4,259 research outputs found
The Future of Retirement in Canadian Universities
There is a strong movement toward legal abolition of fixed-age retirement in Canada. Quebec passed a special statute for that purpose in 1982. Human rights legislation has been interpreted to that effect in Manitoba and is tending in that direction in New Brunswick. Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms will probably have the same result for all of Canada, once it comes into effect on April 17, 1985. This poses a novel challenge to Canadian universities, for retirement of professors at 65 is well entrenched. Several factors justify the existing practice, including the institution of tenure, the professorial pay schedule, and the need for intellectual rejuvenation. However, the arguments are unlikely to prevail against judicial interpretation of the Charter and of human rights legislation. Thus universities should now consider the ramifications. Possible measures include facilitation of early retirement, modification of pension and benefit plans, and more systematic assessment of academic staff throughout their entire careers.Il existe un fort mouvement visant à abolir l'âge légal obligatoire de la retraite au Canada. Québec a présenté une loi spéciale à ce sujet en 1982. La loi des droits de la personne a été interprétée à cet effet au Manitoba et s'oriente dans cette direction au Nouveau-Brunswick. La Section 15 de la Charte canadienne des Droits et Libertés aura probablement le même résultat pour tout le Canada lorsqu'elle prendra effet le 17 avril 1985. Cela pose un nouveau défi dans les univeristés canadiennes quant à la retraite des professeurs à 65 ans. De nombreux facteurs justifient l'existence de la pratique actuelle, incluant la permanence, les échelles de salaires et le besoin d'un rajeunissement intellectuel du corps professoral. Cependant, ces arguments sont peu susceptibles de l'emporter sur l'inter-prétation judiciaire de la Charte et de la loi des droits de la personne. Ainsi, les universités devraient dès maintenant en considérer les conséquences. Les mesures à envisager incluent la possibilité d'une retraite prématurée, la modification des régimes de pension et d'avantages sociaux et une évaluation plus systématique du personnel académique en cours dç carrière
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Development of vitellogenic competence in the fat body of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti.
Thesis (M.S.
On the coefficients of ternary cyclotomic polynomials
In this paper we investigate the coefficients of ternary cyclotomic polynomials. That is, we investigate the coefficients polynomials given by Fnz= 1⩽k⩽n n,k =1 z-e2pik/n , where n is the product of three distinct odd primes (n = pqr); First we show the coefficients of phipqr( z) are loosely connected to the residue of r modulo pq. In particular we show that if r1≡ r2 mod pq and r
Metis Land Grants in Manitoba: A Statistical Study
The Manitoba Act provided for substantial grants of land to the Metis inhabitants
of the new province. Until recently, most historians viewed the intentions of the
federal government in relation to these land grants in a favourable Light, blaming
overwhelming numbers of Ontario immigrants and the character of the Metis
themselves for the rapid transfer of the lands out of Metis hands. This consensus
came under attack during the 1970s and 1980s, as new research shifted the blame
to the government's administration of the land grants. This study of the land grants
received and lots sold by a sample of Metis families in Manitoba challenges both
earlier arguments. The authors conclude that the Metis had little difficulty receiving
title to the lands promised them in the Manitoba Act, that they behaved rationally
in the land market of the 1870s and 1880s, and that they received, on the whole,
substantial monetary benefits when they sold their lands.La Loi sur le Manitoba prévoyait d'importantes concessions de terres pour les
Métis qui habitaient la nouvelle province. Jusqu'à récemment, la plupart des
historiens considéraient d'un oeil favorable les intentions du gouvernement fédéral
en ce qui concerne l'octroi de ces concessions de terres et blâmaient le nombre
considérable d'immigrants de l'Ontario et le tempérament des Métis pour le
transfert rapide de ces terres à d'autres mains. Pendant les années 70 et 80, ce
consensus a été remis en question car, par suite des résultats de nouvelles
recherches, le blâme a été attribué à l'administration des concessions de terres par
le gouvernement. La présente étude des concessions de terres reçues et des terres
vendues par un échantillon de familles métis met en doute les deux arguments
précédents. Les auteurs tirent les conclusions suivantes: les Métis ont éprouvé peu
de difficulté à recevoir les titres des terres qui leur avaient été promises en vertu
de la Loi sur le Manitoba, ils se sont comportés de façon rationnelle par rapport
au marché foncier des années 1870 et 1880 et, dans l'ensemble, ils ont reçu des
avantages financiers importants lorsqu'ils ont vendu leurs terres
The Ties That Bind Us - Integrating Male Homosexuality & Entrepreneurship
In recent years, there has been an increase in the research of minority entrepreneurs, including ethnic minorities and women, but entrepreneurship amongst members of the LGBT community remains a subject rarely studied. Studies which have contributed to knowledge of gay professionals and entrepreneurs typically position homosexuality as an obstacle to be overcome. The aim of this study is to establish homosexuality as an asset for the entrepreneur. We investigate sexuality as a context in entrepreneurship, endeavoring to understand when, where, why, and how entrepreneurship begins and is carried out amongst gay male entrepreneurs. We also analyse the entrepreneur’s connection to a local gay community and the effectiveness of this network by aiding the entrepreneur in the establishment and operation of his business, drawing parallels to the concept of mixed embeddedness previously established and applied in the study of ethnic entrepreneurship. We aim to broaden the current understanding of social capital by expressing the use of sexuality as social capital amongst this segment of entrepreneurs. To accomplish our aim, we have carried out a qualitative analysis of data collected from interviews with ten gay male entrepreneurs located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Due to the view in this paper of entrepreneurship as a heterogeneous discipline, this study relies on a broad definition of entrepreneurship to include freelancers and self-employed
Won\u27t You Go Back To Your Old Girl From Your Home Town
JLFT 010 Lancie Thomas 11-8-1996
Acc #: 328; JLFT 010
In this recording, Lancie Thomas is interviewed by John Beebee and Sheila Flanagan about John LeFlore and the Civil Rights Movement in Mobile, Alabama. The interview begins with Ms. Thomas discussing her and her husband’s work in founding the Mobile Beacon newspaper in Mobile’s Down the Bay neighborhood, and John LeFlore’s visits to the Beacon on his mail route. Ms. Thomas was in Tuscaloosa when Autherine Lucy attempted to integrate the University of Alabama, and she describes the work she did to support Ms. Lucy at that time, including helping to orchestrate community protective details to keep her safe when white people rioted and drove her from campus. She concludes the interview with reflections on Mr. LeFlore’s legacy
UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet
The UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet would like to present a performance at the Georgia Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of North Georgia\u27s Gainesville campus, November 2-3, 2018. The Quartet consists of two tubas and two euphoniums. In addition to tubas and euphoniums, we often incorporate percussion into our performances. The UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet consists of the top two euphonium players and the top two tuba players from Dr. Adam Freys studio.
The quartet plays a wide variety of music, ranging from classical transcriptions, to original compositions for Tuba-Euphonium quartet, and even jazz. Members of the quartet often create their own arrangements/compositions which we perform as well. The quartet has performed at a numerous event around the University, such as \u27OctubaFest\u27, \u27Spring Euphoria\u27, and the Dahlonega campuses instrumental honors recital. In addition to these performances, the UNG Tuba-Euphonium Quartet regularly performs at local churches and last January, the quartet performed at the Georgia Music Educator in Service Conference in Athens, Georgia. The quartet will be competing in the quartet competition of the International Tuba-Euphonium Conference (ITEC) at the University of Iowa this upcoming May
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