11,284 research outputs found

    Cryogenic fluid flow instabilities in heat exchangers

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    Analytical and experimental investigation determines the nature of oscillations and instabilities that occur in the flow of two-phase cryogenic fluids at both subcritical and supercritical pressures in heat exchangers. Test results with varying system parameters suggest certain design approaches with regard to heat exchanger geometry

    Plant microfossil record of the terminal Cretaceous event in the western United States and Canada

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    Plant microfossils, principally pollen grains and spores produced by land plants, provide an excellent record of the terminal Cretaceous event in nonmarine environments. The record indicates regional devastation of the latest Cretaceous vegetation with the extinction of many groups, followed by a recolonization of the earliest Tertiary land surface, and development of a permanently changed land flora. The regional variations in depositional environments, plant communities, and paleoclimates provide insight into the nature and effects of the event, which were short-lived but profound. The plant microfossil data support the hypothesis that an abruptly initiated, major ecological crisis occurred at the end of the Cretaceous. Disruption of the Late Cretaceous flora ultimately contributred to the rise of modern vegetation. The plant microfossils together with geochemical and mineralogical data are consistent with an extraterrestrial impact having been the cause of the terminal Cretaceous event

    Identification and characterization of extraterrestrial non-chondritic interplanetary dust

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    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are among the most pristine and primitive extraterrestrial materials available for direct study. Most of the stratospheric particles selected for study from the JSC Curatorial Collection were chondritic in composition (major element abundances within a factor of two of chondritic meteorites) because this composition virtually ensures that the particle is from an extraterrestrial source. It is likely that some of the most interesting classes of IDP's have not been recognized simply because they are not chondritic or do not fit established criteria for extraterrestrial origin. Indeed, mass spectroscopy data from the Giotto Flyby of comet Halley indicate that a substantial fraction of the dust is in the submicron size range and that a majority of these particles contain C, H, O, and/or N as major elements. The preponderance of CHON particles in the coma of Halley implies that similar particles may exist in the JSC stratospheric dust collection. However, the JSC collection also contains a variety of stratospheric contaminants from terrestrial sources which have these same characteristics. Because established criteria for extraterrestrial origin may not apply to such particles in individual cases, and integrated approach is required in which a variety of analysis techniques are applied to the same particle. Non-chondritic IDP's, like their chondritic counterparts, can be used to elucidate pre- and early solar system processes and conditions. The study of non-chondritic IDP's may additionally yield unique information which bears on the nature of cometary bodies and the processing of carbonaceous and other low atomic number materials. A suite of complementary techniques, including Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy (LVSEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis (EDX), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) isotope-ratio imaging and Analytical Electron Microscopy (AEM), were utilized to accomplish the following two objectives: (1) to develop criteria for the unequivocal identification of extraterrestrial non-chondritic IDP's; and (2) to infer IDP parent body, solar nebula, and pre-solar conditions through the study of phases, textures, and components contained within non-chondritic IDP's. The general approach taken is designed to maximize the total information obtained from each particle. Techniques will be applied in order from least destructive to most destructive

    The solar dynamic radiator with a historical perspective

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    A historical perspective on pumped-fluid loop space radiators provides a basis for the design of the Space Station Solar Dynamic (SD) power module radiator. SD power modules, capable of generating 25 kW (electrical) each, are planned for growth in Station power requirements. The Brayton cycle SD module configuration incorporates a pumped-fluid loop radiator that must reject up to 99 kW (thermal). The thermal/hydraulic design conditions in combination with required radiator orientation and packaging envelope form a unique set of constraints as compared to previous pumped-fluid loop radiator systems. Nevertheless, past program successes have demonstrated a technology base that can be applied to the SD radiator development program to ensure a low risk, low cost system

    Transport numbers and ion mobilities in the fused salt KCl-PbCl2

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    Values of ionic transport numbers and ionic mobilities were determined for the fused system KCl-PbCl2. Cation transport numbers of 0.24 (525°C) and 0.78 (850°C) were found for PbCl2 and KCl, respectively. In each mixture studied t- deviated positively and both t+ and t++ deviated negatively from linearity when plotted against equivalent fraction. The initial very rapid depression of total equivalent conductance from that of pure KCl, caused by addition of small amounts of PbCl2, was found to be due to the depression of the ionic conductance of K+ rather than complexing between Pb++ and Cl- as had been previously supposed. Values of 0 were comp~red with those in the system LiCl-PbCl2, calculated from available literature data

    Imaging analysis of LDEF craters

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    Two small craters in Al from the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) experiment tray A11E00F (no. 74, 119 micron diameter and no. 31, 158 micron diameter) were analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS), low voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM), and SEM energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). High resolution images and sensitive elemental and molecular analysis were obtained with this combined approach. The result of these analyses are presented

    Path integrals and symmetry breaking for optimal control theory

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    This paper considers linear-quadratic control of a non-linear dynamical system subject to arbitrary cost. I show that for this class of stochastic control problems the non-linear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation can be transformed into a linear equation. The transformation is similar to the transformation used to relate the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation to the Schr\"odinger equation. As a result of the linearity, the usual backward computation can be replaced by a forward diffusion process, that can be computed by stochastic integration or by the evaluation of a path integral. It is shown, how in the deterministic limit the PMP formalism is recovered. The significance of the path integral approach is that it forms the basis for a number of efficient computational methods, such as MC sampling, the Laplace approximation and the variational approximation. We show the effectiveness of the first two methods in number of examples. Examples are given that show the qualitative difference between stochastic and deterministic control and the occurrence of symmetry breaking as a function of the noise.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to JSTA

    The MPCP Longitudinal Educational Growth Study Third Year Report

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    This is the third-year report in a five-year evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP). The MPCP, which began in 1990, provides government-funded vouchers for low-income children to attend private schools in the City of Milwaukee. The maximum voucher amount in 2008-09 was $6,607, and approximately 20,000 children used a voucher to attend either secular or religious private schools. The MPCP is the oldest and largest urban school voucher program in the United States. This evaluation was authorized by Wisconsin Act 125 enacted in 2005