504 research outputs found

    Swiss GAAP FER 41 für Krankenversicherer

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    Per 1.1.2012 tritt «Swiss GAAP FER 41: Rechnungslegung für Gebäudeversicherer und Krankenversicherer» in Kraft. Der vorliegende Artikel beleuchtet die wichtigsten Elemente der Swiss GAAP FER 41 für Krankenversicherer und erläutert die Ergebnisse der Studie zur Einführung dieser Fachempfehlung, welche KPMG in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Zürich durchgeführt hat

    User's guide for SBUV/TOMS ozone derivative products

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    A series of products are available derived from the total-ozone and ozone vertical profile results for the Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet/Total-Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (SBUV/TOMS) Nimbus-7 operation. Products available are (1) orbital height-latitude cross sections of the SBUV profile data, (2) daily global total ozone contours in polar coordinates, (3) daily averages of total ozone in global 5x5 degree latitude-longitude grid, (4) daily, monthly and quarterly averages of total ozone and profile data in 10 degree latitude zones, (5) tabular presentation of zonal means, (6) daily global total ozone and profile contours in polar coordinates. The ""Derivative Products User's Guide'' describes each of these products in detail, including their derivation and presentation format. Information is provided on how to order the tapes and microfilm from the National Space Science Data Center

    “everything in one place”

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    Purpose: To describe older adults’ perspectives on a new patient education manual for the recovery process after hip fracture. Materials and methods: The Fracture Recovery for Seniors at Home (FReSH) Start manual is an evidence- based manual for older adults with fall-related hip fracture. The manual aims to support the transition from hospital to home by facilitating self- management of the recovery process. We enrolled 31 community-dwelling older adults with previous fall-related hip fracture and one family member. We collected data using a telephone-based questionnaire with eight five-point Likert items and four semi-structured open-ended questions to explore participants’ perceptions on the structure, content, and illustration of the manual. The questionnaire also asked participants to rate the overall utility (out of 10 points) and length of the manual. We used content analysis to describe main themes from responses to the open-ended interview questions. Results: Participants’ ratings for structure, content, and illustrations ranged from 4 to 5 (agree to highly agree), and the median usefulness rating was 9 (10th percentile: 7, 90th percentile: 10). Main themes from the content analysis included: ease of use and presentation; health literacy; illustration utility; health care team delivery; general impression, information support from hospital to home; emotional and decision-making support; and the novelty of the manual. Conclusion: The FReSH Start manual was perceived as comprehensive in content and acceptable for use with older adults post-fall- related hip fracture. Participants expressed a need for delivery and explanation of the manual by a health care team member

    Relações morfométricas para árvores dominantes de Pinus taeda no Estado do Paraná.

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    Este trabalho objetivou estudar as relações morfométricas de árvores dominantes de Pinus taeda no município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Em cada amostra a árvore de maior diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) foi considerada dominante em relação às suas vizinhas. Destas foram mensuradas dap, altura total, altura da copa e oito raios de copa. As variáveis morfométricas analisadas foram: diâmetro de copa, altura da copa, proporção de copa, grau de esbeltez, índice de saliência, índice de abrangência e formal de copa. Estas foram correlacionadas com o dap e altura através de correlação de Pearson. De acordo com os índices, as árvores analisadas possuem média instabilidade, copas arredondadas e não há necessidade de desbaste na área. O diâmetro a altura do peito se correlacionou melhor com as variáveis morfométricas estudadas, indicando que estas sofrem alterações conforme as árvores incrementam em diâmetro

    Drugs acting at TRPM7 channels inhibit seizure-like activity

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    Transient receptor potential cation subfamily M7 (TRPM7) channels are ion channels permeable to divalent cations. They are abundantly expressed with particularly high expression in the brain. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of TRPM7 channels in brain diseases such as stroke and traumatic brain injury, yet evidence for a role in seizures and epilepsy is lacking. Here, we show that carvacrol, a food additive that inhibits TRPM7 channels, and waixenicin A, a novel selective and potent TRPM7 inhibitor, completely suppressed seizure-like activity in rodent hippocampal-entorhinal brain slices exposed to pentylenetetrazole or low magnesium. These findings support inhibition of TRPM7 channels as a novel target for antiseizure medications

