46 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial variation of limnological variables and biomass of different macrophyte species in a Neotropical reservoir (São Paulo - Brazil)

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    Aim: This study reports an investigation of limnological characteristics and aquatic macrophyte occurrence in a neotropical reservoir in order to assess the spatio-temporal variation of water and sediment variables and their influence on plant distribution. Methods: Macrophytes, water and sediment samples were collected from a Brazilian reservoir in different seasons from four main arms of the reservoir. In total sixteen water-sediment variables were analyzed including N:P ratio and Trophic State Index. The plants were collected using a quadrat sampling procedure and the dry weight per sample was measured. MANOVA was performed to evaluate spatial and temporal variation of environmental variables as well as seasonal biomass differences. To assess the relationship among environmental variables and macrophytes an ordination analysis (using Canonical Correspondence Analysis: CCA) was carried out. Results: The spatial and temporal variation of limnological variables generated a heterogeneous system which supports the presence of different species of macrophyte. pH, dissolved oxygen and sediment composition were important predictors of Polygonum lapathifolium occurrence while nutrients were associated with Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes. Inorganic substances were related to biomass variation of Eichhornia azurea and Myriophyllum aquaticum. Conclusions: The spatial variation of the environmental variables has caused heterogeneity in the reservoir and it may support the occurrence of different species of macrophyte. Limnological variables highlighted in CCA are important to predict the species occurrence and their control in the study area

    Associations between a one-shot delay discounting measure and age, income, education and real-world impulsive behavior

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    There has been discussion over the extent to which delay discounting – as prototypically shown by a preference for a smaller-sooner sum of money over a larger-later sum – measures the same kind of impulsive preferences that drive non-financial behavior. To address this issue, a dataset was analyzed containing 42,863 participants’ responses to a single delay-discounting choice, along with self-report behaviors that can be considered as impulsive. Choice of a smaller-sooner sum was associated with several demographics: younger age, lower income, and lower education; and impulsive behaviors: earlier age of first sexual activity and recent relationship infidelity, smoking, and higher body mass index. These findings suggest that at least an aspect of delay discounting preference is associated with a general trait influencing other forms of impulsivity, and therefore that high delay discounting is another form of impulsive behavior

    Calibração do modelo QUAL2K em uma micro bacia brasileira: efeitos do uso e ocupação do solo na qualidade da água

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    AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the water quality of Canha River micro watershed (Ribeira de Iguape Valley, São Paulo State, Brazil) and to calibrate the QUAL2K model with field data; METHODS: Five variables of water quality were analyzed (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity and turbidity), as well as flow and velocity, in eight sampling stations from September, 2006 to July, 2007. It was performed a correlation test between observed data and simulated data; RESULTS: The dissolved oxygen concentration was high (over than 5.0 mg.L-1) during sampling period. The headwater presented the lowest concentrations of this variable. The electric conductivity did not exceed 80 µS.cm-1 and the pH did not range (0.5-1). The hydraulic variables were in agreement with River Continuum Concept. Although correlation test was not successful for some variables, the simulated data followed observed data; CONCLUSIONS: The rainfall linked to land use was important for obtained results. The watershed characteristics, as high slope, for example, were essential mainly to dissolved oxygen concentrations. Even though QUAL2K has some limitations its use is recommended for water resources management and future purposes.OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água da microbacia do rio Canha (Baixo Ribeira de Iguape, São Paulo, Brasil) e calibrar o modelo QUAL2K com os dados obtidos em campo; MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas cinco variáveis de qualidade da água (temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade elétrica e turbidez), bem como vazão e velocidade de escoamento, em oito pontos amostrais durante setembro de 2006 a julho de 2007. A comparação entre os dados simulados e observados foi feita através de um teste de correlação simples; RESULTADOS: As concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido foram altas (acima de 5,0 mg.L-1) durante todo o período de amostragem, sendo que na nascente observaram-se as menores concentrações. A condutividade elétrica não ultrapassou 80 µS.cm-1 e o pH teve uma pequena faixa de variação (0,5 a 1). As variáveis hidráulicas seguiram a teoria do Continuum fluvial. Os dados simulados seguiram a mesma tendência dos dados observados, embora o teste de correlação não tenha sido satisfatório para todas as variáveis; CONCLUSÕES: A precipitação pluviométrica aliada à modificação do tipo de uso e ocupação do solo foram os principais responsáveis pelos resultados obtidos. As características da bacia, como alta declividade, por exemplo, também foram importantes, principalmente para as concentrações de oxigênio. Embora o modelo QUAL2K tenha algumas limitações, seu uso para gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos e propostas de cenários futuros é recomendado


