61 research outputs found


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    Soja associada à inoculação e coinoculação de Bradyrhizobium e Azospirillum após cultivos de outono-inverno.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o desenvolvimento e os componentes de produção da cultura da soja com e sem inoculação de Bradyrhizobium japonicum, e a coinoculação de B. japonicum mais Azospirillum brasilense após cultivos de outono-inverno. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas principais foram os cultivos de outono-inverno (feijão-caupi, Brachiaria ruziziensis, milho solteiro e consórcio de milho-B. ruziziensis), e nas subparcelas a soja BRS 360 RR, sem inoculação (BRS 360-0), inoculada com B. japonicum (BRS 360-CB) e a coinoculação com B. japonicum + A. brasilense (BRS 360-CB+A), em quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p0,05). Não houve diferença no rendimento de massa de plantas verdes e número de grãos por planta. A soja sem inoculante após milho solteiro apresentou maior produtividade (2.573 kg ha-1) com incrementos no índice de área foliar (5,4 m2); quando inoculada com B. japonicum; com a coinoculação de B. japonicum mais A. brasilense observou-se maior produtividade após milho solteiro (2.737 kg ha-1) e consórcio de milho com B. ruziziensis (2.511 kg ha-1). Os cultivos de outono-inverno que possuem a presença de milho proporcionam maior produtividade da cultura com ou sem a inoculação

    Componentes produtivos de milho em sucessões de cultivo em dois tipos de solo com três niveis de água.

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    Atributos físicos e químicos do solo em lavouras da sucessão soja milho safrinha.

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    Produtividade de milho em modalidade de cultivo solteiro e consorciado com Brachiaria ruziziensis.

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    Residuos vegetais das sucessões de cultivo de soja no verão com milho, braquiária e feijão caupi no outono-inverno.

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    Produtividade de cultivares de soja em sucessão a cultivos de outono-inverno.

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    Composição química de folhas de milho safrinha solteiro e consorciado com braquiária associado com nitrogênio e Azospirillum brasiliense.

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    Click and detect: Versatile ampicillin aptasensor enabled by click chemistry on a graphene-alkyne derivative

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    Tackling the current problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) requires fast, inexpensive, and effective methods for controlling and detecting antibiotics in diverse samples at the point of interest. Cost-effective, disposable, point-of care electrochemical biosensors are a particularly attractive option. However, there is a need for conductive and versatile carbon-based materials and inks that enable effective bioconjugation under mild conditions for the develop ment of robust, sensitive, and selective devices. This work describes a simple and fast methodology to construct an aptasensor based on a novel graphene derivative equipped with alkyne groups prepared via fluorographene chem istry. Using click chemistry, an aptamer is immobilized and used as a suc cessful platform for the selective determination of ampicillin in real samples in the presence of interfering molecules. The electrochemical aptasensor displayed a detection limit of 1.36 nM, high selectivity among other antibi otics, the storage stability of 4 weeks, and is effective in real samples. Addi tionally, structural and docking simulations of the aptamer shed light on the ampicillin binding mechanism. The versatility of this platform opens up wide possibilities for constructing a new class of aptasensor based on disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes usable in point-of-care devices.Web of Scienc

    Operationalizing Appropriate Sepsis Definitions in Children Worldwide: Considerations for the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Taskforce

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    Sepsis is a leading cause of global mortality in children, yet definitions for pediatric sepsis are outdated and lack global applicability and validity. In adults, the Sepsis-3 Definition Taskforce queried databases from high-income countries to develop and validate the criteria. The merit of this definition has been widely acknowledged; however, important considerations about less-resourced and more diverse settings pose challenges to its use globally. To improve applicability and relevance globally, the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Taskforce sought to develop a conceptual framework and rationale of the critical aspects and context-specific factors that must be considered for the optimal operationalization of future pediatric sepsis definitions. It is important to address challenges in developing a set of pediatric sepsis criteria which capture manifestations of illnesses with vastly different etiologies and underlying mechanisms. Ideal criteria need to be unambiguous, and capable of adapting to the different contexts in which children with suspected infections are present around the globe. Additionally, criteria need to facilitate early recognition and timely escalation of treatment to prevent progression and limit life-threatening organ dysfunction. To address these challenges, locally adaptable solutions are required, which permit individualized care based on available resources and the pretest probability of sepsis. This should facilitate affordable diagnostics which support risk stratification and prediction of likely treatment responses, and solutions for locally relevant outcome measures. For this purpose, global collaborative databases need to be established, using minimum variable datasets from routinely collected data. In summary, a "Think globally, act locally" approach is required