    COST 733 - WG4: Applications of weather type classification

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    The main objective of the COST Action 733 is to achieve a general numerical method for assessing, comparing and classifying typical weather situations in the European regions. To accomplish this goal, different workgroups are established, each with their specific aims: WG1: Existing methods and applications (finished); WG2: Implementation and development of weather types classification methods; WG3: Comparison of selected weather types classifications; WG4: Testing methods for various applications. The main task of Workgroup 4 (WG4) in COST 733 implies the testing of the selected weather type methods for various classifications. In more detail, WG4 focuses on the following topics:• Selection of dedicated applications (using results from WG1), • Performance of the selected applications using available weather types provided by WG2, • Intercomparison of the application results as a results of different methods • Final assessment of the results and uncertainties, • Presentation and release of results to the other WGs and external interested • Recommend specifications for a new (common) method WG2 Introduction In order to address these specific aims, various applications are selected and WG4 is divided in subgroups accordingly: 1.Air quality 2. Hydrology (& Climatological mapping) 3. Forest fires 4. Climate change and variability 5. Risks and hazards Simultaneously, the special attention is paid to the several wide topics concerning some other COST Actions such as: phenology (COST725), biometeorology (COST730), agriculture (COST 734) and mesoscale modelling and air pollution (COST728). Sub-groups are established to find advantages and disadvantages of different classification methods for different applications. Focus is given to data requirements, spatial and temporal scale, domain area, specifi

    a pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Objectives: Our primary aim of this pilot study was to test feasibility of the planned design, the interventions (education plus telephone coaching), and the outcome measures, and to facilitate a power calculation for a future randomized controlled trial to improve adherence to recovery goals following hip fracture. Design: This is a parallel 1:1 randomized controlled feasibility study. Setting: The study was conducted in a teaching hospital in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Participants: Participants were community-dwelling adults over 60 years of age with a recent hip fracture. They were recruited and assessed in hospital, and then randomized after hospital discharge to the intervention or control group by a web-based randomization service. Treatment allocation was concealed to the investigators, measurement team, and data entry assistants and analysts. Participants and the research physiotherapist were aware of treatment allocation. Intervention: Intervention included usual care for hip fracture plus a 1-hour in-hospital educational session using a patient- centered educational manual and four videos, and up to five postdischarge telephone calls from a physiotherapist to provide recovery coaching. The control group received usual care plus a 1-hour in-hospital educational session using the educational manual and videos. Measurement: Our primary outcome was feasibility, specifically recruitment and retention of participants. We also collected selected health outcomes, including health- related quality of life (EQ5D-5L), gait speed, and psychosocial factors (ICEpop CAPability measure for Older people and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Results: Our pilot study results indicate that it is feasible to recruit, retain, and provide follow-up telephone coaching to older adults after hip fracture. We enrolled 30 older adults (mean age 81.5 years; range 61–97 years), representing a 42% recruitment rate. Participants excluded were those who were not community dwelling on admission, were discharged to a residential care facility, had physician-diagnosed dementia, and/or had medical contraindications to participation. There were 27 participants who completed the study: eleven in the intervention group, 15 in the control group, and one participant completed a qualitative interview only. There were no differences between groups for health measures. Conclusion: We highlight the feasibility of telephone coaching for older adults after hip fracture to improve adherence to mobility recovery goals

    TRPM7 Provides an Ion Channel Mechanism for Cellular Entry of Trace Metal Ions

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    Trace metal ions such as Zn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, and Co2+ are required cofactors for many essential cellular enzymes, yet little is known about the mechanisms through which they enter into cells. We have shown previously that the widely expressed ion channel TRPM7 (LTRPC7, ChaK1, TRP-PLIK) functions as a Ca2+- and Mg2+-permeable cation channel, whose activity is regulated by intracellular Mg2+ and Mg2+·ATP and have designated native TRPM7-mediated currents as magnesium-nucleotide–regulated metal ion currents (MagNuM). Here we report that heterologously overexpressed TRPM7 in HEK-293 cells conducts a range of essential and toxic divalent metal ions with strong preference for Zn2+ and Ni2+, which both permeate TRPM7 up to four times better than Ca2+. Similarly, native MagNuM currents are also able to support Zn2+ entry. Furthermore, TRPM7 allows other essential metals such as Mn2+ and Co2+ to permeate, and permits significant entry of nonphysiologic or toxic metals such as Cd2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+. Equimolar replacement studies substituting 10 mM Ca2+ with the respective divalent ions reveal a unique permeation profile for TRPM7 with a permeability sequence of Zn2+ ≈ Ni2+ >> Ba2+ > Co2+ > Mg2+ ≥ Mn2+ ≥ Sr2+ ≥ Cd2+ ≥ Ca2+, while trivalent ions such as La3+ and Gd3+ are not measurably permeable. With the exception of Mg2+, which exerts strong negative feedback from the intracellular side of the pore, this sequence is faithfully maintained when isotonic solutions of these divalent cations are used. Fura-2 quenching experiments with Mn2+, Co2+, or Ni2+ suggest that these can be transported by TRPM7 in the presence of physiological levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+, suggesting that TRPM7 represents a novel ion-channel mechanism for cellular metal ion entry into vertebrate cells

