19 research outputs found

    Distribución, función y vías de señalización de los adrenoceptores β a nivel vascular

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    Se ha analizado la contribución de los diferentes subtipos de adrenoceptores (AR) β (β1, β2 β3) en la vasodilatación, determinando su localización en las diferentes células vasculares y evaluando la implicación de las vías de señalización adenilato ciclasa (AC)/AMPc/PKA y/o NO/guanilato ciclasa soluble (GCs)/GMPc, en dos lechos vasculares representantes de: los vasos de resistencia, como la arteria mesentérica de resistencia (A.M.R.) de rata, y de conductancia, como la aorta de rata. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, a pesar de que los tres subtipos de AR β se expresan en ambos vasos, su participación en la respuesta funcional, así como la vía de señalización utilizada, es diferente según el vaso. Así, en A.M.R. los AR β1, localizados en las células de músculo liso (CML) y actuando a través de la vía AC/AMPc/PKA, son los principales responsables de la vasodilatación. Sin embargo en aorta la situación es más compleja, y la vasodilatación esta mediada por los AR β2 y β3 localizados en el endotelio, pero también por los AR β2 localizados en las CML, todos ellos acoplados a la vía NO/GCs/GMPc. Además en aorta también participa el subtipo β1 de baja afinidad, por un mecanismo independiente del NO. Estos resultados resaltan el diferente papel fisiológico que pueden desempeñar los AR β en el control del tono contráctil de los dos tipos de vaso. En un vaso de resistencia altamente inervados, como la A.M.R., son los AR β1 localizados en las CML y con una mayor afinidad por la noradrenalina liberada de las terminaciones nerviosas, los receptores que participan en la respuesta vasodilatadora. Por el contrario, en un vaso pobremente inervado como la aorta, son los AR β2 localizados en el endotelio y con una mayor afinidad y accesibilidad por la adrenalina circulante, los receptores que modulan principalmente el tono contráctil y la distribución del flujo sanguino. Otro objetivo fue determinar si los AR β son capaces de señalizar a través de la vía de las MAPK (ERK1/2 y p38) en aorta de rata y en los principales tipos celulares de este vaso: CML y células endoteliales (CE), analizando la influencia que esta vía de señalización puede desempeñar en la vasodilatación mediada por los AR β. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la activación de los AR β2 con isoprenalina aumenta la fosforilación de p38 en aorta intacta y en ambas células vasculares, mientras tiene un efecto dual sobre la fosforilación de ERK1/2: aumentándola en las CML y disminuyéndola en las CE. El bloqueo de los AR β2 con el antagonista propranolol revierte todos estos cambios, pero además induce por sí mismo un aumento de la fosforilación de ERK1/2 en las CE, mostrando lo que se llama selectividad funcional o agonismo sesgado (“biased agonism”). Finalmente, el análisis del las MAPK sobre la vasodilatación muestra que ERK1/2, pero no p38, ejerce un efecto inhibitorio sobre la relajación inducida por los AR β, actuando como un mecanismo de control, que podría prevenir una vasodilatación excesiva en los vasos de conductancia como la aorta

    Assessment of different student profiles on multimedia material in basic subjects of Health Sciences

