72 research outputs found

    Transplanting the leafy liverwort Herbertus hutchinsiae : A suitable conservation tool to maintain oceanic-montane liverwort-rich heath?

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    Thanks to the relevant landowners and managers for permission to carry out the experiments, Chris Preston for helping to obtain the liverwort distribution records and the distribution map, Gordon Rothero and Dave Horsfield for advice on choosing experimental sites and Alex Douglas for statistical advice. Juliane Geyer’s help with fieldwork was greatly appreciated. This study was made possible by a NERC PhD studentship and financial support from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Scottish Natural Heritage.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Elongation rate and average length of amyloid fibrils in solution using isotope-labelled small-angle neutron scattering.

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    Funder: Boehringer Ingelheim FondsFunder: University of BathWe demonstrate a solution method that allows both elongation rate and average fibril length of assembling amyloid fibrils to be estimated. The approach involves acquisition of real-time neutron scattering data during the initial stages of seeded growth, using contrast matched buffer to make the seeds effectively invisible to neutrons. As deuterated monomers add on to the seeds, the labelled growing ends give rise to scattering patterns that we model as cylinders whose increase in length with time gives an elongation rate. In addition, the absolute intensity of the signal can be used to determine the number of growing ends per unit volume, which in turn provides an estimate of seed length. The number of ends did not change significantly during elongation, demonstrating that any spontaneous or secondary nucleation was not significant compared with growth on the ends of pre-existing fibrils, and in addition providing a method of internal validation for the technique. Our experiments on initial growth of alpha synuclein fibrils using 1.2 mg ml-1 seeds in 2.5 mg ml-1 deuterated monomer at room temperature gave an elongation rate of 6.3 ± 0.5 Å min-1, and an average seed length estimate of 4.2 ± 1.3 ÎŒm

    Optical Structural Analysis of Individual alpha-Synuclein Oligomers

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    Small aggregates of misfolded proteins play a key role in neurodegenerative disorders. Such species have proved difficult to study due to the lack of suitable methods capable of resolving these heterogeneous aggregates, which are smaller than the optical diffraction limit. We demonstrate here an all‐optical fluorescence microscopy method to characterise the structure of individual protein aggregates based on the fluorescence anisotropy of dyes such as thioflavin‐T, and show that this technology is capable of studying oligomers in human biofluids such as cerebrospinal fluid. We first investigated in vitro the structural changes in individual oligomers formed during the aggregation of recombinant α‐synuclein. By studying the diffraction‐limited aggregates we directly evaluated their structural conversion and correlated this with the potential of aggregates to disrupt lipid bilayers. We finally characterised the structural features of aggregates present in cerebrospinal fluid of Parkinson's disease patients and age‐matched healthy controls

    Quantifying Co-Oligomer Formation by α-Synuclein.

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    Small oligomers of the protein α-synuclein (αS) are highly cytotoxic species associated with Parkinson's disease (PD). In addition, αS can form co-aggregates with its mutational variants and with other proteins such as amyloid-ÎČ (AÎČ) and tau, which are implicated in Alzheimer's disease. The processes of self-oligomerization and co-oligomerization of αS are, however, challenging to study quantitatively. Here, we have utilized single-molecule techniques to measure the equilibrium populations of oligomers formed in vitro by mixtures of wild-type αS with its mutational variants and with AÎČ40, AÎČ42, and a fragment of tau. Using a statistical mechanical model, we find that co-oligomer formation is generally more favorable than self-oligomer formation at equilibrium. Furthermore, self-oligomers more potently disrupt lipid membranes than do co-oligomers. However, this difference is sometimes outweighed by the greater formation propensity of co-oligomers when multiple proteins coexist. Our results suggest that co-oligomer formation may be important in PD and related neurodegenerative diseases.The authors are grateful for financial support provided by Dr Tayyeb Hussain Scholarship and the ERC (669237) (M. Iljina), the Schiff Foundation (A. Dear), Alzheimer’s Research UK and Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship (S. De), a fellowship from Fondazione Caritro, Trento (BANDO 2017 PER PROGETTI DI RICERCA SVOLTI DA GIOVANI RICERCATORI POST-DOC) (L. Tosatto), the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (P. Flagmeier), the Centre for Misfolding Diseases (A. Dear, P. Flagmeier, C. Dobson, T. Knowles), the ERC (669237) and the Royal Society (D. Klenerman). We are grateful to S. Preet for the expression and purification of A90C ɑS. We thank Y. Ye for providing tau k18