    Ambient Pressure XPS Study of Mixed Conducting Perovskite-type SOFC Cathode and Anode Materials under Well-Defined Electrochemical Polarization

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    The oxygen exchange activity of mixed conducting oxide surfaces has been widely investigated, but a detailed understanding of the corresponding reaction mechanisms and the rate-limiting steps is largely still missing. Combined in situ investigation of electrochemically polarized model electrode surfaces under realistic temperature and pressure conditions by near-ambient pressure (NAP) XPS and impedance spectroscopy enables very surface-sensitive chemical analysis and may detect species that are involved in the rate-limiting step. In the present study, acceptor-doped perovskite-type La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ (LSC), La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ (LSF), and SrTi0.7Fe0.3O3-δ (STF) thin film model electrodes were investigated under well-defined electrochemical polarization as cathodes in oxidizing (O2) and as anodes in reducing (H2/H2O) atmospheres. In oxidizing atmosphere all materials exhibit additional surface species of strontium and oxygen. The polaron-type electronic conduction mechanism of LSF and STF and the metal-like mechanism of LSC are reflected by distinct differences in the valence band spectra. Switching between oxidizing and reducing atmosphere as well as electrochemical polarization cause reversible shifts in the measured binding energy. This can be correlated to a Fermi level shift due to variations in the chemical potential of oxygen. Changes of oxidation states were detected on Fe, which appears as FeIII in oxidizing atmosphere and as mixed FeII/III in H2/H2O. Cathodic polarization in reducing atmosphere leads to the reversible formation of a catalytically active Fe0 phase

    Einsam(er) seit der Coronapandemie: Wer ist besonders betroffen? – psychologische Befunde aus Deutschland

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    Hintergrund: Soziale Isolation ist ein Risikofaktor für Einsamkeit und damit für gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen. Veränderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Coronapandemie in Deutschland gilt es besser zu verstehen. Fragestellung: Ziel der Studie war es, Einsamkeit und assoziierte Faktoren vor und während der Coronapandemie in Deutschland systematisch zu untersuchen. Die Fragestellungen waren: 1. Wie einsam fühlen sich Menschen vor und während der Coronapandemie? 2. Wie viele Menschen fühlen sich seit Beginn der Coronapandemie einsamer? 3. Wie viele Menschen berichten über gesundheitliche Belastungen während der Coronapandemie? Material und Methoden: Im Jahr 2019 (vor der Coronapandemie) wurden 1003 und im Jahr 2020 (während der Coronapandemie) 1050 Erwachsene online befragt (51 % Frauen; 18-90 Jahre). Ergebnisse: Es fühlten sich 10,8 % vs. 26,6 % der Befragten vor bzw. seit der Coronapandemie mehrfach pro Woche oder täglich einsam. Alleinlebende, Frauen und Jüngere fühlten sich häufiger einsam. Seit der Coronapandemie fühlten sich 30,8 % einsamer, v. a. Jüngere. Von starken gesundheitlichen Belastungen berichteten 18,9 %, dies hing mit jüngerem Alter, verschiedenen Sorgen/Ängsten und Einsamkeit zusammen. Diskussion: Die höhere Ausprägung der Einsamkeit und Sorgen während der Coronapandemie sollte bei verhaltensbezogenen Maßnahmen zur Prävention der psychischen und körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen sowie behördlichen Maßnahmen berücksichtigt werden. Jüngere Menschen und Alleinlebende könnten profitieren, indem sie zu gezielten Bewältigungsstrategien (z. B. angemessener Nutzung digitaler Medien) ermutigt werden