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    This article seeks to present and discuss some aspects of the experience of carrying out Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) in the pandemic context in a technical health school, focusing on the institutional responses to new demands and challenges, as well as the analysis of construction of course conclusion works linked to the scientific initiation of integrated high school courses. A qualitative approach was used as a methodology for the preparation of the article, accompanied by a literature review and monitoring documents of the ERE implementation process. The results show that, although it is possible to make positive evaluations with the resumption of activities, the ERE remote format showed limits, especially regarding the pedagogical proposal (schedule, schedules, contents, balance between classes and asynchronous work) and the homeization of teaching. in extreme life contexts and even more vulnerable by the pandemic.Este artigo busca apresentar e debater alguns aspectos da experiência de realização do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) no contexto pandêmico em uma escola técnica de saúde, tendo como foco de análise as respostas institucionais às novas demandas e desafios, assim como, a análise de construção de trabalhos de conclusão de curso vinculados à iniciação científica de cursos de ensino médio integrado. Foi utilizada como metodologia para a confecção do artigo uma abordagem qualitativa acompanhada de revisão bibliográfica e de documentos de monitoramento do processo de implementação do ERE. Os resultados apontam que, embora seja possível tecer avaliações positivas com a retomada de atividades, o formato remoto o ERE evidenciou limites, especialmente quanto a proposta pedagógica (calendário, grades, conteúdos, equilíbrio entre as aulas e trabalhos assíncronos) e a domicialirização do ensino em contextos de vida extremos e ainda mais vulnerabilizados pela pandemia

    Predictor variables and screening protocol for depressive and anxiety disorders in cancer outpatients

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    Background Cancer patients are at increased risk of persistent depressive and anxiety symptoms and disorders compared to the general population. However, these issues are not always identified, which may worsen the prognosis and increase morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify predictor variables (demographic and clinical) for the development of mood and anxiety disorders in cancer outpatients and to propose a probabilistic screening protocol considering these variables and certain standardized screening instruments. Methods A total of 1,385 adults, of both genders, receiving outpatient cancer care were evaluated using a questionnaire and screening instruments. Thereafter, 400 of these subjects responded to the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (SCID-IV) by telephone to confirm or rule out the presence of a Current Major Depressive Episode (CMDE) or Anxiety Disorder (AD). Results Of the patients surveyed, 64% met the criteria for CMDE and 41% for AD. Female gender was found to be a risk factor for both disorders, and the presence of previous psychiatric history and marital status (divorced and widowed) were risk factors for anxiety disorders. When scoring above the recommended cutoff score, the screening instruments also indicated a risk of the studied disorders. Based on these findings, a screening protocol and nomograms were created for the quantification, combination and probabilistic estimate of risk, with accuracy indicators >0.68. Conclusion The prevalence rates for the disorders under study are extremely high in cancer patients. The use of the proposed protocol and nomogram can facilitate rapid and wide screening, thus refining triage and supporting the establishment of criteria for referral to mental health professionals, so that patients can be properly diagnosed and treated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental and mathematical analysis of water quality based on fluvial ecohydrology: a study in the Canha river, at Ribeira de Iguape basin, Brazil