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    [EN] Two of the pillars on which university education is based are the integrated curriculum and transdisciplinarity. The first consists of combining and teaching two or more subjects together, while the second refers to interacting and working as a team with professionals from other areas, to have a 360º vision. This work is the result of a collaboration between teachers from different universities and departments in the area of Health Sciences, who implemented a multimedia material integrating contents of Biology and Physiology, with the aim of promoting the achievement of a more significant knowledge in students.The multimedia material consisted of an explanatory video on the transport through the membrane, which was produced at the Universitat de València (UV) and later implemented at another university with a different student profile, the Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV). The student assessment surveys showed a good acceptance by this type of student, in the same way that was obtained in the previous study at the UV.This work supports the use of multimedia materials in university teaching to integrate content between subjects. In addition, it motivates teachers to continue making similar materials that can be shared between different institutions so that the work is more effective, useful and productive, and improves the quality of teaching.[ES] Dos de los pilares sobre los cuales se basa la educación universitaria son el curriculum integrado y la transdisciplinaridad. El primero consiste en combinar e impartir dos o más asignaturas juntas, mientras el segundo se refiere a relacionarse y trabajar en equipo con profesionales de otras áreas, para tener una visión 360º. El presente trabajo es fruto de una colaboración entre docentes de diferentes universidades y departamentos del área de Ciencias de la Salud, que implementaron un material multimedia integrando contenidos de Biología y Fisiología, con el objetivo de favorecer la consecución de un conocimiento más significativo en los estudiantes. El material multimedia consistió en un video explicativo sobre el transporte a través de la membrana, que se elaboró en la Universitat de València (UV) y posteriormente se implantó en otra universidad con un perfil de alumnado diferente, la Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV). Las encuestas de valoración de los estudiantes evidenciaron una buena aceptación por parte de este tipo de alumnado, de la misma forma que se obtuvo en el estudio previo en la UV. Este trabajo avala el uso de materiales multimedia en la docencia universitaria para integrar contenidos entre asignaturas. Además, motiva al profesorado a continuar realizando materiales similares que se puedan compartir entre diferentes instituciones para que el trabajo sea más eficaz, útil y productivo, y mejore la calidad de la docencia.Serna-Garcia, M.; Serna, E.; Mauricio, M.; San-Miguel, T.; Megías, J.; Flacco, N. (2022). Valoración de diferentes perfiles de alumnado sobre material multimedia en asignaturas básicas de Ciencias de la Salud. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1040-1047. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.158811040104

    Valoración del alumnado de los experimentos virtuales frente a los experimentos tradicionales

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    [EN] Traditional laboratory experiments are critical to the learning process across all areas and levels of study in science subjects. However, along with hands-on experiments, virtual labs have received considerable attention over the past several years due to the popularisation of ICT tools in Education, which may help teachers consider multiple learning styles to pursue meaningful learning. In this regard, studies concerning pupils’ experiences with both approaches are needed. The main aim of this study is to analyse the impact of the use of both virtual and hands-on labs in basic science subjects (BSS) in Health Sciences university degrees. For this reason, we have analysed different variables: general assessment, level of satisfaction, increase in motivation and increase in academic performance concerning BSS, as well as gender differences in the perception of both methodologies. A total of 129 undergraduate students from one Spanish university (degree in Dentistry) participated in the study. The results point out to statistically significant differences in favour of traditional labs in all the considered parameters. In conclusion, the results point out the importance of carrying out hands-on experiments to boost students’ motivation and performance[ES] Las prácticas de laboratorio tradicionales juegan un papel protagonista en la enseñanza de las ciencias en todas las áreas y niveles. Sin embargo, en los últimos años la popularidad de los laboratorios virtuales ha aumentado significativamente, debido a que la aplicación de las herramientas TIC en educación permite atender adecuadamente a la diversidad del alumnado y fomentar el aprendizaje activo. En este sentido, resulta necesario estudiar las experiencias del alumnado con ambos enfoques. El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de los laboratorios virtuales y tradicionales en asignaturas de Ciencias Básicas (CCBB) en un grado de Ciencias de la Salud en el contexto universitario. Para ello se ha estudiado la valoración del alumnado, su grado de satisfacción general, su motivación y su rendimiento en las asignaturas de CCBB, así como la existencia de posibles diferencias de género. Los participantes del estudio fueron 129 estudiantes del grado en Odontología de una universidad española. Los resultados indican que existen diferencias significativas a favor de las prácticas tradicionales en todas las variables estudiadas. Como conclusión, se resalta la importancia de fomentar las prácticas tradicionales en grados de Salud para potenciar la motivación y el rendimiento del alumnado.Serrano Pérez, J.; Gónzalez García, L.; Taberner Cortés, A.; Flacco, N.; García Arnandis, I.; Pérez López, G. (2018). Valoración del alumnado de los experimentos virtuales frente a los experimentos tradicionales. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 270-284. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8875OCS27028