    A natural product inhibits the initiation of a-synuclein aggregation & suppresses its toxicity

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    The self-Assembly of a-synuclein is closely associated with Parkinson''s disease and related syndromes. We show that squalamine, a natural product with known anticancer and antiviral activity, dramatically affects a-synuclein aggregation in vitro and in vivo. We elucidate the mechanism of action of squalamine by investigating its interaction with lipid vesicles, which are known to stimulate nucleation, and find that this compound displaces a-synuclein from the surfaces of such vesicles, thereby blocking the first steps in its aggregation process. We also show that squalamine almost completely suppresses the toxicity of a-synuclein oligomers in human neuroblastoma cells by inhibiting their interactions with lipid membranes. We further examine the effects of squalamine in a Caenorhabditis elegans strain overexpressing a-synuclein, observing a dramatic reduction of a-synuclein aggregation and an almost complete elimination of muscle paralysis. These findings suggest that squalamine could be a means of therapeutic intervention in Parkinson''s disease and related conditions

    Different soluble aggregates of AÎČ42 can give rise to cellular toxicity through different mechanisms.

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    Protein aggregation is a complex process resulting in the formation of heterogeneous mixtures of aggregate populations that are closely linked to neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease. Here, we find that soluble aggregates formed at different stages of the aggregation process of amyloid beta (AÎČ42) induce the disruption of lipid bilayers and an inflammatory response to different extents. Further, by using gradient ultracentrifugation assay, we show that the smaller aggregates are those most potent at inducing membrane permeability and most effectively inhibited by antibodies binding to the C-terminal region of AÎČ42. By contrast, we find that the larger soluble aggregates are those most effective at causing an inflammatory response in microglia cells and more effectively inhibited by antibodies targeting the N-terminal region of AÎČ42. These findings suggest that different toxic mechanisms driven by different soluble aggregated species of AÎČ42 may contribute to the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease.This study is supported by the Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship programme (S.D.), EPSRC Studentship (D.C.W.), Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (P.F.), Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (P.F.), Senior Research Fellowship from the Alzheimer's Society, Grant Number 317, AS-SF-16-003, UK (F.A.A), Swiss National Fondation for Science and Darwin College grant number P2ELP2_162116 and P300P2_171219 (F.S.R.), Borysiewicz Biomedical Fellowship from the University of Cambridge(P.S), the UK Biotechnology and Biochemical Sciences Research Council (C.M.D.); the Wellcome Trust (C.M.D) the Cambridge Centre for Misfolding Diseases (P.F., F.A.A., P.S., C.M.D., and M.V.) and the European Research Council Grant Number 669237 (D.K.) and the Royal Society (D.K.)

    A natural product inhibits the initiation of α-synuclein aggregation and suppresses its toxicity.

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    The self-assembly of α-synuclein is closely associated with Parkinson's disease and related syndromes. We show that squalamine, a natural product with known anticancer and antiviral activity, dramatically affects α-synuclein aggregation in vitro and in vivo. We elucidate the mechanism of action of squalamine by investigating its interaction with lipid vesicles, which are known to stimulate nucleation, and find that this compound displaces α-synuclein from the surfaces of such vesicles, thereby blocking the first steps in its aggregation process. We also show that squalamine almost completely suppresses the toxicity of α-synuclein oligomers in human neuroblastoma cells by inhibiting their interactions with lipid membranes. We further examine the effects of squalamine in a Caenorhabditis elegans strain overexpressing α-synuclein, observing a dramatic reduction of α-synuclein aggregation and an almost complete elimination of muscle paralysis. These findings suggest that squalamine could be a means of therapeutic intervention in Parkinson's disease and related conditions.This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), US National Institutes of Health (A.M. and A.B.); by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (P.F.); by a European Research Council starting grant (to M.B.D.M. and E.A.A.N.); and by The Cambridge Centre for Misfolding Diseases. N.C. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RYC-2012-12068). S.W.C. thanks the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore for support

    Hsp70 Inhibits the Nucleation and Elongation of Tau and Sequesters Tau Aggregates with High Affinity.