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    Os cursos d\'água são ecossistemas predominantemente heterotróficos com gradiente longitudinal e possuem uma capacidade natural de depurar a matéria orgânica. Entretanto, o lançamento indiscriminado de efluentes ultrapassa a capacidade de suporte do ambiente aquático. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar como a qualidade da água do rio, em termos experimentais e de modelagem matemática, expressa processos ecohidrológicos nas escalas espaço-temporais, para variações de variáveis físicas, químicas e hidrológicas. O presente estudo foi conduzido através da abordagem de bacias embutidas em seções transversais com áreas incrementais do rio principal e com 17 variáveis analisadas. A aplicação dessa metodologia foi feita para o rio Canha, com área de drenagem total de 126 \'KM POT.2\', situada num bioma subtropical, caracterizando-se por ser uma bacia rural e peri-urbana, localizada no Baixo Ribeira de Iguape - São Paulo. As amostragens foram feitas de setembro de 2006 a março de 2007, em oito seções transversais ao longo do eixo longitudinal do rio Canha. A fim de validar os dados obtidos em campo, um modelo matemático foi utilizado. Deste modo, o modelo 1D de fluxo permanente, o modelo QUAL2K, ajustou-se de maneira satisfatória para a maioria dos dados experimentais. Dados hidráulicos e hidrológicos obtidos em campo foram empregados como condição de contorno para calibração do modelo. Os resultados experimentais e simulados foram expressos tanto em termos de concentração (mg/L) como de cargas específicas (Kg/ano/ha). Esta comparação permite obtenção dos resultados através de um continuum a partir do aumento das escalas, enquanto fornece base para confrontá-los com hipóteses ecohidrológicas. A existência de duas estações distintas, seca e chuvosa, foi observada. Durante a estação chuvosa, observou-se maior diluição dos compostos no corpo d´água, porém em alguns casos, a influência da poluição difusa, devido à lixiviação do solo, foi verificada. As altas vazões tiveram impacto direto sobre as cargas específicas. Na estação seca, para a maioria das variáveis analisadas, evidenciou-se aumento na concentração, sugerindo que períodos de baixa vazão diminuem a capacidade de assimilação do rio. Por exemplo, as concentrações e cargas específicas de nitrogênio total foram altas para ambos os períodos, seco e chuvoso. Quando comparado com o sedimento do rio, ficou evidente que o nitrogênio é originário de fontes não pontuais.Water courses are predominantly heterotrophic ecosystems with longitudinal gradient and present a capacity of self purification from organic matter. However, the uncontrolled release of effluents can exceed the carrying capacity of the aquatic ecosystem. The main objective of this study was to analyze how the river water quality, in terms of experimental surveys faced with mathematical modeling, envisages the processes evidences of fluvial ecohydrology at various spatiotemporal scales, for either seasonal or longitudinal changes of physic, chemical and hydrological variables. That study was performed through a nested catchment experiment, at cross-sections located at incremental drainage areas of the main river stem of the watershed and with 17 sampled variables. The application of this methodology was made at the Canha river, with a total drainage area of 126 \'KM POT.2\', under subtropical biome, with mixed, rural to peri-urban, land-uses, located at the downstream of the Ribeira de Iguape river basin, sited at State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Four field campaigns were carried with sampling from September, 2006 to July, 2007, in eight cross-sections along the longitudinal axis of the Canha river. In order to cross-validate experimental samples at the river continuum scale with the drainage basin scale, a mathematical model was tested to simulate the water quality dynamics. In spite of 1-D, quasi-state modeling restrictions assumed, the QUAL2K model fits well to experimental data of most of variables surveyed during campaigns. Hydraulic basic samples and hydrological weather data were utilized as initial conditions to feed the mathematical model. Both experimental results and model simulations were expressed as mean river-concentrations (mass/volume) as drainage-area-specific loadings or yield (mass/time.area). The existence of two main seasons, dry and wet, was observed. During the rainy season, the ability to better dilute water loads was outlined; however, on some circumstances, the influence of diffuse pollution entered the stream due to soil leach is also depicted. High-water discharges had a direct impact on area-specific loads. In the dry season and for most of variables, high concentrations were evident, suggesting low-water discharges provoked a loss of the river\'s carrying capacity. For instance, nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen specific loads were quite high during both (dry, wet) periods. When compared to the river bottom sediments, it was evident that nitrogen could be originated from non-point sources outside the riparian areas. The results let the river continuum integrated processes across increasing scales, thereby providing the basis for confronting ecohydrological hypotheses