    Student’s perception of an implemented formative and participatory assessment in oral group presentations

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    Competency-based education requires a change not only in the learning process, but also in the assessment, towards a formative, continuous and participatory model. We present here a set of changes introduced in the assessment system of the Biology subject in Dentistry, aimed at promoting its formative dimension and encouraging the participation of students through peer assessment. Furthermore, these implementations were retrospectively evaluated by the students. The object of the study was the oral group presentation, whose evaluation traditionally consisted of a single rubric that measured the final product. This activity was redesigned considering the learning process in its entirety and, although it continued to be graded with a single final grade, it implemented three tasks, each one associated with an assessment instrument: i) preparing an initial draft; ii) delivery of the final presentation material before the date of the presentation; iii) the final oral presentation. In addition, students participated in the process performing two peer assessment: a teamwork intra-group assessment and an inter-group assessment of the oral presentation. Once the activity was finished, the students were given a survey to find out their opinion regarding the experience. A total of 60 students participated in the study, most of whom were the first time they had to prepare an initial draft and conduct a peer assessment. In general, the participants valued the innovation positively, indicating that it helped them to improve the four transversal competences of the subject: responsibility, interpersonal understanding, teamwork and planning. They highlighted the benefits of the formative feedback given by the professor after delivering the initial draft, which was useful to be aware of weak points and to improve their performance. In addition, students appreciate the fact that the tasks were well structured and organized, because it made it easier to plan their work. On the other hand, students’ perception for the peer assessment was lower. In general, students preferred professor’s assessment and found peer assessment difficult or did not find it useful or did not understand its purpose. We think that this resistance to peer assessment could lie in a lack of habit, inexperience in making a value judgment and the influence of personal relationships between students. In terms of performance, all students passed the activity, with an average grade higher than last year. To conclude, we think that our proposal reached the formative and continuous dimension of the assessment, thanks to two points: i) have a well-structured and clear assessment system from the beginning; ii) include partial deliveries in which students can receive formative feedback that allows them to identify weakness and take actions to improve their learning. However, we did not obtain the expected results concerning the participatory dimension and we think we still have a way to go in terms of achieving meaningful student involvement. Our intention in the next course is to maintain the activity and improve it, to fully focus the attention on the students, so that they really learn for themselves. We believe that the key of a successful innovation will be training them and making them feel more prepared and aware of the benefits of participating in the assessment.Sin financiaciónNo data 2020UE

    Efficacy of stem cells in bone rehabilitation in patients with alveolar bone atrophy: a systematic review

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    Background: Biomedical engineering proposes the use of stem cells as a bone rehabilitation treatment in patients with alveolar bone defects. Many authors suggest that this innovative technique could represent the future of bone regeneration in dentistry. The present study systematically reviewed the efficacy of stem cells in bone regeneration in patients with alveolar bone atrophy. Material and methods: The study was developed following the criteria of the PRISMA guideline (2020). The literature review was conducted in Pubmed, Medline Complete, and Scopus. The search algorithms used the following key words: stem cells, bone regeneration, and alveolar ridge augmentation. To assess the risk of bias, the CASPe methodology was used. Results: Seven clinical trials in humans were included in this systematic review. In all the studies, the proposed objective of bone regeneration by using stem cells was achieved, although in a different way with different results. Although the authors of the analysed clinical trials achieved favourable results, they highlighted the presence of multiple limitations throughout bone regeneration treatments, such as scarce scientific literature on stem cells, a reduced number of follow-up studies, and a lack of a standardized international protocol. Conclusions: Based on the analysed studies, it is concluded that the therapy proposed by tissue engineering through the use of stem cells to rehabilitate patients with bone atrophies can be considered effective. In addition, the need for further studies and standardization of protocols is highlighted.Sin financiación2.883 JCR (2021) Q2, 46/92 Dentistry, Oral Science & Medicine0.681 SJR (2021) Q1, 30/142 Dentistry (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2021UE