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    As a key player of the protein quality control network of the cell, the molecular chaperone Hsp70 inhibits the aggregation of the amyloid protein tau. To date, the mechanism of this inhibition and the tau species targeted by Hsp70 remain unknown. This is partly due to the inherent difficulty of studying amyloid aggregates because of their heterogeneous and transient nature. Here, we used ensemble and single-molecule fluorescence measurements to dissect how Hsp70 counteracts the self-assembly process of the K18 ΔK280 tau variant. We found that Hsp70 blocks the early stages of tau aggregation by suppressing the formation of tau nuclei. Additionally, Hsp70 sequesters oligomers and mature tau fibrils with nanomolar affinity into a protective complex, efficiently neutralizing their ability to damage membranes and seed further tau aggregation. Our results provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms by which the chaperone Hsp70 counteracts the formation, propagation, and toxicity of tau aggregates.D.K. acknowledges funding from the ERC (grant #669237). M.K. acknowledges fellowships from the Danish research council and the Lundbeck Foundation. F.K. acknowledges funding from the Augustus Newman foundation and the ERC. M.H.H. acknowledges funding from the Herchel Smith Fund and Christ’s College Cambridge. S.D. was funded by a Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. P.F. acknowledges funding from the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. We acknowledge S. Qamar for providing the tau protein used for this study

    Multistep Inhibition of α-Synuclein Aggregation and Toxicity in Vitro and in Vivo by Trodusquemine

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    12 pags, 3 figs. -- The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.8b00466.The aggregation of α-synuclein, an intrinsically disordered protein that is highly abundant in neurons, is closely associated with the onset and progression of Parkinson's disease. We have shown previously that the aminosterol squalamine can inhibit the lipid induced initiation process in the aggregation of α-synuclein, and we report here that the related compound trodusquemine is capable of inhibiting not only this process but also the fibril-dependent secondary pathways in the aggregation reaction. We further demonstrate that trodusquemine can effectively suppress the toxicity of α-synuclein oligomers in neuronal cells, and that its administration, even after the initial growth phase, leads to a dramatic reduction in the number of α-synuclein inclusions in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson's disease, eliminates the related muscle paralysis, and increases lifespan. On the basis of these findings, we show that trodusquemine is able to inhibit multiple events in the aggregation process of α-synuclein and hence to provide important information about the link between such events and neurodegeneration, as it is initiated and progresses. Particularly in the light of the previously reported ability of trodusquemine to cross the blood-brain barrier and to promote tissue regeneration, the present results suggest that this compound has the potential to be an important therapeutic candidate for Parkinson's disease and related disorders.This work was supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (P.F.), the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (P.F.), Gates Cambridge Scholarships (R.L. and G.T.H) and a St. John’s College Benefactors’ Scholarship (R.L.), the UK Biotechnology and Biochemical Sciences Research Council (M.V. and C.M.D.), a Senior Research Fellowship award from the Alzheimer’s Society, UK, grant number (317, AS-SF-16-003) (F.A.A.), the Wellcome Trust (C.M.D., M.V., and T.P.J.K.), the Frances and Augustus Newman Foundation (T.P.J.K.), the Regione Toscana—FAS Salute—Supremal project (R.C., C.C., and F.C.), a Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Actions—Individual Fellowship (C.G.), Sidney Sussex College Cambridge (G.M.), the Spanish Government—MINECO (N.C.), and by the Cambridge Centre for Misfolding Diseases (M.P., P.F., R.L., F.A.A., C.G., G.T.H., S.W.C., J.R.K., T.P.J.K., M.V., and C.M.D)
