long saphenous vein harvesting using the traditional open technique (A) against a minimally invasive technique using the Mayo vein stripper (B) that involves multiple short incisions. DESIGN: We conducted a prospective randomized controlled study in 80 patients undergoing first time coronary artery bypass grafting. Pain and healing was assessed on each postoperative day. Rings of long saphenous vein were subjected to organ-bath evaluation of endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent relaxation. RESULTS: Three patients were excluded from the study, leaving 38 patients in Group A and 39 in Group B. With respect to operative procedure, Group A had a greater length of vein harvested than Group B. There was no statistical difference in pain scores and endothelium-dependent or endothelium-independent relaxation between the two groups. However there were significantly more infections in Group A compared with Group B. CONCLUSION: Harvesting vein through multiple incisions using the Mayo vein stripper is quicker, results in fewer infections and has no deleterious effect on endothelial function compared to open technique
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