    Análisis de prácticas de laboratorio gamificadas en Ciencias de la Salud

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las modernas corrientes pedagógicas fomentan un rol más activo por parte del alumnado, junto con actividades motivantes que den lugar a un aprendizaje significativo. En asignaturas de ciencias básicas (CCBB), los laboratorios tradicionales y virtuales (por ordenador) son imprescindibles para que el alumnado adquiera importantes destrezas. La gamificación puede promover el desarrollo de los discentes a nivel cognitivo, motivacional, emocional y social. OBJETIVOS: Analizar el impacto del uso de prácticas de laboratorio gamificadas y no gamificadas en asignaturas de CCBB del grado de Odontología, y estudiar si existen diferencias con respecto al sexo, semestre de impartición y lengua vehicular. METODOLOGÍA: Los estudiantes recibieron diversas prácticas tradicionales y virtuales, tanto gamificadas como no gamificadas. El número de estudiantes por semestre y por idioma fue: 82 (S1, en español), 65 (S2, en español), 30 (S1, en inglés) y 20 (S2, en inglés). Al finalizar las prácticas, se les pasó un cuestionario de satisfacción. Se analizó la importancia de las CCBB respecto al grado y a la profesión, el gusto y la involucración por la narrativa, la satisfacción, el grado de utilidad y diversión de prácticas gamificadas y no gamificadas, tanto tradicionales como virtuales. RESULTADOS: Los resultados de los 4 grupos analizados van en la misma línea: los estudiantes valoran más, en cuanto a utilidad y a diversión, las prácticas gamificadas frente a las no gamificadas (la narrativa fue valorada aceptablemente), y prefieren la instrucción tradicional a la virtual. No existen diferencias significativas en función del sexo; en cuanto a motivación, las asignaturas de CCBB son peor valoradas respecto a asignaturas más específicas del grado. CONCLUSIÓN: Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que es interesante introducir métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje innovadores para aumentar la motivación, aunque la instrucción tradicional (con o sin gamificación) está mejor valorada que las simulaciones por ordenador.2018/UEM33No data 2019UE

    Alpha1-adrenoceptors in the rat cerebral cortex: new insights into the characterization of alpha1L-and alpha1D-adrenoceptors

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    36 p., figuras y tablas, bibliografíaAmong the three alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes (alpha1A, alpha1B and alpha1D) a peculiar intracellular localization and poor coupling to membrane signals of cloned alpha1D-adrenoceptor has been reported. In addition, the alpha1L-adrenoceptor (low affinity for prazosin), a functional phenotype of alpha1A, has been described. The purpose of this work was to analyze the expression, cellular localization and coupling to membrane signalling (inositol phosphate accumulation) of alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes in a native tissue, the rat cerebral cortex. mRNA for the three subtypes was quantified by real-time RT-PCR (alpha1D>alpha1B>>alpha1A). Alpha1-adrenoceptors were also detected by immunoblotting, revealing alpha1A- and alpha1B-adrenoceptors to be predominantly expressed in the membrane fraction and the alpha1D-adrenoceptor to be localized in the cytosolic fraction. Competitive radioligand binding studies revealed the presence of alpha1D-adrenoceptor in tissue homogenates, whereas only alpha1A- and alpha1B-subtypes were detected in membranes. The proportion of alpha1A-adrenoceptor increased after treatment with noradrenaline, suggesting differences in agonist-mediated trafficking. Saturation experiments detected high- and low (alpha1A/L)-prazosin binding sites, the latter of which disappeared on incubation with GppNHp. The alpha1A/L-adrenoceptor was heavily implicated in the inositol phosphate response, while the alpha1D-subtype did not play a relevant role. These results suggest that the predominant cytosolic localization of alpha1D-adrenoceptor lies behind its poor coupling to membrane signalling such as inositol phosphate pathway. The fact that the alpha1Ladrenoceptor detected in radioligand binding studies disappeared in the presence of GppNHp implies that it represents a conformational state of the alpha1A-adrenoceptor coupled to G protein.This study was supported by the Spanish Dirección General de Programas y Transferencia de Conocimiento del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant SAF2004-01541 and SAF2007-62120); and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Grant FIS PI070509). Vanessa Segura, Nicla Flacco and Eduardo Oliver are financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Fellowships BES-2005-108383, AP-2005-5076 and AP-2004-3536).Peer reviewe

    Assessment of different student profiles on multimedia material in basic subjects of Health Sciences

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    El presente trabajo es fruto de una colaboración entre docentes de diferentes universidades y departamentos de Ciencias de la Salud, que implementaron un material multimedia integrando contenidos de Biología y Fisiología, con el objetivo de favorecer la consecución de un conocimiento más significativo en los estudiantes. El material multimedia constistió en un video explicativo sobre el transporte a través de la membrana, que se elaboró en la Universitat de València y posteriormente se implantó en la Universidad Europea de Valencia. Las encuestas de valoración de los estudiantes evidenciaron una buena aceptación por parte del alumnado de ambos centros. Este trabajo avala el uso de materiales multimedia en la docencia universitaria para integrar contenidos entre asignaturas. Además, motiva al profesorado a continuar realizando materiales similares que se puedan compartir entre diferentes instituciones para que el trabajo sea más eficaz, útil y productivo, y mejore la calidad de la docencia.Two of the pillars on which university education is based are the integrated curriculum and transdisciplinarity. The first consists of combining and teaching two or more subjects together, while the second refers to interacting and working as a team with professionals from other areas, to have a 360º vision. This work is the result of a collaboration between teachers from different universities and departments in the area of Health Sciences, who implemented a multimedia material integrating contents of Biology and Physiology, with the aim of promoting the achievement of a more significant knowledge in students. The multimedia material consisted of an explanatory video on the transport through the membrane, which was produced at the Universitat de València (UV) and later implemented at another university with a different student profile, the Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV). The student assessment surveys showed a good acceptance by this type of student, in the same way that was obtained in the previous study at the UV. This work supports the use of multimedia materials in university teaching to integrate content between subjects. In addition, it motivates teachers to continue making similar materials that can be shared between different institutions so that the work is more effective, useful and productive, and improves the quality of teaching.Sin financiaciónSPI 2018UE

    Integrated curriculum in basic biomedical sciences using a digital interactive material

