6 research outputs found

    Kejadian Bruselosis Pada Sapi Potong dan Pemetaan Wilayah Berisiko di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2015-2017

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    There is still lack of bruselosis in beef cattle in Barru District, South Sulawesi. The aim of this study was to analyze data about the temporary distribution of disease by measuring spreading speed, and spatial distribution by mapping risk areas for bruselosis over the past three years. The data of this study was collected using the records from Dinas Peternakan and conducting interviews using structured questionnaires. This research was a descriptive study by measuring the incidence rate and describing the risk map using geographic information system (GIS). The results of this study indicate that, based on the incidence rate, the average of distribution rate of bruselosis in beef cattle in Barru is 5 cases per 10 000 heads/year. This incidence rate always decreases every year. There was no sub-district that classified as high risk. There was one area that classified as medium risk namely sub-district of Mallusetasi. Control measure that have been carried out by goverment were successful to reduce the spread of disease

    Analisis Pencarian Informasi Remaja Generasi z dalam Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Belanja Online (Analisis pada Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tidar)

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    AbstrakBerdasarkan survey, salah kegiatan berinternet yang paling sering dilakukan adalah belanja online sebanyak 44.6%. Sedangkan generasi yang mendominasi penggunaan internet adalah generasi z. Generasi z merupakan generasi yang akrab dengan dunia digital dan berani mengambil resiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana generasi z melakukan proses pencarian informasi dalam melakukan belanja online dengan menyebarkan angket serta melakukan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan mix method. Adapun subjek dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Tidar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ulasan produk di e-commerce merupakan sumber utama remaja generasi z dalam mencari informasi yakni sebesar 80.7%. Sumber informasi lainnya adalah ulasan produk di sosial media dan bertanya kepada teman. Adapun alasannya adalah untuk mencari trend terkini serta ulasan produk dapat dipercaya dan generasi z peduli dengan pendapat orang sekitar. AbstractBased on the survey, one of the most frequently carried out internet activities was online shopping which is 44.6%. Meanwhile, the generation that dominates internet usage is z generation. Z generation z is a generation that is familiar with the digital world and is willing to take risks. This study aims to see how generation Z performs the information search process in online shopping. This study uses a mix method by distributing questionnaires and conducting in-depth interviews. Subject of this research is the students of communication in Tidar University. The results of this study indicate that product reviews on e-commerce is the main source of z generation adolescents in seeking information, which is 80.7%. Other sources of information are product reviews on social media and asking friends. The reasons for those are they look for the newest trend and product reviews are trustworthy and z generation cares what people think about them

    Association Between Religiosity, Spirituality, and Depression-Anxiety Among Pharmacist Students in Indonesia

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    Students in the Pharmacist Professional Study Program (PPSP) must pass the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Exam (UKAI) to get the title of pharmacist. They feel the burden and fear of not passing the exam, which can trigger anxiety and depression, especially in the pandemic era. Religion also provides a perspective that individuals can use to reduce their distress when faced with many stressors. The study aims to determine the relationship between religiosity and spirituality and depression and anxiety in PPSP students in Indonesia. The method used in the study is a cross-sectional design with DUREL, DSES, SAS and SDS questionnaires as the data instruments. The study was carried out in all Association of Higher Education in Indonesian Pharmacy (APTFI) regions. A cluster random sampling technique was conducted and 362 students participated. The study found that Indonesian PPSP students had mild to moderate anxiety (21%). Fortunately, the relationship between the level of spirituality, depression, and anxiety represents negative values, with a correlation R = -0.123 (p <0.05) and -0.115 (p <0.05), which indicates that religiosity and spirituality in PSPP students are associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. As a consequence, developing spirituality and religiosity for PPSP students and improving mental well-being is essential

    Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik Siswa SMP dengan Materi Segitiga dan Segiempat: Problem Solving Skills