    Diversity, biomass and decomposition of aquatic macrophytes in Itupararanga Reservoir - São Paulo

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    A presença de macrófitas em reservatórios possui tanto aspectos positivos como negativos para os ecossistemas aquáticos tornando-se, assim, essencial o estudo dessa comunidade para o adequado manejo dos recursos hídricos. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a variação sazonal das características limnológicas do reservatório Itupararanga-SP e relacioná-las com a variação da biomassa de macrófitas e com a taxa de decomposição dessas plantas. Sendo assim, selecionaram-se quatro braços no reservatório, com presença relevante de macrófitas. Amostras de água e sedimento foram coletadas sazonalmente e analisadas. Nos mesmos períodos as plantas foram amostradas e a biomassa determinada. Avaliou-se ainda, a decomposição in situ e em laboratório de duas espécies (Polygonum lapathifolium e Eichhornia azurea) com o intuito de comparar as taxas de decomposição sob condições naturais e controladas. Empregou-se um modelo cinético para obtenção dos coeficientes de decaimento de massa. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente através do teste ANOVA e Análise de Correspondência Canônica (CCA). As análises limnológicas revelaram a formação de um gradiente espaço-temporal no reservatório que provavelmente influenciou a distribuição e o desenvolvimento da biomassa nas diferentes estações de amostragem. Verificou-se que Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes foram influenciadas pela concentração de nutrientes. A CCA evidenciou a relação entre Polygonum lapathifolium, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, matéria orgânica e nutrientes no sedimento, enquanto Eichhornia azurea e Myriophyllum aquaticum foram influenciados, de forma diferente, por compostos inorgânicos. O processo de decomposição foi mais rápido em condições naturais, tanto para E. azurea como para P. lapathifolium, com maior mineralização da matéria orgânica particulada e refratária. Sob condições controladas, o decaimento da matéria orgânica dissolvida foi mais lento em temperaturas mais baixas e o coeficiente Q10 indicou que o incremento da temperatura interferiu no decaimento de massa. Esse fato ficou mais evidente nos resultados obtidos para E. azurea. A decomposição revelou elevada quantidade de matéria orgânica refratária em ambas as espécies, as quais contribuem ao aporte de carbono com, aproximadamente 200g de carbono de refratário.The occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in reservoirs plays positive and negative effects to aquatic ecosystems, therefore the study of macrophyte community is essential to the aquatic resources management. This study aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of limnological conditions of Itupararanga Reservoir, Sao Paulo State, to associate them with macrophyte biomass and with the decomposition rates of the plants. So four arms in the reservoir, where the presence of macrophytes was relevant, were selected to perform this study. Water and sediment along with macrophytes were sampled in different seasons and analyzed. Decomposition experiments of two macrophyte species (Polygonum lapathifolium and Eichhornia azurea) were carried out in situ and in laboratory conditions in order to compare the decomposition rates in different conditions. A kinetic model was adopted to explain the organic matter decay. The results were statistically analyzed with ANOVA and Canonical Correspondence Analyses (CCA). The limnological results showed a spatial and temporal variation which probably influenced the distribution and development of macrophyte biomass. The nutrient concentration influenced Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes. Moreover the CCA showed a relationship among Polygonum lapathifolium, pH, dissolved oxygen, sediment organic matter and sediment nutrients, while Eichhornia azurea and Myriophyllum aquaticum were associated in different way with inorganic compounds. The decomposition process was faster in natural conditions with high mineralization coefficient for both E. azurea and P. lapathifolium. Under laboratory conditions the dissolved organic matter decay was slower for low temperatures and Q10 coefficient showed the temperature interference in the mass breakdown mainly for E. azurea assay. Both species have high refractory contents, which contributes, approximately, with 200g of refractory carbon