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    INTRODUCTION. One of the pillars of the academic model of the Universidad Europea is the integrated curriculum. The integrated curriculum allows for learning in which the student integrates knowledge and competencies and interrelates concepts and areas of performance, which allows for a focus beyond the discipline or subject, and closer to the professional world. However, the literature on the integrated curriculum in higher education, especially in Health Sciences degrees is scarce (Griffin, 2019). The research that exists highlights that its implementation presents several problems, such as inconsistent educational backgrounds, scarcity of teaching materials, and inadequate curricula (Winarno, 2020). Michel Rocard's (2007) report for the European Parliament revealed a decline in young people's interest in science, largely due to the way science is taught. Our same team detected a lower valuation of Basic Sciences subjects with respect to clinical subjects, in students of Health Sciences (Serrano-Pérez, 2017). To reverse this trend, new innovative educational actions are necessary, which promote student interest and participation in Science subjects. Modern pedagogical trends promote the application of digital interactive materials that are active, innovative tools and show a high level of acceptance by students (Gentry, 2019; van Gaalen, 2021). The main objective of this quasi-experimental longitudinal study was to evaluate the effectiveness of digital interactive learning material in facilitating the acquisition of an integrated curriculum in first-year dental students at Universidad Europea of Valencia (UEV). METHODS. An educational interactive learning game was created with the Genially tool. This didactic material integrated the contents about “Cell Junctions” studied in different subjects such as Biology, Physiology and Histology. It included the classification of cell junctions, differences among anchoring junctions, molecules of adhesion and interaction leukocyte-endothelium. Besides this digital material included most common and relevant dental diseases, related with the future professional career of Dentistry students. The subjects were ca. 240 first-year undergraduate dental students enrolled in “Cellular Biology and Human genetics” and “Anatomy and Physiology of the Human body” at UEV. They were divided into two groups. The control group followed a traditional lecture-based learning method, whereas the experimental one played the interactive material after the master class. The student knowledge was evaluated through a 4-question test which was performed with Blackboard Ultra at two different time points: i) a pre-test at the beginning of the course to assess students’ previous knowledge; ii) a post-test at the end of the activity to evaluate if the activity improved the knowledge. To evaluate students’ opinion about the experience, a perception survey was completed, using Microsoft Forms. The survey consisted of three parts: i) sociodemographic data; ii) quantitative questions about the game and its effectiveness to integrate concepts between subjects; iii) qualitative questions in which students freely wrote their personal impressions about the experience. RESULTS. The digital interactive material integrating contents from different Basic Sciences subjects (Biology, Physiology and Histology) and related to the future professional life of the dentist was implemented. An improvement was observed in each of the 4 questions of the post-test compared to the pre-test in the experimental group, but not in the control group. 12% of students of the experimental group answered correctly all the 4 post-test questions compared to 1% of students of the control group. Regarding the perception survey, the 88% of the students considered that the Genially was an effective tool to help them in learning about Cell Junctions and encouraged them to think about this topic in a new way; the 93% stated that it was effective to review the topics taught in “Cell Biology” and “Anatomy and Physiology”, 79% considered that it was useful to integrate knowledge between different subjects (Biology, Physiology and Histology) and relate Basic Science concepts to their future professional life as a dentist. Most of the students found the activity entertaining (90%), rewarding (74%), fun (63%), interesting (92%), a better way to learn compared to a master class (78%). Moreover, 89% of the students would like to repeat a similar experience in other subject and 93% would recommend this activity to other students. CONCLUSION. Digital interactive material may be used as an effective tool to integrate the knowledge of different subjects, increasing student understanding of Basic Sciences concepts.2022/UEM12SPI 2018UE

    β-Adrenoceptors differentially regulate vascular tone and angiogenesis of rat aorta via ERK1/2 and p38

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    β-Adrenoceptors (β-ARs) modulate ERK1/2 and p38 in different cells, but little is known about the contribution of these signaling pathways to the function of β-ARs in vascular tissue. Immunoblotting analysis of rat aortic rings, primary endothelial (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) isolated from aorta showed that β-AR stimulation with isoprenaline activated p38 in aortic rings and in both cultured cell types, whereas it had a dual effect on ERK1/2 phosphorylation, decreasing it in ECs while increasing it in SMCs. These effects were reversed by propranolol, which by itself increased p-ERK1/2 in ECs. Isoprenaline β-AR mediated vasodilation of aortic rings was potentiated by the ERK1/2 inhibitor, U0126, in the presence or absence of endothelium or L-NAME, whereas inhibition of p38 had no impact. Isoprenaline moderately decreased sprouting from aorta rings in the Matrigel angiogenesis assay; conversely propranolol not only prevented isoprenaline inhibition, but stimulated angiogenesis. ERK1/2 inhibition decreased angiogenesis, while a dramatic stimulation was observed by p38 blockade. Our results suggest that ERK1/2 activation after β-ARs stimulation in the smooth muscle hinders the vasodilator effect of isoprenaline, but in the endothelium β-ARs decreases ERK1/2 and increases p38 activity reducing therefore angiogenesis