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa SMP yang meliputi memahami masalah, merencanakan strategi, menyelesaikan masalah dan memeriksa kembali.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII-I SMP 1 Pasundan Cimahi.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes.Sedangkan teknis yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan rata-rata dan persentase.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa masih rendah, dilihat dari persentase menyatakan bahwa siswa belum bisa memahami masalah dan memeriksa kembali permasalahan yang diberikan oleh guru.Secara keseluruhan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa khususnya pada mata pelajaran matematik berada pada kualifikasi rendah. Kata Kunci:Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah &nbsp;Matematik &nbsp; &nbsp; The objectives of this research is to mathematical problem solving skills of students in junior high school, including understanding problems, planning strategies, solving problems and re-examining. The subject of this research is the students of class VIII-I SMP 1 Pasundan Cimahi. Technique of collecting data using test technique. While the technical used to analyze the data using the average and percentage. The results showed that students' mathematical problem solving ability is still low, seen from the percentage stated that the students can not understand the problem and re-examine the problems given by the teacher. Overall problem solving ability of students, especially on mathematics subjects are in low qualifications Keyword: Mathematics Problem Solving Skil

    Association Between Religiosity, Spirituality, and Depression-Anxiety Among Pharmacist Students in Indonesia

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    Students in the Pharmacist Professional Study Program (PPSP) must pass the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Exam (UKAI) to get the title of pharmacist. They feel the burden and fear of not passing the exam, which can trigger anxiety and depression, especially in the pandemic era. Religion also provides a perspective that individuals can use to reduce their distress when faced with many stressors. The study aims to determine the relationship between religiosity and spirituality and depression and anxiety in PPSP students in Indonesia. The method used in the study is a cross-sectional design with DUREL, DSES, SAS and SDS questionnaires as the data instruments. The study was carried out in all Association of Higher Education in Indonesian Pharmacy (APTFI) regions. A cluster random sampling technique was conducted and 362 students participated. The study found that Indonesian PPSP students had mild to moderate anxiety (21%). Fortunately, the relationship between the level of spirituality, depression, and anxiety represents negative values, with a correlation R = -0.123 (p <0.05) and -0.115 (p <0.05), which indicates that religiosity and spirituality in PSPP students are associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. As a consequence, developing spirituality and religiosity for PPSP students and improving mental well-being is essential

    Laporan KKN Kelompok 02 Rw 03 Jlagran, Pringgokusuman, Gedong Tengen Yogyakarta

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    RW 03 Jlagran berada di Kelurahan Pringgokusuman, Kecamatan Gedongtengen, Kota Yogyakarta, DIY. Sebagian besar masyarakat RW 03 bermata pencaharian sebagai wiraswasta. Sarana dan prasarana yang tersediadi RW 03 Jlagran cukup lengkap, yakni masjid, pos kamling, Balai RW, dan MCK Umum. Di RW 03 Jlagran terdapat kegiatan, Adapun kegiatan yang berkembang antara lain Program PKK, Pertemuan RW, Program Posdaya, Program Posyandu, Balita dan Lansia, Senam dan jalan sehat lansia, Program Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD), Program TPA, Pertemuan dan arisan RT, Pengurus Takmir Masjid An-Nur, Pengajian Ibu-ibu. Dengan melihat kondisi dan potensi RW03 Jlagran kami tim KKN UNY semester genap kelompok 02 melaksanakan program – program yaitu program fisik yang dilakukan meliputi kegiatan bidang lingkungan adalah pelatihan pembuatan vertical gardening, pendampingan pembaharuan data pengurus RW, pembaharuan peta RW, kerja bakti lingkungan bersama warga, pemberdayaan kegiatan ronda, pembuatan mading masjid dan pembaharuan data administrasi masjid. Program non fisik meliputi penyampaian program KKN, sarasehan POSDAYA, dan peringatan hari kartini, sosialisasi 3M dan penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi, pemutaran film edukatif dan kumpul bocah, pelatihan ketrampilan usaha dan pelatihan rias ibu-ibu PKK. Dari berbagai macam program yang sudah dilaksanakan, sebagian besar dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan program adalah sulitnya mengumpulkan warga untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang disebabkan oleh berbagai macam hal. Tingkat keberhasilan program yang dilaksanakan mencapai 80%