787 research outputs found

    Slow Relaxation and Phase Space Properties of a Conservative System with Many Degrees of Freedom

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    We study the one-dimensional discrete Φ4\Phi^4 model. We compare two equilibrium properties by use of molecular dynamics simulations: the Lyapunov spectrum and the time dependence of local correlation functions. Both properties imply the existence of a dynamical crossover of the system at the same temperature. This correlation holds for two rather different regimes of the system - the displacive and intermediate coupling regimes. Our results imply a deep connection between slowing down of relaxations and phase space properties of complex systems.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 10 Figures available upon request (SF), Phys. Rev. E, accepted for publicatio

    Comment on "Coherent Ratchets in Driven Bose-Einstein Condensates"

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    C. E. Creffield and F. Sols (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 200601 (2009)) recently reported finite, directed time-averaged ratchet current, for a noninteracting quantum particle in a periodic potential even when time-reversal symmetry holds. As we explain in this Comment, this result is incorrect, that is, time-reversal symmetry implies a vanishing current.Comment: revised versio

    Experimental Critical Current Patterns in Josephson Junction Ladders

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic field dependence of the critical current of Josephson junction ladders. At variance with the well-known case of a one-dimensional (1D) parallel array of Josephson junctions the magnetic field patterns display a single minimum even for very low values of the self-inductance parameter βL\beta_{\rm L}. Experiments performed changing both the geometrical value of the inductance and the critical current of the junctions show a good agreement with numerical simulations. We argue that the observed magnetic field patterns are due to a peculiar mapping between the isotropic Josephson ladder and the 1D parallel array with the self-inductance parameter βLeff=βL+2\beta_{\rm L}^{\rm eff}=\beta_{\rm L}+2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 picture

    Breathers in Josephson junction ladders: resonances and electromagnetic waves spectroscopy

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    We present a theoretical study of the resonant interaction between dynamical localized states (discrete breathers) and linear electromagnetic excitations (EEs) in Josephson junction ladders. By making use of direct numerical simulations we find that such an interaction manifests itself by resonant steps and various sharp switchings (voltage jumps) in the current-voltage characteristics. Moreover, the power of ac oscillations away from the breather center (the breather tail) displays singularities as the externally applied dc bias decreases. All these features can be mapped to the spectrum of EEs that has been derived analytically and numerically. Using an improved analysis of the breather tail, a spectroscopy of the EEs is developed. The nature of breather instability driven by localized EEs is established.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Discrete breathers in classical spin lattices

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    Discrete breathers (nonlinear localised modes) have been shown to exist in various nonlinear Hamiltonian lattice systems. In the present paper we study the dynamics of classical spins interacting via Heisenberg exchange on spatial dd-dimensional lattices (with and without the presence of single-ion anisotropy). We show that discrete breathers exist for cases when the continuum theory does not allow for their presence (easy-axis ferromagnets with anisotropic exchange and easy-plane ferromagnets). We prove the existence of localised excitations using the implicit function theorem and obtain necessary conditions for their existence. The most interesting case is the easy-plane one which yields excitations with locally tilted magnetisation. There is no continuum analogue for such a solution and there exists an energy threshold for it, which we have estimated analytically. We support our analytical results with numerical high-precision computations, including also a stability analysis for the excitations.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    A Rich Example of Geometrically Induced Nonlinearity: From Rotobreathers and Kinks to Moving Localized Modes and Resonant Energy Transfer

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    We present an experimentally realizable, simple mechanical system with linear interactions whose geometric nature leads to nontrivial, nonlinear dynamical equations. The equations of motion are derived and their ground state structures are analyzed. Selective ``static'' features of the model are examined in the context of nonlinear waves including rotobreathers and kink-like solitary waves. We also explore ``dynamic'' features of the model concerning the resonant transfer of energy and the role of moving intrinsic localized modes in the process

    Observation of breathers in Josephson ladders

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    We report on the observation of spatially-localized excitations in a ladder of small Josephson junctions. The excitations are whirling states which persist under a spatially-homogeneous force due to the bias current. These states of the ladder are visualized using a low temperature scanning laser microscopy. We also compute breather solutions with high accuracy in corresponding model equations. The stability analysis of these solutions is used to interpret the measured patterns in the I-V characteristics

    q-breathers in Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger lattices

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    qq-breathers are exact time-periodic solutions of extended nonlinear systems continued from the normal modes of the corresponding linearized system. They are localized in the space of normal modes. The existence of these solutions in a weakly anharmonic atomic chain explained essential features of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) paradox. We study qq-breathers in one- two- and three-dimensional discrete nonlinear Sch\"{o}dinger (DNLS) lattices -- theoretical playgrounds for light propagation in nonlinear optical waveguide networks, and the dynamics of cold atoms in optical lattices. We prove the existence of these solutions for weak nonlinearity. We find that the localization of qq-breathers is controlled by a single parameter which depends on the norm density, nonlinearity strength and seed wave vector. At a critical value of that parameter qq-breathers delocalize via resonances, signaling a breakdown of the normal mode picture and a transition into strong mode-mode interaction regime. In particular this breakdown takes place at one of the edges of the normal mode spectrum, and in a singular way also in the center of that spectrum. A stability analysis of qq-breathers supplements these findings. For three-dimensional lattices, we find qq-breather vortices, which violate time reversal symmetry and generate a vortex ring flow of energy in normal mode space.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure